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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. hey, it's Ant's skin. What could be bad???
  2. File Name: XvT/BoP - Imperial Operation: Heading to the Unknown File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 24 October 2015 File Category: Star Wars Games XvT/BoP - Imperial Operation: Heading to the Unknown For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the newer GoG version Grand Admiral Thrawn, after crushing the traitorous Admiral Zaarin, and his defecting officers, was ordered by the Emperor himself to enter the Gammanck Regions at the far eastern arm of the galaxy, far from Coruscant, at the edge of the Unknown Region. Grand Admiral Thrawn assembled his fleet at the Rneekii systems, because Rneekiis had been moving their people, leaving the Outer Rim Territories to fortify themselves far from Imperial interference, and because they boardered the Gammanck, no one knows better the entrance than them. Sometime before the "Enemies of the Empire", the Emperor sent Admiral Bulcon and a small force to bring Imperial control to this Unknown Gammanck Region, but he never reported back. Grand Admiral Thrawn was sent to rescue Bulcon and his fleet if he is yet alive. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Also, the original builders and my notes at the bottom! Get to your ships Pilots! Wrench Kevin Stein original mission set by Mateus Soares Borges, circa 1990-something! Click here to download this file
  3. don't say that until you play it through a time or two. :) I did the best I could with it ... some of the missions were quite flawed! Many of them are VERY long!!! But, I hope everyone enjoys it!
  4. speaking if WIPs, angelp, any news on that F1M "Pete" of Cocas' I sent you some time ago??
  5. SF2NA IcelandNA does NOT work with any of the editors. Anything to be added has to be done the "old fashioned way". It's not worth messing with. As the NA terrain is lod based, not TFD/HFD there's nothing to extracted and "seen" by the terrain editors. Only the original 4 terrains, and all out addons. 32km length bridge each bridge section 100 metes (not counting the 2 ends) 32000 sections? even at 63% scaling you'll be putting down thousands of sections (50,793 by my calculations -- I think that way above the allowed limits.) You're also forgetting "The Wall" as to airfields, you're stuck with what we have (6, the largest is runway 4, the '2 crossing' plus whatever ones that were used on Rends GermanyCE rebuild) take it from the Terrain Guru...(and I hope I'm not offending!) going down this road for someone without the experience and knowledge of the engine, only leads to madness. Even those of us that DO have the knowledge and experience and skill, are quite mad.... You're also forgetting "The Wall". In the image below, please take note of the darker border regions. That starts 80km IN from the outermost edge of the map. Anything therein is inaccessible during game play. You also do NOT want to place any target areas with 50km of innermost edge of The Wall, otherwise very odd things will happen.
  6. FastCargo's Helicopter Lesson

    what a great story FC!!! (totally loved the pictures & captions too!!)
  7. considering that the 3 stock 3rd wire bridges are 100m long (the ends are 50m) ... that's a hell of a lot of items to place while the TFD tool is fine for quick and dirty editing, you'd better start learning the 3W Terrain editor ... as you'll be doing things that can only be done from there
  8. the "falling debris" and "damage textures" are 2 completely different things. the bits and pieces are generated by the game. the damage textures are either residing in the various object cats for stock aircraft, and are always listed in the main ini. For add-on aircraft, they have to be custom fit to the skin maps, and have the exact same name as the skin maps, and must reside within that aircraft's main folder. the "shredded.tga" for the most part is no longer used. So, just ignore it YOU should never have to screw around with these ever. It's the model builder/skinner's job to provide the necessary damage textures.
  9. KA52

    and of questionable origin
  10. Version


    XvT/BoP - Imperial Operation: Heading to the Unknown For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the newer GoG version Grand Admiral Thrawn, after crushing the traitorous Admiral Zaarin, and his defecting officers, was ordered by the Emperor himself to enter the Gammanck Regions at the far eastern arm of the galaxy, far from Coruscant, at the edge of the Unknown Region. Grand Admiral Thrawn assembled his fleet at the Rneekii systems, because Rneekiis had been moving their people, leaving the Outer Rim Territories to fortify themselves far from Imperial interference, and because they boardered the Gammanck, no one knows better the entrance than them. Sometime before the "Enemies of the Empire", the Emperor sent Admiral Bulcon and a small force to bring Imperial control to this Unknown Gammanck Region, but he never reported back. Grand Admiral Thrawn was sent to rescue Bulcon and his fleet if he is yet alive. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Also, the original builders and my notes at the bottom! Get to your ships Pilots! Wrench Kevin Stein original mission set by Mateus Soares Borges, circa 1990-something!
  11. SF2 WW2 SAAF Hurricane Skins, East Africa

