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About kazamashin

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  1. F-4J (UK) Phantom F Mk.3

  2. G91-R4 GINA

  3. G91-R3 GINA

  4. G91-R1 Gina

  5. Awesome work..nice to see the 'Lynx' flight test. I am sure she'll be a joy to fly. @eraser X-32 ASTOVL aka Monica ? Which version is it going to be ...The Boeing or Jane's FA version ?
  6. Your first combat flight sim...

    I remember DI's Tornado and Harrier Jumpjet back in the early mid 90s. http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=2224 Been doing some retro gaming(cough..simming) lately...Hind,Gunship, F-117..eye candy not so important :P
  7. Tsunami @Dels Saberbat is a Rockwell. Pretty Cool looking too. http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/inde...pic=208.msg1222 General Dynamics' proposal is the F-16SFW http://www.f-16.net/f-16_versions_article26.html and another random UK LWF design http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/inde...55.html#msg4455 Finally the famous Conquest X-30 http://www.yojoe.com/vehicles/86/conquest/
  8. Nothing wrong at all. Just pointing out that british/foreign aircraft names should have no bearing on US aircraft names and vice-versa. The Lightning II adopted for the F-35(ignoring the BAC product) and even Grumman's own Albatross are examples of such cases. Nordic/mythical names dont work either..just out of tradition. The F-29A being partially derived from the F-5 should already have 2 guns..newer versions of the M39 or more powerful guns. How about Condor ?
  9. Kitty/Warhawk II is a Curtiss-Wright product..not in the airframe business anymore these days. Doesnt sound cool or contemplary enough. Cobra II doesnt work too. The F-17 Cobra I never entered AF service. Cougar=Ex-Navy fighter (unlikely to be adopted as name for AF plane..Corsair II ring a bell ?) Rapier=Lame...F-22 was named Rapier at one stage. ATF=Like the feds ? :D..I dont see the 'A' in it compared with the YF-22 and 23 just around the corner. Puma/Panther sound too much like armoured cars. I think Lynx is best since it is a first for fighter and cat. The westland helicopter is a british product and doesnt count. Did we suddenly run out of names of fierce birds of prey ? Buzzard, Caracara, Kestrel, Skua, Kite..Albatross..etc
  10. I voted for Lynx myself because of reasons already mentioned in this thread. Maybe the export version can be called the Retaliator :yes:

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