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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I guess Bunyap's site must be gone??? I'll run through my bookmarks and hope that i can find it
  2. Salmson

    JacksonM: can you post a screenshot of the game folder structure, and where you've placed the various files? something like below --> (mind you, FE2 in Win7) this way, we can visualize what might be off.
  3. Odd.... I went right to the post on "Strategic Nodes"
  4. when it reached 300 pages --which I think is too damn long-- I'll be closing that one down, and starting a brand new one for you all the fill up!!
  5. Cold War Movies

    How exactly do you define it? As in "anything from 1948 to 1990-ish, about confrontation between the superpowers?" If that's the case, I have to add "Hell and High Water" (the Richard Widmark 1954 submarine one) "Fail Safe", of course - both versions there's one I have vague memories of, from my childhood in the 1960s -- it's about a Soviet invasion of Alaska using "captured" US aircraft, but I've never found out the name or plot line!
  6. Castle AFB Museum, part 2

    continuing from part 1. Same date, June 200. The lunkhead with his arm in the T-Bird Phantom is me.
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  8. Salmson

    I'll see to it that that NEVER becomes a problem!! That's an issue only if you do something really, really, bad!! You all just keep talking (although, maybe an English translated section might be nice to have for other members having the same problems!. Just saying ... ) or someone writing a tutorial like we have in the SF1/SF2 sections on "Making AI Planes Player Flyable".
  9. Version


    WW2 Europe Terrain for SF2 (aka: EAW Euro) - For SF2, Any & All (*Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended*) This is a rebuild of the WW2 EAW Europe map. It has extensive retargeting and retiling (read: new tiles created, albeit in the original "BN series") In essence, approximatley 98.6% of the terrain and targeting has been revised in some fashion. It has been brought (as much as possible) up to SF2 standards, at the July 2012 patch level. There are, however, some height field issuses that are unresolvable; so End Users ™ are advised to ignore them. All airfield inis, while retaining them original name, have been brought to the most recent patch level, and will generate parked aircraft. If you have the original version, or any of my updated versions, it's suggested you move THAT terrain sub-folder to a storage section, rename it, or delete it from your WW2 ETO mods folder. This version =WILL= completly replace it. In MUCH greater detail... This is a fairly large map, covering Western Europe from the German/Polish border in the east to the Irish Sea in the west, and a far north as York in the UK, and the Bay of Biscay/Alps in the south (including Bordeaux). Several target areas in the farthest S/E region (south of the Italian Alps) have been removed for playability. As can ALWAYS be expected, there =ARE= Easter Eggs scattered across the map. This map makes use of =BOTH= the LimitedNations and AllowedMission statements. There are =NO= CAS or other Ground Attack mission tasking, other than Armed Recon and Anti-Shipping. Strike, of course, for the bombers, remains (exceedingly!) valid. Armed Recon mission are constrained to within approximately 100km of the coastlines (more or less) for BOTH sides. *Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations. Several cities and other physical features (mountains, vallies, coastlines, forests, roads, etc) may also fall into this classification; Some populated places may exist only as "named places" on the map. This was done for historical reasons. Many airfields/airports, some of historical significance, may also be not existant or placed in the Real Life ™ locations due to tiling constraints.* When in-game, you'll see "Europe, WWII" on the terrain selection dropdown window. Some GroundObjects are included (ships mostly); these are the same ones that are in the recently released ETO/MTO Ships pak. When installing, just allow the Overwrite. It's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect changes in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  10. maybe it was a jet camel?? Ducted fan???
  11. Castle AFB Museum, part 3

    These are the last of them I hope you all liked them!!
  12. Castle AFB Museum, part 1

    circa June, 2000. Taken with our first digital camera -- the kind that stored the images on a 3.5" floppy!!! (how tech has moved forward). Image quality may not be the best by today's standards, but it's all I gots! enjoy!
  13. no, it won't merge with SF2. It's completely seperate. If one wanted to add an FE2 aircraft to SF2, you'll have to do as I did -- extract everything, and move the /*name-of-aircraft- folder with all the inis, lods (including ALL the cockpit pieces), skin maps AND all the necessary decals, sounds, guns, pilots, etc. It's a lot of work
  14. Castle AFB Museum, part 2

    The rest of part 2 (it should be noted, the critters show were the tour guides and security)
  15. ah...the "leave one modern player flyable and one Red Side aircraft" trick for the WW2 type installs. I honest to the gods DON'T know why that trick works. I suspect that the Game Engine (tm) sees these 2 "modern" aircraft and says "well, everything looks ok here...lets load this puppy up!". as to FE2, it's all by its self. It hasn't been touched by a patch (fortunately for the FE folks) since 2010, so it actually might be the most stable of the 3W games. for grins and giggles I pulled ALL the pieces for the SPAD XIII from FE2, and dropped them into my ETO folder...it worked just fine (other than having to fly without any enemies...)
  16. Castle AFB Museum, part 1

    iirc, there may be another Vulcan at Barksdale (but I'm not sure!) you're all welcome! 2 more parts to come (btw, that lady in front of the B-17 is Pat, Mrs Wrench!)
  17. Castle AFB Museum, part 1

    Last of part 1...
  18. Castle AFB Museum, part 1

    More...still part 1!!
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  20. well, Mue's Lod Viewer will generate the lined maps, if that's of any help. By chance, will we be seeing Hawk Hunter's XL from "The Wingman" series??
  21. Tonyspike, Keeping it in one thread is superb idea! I heartedly approve! Don't worry about rambling -- I'm just the opposite (I don't get paid by the word. Actually, I don't get paid at all!! HEY!!!) In SF2 you'll find a really unique feature - the userlist.ini. This can be applied (in some 3rd Party add ons) to ships, vehicles, various other ground objects, as well as the main "feature" - the aircraft. That, and the "Limited Nations" statements in the terrains main ini, and their attendant "Allowed Nations List" (aka "Nations.ini"), coupled with Exported = True/False (which ties back to the userlist) should -this being the operative word!- prevent the oddity you mention (Egyptian MiGs over Iceland). Now, so even more odd things can happen -- ever seen North Korean Meteors or Hunters?? The addition of another statement in the aircraft's data ini "Exported to Enemy = TRUE" adds a whole 'nuther lever of screw ups. But that's for another time. The single missions you mention, are automatically generated when each mod folder is created. I don't think there's any way to get rid of them, as they exist in one of the missiondata cat files. You'll just have to ignore them. That's how it works -- because all contents are stored in the same core object cats. It's just the way it is. As to each and every plane showing up, yup, they sure do! IDF Scooters in your SF2:Europe, French Mirages in Viet nam, etc. BUT..like I said above, the userlist should prevent them from showing up in single missions, and most definately in campaigns. If they actually are an annoyance (like, "I don't even want to take the chance of them showing up,) just delete their folders. The same is true for GroundObjects. But, as all Red Side comes from the Soviet Union ... only a very few "nation specific" vehicles exist that could cause issues. the folks that say that are morons. If that was the case, how is it that I have 3 seperate WW2 installs (MTO, ETO, PTO, but not CBI as I haven't finished that terrain) and have no issues?? Trust to the people that have been playing, modding, and disassembling these games since 2003 (2005 on my part!). any other questions, we'll try address on a case-by-case basis
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