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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. mind you, this isn't an exact shot, as one of the folder is open, but you should be able to see the main locations Don't know if you've seen this the SF2 Knowledge base, (if you have, just ignore it!)
  2. that is really odd, considering the Su-7s all have working flaps. Oh well, .. what can you do?
  3. This is Deuces Kosovo terrain from 2004. I suggest amending you credits and readmes accordingly It was never completed then, and is just as incomplete now. BTW, You can use the TFD tool to create the necessary 3 planning maps
  4. Strategic Air Command

    I remember long ago, (45+ years - I was a teenager) I went to the museum at March Field. They had the "set piece" of the cutaway nose/cockpit of the B-47 used in the last half of the film. I KNOW I took a picture of it, but don't have a clue where it might be. The description plaque said it was used in the movie MB: didn't I post pictures of the B-36 at the Castle AFB museum in the Digital Recon Forum??
  5. Strategic Air Command

    there's EXCELLENT footage in this film, not only of the Peacemaker, but the Stratojet (B-47). AND the sharp eyed will be looking in the background for all sorts of other eye candy.
  6. in fact, the radar isn't even really for "searching". GCI would vector you in, and get you within range (5-10 miles) THEN the pilot/rio could take over the intercept. Just like WW2
  7. Kamchatka terrain spiritual sightings?

    ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn Human, you should be on you knees worshiping The Great One; praying he ends you swiftly ======================= Dan added that in the original release. It's incorrectly placed, as everyone know R'lyeh is a the bottom of the Pacific, untouchable by Man. (longtime Lovecraft reader, longtime (but retired) Call of Cthulhu RPG player -- I've some knowledge of The Great Old Ones)
  8. seriously? I seem to recall it came with the aircraft.... F-94B_AVIONICS.7z
  9. holy crap!! good to see you again!
  10. Stock, the 21bis and 21bisB come preloaded with the dual racks after 1973. Extract the loadout ini, and you'll see. No need to fiddle with what ain't broke. see below:
  11. <cough> <cough> use mine? they're pretty accurate for the Mk.II & Mk. IV (albeit possibly 'generic' except for those aircraft known)
  12. Normally, it's a simple matter to add a "built in" laser designator. But the GR.3 cockpit we have, doesn't have a radar screen to be used as the "tv screen". There might be a to manhandle the moving map display into the seeker screen, but I don't know how
  13. do you mean "edit the instant action ini" to fit a certain era or theatre? if so, the answer is yes. Very easy to do. It's a simple text edit. You can even leave the terrain listed as one of the stock ones (say, use the Desert for anything Mid East or North Africa and so forth)
  14. well, to be honest, the Mk.4 is pretty well along (shown above). It has the meshes cut and attached as "normal". At this point, probably just skin and decal work. I'm sure this model could also be used as the Mk.5. The (fictional) Mk.6, OTH, still needs more MAX work (inner/outer wing seperated, stabs cut into right & left), fuselage, nose and tail seperated, engine pods) you get the drift. Also needs more decal work, both for CAF and Belgian users. Sorry for the thread hijack, people. Please go back to your regular discussion. Thank you for your attention!
  15. don't forget the Canadair Mk.4 & 6 Sabre's for the RCAF are floating the downloads section someplace... and if I could get my modler back to work, we'd have this one finished too...
  16. just curious.. will the background music be "We Will Win" by Min Mei?? I LIKE it!!!
  17. The TAE also give the offset's from the 0/0 point (and is much better at doing so). How else would you place the object? The TFD is only useful for obtaining the basic X/Y coordinate. === Umm, if you could ex-plane (see what I did there?) exactly what you're trying to do, perhaps we can give a more detailed answer
  18. not to worry, the game will automaticly use the ini stored in the cat files.
  19. it's a data ini issue, caused by using an out-dated version. Because the external tanks are detatchable nodes of the aircraft model and the call-out in the data ini is for the older, 1stGen style of lod (model). I'd rename the data inis and that should clear up the extra tank problem. or you can extract NEW, current data inis from the ObjectCats, and place them into the aircraft's folder, replacing the older version (after renaming them for back up)
  20. I think that was covered in a post in the Knowledge Base someplace...because I wrote it. in short, the main coordinate is the position on the map, measured from the southwest corner (lower left) of the map the individual item offsets are in meters from that 0/0 point
  21. this is in our downloads section: as far as I know, this is the latest exporter plug in for max
  22. As far as I, speaking as one of the lead modders, a site moderator, and site admin, it should be considered 'abandonware', and released.

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