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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. just discovered an aircraft that is missing 2 100 gallon (internal) wing tanks. Going to add them but can't remember what the unit of measure is for their capacity Kg? Lbs?? liters?? somebody remind me!!??!!?? TIA!
  2. really? that seems odd! but, hey if that's how it works... esperto: every measurement in the game has ALWAYS been metric;
  3. formatting go all fucked up on that!!! or should the smaller wing tanks be group 1, to feed from them first, and the fuselage tanks 2nd??
  4. good, now that we've got the volume/weight figured out, the next question is feeds... this is how I have the tanks now:
  5. that's always bugged the shit out of me .. if carrying a gun pod and have an internal gun (Chico the Gunfighter anyone?), there's no switch to seperate the two weapons. EVERYTHING fires at once. "Guns is guns" according to the game engine
  6. Moved to a more correct forum, so more people and can and might help
  7. View File SF2 C-54 Skymaster, Arctic Skins Pack SF2 C-54 Skymaster, Arctic Skins Pack 6/7/2019 - For SF2, Full 5 Merged (Reccomended ) This contains 2 new skins for Veltro2k's C-54 Skymaster. The aircraft itself can be found at the following url, for those that don't have it already: https://combatace.com/files/file/14309-sf2-douglas-c-54-skymaster-by-veltro2k/ These are somewhat generic skins for those USAF units that flew in the high latatudes (Arctic & Antarctic) during the late 1940s through the mid-1950s. Both aircraft carry the nose and tail Military Air Transport Command (MATS) badges, correct for the time. Both aircraft have the standard arctic red tail and wing easy ID markings. "Arctic 1" is in all Natural Metal finish. It is badged for MATS Altantic Division "Arctic 2" is in NMF with the post-1955 white anti-heat treatment on the upper cabin. It is badged for MATS Pacific Division. No specific units are represented. Both skins use a 'pool' of serial numbers and other markings. Serial numbers are generic in nature, but are for the correct model C-54. Decal randomization is TRUE for both. The SF2 Date switch is =NOT= used on either skin, as this would mess up the standard switching from NMF to NMF/White on the other skins. When in game, on the Loadout Screen, in the skin selection window, you'll see: Arctic Red (1948-54) Arctic Red (1955<) This way, you should be able to select the proper skin for the time frame to be flown in. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 06/16/2019 Category Other  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 C-54 Skymaster, Arctic Skins Pack 6/7/2019 - For SF2, Full 5 Merged (Reccomended ) This contains 2 new skins for Veltro2k's C-54 Skymaster. The aircraft itself can be found at the following url, for those that don't have it already: https://combatace.com/files/file/14309-sf2-douglas-c-54-skymaster-by-veltro2k/ These are somewhat generic skins for those USAF units that flew in the high latatudes (Arctic & Antarctic) during the late 1940s through the mid-1950s. Both aircraft carry the nose and tail Military Air Transport Command (MATS) badges, correct for the time. Both aircraft have the standard arctic red tail and wing easy ID markings. "Arctic 1" is in all Natural Metal finish. It is badged for MATS Altantic Division "Arctic 2" is in NMF with the post-1955 white anti-heat treatment on the upper cabin. It is badged for MATS Pacific Division. No specific units are represented. Both skins use a 'pool' of serial numbers and other markings. Serial numbers are generic in nature, but are for the correct model C-54. Decal randomization is TRUE for both. The SF2 Date switch is =NOT= used on either skin, as this would mess up the standard switching from NMF to NMF/White on the other skins. When in game, on the Loadout Screen, in the skin selection window, you'll see: Arctic Red (1948-54) Arctic Red (1955<) This way, you should be able to select the proper skin for the time frame to be flown in. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. All it takes is some 3d guy to have a look at the MAX file I have. (but I'm not very hopefull ... that file may NOT be as complete as the in-game version shown. I just don't know enough about MAX to really "see" what the model is doing. BTW, here's a MAX screen shot of the Hellcat. You can see it's a -5 without the rear window.