    I fixed the "file name title". I didn't want people to think they'd be downloading YOU!!! :)
  12. DA: to better SEE what's on the aircraft, try taking the screenshots at Noon, on a cloudless day. All these are pretty murky. And turn your Shadows on in the Options/Gameplay. You'll be surprised as to what turns up Do I see the white heat reflective on the nose of CaANG bird?
  13. File Name: SF2 Avro VZ-9 Aerocar Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 19 October 2015 File Category: What If Hangar SF2 Avro VZ-9 Aerocar Pak 10/15/2015 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) A "What If" aircraft for you enjoyment. ** Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4B & A-4E Skyhawks hence the need for either a Full 4 or Full 5 Merged Install, as both these cockpits are refrenced for the 2 aircraft. Also, serial number decals from the CF-104 and F-105D are used. You must have these aircraft to gain access to the various bits.** Some reworking of Simon Porter's Avro Aerocar from 2005, brings it (pretty much!) up to SF2 standards. Be advised, however, there are still a few small issues; most of which stem from the fact the aircraft is one continious mesh, with no sub meshes. This is the main reason that most markings are painted on. See "Change Log" for details. This pack contains 2 aircraft, and is based on the assumption (oh! that word!) the major bugs had been worked out, and it entered service with the RCAF and USAF for use as a battlefield scout and light attack aircraft. Aerocar Mk.I (VZ-9A) with 2 skins (1959 start date): RCAF USAF both in NM finish Aerocar Mk.III (VZ-9C) with 4 skins (1965 start date): RCAF USAF (both early, in NM) RCAF_L (late, overall dark green ala CF-104) USAFCamo (USAF Camo SEA T.O. 1-1-4) The 2 late skins the C use the SF2 "date switch" and will turn on in 1966 (USAFCamo) and 1973 (RCAF_L). All stock items are used, from cockpits, pilots, weapons, sounds, decal and whatnots. The other add-on items (fake pilot, radar pod, pylons) are included. While skins remain in bmp format, damage textures are in DDS. When in-game, you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Drop-down... VZ-9A Aerocar (Mk.I) and VZ-9C Aerocar (Mk.III) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Simon Porter's original readme is included for historical purposes. Happy Landings Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  14. not by model, I just fiddled with it. But thanks!! :)
  15. @ Capun & DAT

    that's totally up to you
  16. Indeed, it would be good to know exactly which aircraft the complaint is pointed to.
  17. because the ship is the primary target, it spawns, irrc, at mission start. you're confusing GROUND objects with TERRAIN objects. Terrain objects are things like the runways, hangars, various building, that always exist on a terrain. Ground Objects are those items that in are in the GroundObject folder (ships, tanks, AAA, trucks, etc) if you place objects via their generic tags, they tend to work, and appear with the correct items In this example below, a fairly generic Soviet-style SAM battery, (more or less star shaped -- and many later versions (SA-3, SA-5, SA-6) don't actually use that style) you'll see I've given individual launchers the 1959 start date. this reflects the introduction of the SA-2. this was done as the EWR and AAA placements have a Year=0, so they'll always be there
  18. if you remove it from the folder, it'll just pull the one from the cat file. OTH, as blaze said, painting the R/G/B channels of the tga to match the body is a very easy thing you can try removing the canopy meshes Their node names are: port_canopy starboard_canopy add these new components in the >AircraftData< section: Component[010]=Remove1 Component[011]=Remove2 [Remove1] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Port_Canopy DestroyedNodeName=Port_Canopy DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [Remove2] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Starboard_Canopy DestroyedNodeName=Starboard_Canopy DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE and se how that works
  19. um, aren't the TOS Enterprise and D-7 available in FastCargo's "Super Secret Mod"????? I really can't remember the name of it...
  20. Cool Video, "Spitfire 44"

    OUTSTANDING!!! I actually did the 14 PRS when I made the Mk.XI for SF2. I even did PA-944!!! THIS is the sort of thing we modder live for!!
  21. oh, thank YOU! You have no idea just how much I needed that laugh!!
  22. Cars and Jets, USA 2015.

    great pics! did you happen to notice HOW thick the armored box is for the bridge on the carriers?? I've been on the Hornet in Alameda, and was quite surprised at the level of armor proctection (at least 12 inches!)
  23. First Eagles WW2

    that Shrike is REALLY nice!!!

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