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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I LIKE it!! Nicely skinned. You're using the stock 3w Hog? I take you've already faked in the "retardant bay" in the data ini? If you want, send it my way and I'll add it to the collection. I take you've seen the International Rescue Scooter in the 'What If.. screenshots thread? I put the IFR probe back simply because "they deploy worldwide", and it can be used for single-point refueling. The tanks are "fixed in place" and hold 300 gallons of retardant (one shot each) Works nice! What I'm having problems with are finding European and (former) Eastern Block aircraft. Other than the Beagle FF ... waiting for Veltro's new IL-76 to be finished, and so forth. France uses a number of former S-2 Trackers, which are not available.
  2. here's Zur's Hellcat (a -5, without the back window), viewed in MAX. Almost all animations are there excepting the canopy. It's even skinned. (as a tga! would probably need redoing to jpg) It would be GREAT if someone could finish this. UV maps generated would be good, as would cutting the back window for the -3.
  3. Something for the "Civil Mod". I haven't been able to get the theme music out of my head for 2 days!!!! (have to re-do the number decals on the Scooter to match the Galaxy, however)
  4. it also depends if you're playing in SF2:NA. There have been many sound issues noted ONLY in the NA mods folders. The same sound in SF2, 2V, 2E, and 2I all play normally
  5. How odd that so few people have reported this problem, when it's more than likely something fouled up on YOUR end. Basic diagnostic procedure that I had pounded into my head is thus: Common to one, or common to all?? If it you have more than one mods folder, you've not stated that it's doing it on ALL of them. Have you tested this?? Have you added a mod recently that may have an outdate or just plane wrong ini of some kind?? You've also given us exceeding little to go on .. things we'd need to know like OS? graphics card? which terrain? what things recently added? How about we try this --- cut out the affected mods folder -- just rename it. Hit the exe and allow a NEW one to be rebuilt. Don't add a thing to it, just fly a few mission stock. Report your back with your findings
  6. the cockpit lod is most likely in Unicode, which is unreadable by 1stGens. In short, it wont work. Time to Evolve to SF2
  7. no. delete EVERYTHING from the original and use ONLY the new stuff. It's all much better enjoy it brudda!
  8. no. The 3M we have is easily down converted to the non-missile equipped -2 (and there's one skin already for it) Most -2s were USMC, and not really carrier ready. Unless someone starts fresh, I don't remember if Zur was ever doing the -4
  9. Only CBI Lightning unit, 33rd FG, 58th, 59th, 60th & 459th FS**. converted from P-40s to P-38s from 11/44 ** transferred from 80th FG 5/45, but was activated 9/43 in theatre (Chittagong) with Lightnings
  10. CL: I just check the Fury V2 download zip here at CA, and 333 is most definitely included. In fact, the pack is a bit heavy due to me forgetting to remove some of the old bitmap skins. Checking the main ini, VMF-333 is the last one listed. Please check again in game, if you would, and the folders themselves. It shows up for me!
  11. the diagnostic procedures they taught us in (wrench bender school) always asks the 1st question: what did you change before the issue occurred? to me, it more sounds like an data ini issue than an aircraft lod issue. Did you copy/paste the weapons sections from one aircraft to another, and perhaps overwrote the originals with something that didn't match those positions? No 2 lods, expecially from different model makers, will usually have the same exact positions for things. But as it now working, it's all good !!
  12. CL, this one?? I've got it my install. It wasn't included in the "newish" pak?? well, I can always upload it!!
  13. Canada --------------------- ducks and runs........................ http://combatace.com/files/file/13267-avro-arrow-cf-105-mark-ii/
  14. dumb ass me!! I was looking in Aircraft!! See what happens when you old!! ??? I have all of the skins installed (looking at the aircraft's folder), but they weren't part of the pack. Paulo's work is OUTSTANDING!! ---------- Here's the FJ-3M pak (it's under F-86 Sabre) http://combatace.com/files/file/14053-sf2-naa-fj-3m-fury-ver2/
  15. I swear I did an SF2 update for Skippy's Wyvern...but can't find it in the downloads. Maybe I never finished it??? Yes, Stary, that would be Zur's partly finished 86H. I have his F6F Hellcat max files, too. But it needs a LOT of reworking....sadly New Seahawks are definitely needed, if only to be reworked with folding wings for proper CV parking. Wish we could get buny's max files...which probably don't exist anymore
  16. Recommission battleship USS Iowa: Trump

    only the Iowas can be returned to service -- and that would take a long time (maybe 1 year or more, iirc). the others are too 'far gone' as museums to even be considered for refits
  17. I'm not flying the Gilbert XF-120 --- it almost killed William Holden, and DID kill James Garner. (yes, I know the film VERY well) Pasko's Cougar needs replacing ... it (like most others) has some minor and sometimes major issues (try activating the wingfold animation, and see what I mean). Decal bleeds and mapping issues not withstanding. Same can be said for his F9F-5 Panther. Needs replacing. As to the FJ Fury, I guess you all missed the re-mod Russ and I did of the -2/-3s ?? The only thing it lacks is folding wings. A new Cutlass would be nice -- the Beta - (minus) we have is, well, not all that great. As to the Mystere/SuperMystere is there something wrong with the stock 3W versions? Also, didn't Bobrock or someone do a 3rd Party version, iirc, with a working rocket tray? -=== I assume you're talking pure Freeware ™ models, as these 3 Hornet Attacker Swift are available from Everybody's Good Buddies ™
  18. in reality, you can't. if the pylon and/or does NOT exist on the physical model. See my post above, #4
  19. As stated in my post above...to ACTUALLY be looking at the loadout ini... Note the statement I put in BOLD One should also note the LACK ot external tanks, which were always carried, on the A-A mission profiles
  20. F-4D models, stock 3rd Wire, are already be configured for this. Extract the F-4D loadout ini from ObjectCat008, and you'll see some nation & year specific loadouts for USAF Phantoms
  21. something that we're trying to figure out.. ========= finally got the Tigercat (mostly) skinned ... the mapping on this is the most insane I've ever dealt with. Things aren't where you'd think they are (as in the odd notch near the tail -- still haven't figured out which section that goes on, or one of the main gear struts -- took 3 hours to figure out where it was hiding, cause it didn't LOOK like a gear strut) Scheme is a combination of like 3 different users; although I do like this base skin edit: added shot of belly water tank
  22. Warrior, WHICH BT2D? There's the original, based on Monty's A-1H, which has always had a prop issue. Or the newer one, based on the stock 3W A-1H, which does not
  23. I still need the "working" wildfires!! Mine don't do anything!! And firetrucks! (other than the VW ones)
  24. actually, it's the stock A-1J we have an AEW, but I thought using the stock J would be eaiser(not like all 4 3W SPADs aren't mapped the same and said skins are all called the same, ie: "A-1h_***.bmp/jpg)
  25. I wonder if it wasn't an airframe life thing? Who knows! swapped out for the helo pilot, and view of the lower belly retardant tank (old pb-1w radome ... fits just nice!)

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