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    Wishing I was in the La Cloche...


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  1. View File Updated Photoshop RoF Map This file is an updated version of the whole Rise of Flight Map in Photoshop format. The original RoF Photoshop map file is available at the official forum, but is out of date for place names etc... Both files are really big, around 1.3 GB, and may crash weaker systems, so beware. I have updated all airfield/village/town/city names and placements according to the in-game map, as well as painstakingly added and named those villages in No-Man's-Land that do not show up on the in-game map. I have also added names for most of the river and canals, as well as a few famous forests involved in WWI such as 'Bois de Ploegsteert' (Battle of Paschendale), and lakes and ponds where it seemed appropriate. Warning: there may be mistakes in exact location or spelling of names. Let me know and I will correct them. And finally, I have made personal changes to the graphical appearance of the map. It may not suit your taste, so simply copy the 'style' of the original map layers, or just copy the updated 'NAMES & AIRFIELDS' layer from my file to the original RoF map file. Many thanks to the developers for releasing the original PS file, and for such a beautiful simulator. Cheers Submitter Bandy Submitted 11/06/2011 Category ROF - Miscellaneous Files  
  2. View File Updated RoF Printable Maps PNG UPDATED: These maps now have all the villages that appear rendered in game in No-Man's-Land (but not on the in-game map), as well as names for most rivers and canals, and a scale and compass rose. This zipped file contains 8 smaller scale, well detailed, easily legible and printable on 8.5" x 11" paper, 'sector' map files for Rise of Flight. To my knowledge these maps are NOW the most up to date and accurate maps based on the in-game map itself, and reflect village, town, and city updates that came with the fall tiles patch. If you wish a copy of the master Photoshop file, see the other download here. Thanks to the developers for such a beautiful flight simulator, and to all the third party contributors. Thanks to Combat Ace, my first flight sim home. Submitter Bandy Submitted 10/24/2011 Category ROF - Miscellaneous Files  
  3. Oh, how droll, I'm not the one pulling the temper tantrum. People can read for themselves HERE starting on page 13, where you maintain your constructive criticism but then you prognosticate "the end of Rise of Flight" not only there, but here for some reason. But then the true measure of the troll becomes apparent on or about page 15 or 16+... @ Winder, this was personal when he decided to post his "[de]constructive critique" in this forum. There are other RoF forums, even at this URL, where he could have expressed his dissatisfaction... Why here? Fuel on an otherwise quiescent fire that existed (still exists?) between these two communities??? Nobody bashes OFF in the RoF forums I frequent, but maybe that is par for the course here.
  4. Siggi, as an adult there are ways to express an opinion without making yourself look like a ranting lunatic, for instance from 33lima posted at RoF forum HERE. Maybe if you didn't pull a temper tantrum people might want to read your opinion...
  5. Curious. How is this tripe/bashing thread allowed here in this forum when not so long ago I posted a sincere RoF thread announcing that they were finally implementing a single-player campaign mode. AND that post was not only locked but removed from the forum history???
  6. Post you best RoF screenshot

    Naw, don't worry about it. I was doing some PS post-processing and the saturation slider whipped over to the right on me, resulting in some acid-flashback kinda stuff. I liked it and kept it, for a smile like I said... You were commenting on the last one right?
  7. Post you best RoF screenshot

    Apparently I like to fly from left to right... And a mission loading screen that still puts a on my face...
  8. Blasts from the past... Going vertical! That's me in the middle Flaming Onions, a mod that never took off... A memorable Salmson mission from when it first became flyable...
  9. Version November 2011


    This file is an updated version of the whole Rise of Flight Map in Photoshop format. The original RoF Photoshop map file is available at the official forum, but is out of date for place names etc... Both files are really big, around 1.3 GB, and may crash weaker systems, so beware. I have updated all airfield/village/town/city names and placements according to the in-game map, as well as painstakingly added and named those villages in No-Man's-Land that do not show up on the in-game map. I have also added names for most of the river and canals, as well as a few famous forests involved in WWI such as 'Bois de Ploegsteert' (Battle of Paschendale), and lakes and ponds where it seemed appropriate. Warning: there may be mistakes in exact location or spelling of names. Let me know and I will correct them. And finally, I have made personal changes to the graphical appearance of the map. It may not suit your taste, so simply copy the 'style' of the original map layers, or just copy the updated 'NAMES & AIRFIELDS' layer from my file to the original RoF map file. Many thanks to the developers for releasing the original PS file, and for such a beautiful simulator. Cheers

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