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Status Updates posted by ST0RM

  1. Looking at retirement, Feb 2015

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ST0RM


      Unofficially got hired for a sim instructor position. Just have to go through the process when I get the Form 214. But its pretty solid. Location TBD, but NOT Altus!

    3. Dave


      What don't like "All Is Lost Altus"? :lol:

    4. ST0RM


      The "town with a future" (as long as the AF sticks around), doesnt quite do it for me.

  2. Here ducky, ducky!!! BANG!

  3. Hello Detroit!

  4. Just completed the FAA's simulation evaluator course

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ST0RM


      JM, yes. Based upon the FAA's regs and standards I'm certified to evaluate sims and flight training devices. Part of my new job here.

    3. daddyairplanes


      so when you say SF2 sucks, you're now federally qualified to do so.....

    4. ST0RM


      Hahaha, sure. There are a lot of comparisons between real sim testing and game sim testing though.

  5. Read the Exp3 thread...sorry, but I told ya

  6. Just delivered a KC-135R to the Boneyard

  7. 1 more day in AETC, then back to AMC

    1. Dave


      The great escape!

    2. ST0RM


      Oh yea. And with this new job, I might make it to W-P to see new sims coming online.

  8. 8-day Pacific aeromed/evac mission completed. I'm beat!

  9. Spent 2.5 hrs flying the C-17 sim yesterday. WOW!

    1. Stary


      military grade? envious... just one question -did it have guns? :D

    2. daddyairplanes


      thats one sexy beast. might be biased tho as it got me home from deployment 3 times now....

  10. Going to install my DCS sims and start learning something new

  11. December 1st and it's 80 degreees. Yay, Oklahoma... :(

  12. Designed and built my own KwikPit customized for laptops

  13. Uninstalled all of my SF2 sims today

    1. JediMaster


      [Kurtz] The horror... [/Kurtz]

  14. 6 more college credits, now complete

  15. At Dyess AFB for the weekend's airshow.

  16. Just got home from camping with the family. I need a nap!

  17. Another 12 hour + day, but half of that was flying. Win!!

  18. Loving Spinner's A-4D (USAF)!

  19. Writing performance reports sucks. And they aren't even in proper English grammar.

  20. Proud new owner of a Bushmaster M4 .223/5.56mm. Bring on the zombies!

    1. Stary




  21. Got 4 guns to break down and clean today, after a full day of shooting yesterday.

  22. Decaling a Spitfire Mk.II

  23. Sick of crappy QA. Tried binding the transmitter to my RC aircraft tonight and got nothing. Maybe this was a bad idea.

  24. Bought my first real RC airplane today. What have I started??

    1. Jimbib


      Throw some pics up!

  25. In a house full of boxes!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ST0RM


      thanks. The movers came today and now the house is empty. We'll see everything again in 2 weeks.

    3. Stary


      for us it took two days (same town) but now it's still about rearranging stuff to the liking :) and my DVDs are still in a box

    4. Dave


      Ah the joys of PCSing.....glad Im retired...


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