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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. don't forget to change, not only the time and such, but since you don't have SF2V, you'll need to change the terrain pointer to read IcelandNA.
  2. further checking indicates that NA doesn't come with any canned missions, sorry. The carrier take off and landing practice missions are part of SF2V.. The other missions come with SF2E and probably just plane SF2 (some A-A practice missions) You might want to think about getting the rest of the set; the majority of mods here kind of require Full 4 merged (at minimum) and Full 5s, due to the aircraft required
  3. it is very odd, as the ALL games pretty much come with some kind of "canned" missions. By my count, with a full-5 merged, is nearly 24 missions. Several things might be the cause. Improper installation of the game Missing components of the game several other that come to mind, that I will not mention here What I'd do, is back up ALL the mods folders. Uninstall ALL the games. Make sure your games are the proper ones downloaded from 3W. Run the install exes, and let them put themselves into their proper places. start each and every one of the games through their individual exes and allow new mods folders to be built. After that's done, see if the 3w canned mission show up. If they don't, there is something seriously wrong with the game exes you have. You can also use the 3w extractor, and check inside all the MissionData *** .cats, as that's where the stock msn files are stored
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_from_Ashiya http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058104/ afaik, it's not available on dvd or blueray
  5. didn't Russ do the new Sukhoi twin engine? (looks like a 737) http://combatace.com/files/file/15092-sukhoi-sj-awacs7z/ looks like it could be easily adapted... ------ required screenie: "I'm a bucket man! bucket man... putting out the fires up here alone" (with apologies to Sir Elton)
  6. if we had an Hu-16, we'd need 3 new pilot figures .. ones that look like George Cakaris, Richard Widmark, and Yul Brenner!!
  7. time to get literate... http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/ below is what the mods folders look like, in their correct location
  8. just to clear this this up once and for all ... even LODs that internally reference BMPs for their skins WILL read and load jpg for said skins. This has been proven, and done hundreds of times There is absolutely NO need to (hex) edit a LOD. Ever
  9. the only mention I've seen of the MCs was a Joe Baughters, when looking up the serials. "such and such" was converted to MC-97G ELINT aircraft. I think I saw listings for 3 serials
  10. AmrilloUSAF? maybe? I know I've used that and one of the Arial style at some point
  11. have you tried reading the readmes??? They tell you exactly where to place the aircraft. (or other object to be installed). For example, 3rd party add-ons ALWAYS go into the Mods folder bold added for emphasis
  12. ya know, even if it is Thursday, you MIGHT want to really spend some time the Knowledge Base ... it'll explain a lot about game mechanics, where to find inis, how to extract them, etc also, I wouldn't use anything (ini wise) from Don's site ... I doubt anything has been updated since 2006, and maybe some (and few!) past 2008. The site basically exists only as an archive
  13. and extracting the F-4C_Avionics.ini from the Object Cat wasn't an option???
  14. never used elements.. still using PS 6 for decals, even though I have PS 7 I don't like the way it handles text and tgas
  15. if you remove, or rename, the menu screens and any associated inis, does the problem disappear?
  16. shouldn't these be in the conveniently provided Screenshot Forum??
  17. well, considering the FM hasn't been changed since the original release in 2007 ... and was done by someone with questionable accuracy ... one somewhat minor fault isn't too bad. Still needs a destroyed model, though. Mirage (delta wing) is waaaaaaaay to small. B-52 is not quite the right shape, but closer! BTW, the inis are stil in ANSI, so no conversion should be necessary. Even the LOD is still ANSI
  18. File Name: SF2 Tu-114 Cleat (Airliner) Remod Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 06 October 2015 File Category: Other SF2 Tu-114 Cleat (Airliner) Remod Pak 10/4/2015 = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! = *Note: this aircraft replaces, in total, the one included in the SF2 Soviet Transport and AWAC Aircraft uploaded in 2013. If you have the Tu-114 from that pack, you are advised to DELETE that aircraft completely, otherwise there will be conflicts and complications. If you don't have it, don't worry! Also, this mod will most likely =NOT= work in 1stGen games at any patch level.* This is a (nearly) complete rebuild of the Tu-114 airliner (NATO codename "Cleat") as seen in the above mentioned mod pack. It has been (nearly) completely overhauled, and is designed mainly to have something other that the usual An-12s and Li-2s (C-47) seen parked around your Red Airfields ™. See "Change List" in the Notes section for all the changes and fixes. All new decals, with 12 historical Aeroflot/Soviet registration numbers were created. All markings are decals and decal randomization is TRUE. The skin is now in jpg format. On the Aircraft Selection drop-down, you'll see Tu-114 Cleat As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Notes" section a read, in particular on Operational Usage. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  19. Version


    SF2 Tu-114 Cleat (Airliner) Remod Pak 10/4/2015 = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! = *Note: this aircraft replaces, in total, the one included in the SF2 Soviet Transport and AWAC Aircraft uploaded in 2013. If you have the Tu-114 from that pack, you are advised to DELETE that aircraft completely, otherwise there will be conflicts and complications. If you don't have it, don't worry! Also, this mod will most likely =NOT= work in 1stGen games at any patch level.* This is a (nearly) complete rebuild of the Tu-114 airliner (NATO codename "Cleat") as seen in the above mentioned mod pack. It has been (nearly) completely overhauled, and is designed mainly to have something other that the usual An-12s and Li-2s (C-47) seen parked around your Red Airfields ™. See "Change List" in the Notes section for all the changes and fixes. All new decals, with 12 historical Aeroflot/Soviet registration numbers were created. All markings are decals and decal randomization is TRUE. The skin is now in jpg format. On the Aircraft Selection drop-down, you'll see Tu-114 Cleat As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Notes" section a read, in particular on Operational Usage. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  20. NASA Releases 8400 High Def Pictures

    Wow!! thanks Dave!!
  21. File Name: SF2 Tu-95 Bear-A Remod Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 05 October 2015 File Category: Other SF2 Tu-95 Bear-A Remod Pak 10/4/2015 = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! = *NOTE: due to excessive changes and additions, this mod will =NOT= work in 1stGen games at any patch level* This is a Re-release/Re-mod of Veltro2k's Soviet Cold War Heavy Bomber aircraft, originally released in 2008. This pack represents the 'standard' Tu-95 Bear-A "conventional" level bomber (yes, it can carry one nuke -not supplied). The skin remains in its original bmp format and all markings are decals. All decals used reference stock 3W Soviet markings (thus, the NON inclusion of any decals). Decal randomization is TRUE. The inis has been completely revamped, with a "new" FM, avionics, loadouts, sounds, new pilot figures, and an "new" cockpit. The cockpit, while not a perfect match, is much closer to the "steam gauge" Bear pit of the era. See "Notes" section for full change list. On the Aircraft Selection drop-down, you'll see Tu-95M Bear-A (v2k) This will make it easier to select, and diferentiate it from any other Bear-As that might be wandering around in your backyard. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Notes" section a read, in particular on Operational Usage. For those that may still have the original release (from 2008), as there HAVE been major changes and additions you may want to delete said original in it's entirety. **This aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, unless a newer model (LOD) become available**. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein with thanks to Veltro for allowing me to remod/reissue this! Click here to download this file

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