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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. stock or add on guns? stock guns use a stock tracer effect. If that isn't working, not sure what to say. Maybe toss the mods folder and rebuild a new one? (Salvaging, of course, anything you want to keep) example below, stock 20mm cannon
  2. let me know if you need any more; if I have them, they're yours!! (got a soviet style one around here someplace....)
  3. they were delivered, like the SB2Cs, in standard USN dark gloss navy blue required screenshot: practice, practice, and practice some more ...
  4. Indeed! They were an outstanding resource
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  6. can you remembe which ones? I (think) I have most of them, either install or (hopefully!!!) the zips archived on one of my external HDs. here's some, 2 zips and the rest TTFs from the Windows/Fonts folder rafww258-GIMP.zip rafww2851.zip AMUSAF_0.TTF RAFSTD_0.TTF RAFWW258.TTF RCAF6_0.TTF USAAF_STENCIL_0.TTF USAF_BUZZ_0.TTF
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  8. none of the 1stGen games (SF/Wo* or FE/FEG) create the separate "mods folder" like the "2" series. Everything is located within the main game install; all the exes, dlls, cats, etc. try turning down all the graphic options. Turn shadows and mirrors off, horizon to NEAR, basically all graphics down to minimum, then start bringing them up, one at at time playtesting each change. With a on-board card, in a laptop (probably not originally designed for gaming), internal memory will be lacking in both RAM and video. Unfortunately, the only way to improve them -even with a 1stGen- is a better machine (sorry, had to state the fact!).
  9. To VonS!! For his considerable knowledge, constant work on FE development, and his outstanding uploads, has been given the new, honorable status of Modder with all the privileges, benefits and responsibilities pertaining thereto! Lets all raise a glass and toast the newest member of the Modder Community!!! (after all, VonS is buying!!)
  10. then you just fucked those airfields. EACH AND EVERY AIRFIELD HAS IS OWN INI FOR A REASON -- THINGS ARE IN DIFFERENT PLACES ON EVERY ONE! Best thing I can tell you, extract the airfield 5 ini from the desert cat, make the rename --this was done because the "N" means neutral, and UN forces would NOT attack bases across the Yalu -- and toss them in the K3 folder. From there, you're on your own. Nobody in the last 6ish years has every complained about the commies blowing up on the runway; so it's just gotta be something YOU did!
  11. if that's the onboard graphics chip, you're going to need a real video card. Is there room in you computer case for one?
  12. What I found out on my WoE install, was I'd never reset the graphics back to unlimited. So, after correcting all the graphics levels, it's working for me too. Enjoy!
  13. Salmson

    all ok, then, you've figured out the upload process?
  14. Is the water ok, the ocean and rivers have that "wiggly" effect simulating motion? I reset all the graphics in WoE, but haven't tested it
  15. well, from what I see, you've pretty much done everything wrong. Completly. The TE needs it's own install, NOT inside the game, but somewhere else on the HD. You can probably put it into the SavedGames/ThridWire folder, or on C drive (but NOT in any of the Program Files folders) I take you haven't looked at Gepard's Tutorials in the SF/Wo* Knowledge Base? I suggest starting there https://combatace.com/forums/forum/191-modding-terrainsenviroments/ they lessons are numbered, start with #1
  16. I'm going to go ahead and "pin it" this to the top of the Forum, so it don't get lost!
  17. this is what the terrain should look like -- the city of Tageu, looks like fall
  18. it's looks like there's tiles missing, or misnumbered in the data ini, or wrong TFD. EDIT: those are NOT the tiles that came with the terrain download -- those are STOCK Germany tiles. This is a Full 4 season terrain, and if that's supposed to be "summer", it isn't!! Your images attached below I'd suggest redownloading the terrain, use the new data ini from above, and retest. Also, for tracking progress and make sure you have the HUDData.ini extracted, placed in the /Flight folder and have the DisplayDebug= set to TRUE. This will turn on the map coordinate system and allow you to see the name of the target area and it's X/Y location on the map. I got nothing like that on mine, of course, I just copy/pasted the K3 terrain folder into my WoE install, and edited the data ini. I DID get a lot of shadow anomalies on some terrain objects, but that's a "known issue" with heavily populated terrains.
  19. are all the decals present? Are the pathways' correct in the decals ini? (I don't have the mod, so can't physically check for that)
  20. there isn't one. This is all we got. Can you list, in order the steps you took to create this "terrain specific TE install". It's vitally important to know EXACTLY how you were doing this
  21. I would just make sure the original modeler is credited with the cockpit (iirc, it's TMF??) I don't think we'll mind too much!
  22. This was just a nice shot! Had to share
  23. what?? dude, that was from 7 years ago.....

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