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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. outbound to Balikipapan .. again...
  2. what I did with the texture set ini, to deferentitate Mytai's from the stock 3w 314 set up is this: Obviously, randomized numbering, and using the (Mytai) suffix to make sure the End User (tm) selects the skin wanted. It also honors his work. There are already Level = 1 decals, so it activates the squadron name display on the Loadout Screen
  3. they look fine to me Pete! If you want, go forward with a release!!
  4. from Ant's template, I just lightened the walkways to 70%...
  5. I just used the stock skin maps. Given that Mytai's read me states "in the 1970s", I used the F-4B_67. I'll take a look at Ant's templates, and see if they have the lighter walkways. I would like to use a larger format (2048x) jpg anyway!
  6. there's a 314 in the Mytai pack, but it seem to be missing the sword, "black knight" badge and squadron number EDIT: after installing, I'm wrong! it's all there! give me a couple of day, if you all really want it that bad
  7. It sounds as if you've already made up your mind. Most of the advancements in SF2 are the "nativeness" to later operating systems, impreved graphics, additions of "little touches" like destroyed models for aircraft, etc. AI has some limits, but this is true of every game. The 1st Gens are, and will continue to have issues running on modern systems if the End User (tm) dosen't do some fiddling. Also the fact that 99.9% of all mods in the last few years are only made for SF2, and are (usually) not backwards compatible furthers this case. Same can be said for terrain mods as well. Having SF2I and expansion pack 2 (iirc) adds a LOT of vehicular content (re: aircraft) and is well work the money in a full 5 merged install. While, in truth, BOTH WoI/SF2:I and WoV/SF2:V are the most limited of the series, with reference to SF2I "IsrealME" terrain, it has been completly reworked to over 90% geo-physical accuracy. But again, it's one's own choice. Money IS a consideration (believe me I KNOW!)
  8. on your JG 5 skin, the yellow is TOO yellow RLM 04 'gelb" should be 228/164/0 (in RGB code) ------- required screenie: limping home to Alexandria
  9. Mapa terreno españa.

    unfortunately not. you'd have to start with a fresh DEM, and import the sections that contain Iberia, the Atlantic and the Camay's. There's not real way to expand it.
  10. No, thank YOU for at least trying! It looks MUCH better now! thanks again!
  11. jack33: also, would it be possible to have you text come out like everyone else? This having to scroll back and forth is highly annoying! (just saying..) Try checking the setting in to "tool panel" across the top of posting windown (where you type the text)
  12. Happy 4th of July!!

    Happy Birthday USA!!
  13. View File SF2NA A-6E TRAM "Libyan Intruders" SF2NA A-6E (TRAM) Intruder, VA-34,VA-55,VA-85 Early Lo-Viz Skin/Decals Pack 2/15/2018 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) = *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-6E_79 (aka: TRAM)* 3 new skins for the 3W A-6E_79 Intruder that depict the 3 squadrons that participated in the "Freedom of Navigation" exercises in the Gulf of Sidra during 1986, and subsequent strikes against various Libyan targets (El Dorado Canyon). All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All serial (BuAerNums) are correct as they are for the A-6E, but should be considered Generic (tm) in nature, not representing specific aircraft in any particular squadron. In fact, all 3 skins use them as a 'pool' of decals. The Default Start Date switch is used on this skin, so in 1983, you should see only these. The skin maps are new; The aircraft is finished in the 2-tone Compass Ghost Grey over Medium Grey scheme, with subdued markings (black and light grey). The skins are in jpg format. The aircraft are: VA-34 Blue Blasters, USS AMERICA VA-55 Warhorses, USS CORAL SEA VA-85 Black Falcons, USS SARATOGA As these are 'stock' squadrons in the 3rd Wire listing, Level=1 decals are used to activate the squadron name display. This should make it easy for campaign builders to use them in user-made campaigns or single missions (like on Menrva's new Libyan terrain). Please note, =NOTHING= is included that makes the aircraft flyable; no inis, cockpit parts (I use the Razbam payware pit on my A-6E & A-6E TRAMs). You should have made them flyable or need to seek the "parts" on your own. Also, if you have made it flyable, and use the "Read Only" trick on the main ini (A-6E_79.ini), you'll have to un-read only it to add this skin. While specificly designed for the A-6E_79, this mod =should= be compatible with the A-6 Intruder MegaPack by Homefries; the skins use unique squadron named folders and should not conflict or interfere with it (even though said squadrons also exist in his pack, as Level=1 statments, selectable from the Squadron Dropdown on the Loadout screen). Please note the "1983" start date is an arbitrary year, based on my research as a "best guess". On the Loadout Screen, for skin selection you'll see: VA-34 Blue Blasters (2-Tone 1983) VA-55 Warhorses (2-Tone 1983) VA-85 Black Falcons (2-Tone 1983) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 03/06/2018 Category A-6  
  14. WHICH terrain, is also an important bit of information.
  15. Star Wars Aerodynamics

    ok, that was seriously COOL!!!
  16. not at the same time, obviously.
  17. like I said, upload into the Utilities section; just like any other mod. zip it up, and upload it with a explination in the Announcment post
  18. and.. just as important, the relevant & matching ***.tga is in the terrain's folder
  19. wouldn't it be smarter to simply upload to the Utilities & Editors section of our SF2 downloads? Threads on forums tend to get lost and buried quite easily just saying...
  20. the CM dispensers are NOT weapons, and therefore do NOT require entries in the /Weapon section of the data ini, and definately don't need a "new" weapon for the /Weapons folder. They are SYSTEMS. they're system names would go in the Fuselage or Tail section (depending on their eject location. Then you, just have the statements for the CM dispensers. Below, from the stock 3W B-52D as an example: ==dispenser as located on model - [LeftWing] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Wing_L DestroyedNodeName=D1_Wing_L == -MAJOR SNIPPAGE- == HasVortexEmitter=FALSE SystemName[001]=LeftFlapInboard SystemName[002]=LeftWingFuelCell SystemName[003]=Engine2 SystemName[004]=Decoy1 == decoy dispenser statement -- (usually listed below the weapons station, along with any internal jammers) [Decoy1] SystemType=DECOY_DISPENSER EjectPosition=-11.78,-3.74,-0.04 EjectVelocity=-5.00,0.00,-10.00 NumChaff=120 NumFlare=30 Best examples, extract and study the data inis from the B-52D, A-6A, EA-6B, F-4J, and so forth
  21. JG52, eastern front. Staffel markings also are color coded (the numbers II/JG52 would have differing number colors from III/JG52, as well as Stab (think of that as the HQ flight) with the varying chevrons, lines, circles, dots, etc. LW markings is a whole seperate level of expertise; and there's a plethora of info availalbe. You just gotta dig deep ------------ required screenie: Sunset, and off to work
  22. insky it's not carried here, because it's a pirated model. be warned - people have reported many issue (viri, etc) when trying to download from there. People shouldn't be making mods for things that can't be had. Bazillius, looking at you
  23. Mue's lod viewer. Mind you, 99.9% of all that work has already been done by your's truly, on various terrains. Even some cheats for multiple stacks
  24. yes, one must edit BOTH the aircraft's data ini AND loadout ini. As long as you remain within the allowed 6 groups, you can have as many stations as you like. Of course, mounting positions WILL differ yes, you can have a 7th station, if you want something permantently loaded. Can't remember what plane we used it on, but it did work iirc.

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