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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. how about simply NOT using that keystroke??
  2. you can shoot them (CM), but the intercept missions are against the bombers carrying them. Once they launch, you can target and engage them with the Phoenixs (Phoenixi?) what about treating them as a single shot, VERY long range artillery unit? ---wait, that won't work either. They'll fly out to their target but are not engageable.
  3. that's happening all too often nowadays -- a lot of serious dumbshits that can't take the time to properly think out where/how/what things go. It's exceedingly tiresome for the 2 or 3 of us Admins/Moderators that are trying to keep things on track and well organized.
  4. Sikorksy UH-34D Sounds Like a Pickup Truck

    sounds like any other WW2 radial to me! (at least it's not a Ford!)
  5. how about simply attaching the image, using the conviently provided space below? at the bottom of every posting window, you'll see the paper clip, and the statement "drag files here to attach or choose files"
  6. Didn't we just go through all this shit last month?? Simple statement of fact: Piracy is NOT condoned or allowed. People that support it, will be banned. Period
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  8. couldn't they be set like the Silkworms? It's just a surface to surface missile (like a Scud). I know I had working silkworms on the original ODS
  9. Version


    This is the entire /Guns folder from my WW2-centric Installs. Basiclly, it's all the guns from the Gunny Pak, but with a few additions; those are mostly naval artillery. instructions: unzip to a temp folder or someplace easy to find, and drop into the /Objects folder of your WW2 install. allow the Overwrite. happy shooting! wrench kevin stein =================== UPDATED 4/23/2013 ==================== Ver 2.0 -- now with all WW2 guns, naval and ground artillery install instructions are the same; unzip, copy/paste and allow the Overwrite
  10. Where to take these files

    you mean where to obtain them from? Does the readme say anything at all about them (other then they're needed?)
  11. no can do without lower level "distance lods". Don't bother; it is as it is
  12. only works for ships (hull number, name). doesn't work on anything else. If you want a certain text to show up, best way would be to clone the item, doing whatever hex editing and renaming is necessary, and add the text directly on the skin map. Also, "UseGroundObject=TRUE" will work, but they (buildings) seem to work better when directly rooted in the terrain's main folder.
  13. Ok, I'm stepping into Admin Mode.. If there's been no contact with Sophocles for a "great deal of time" -- for argument's sake, lets say 12 months, given the age of this thread, I would say it's up to the modder with the parts to make the decision on weither to release "as is" or not. Let's give Sophocles some time to respond to Ravenclaw's message, say 7 days, and then the ball is in his (RC's) court. //Admin Mode Off// I do hope we can finally get this bird!!!
  14. that looks more like a walkway than an A-G surface to me. Compare the coloration and texture to the A-G around the windscreen and canopy
  15. Isn't that what I said at the very, VERY beginning????
  16. well, iirc, the "fake pilot" bits would just be dumped at the root of the objects folder in 1stGens; just like any other pilot or seat you add. SF2 requires the use of the seperate pilots folders. Although, the older method will still work It's only hard when you don't know what you're doing, or not listening to those that do. To once again explain how the fake pilot part add on works: FastCargo created the fake pilot, a 1 pixel sized LOD, that is transparent, with a transparent skin. When placed at the 0,0,0 coordinate of the aircraft, it is effectively invisible, as well as hidden from view. Now, as all pilots require a "seat" to park their butts on, the "add on parts", say a canard or the avionics hump for a Skyhawk, is used as said seat, but is placed NOT under the pilot's ass, but at whatever location is needed to get them to sit where they should be, if the aircraft model has been built with it from the start. so...in the example below, 2 wing fences are being added to the F-86F.. //fake-pilot for wingfences// [Fence1] SystemType=Pilot_Cockpit Position=0.0,0.0,0.0 PILOTMODELNAME=FakePilot SeatModelName=F-86Fence SeatPosition=-3.75,0.20,-0.410 SeatID=2 [Fence2] SystemType=Pilot_Cockpit Position=0.0,0.0,0.0 PILOTMODELNAME=FakePilot SeatModelName=F-86Fence SeatPosition=3.75,0.20,-0.410 SeatID=3 You can see the necessary SeatID numbers, the left and right locations, and the central location for the fake pilot. It really IS just that simple.
  17. iirc, the missles max range is defined in it's individual weapons data ini, along with the various PKs
  18. Do you actually have the "FakePIlot" in you /Objects/Pilots folder??? Bet it's missing...
  19. This is so stupid I just had to post this here.

    true, it's wrong, but it's funny as hell!!!
  20. that dosen't make any sense can you post a shot of the folder tree? Like mine below?
  21. Where did in (re)install the terrains too?? Make sure they're in the Mods folder, NOT the main game install
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