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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Version 1.0.0


    For those not following the "Tips & Tweeks" Thread in the SF2 WW2 Forum, this is a package of data inis for the Bristol Beaufighter by Cocas Aircraft Factory This package contains data inis with adjusted hitboxes and some armor upgrades, but a new flight model for ALL the ETO (northern European used) Bristol Beaufighters that Cocas and I did. These are: Mk.1 (early and late) NF MK.1 (early and late) Mk.1C (ITF) Mk.VI (early) Mk. VIC, Mk.VIC, Mk.VIF (early and lates) TFX (early and late -with and withOUT thimble nose) the roll rate is still a little higher than as described, but it's improved over the original release Instructions For Use: Unzip, as always reccomended, to a temp folder or you desktop. Then, copy/paste the /Objects folder from the zip DIRECTLY over you /Objects folder in you WW2 ETO centric mods folder. Each of the above listed aircraft has, of course, their own folder within. Also provided is a backed up copy of the original data ini, for safety's sake. At some point in time, the MTO and PTO theatre specific versions will be uploaded. Eventually, I'll be trying to update each individual aircraft's package. But there's a LOT of Beaus, and only so much time.. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein
  2. the DAT has removed EVERYTHING of theirs from here. all that remains are a few mods, that without their LODs are pretty much useless what is there, is all there is. no one is making anything for 1stGens since 2010-ish.
  3. Ok, this is a big one! This package contains data inis with not just adjusted hitboxes and armor upgrades, but a new flight model for ALL the ETO (northern European used) Bristol Beaufighters that Cocas and I did. These are: Mk.1 (early and late) NF MK.1 (early and late) Mk.1C (ITF) Mk.VI (early) Mk. VIC, Mk.VIC, Mk.VIF (early and lates) TFX (early and late -with and withOUT thimble nose) the roll rate is still a little higher than as described, but it's improved over the original release eto_caf_beaufighter_tweeks_pack.7z
  4. OK friends, this thread is for posting (as titled) Tips, Tweeks, and Tricks to start moving our beloved WW2 mods up into the realms of SF2. Things that should/could/maybe go here are cockpit mods (what ini to edit and what to add or whatever) FM mods -- if you've got one that needs testing Terrain tweeks - fixes and others visual enhancements (but NOT whole terrains, PLEASE!! ) Any other T/T/T that enhance our WW2 playing experience Things that should NOT go in here are... Other questions, comments, etc will still go in the regular forum below. Keep it simple, conscise, and neat. Posts that don't belong, WILL be deleted. Ok ... ! Lets get to going!! wrench kevin stein
  5. here's a the new data ini for the Fw-200 a little bit of cheating had to be performed, but it worked! Also, I removed the STRIKE mission statement, as these weren't used for that. Anti-ship, naval strike, and naval search, recon and transport sound file is included v2k_fw200_tweeks.7z
  6. as long as it's Baltika's original, do what you want. Did you even read his notes, in the accompanying readme? It supplies links for some the various warships. Intrestering to note, that some of those ships you requested aren't even listed in Baltika's original. His only lists the CVA-63 (Kittyhawk class, stock in WoV) Koni's (DAT - removed) OHP (DAT - removed) SCB-125 (stock Essex from WoV) Spruance (DAT - removed) Udaloy's (insky - both still in the downloads) SumnerFRAM (stock in WoV) So, you want to ammend your statement? Why don't you just come out and say WHICH (and who's) version you're using. Just to let you know, any and all unauthorized changes on MY terrains, even for personal usage are NOT allowed. Just ready the statements in any/all of my terrain uploads.
  7. That had better NOT be my build of the Kamchatka terrain -- my stuff is OFF LIMITS!! Be warned. ========================================= to answer the actual question, most of those ships are endemic to SF2NA. You won't find them in 1stGens. But some are available in 1stGen, excepting the 3 or 4 that are DAT boats (Konis, Osas).