  10. i think that tall ass box is one of the fuel tanks... go down to the bottom of the list and highlight the fueselage tanks
  11. In short, NO. As said above, how can you simulate B/C weapons when the objects don't breathe? There's still plenty of napalm and cluster bombs for you blasting pleasures...
  12. fuel tanks should be BURIED inside the wing and fuselage structures, not hanging out in space. Example: see the recent Sabres I uploaded this last week (also, any of the other 150+ aircraft that I repaired over the last few years)
  13. I assume this is some new build of the SE? Not for the original from 2005? Also, kind of hard to when there's no lod included, eh?? Nothing in the zip file but inis. seriously, how hard is it to read and copy (write) the numbers out of the left hand panel into the aircraft's data ini?? Just curious
  14. I'd have to reinstall MAX, which I haven't bothered to do after the HD crash in December, and subsequent rebuild (since i never learned to use it!!). I'd also have to find the disc where MAX is stored!!! May take a bit. I do know I sent it to Raven, when he was still around, for finishing, final skinning, and so forth. But that was 3-4 years ago. I remember looking at it IN MAX, the wing fold, canopy opens, hook and gear to their things. The base "body" was a -5, and Raven was going to cut the aft windows to also make the -3.
  15. THAT's the guy! Thanks Ed, I just couldn't remember his name!
  16. no, Russ, it not mapped at all --- CL: is that Imhotep's Sabre???
  17. Modding (as in adding 3rd party add-ons) or MODELING (as in building 3d objects)? The original post seems to be asking about both. Modding is easy; usually just a copy/paste, as outlined in the read-me that (should) be in EVERY add on. For Modeling one must have a deep and full understanding of the program used to create the physical model (or LOD). There are notes, iirc, in the 3rd Wire exporter. Yes, it only works on MAX2009. But knowing how to use MAX is the basic key. And it isn't just about building the physical 3d model. If an aircraft, all the points and world centers must be correctly established (well, that goes for anything from plane to a tank or truck or ship), animations set, model unwrapped for texturing, the textures built (skinning the model). Then, the data ini containing all the flight model parameters must be created. And everything tested and tested and tested again in game. There are tutorials on using MAX all over the web. There was a series (we're talking min-2000s here) by someone who's name I've forgotten (Cowboy? something?) that gave basic instruction on aircraft building. So, which exactly are we asking about???
  18. No; bullet stream is from a "single" barrel, so there's no way to adjust aim angles
  19. View File SF2 F-86A Sabre, 115th FIS, California ANG Skin Pack SF2 F-86A Sabre, 115th FIS, California ANG Skin Pack 6/9/2019 -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended) This is a NEW skin for the F-86A Sabre. It is designed to be used on the SF2 KAW Sabres Pack, for the F-86A-5 available therein. The Sabres are to be found at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/13604-sf2-korean-war-era-f-86-sabre-pak/ Also included is a new data ini, with updated hit and collision boxes, and some meshes now correctly named. Honestly, I'd never noticed they were 'way off' until Mue's LOD Viewer! Please note, that Crusader's fix-its have already been applied to THIS versions' data ini. A backup copy of the original (2012) data ini is supplied, so as to lessen End User (tm) workload, and provide a safety net 'just in case'. This skin repesents the 115th Fighter Interceptor Squadron of the California Air National Guard from 1954 through 1959-ish. The skin is in jpg format, and 26 all NEW serial number decals have been created for it. While the serial numbers are historically correct for the A model, they should beconsidered generic in nature as they don't actually represent aircraft from this particular unit. However, at least 9 of these ARE actual aircraft used by the 115th; the rest =were= used by other CA ANG units. Decal randomization is TRUE. Squadron color markings are 'painted on' the skin maps. On the skin selection menu, on the Loadout Page, you'll see: 115th FIS, CA ANG (54-59) The SF2 "date switch" =IS= active on this skin. It will automatically be chosen for years of 1954 and later. