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Everything posted by crisisloaner

  1. Yes, it is available there but lacks an exhaust nozel for some reason..
  2. Does anyone know of any wingtip missile rails available as fake pilot mods ? I've tried to use the LAU7 rails as fake pilots but cannot get them to attach at right angles to the wing ?
  3. Su-17 Fitter-C V1.0

    Nice job , no fuel tanks though ..I have attached a zip file of "mine" .. simply change your tank names on the DATA and LOADOUT inis. PTB-800 tank.rar
  4. EF2000 Typhoon Add-on

    excellent work , thanks for adding the soundlist data
  5. It's not that difficult to do...I have my own Dhimar vs Paran install (with Sharnak and Dohar as allies)..
  6. Super Hornet Package for SF2 v4.1

    You need the Lod and Out files ...
  7. Super Hornet Package for SF2 v4.1

    Lovely work as always, I didn't have the Lod & out files for the AIM-174B so have obtsined them from Whiteboy Samuri( I needed them as I use this beatiful bug in several stand alone versions of the game).
  8. Super Hornet Package for SF2 v4.1

    A brilliant mod that just keeps on getting better !
  9. "Will this be a stand up fight or another bug hunt"
  10. simply stunning work as always Ravenclaw_007 ! Mandatory screenie..
  11. found this online...over to you fabulous skinners !!!
  12. [What If] RAF '43. Early jet madness.

    A stunning collection of high quality workmanship . Superb addition for SWOTL scenarios ...what are you waiting for ? DOWNLOAD IT NOW !
  13. Apologies Spinners,I thought the issue was at my end and was dumb enough not to check the dates of the comments and reviews
  14. Any plans for a release of your awesome Meteor FB series ? 

    1. yakarov79


      Yes. be patient. still in development. it might be bigger than I thought.

  15. I have an oddtechnical issue with this download and the Kiwi hunter. When I download them and extract them the aircraft and decal folders are both empty...only seems to be these two files affected ????
  16. and the TF-104 Dh.... utilised in small numbers by 1 and 9 squadrons and in the main by the Angry Owls ...
  17. Does anyone have a completely blank skin for this bird please ?
  18. Love the NF.6 ! Hoping for a release ..
  19. [Fictional] Red Arrows Lightning F.3

    Now we need , Yellowjacks , blue diamonds and black arrows to complete the set
  20. [Fictional] Red Arrows Lightning F.3

    Nice idea , lovely skin...
  21. F-CK-1 Ching-Kuo

    Nice work everyone involved , some lovely skins
  22. Mirage F1EJ

    Guy's , you continue to honour BPAO's memory with these excellent releases
  23. F-4K/M/J United Kingdom pack

    Lovely work on a true classic aircraft ,get it now !
  24. Two-Seater Tuesdays

    Paran Aerospace PA187 Falcon heavy fighter on a strike mission.
  25. Dhimar purchasing some war surplus ....

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