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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. and reset all the decals, as the meshes on many aircraft have been moved (ie: world center of aircraft have been changed)
  2. as I explained in the PM reply to you, there is no such thing as terrain cats for those 2 terrains... As Gepart has said, if you open the Coastal Range.ini, you'll see the line I've highlighted here: The same is true for the Angola.ini ---- So, what's required to make them work are having the stock SF2 Desert.cat, the SF2E GermanyCE cat. None of the other terrains (VietnamSEA), especially IsraelME and IcelandNA most likely would not have all the proper "terrain objects" built in to have all the items show up. So, in short, you need GermanyCE.cat and Desert.cat. Only available from SF2 and SF2:Europe
  3. ThirdWire Site

  4. I just wish I had the MAX files from the TMF Mk.1 -- it'd be easier to make the Mk.V from that by simply added the cannon barrels and magazine bulges ------------------ Ok, Volker, I'll get you everything I have, the model in game, inis, and the MAX file as soon as I can. I say we simply stick to finishing it as the Mk.IX. Easier, simpler, less work and all that! Many thanks from me, the Mod Mafia and the community!
  5. ThirdWire Site

    still nothing.. I posted the question on the 3W FB page, so we'll see if anything matteralizes
  6. world center of the object, iirc (like the smokestack effect on the GeneratorBuilding1) . for the stand-alone smokestacks I've been using, it also the 0/0 point (center), but 100 meter up. Even then, they're not always perfectly centered I assume you're using Mue's Lod View for coordinates? also, don't forget I have "fake smokestacks" if you need them -- for building with multiple venting solutions
  7. I can't remember what it is, but it's one of the inis that came with that mod turned them off. Done for historical reasons. EDIT: check to see if it added a HUDDATA.ini; that one controls the Map Icons
  8. it's got a lot of small, extra bits hanging off it, some "thing" in the aft radiator outlet ducts; needs the outer wing meshes cut from the (single piece) wing mesh. Maybe some other stuff I can't see in MAX or the LOD viewer. Also explodes on the runway at mission start. The MAX file is dated 2006, so will need updating to the latest version. As you can see, I have MAX 2009, so I can open the file; just never learned how to work the damn thing!!! If someone can finish it, that would be great. I"ll have to check with Crusader, of course, as this was one of Oli, but I"m sure it'd be ok. As you can see, it's mapped and skinned (and decaled, too!) already. Making a Mk V out of it would take a LOT of work; there's some major differences; not the least of which is the 3 bladed prop, different radiator (oil cooler) under the right wing, and so forth. But I have plenty of data (books on pdf)
  9. no and we never finished the Mk.IX either (meaning I've never found someone to do so) But Cocas & I did the Mk.Vs some year back; they're in the download section
  10. FM will need a rebuild as well, given the 10 years past since it's release
  11. Max tiles on terrain?

    I would try it in the TE -- maybe a fault in the TFD tool. It' looks like an incomplete statement, but I'm assuming that mountain tile has no alpha objects (trees) and definately no solid objects (houses) for TOD items
  12. ThirdWire Site

    Same here -- can only get to the main page. well, lets just hope it's only down for maintence (with a notice posted), and not what we've been fearing for some time now ...
  13. Max tiles on terrain?

    I've never even come close to that number; somewhere below 200 is as far as I've ever needed. I don't use the TFD tool though for The Big Jobs, that's for real 'fine tuning'; fiddling of local (1-2 tile sized) height fields. 99.9% of all my work in done in the 3W TE. In that, like other 3W "things" my guess would be 999, but no one has ever gotten (or needed to go) that high. To get tile alignments correct, are you using my "north arrows" trick? (TFD can't do that as it only uses the tiles DIRECTLY in the terrain's folder) EDIT: are we talking total number of tiles on a terrain, or total of differing types? For total numbers, I know SF2 (for example) can be in the 10s of thousands - and believe me! I know!!!)
  14. by Crusader, added from an old post of his in the SF/Wo* Forums -- Extract HUDDATA.ini and place it in the FLIGHT folder Add this : RWR will show up permanently for all aircraft that way It also works for aircraft which have no RWR display in the cockpit Just requires the RWR section in avionics ini and DetectSystem section in the aircraft's data ini. (note: if you don't know what these sections are, extract and examine the data and avionics inis of an aircraft that does, example: F-4E, F-4J, F-105D_66, F-16A, F-14A, F-15A for later TEWS equipped) To switch it off, cycle ALT+D game HUD modes. Or comment out the newly added statementy (image below has viewpoint scrolled up, to show the RWR window above the windscreen framing) Works in both SF/Wo* and SF2 series
  15. you did put it into the VNSEA folder in the mods folder, right? The one in the C:\Users\Kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam (using mine as an example) There is not be a **/Terrains/VietnamSEA terrain folder by default in the mods folder, so you'll have to create one
  16. thought that's what would happen -- that mesh is set as "self illuminating" in MAX, and can't be removed. But, hey, as long as you aren't in the outside view, you'll never see it (enemies will, of course)
  17. aren't they self illuminating from the lOD? They may not be removable
  18. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 F-4B Phantom (Mytai) CVW-9 Skin/Decal Pak 12/24/2017 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) and/or SF2:V = *Can be used in any install that has access to the F-4B & F-4B_67, which is stock in all merged installs, excepting SF2:I (well, actually it's probably there as well!). The 1968 VF-92 & 96 skins are particularly designed for use in SF2:V, as they represent the squadrons during one of their Southeast Asia cruises* This package contains 3 revamped & updated skins, now for SF2, originally created by Mytai01 in 2005(ish) for SF1. This skins are: F-4B: VF-96 Fighting Falcons (1964) embarked aboard USS RANGER F-4B_67: VF-92 Silverkings (1968) VF-96 Fighting Falcons (1968), both embarked aboard USS ENTERPRISE during the Vietnam War All 3 skins are new builds, from Sundowner's excellent template. The skins are in jpg format. Almost all decals from the original Mytai pack have been reused, with some modifications on the Modex number decals. Decal randomization has been set to "TRUE". Included are the data and loadout inis for both aircraft, with some small changes in the loadouts. The data inis now incorporate manually operating (meaning: you, the player can now) wingfold and canopy operation. Both use the Standard Animations Keystrokes (tm), Shift/9 for wings and Shift/0 (zero) for the canopy. Also included, is all of Mytai's original research material that came with the 1stGen Package. This inlcudes photos and other text files. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
  19. This Cracked me Up....

    my ancestors (mother's side) come from the Kiev region. Other than that....
  20. so, the most obvious and simplest answer, given in post #3 wasn't good enough??? thanks for helping to guy out, Florian!
  21. how many times do we have to say that many SF2 lods are exported in Unicode? That is invisible to SF1. Changing the format of the ini to ANSI and the jpgs to bmps won't do anything.

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