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 06/11/2019 Category F-86  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 F-86A Sabre, 115th FIS, California ANG Skin Pack 6/9/2019 -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended) This is a NEW skin for the F-86A Sabre. It is designed to be used on the SF2 KAW Sabres Pack, for the F-86A-5 available therein. The Sabres are to be found at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/13604-sf2-korean-war-era-f-86-sabre-pak/ Also included is a new data ini, with updated hit and collision boxes, and some meshes now correctly named. Honestly, I'd never noticed they were 'way off' until Mue's LOD Viewer! Please note, that Crusader's fix-its have already been applied to THIS versions' data ini. A backup copy of the original (2012) data ini is supplied, so as to lessen End User (tm) workload, and provide a safety net 'just in case'. This skin repesents the 115th Fighter Interceptor Squadron of the California Air National Guard from 1954 through 1959-ish. The skin is in jpg format, and 26 all NEW serial number decals have been created for it. While the serial numbers are historically correct for the A model, they should beconsidered generic in nature as they don't actually represent aircraft from this particular unit. However, at least 9 of these ARE actual aircraft used by the 115th; the rest =were= used by other CA ANG units. Decal randomization is TRUE. Squadron color markings are 'painted on' the skin maps. On the skin selection menu, on the Loadout Page, you'll see: 115th FIS, CA ANG (54-59) The SF2 "date switch" =IS= active on this skin. It will automatically be chosen for years of 1954 and later. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. View File SF2 F-86E Sabre, 144th FIS, Alaska ANG Skin Pack SF2 F-86E Sabre, 144th FIS, Alaska ANG Skin Pack 6/5/2019 -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended) This is a complete revamp of a 1stGen Sabre skin by Dave "USAFMTL" Slavins from June, 2003. It is designed to be used on the SF2 KAW Sabres Pack, for the F-86E-10 available therein. The Sabres are to be found at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/13604-sf2-korean-war-era-f-86-sabre-pak/ Also included is a new data ini, with updated hit and collision boxes, and some meshes now correctly named. Honestly, I'd never noticed they were 'way off' until Mue's LOD Viewer! Please note, that Crusader's fix-its have already been applied to THIS versions' data ini. A backup copy of the original (2013) data ini is supplied, so as to lessen End User (tm) workload, and provide a safety net 'just in case'. This skin repesents the 144th Fighter Interceptor Squadron of the Alaska Air National Guard from 1955 through 1957-ish, when their mission changed from Air Defense to Airlift. The skin is in jpg format, and 26 all NEW decals have been created for it. While the serial numbers are historically correct for the E model, they should beconsidered generic in nature as they don't actually repsent aircraft from this particular unit. Decal randomization is TRUE. On the skin selection menu, on the Loadout Page, you'll see: 144th FIS AK ANG (1954-58) The SF2 "date switch" is NOT active on this skin. You'll have to select this skin for your flightmates by hand. However it is easily added by a simple text edit. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 06/10/2019 Category F-86  
  22. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 F-86E Sabre, 144th FIS, Alaska ANG Skin Pack 6/5/2019 -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended) This is a complete revamp of a 1stGen Sabre skin by Dave "USAFMTL" Slavins from June, 2003. It is designed to be used on the SF2 KAW Sabres Pack, for the F-86E-10 available therein. The Sabres are to be found at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/13604-sf2-korean-war-era-f-86-sabre-pak/ Also included is a new data ini, with updated hit and collision boxes, and some meshes now correctly named. Honestly, I'd never noticed they were 'way off' until Mue's LOD Viewer! Please note, that Crusader's fix-its have already been applied to THIS versions' data ini. A backup copy of the original (2013) data ini is supplied, so as to lessen End User (tm) workload, and provide a safety net 'just in case'. This skin repesents the 144th Fighter Interceptor Squadron of the Alaska Air National Guard from 1955 through 1957-ish, when their mission changed from Air Defense to Airlift. The skin is in jpg format, and 26 all NEW decals have been created for it. While the serial numbers are historically correct for the E model, they should beconsidered generic in nature as they don't actually repsent aircraft from this particular unit. Decal randomization is TRUE. On the skin selection menu, on the Loadout Page, you'll see: 144th FIS AK ANG (1954-58) The SF2 "date switch" is NOT active on this skin. You'll have to select this skin for your flightmates by hand. However it is easily added by a simple text edit. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein

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