  8. something I forgot to add on the German aircraft above!! open the data ini, and in the ]AircraftData[ section , add this line UseMetricUnit=TRUE this way, it'll show meters/km altitude and kmph if you play with the info window open in the left lower corner this will be corrected on upcoming uploads
  9. ships "in port" are considered viable targets in Strike missions. Have been since Day 1
  10. For the RAF Mitchell II & III (B-25D and 25J) just HB/armor tweeks it should be noted, the MTO and PTO Mitchells (both USAAF and USN) will get their own treatments. Although, if one pays attention, one can figure out which sections to copy/paste into the various variants. v2k_raf_mitchell_tweeks_pack.7z
  11. For Veltro's Ju-88A1 bomber new hbs, some armor tweeking avhistory sound included v2k_ju88a1_tweeks.7z
  12. Without knowing exactly what you're talking about...it's impossible to help. Like Kjakker said above, what item, what terrain? The question is too vague Although, some of those may be DAT items, no longer available Also, be VERY wary of asking for LODs on the Forums -- we take a very dim view of such things, as it can be interpreted of asking for copyrighted materials (piracy). Just a word to the wise
  13. Tweeks/Adjustment for Veltro2K's Dornier Do-17Z light bomber New/Remodded data ini includes: -ALL hit boxes adjusted -light aluminium "skin" armor added -AvHistory BMW engine sound Flight model remains untouched, in as issued state Instructions: unzip and install to your ETO mods folder. A back-up (original) copy of the data ini is included, for safety's sake. v2k_do17z_tweeks.7z
  14. View File WW2 Allied Bombing Range - Final- WW2 Allied Bombing Range - Final- 5/1/2018 - For SF2, Any & All (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) **Please note, you should have SF2 for this terrain references many stock items from the Desert.cat.However, instructions are provided to use other terrain cats.*** This is a major overhaul of Several of the target areas on the Allied Bombing Range. This is designed =ONLY= for WW2 Allied usage. It can be used for practice by any and all of the Allied nations. There are a myriad of targets, both the old and newer ones, to hone you skills in level and dive bombing, strafing with guns and/or rockets (for those aircraft equipped). I intend THIS to be the Final Version. It =WILL= replace all earlier versions of the Allied Bombing Range, so you'll need to backup, move/remove or delete any older version you may have. Like the revamped modern range terrains, it has been retiled in an "IME" desert style with the addition of a water feature for anti-shipping. See "Change Log" in the Notes section for more details As is reccomended, unzip this archive to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you -READ- this document (THIS readme), expecially the "To Install" section, after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read the Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 05/18/2018 Category Full Terrains  
  15. been there, done that, dosen't work
  16. there's a "live" camera feed on the TMF Phantoms with TISEO, the TMF F-14 (don't remember which version) and my mod of the U-2 (simulating the drift scope)
  17. they were never reuploaded to 1stGens after "some issues" several year ago.
  18. because they're existence is "stated" in the objects ***_data.ini //Sounds section (things like gear sounds, flaps, airbrakes, etc)
  19. bmp skins still work fine. and, readjusting the decals takes about 5 minutes; it's a simple matter of comparing a freshly extracted decal ini, with the old SF1 version, and making the necessary corrdinate adjustments. there's really nothing to it
  20. While (trying) to work on the TMF Mk IX, I discovered that both the Mk.1 and Mk.VIII have a hidden animation we'd never noticed! This will activate the radiator doors for both of these. Please note! This is ONLY for the TMF/ModMafia Mk.1 and Mk.VIII, available in our download sections Also, double check the numbering sequence of sub-systems in the fuselage component listing. Just in case your's differs. Spitfire Mk.1: add to fuselage section of data ini: SystemName[006]=RadiatorDoors add to the data ini -anywhere you want really, I put it down where the canopy animation statement is [RadiatorDoors] SystemType=ANIMATION DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_MACH SmoothDeployment=TRUE RetractValue=0.50 DeployValue=0.03 AnimationTime=0.2 AnimationID=5 ModelNodeName[001]=cowl_flap0 Spitfire Mk.VIII (MTO and PTO usage): add to fuselage section SystemName[009]=RadiatorDoors add down near the canopy animation: [RadiatorDoors] SystemType=ANIMATION DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_MACH SmoothDeployment=TRUE RetractValue=0.50 DeployValue=0.03 AnimationTime=0.2 AnimationID=5 ModelNodeName[001]=cowl_flap0 ModelNodeName[002]=cowl_flap01 save the data ini and enjoy. Feel free to adjust the closure speed, if more accurate information become available.
  21. practice (this is coming from a guy who knew/knows where all the emission control devices are on all cars from 1969 through 2010. And what they do. So, for me it's not hard)
  22. oh, and I forgot to mention, MANY of the DLC add-on aircraft are necessary too.
  23. The simple answer is: yes, you need all 5 SF games

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