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Everything posted by Wrench

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  2. FE2 Aircraft Hit Box Revisions

    I just use the same specs as the bounding boxes (which I also use for the hit boxes) BUT... sometimes the hit box/collision point needs to be smaller than the bounding box. In the case below, for the Sea Venom (not released yet by Veltro), it has a tendency to 'drag is butt' on take off rotation. The blue being the bounding box, when those specs are used causes a tail strike, even if the actual part isn't touching the ground. So, I had to reduce the size of the hit/collision box (the smaller green box) to prevent that. It dosn't seem to effect damage taken by enemy action, as it still takes damage from gunfire, etc. example of the statements, I use them in the same order, and it seem to be working ok (well, so far!!)
  3. FE2 Aircraft Hit Box Revisions

    don't forget, you have to do the Collision Points as well!!
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  6. that XyZ Effect is what happens to the object (a building, a ship, a truck) that is HIT by the weapon. This is, in many cases, defined by the objects entry into a terrains _Types.ini. the **EXPLOSION Effect is the weapon detonating. THAT effect gives the explosion, the shock wave, the debris clouds, etc. they are set correctly. A Mk.84 is a 2000 pound bomb -- it IS a large bomb, and is, and has been for the last 14 years been using the correct explosion effect. By changing the effects as has been done, you've, in essence, REMOVED all the explosive material from the bomb casing. as I've said twice already, put it back to the way it was. If it works, don't fix it.
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  8. just do like as mentioned above. You're using the WRONG type of effects for the weapons explosions. Like I said, change them back to what they were.
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  10. the effect you changed it to, of the OBJECT the weapon hits, NOT for the effect of the weapon's explosion. Change it back
  11. why not just lower (or whichever direciton) the TSFC numbers?
  12. redesign of the nose would be required for the AI Mk.21 & later (or SCR-720 equlivant). relocation of guns to lower nose. It's up to Cocas as what he wants to do; or more presciesly, what's to be represented/accomplished. besides, for the time frame, AEW Skyradiers or Avengers would be on picket, and able to direct fighters (re: USN early carrier night figher operations -- TBM with radar, directing F6Fs to target. That's how we lost Butch O'Hare)
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  14. just AAA the game engine fill them in automatically
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  16. Is there anybody out there?

    Mue's Lod viewer is an indespensible tool for reading hit boxes (and bounding boxes too!) below, the DH-2. you can see several missing hit boxes
  17. at one time, most of their stuff, and mods for it, WHERE here. But, some of the old time, original members disagreed on "how things were being done", there were (somewhat) heated exchanges, and he took his toys and went home. I'm sure the archives might have the threads, but having lived through it, I'm not searching them out
  18. I got a PM for raven last week. He's still settling in to his new place, and had some computer issues. I think he fixed those. Which means that at some time in the near future (this year), he'll be back to working on the Peacemaker. His model, just from the WIP shots will make any other look like it's made of Legos!! as to be Buff (F2A), I have 100% historicly correct modex and serials for VMF-221 at Midway
  19. well, i have Cocas' max files ... including the one below. I have all his started ww2 projects, all in various states of 'in progress'. all we'd need is someone that can finish (this aircraft at least)...of the 20-something files I have, including some IJAAF birds. (there's a thread around here someplace that lists all of them) I have max 2009, but just don't know how to use it beyond opening and viewing the file. You can share whatever you've done; just not the lods. Which, of course closes the circle. No matter how I feel personally about him, I still respect "The Rules" he carved into stone, written in the blood of the Modders, even though he bans people without even tell them why...
  20. looks good, great idea I only see one major problem... the Buffalo isn't readily available to everyone .... that could be a showstopper. Unless somebody else builds a new one, that's totally freeware
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  23. you're not a moderator or admin, perhaps, bro?? kaiju don't need permissions!! I'd pm Erik and let him know!!
  24. I agree on the FRS1!!! I think it should also be released seperately, to replace the original, older version. just curious, that there's no "carrier stations" on the _water bmp, for automatically generated battle groups?

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