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About FrankTB

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  1. So what shows are you hooked on?

    Shameless for me too watched it right from the first one its been on so long that the kids have grown up in it.
  2. Kiwi space rocket

    A bit more on it. https://www.rocketlabusa.com/
  3. Kiwi space rocket

    It's all go now! https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/100757521/lift-off-new-zealands-rocket-lab-launches-first-rocket-into-orbit-from-mhia-peninsula
  4. Because some of you need culture n' stuff.

    Fantastic Skyviper!!
  5. Kiwi space rocket

    Seems like NZ is going to be in the space business too! http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2017/05/nz-joins-space-race-as-rocket-lab-lifts-off.html
  6. RAVEN

    All the best to you bud and long may it continue!!
  7. RIP Bill Paxton

    Real sorry to hear that always liked him.
  8. Horror fans might be a tad pissed

    I like the comments to this. https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/239796-research-control-body-halts-zombie-apocalypse-ahead-time?
  9. Dutch, British, and US wrecks illegally salvaged.

    This is pretty interesting, particularly about the radionuclide! https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/239699-world-war-ii-warships-submarines-stolen-off-ocean-floor?
  10. Sad news for me.

    All the best Raven to you bud!!
  11. Happy to announce our new game

    Like it !!!
  12. Atlantic Fleet - the CombatAce review

    Going to give this a whirl for sure and thanks for that Stary he always struck me as great modder but bloody awful diplomat!
  13. Atlantic Fleet - the CombatAce review

    Great review 33Lima, I downloaded the manual and in the credits artwork and design is by a fellow called Nils Ducker that I have heard that name before maybe around here in the past?
  14. Dan Haggerty Dies at 74

    Real sad to hear that he was a fellow I always liked and he also narrated a favorite movie of mine called When the North Wind Blows produced back in 1974 worth a look if you can locate a copy of it as it's really cool movie.

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