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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. the only problem I see with the using a stock(vehicle) LOD, is there aren't any LODs available in SF2, what with them being locked away in ObjectData002.cat. However, that does not preclude them being "found" in the old 1stGen Object cat. If you follow my drift....
  2. if you look at the photos, a LOT of them wear bone-domes. Helps cut down engine noise, and eases comms between air and ground controlers. and of course, crash protection. there are, of course, helmeted pilots without 02 masks. But I wouldn't want to breath all that smoke, ash, toxic chemicals (trees cause smog!!)
  3. ok, here's one that waayyyyyyyyyyyyy off the wall, off the hook, off the chain, etc I mean, what DO you do with an aircraft that is such a heavy lifter, and the USN don't need no more?? Add a tank to belly, disable the lower dive brake, and de-militarize it. Bingo -- new SEAT I made up the 'company' Western Air Attack Services, Universal Protection (read ONLY the first letters!! -yes, another easter egg) The US registration (N numbers) are taken from the real BuNum, and "civilianized"; I know there is a real life ™ precedent, but cant find the reference just for fun, as more SEATs are needed! hopefully, in a few weeks get back to detailing the terrain (have more ideas on items to add that will help in the movements ini)
  4. did I see Chuck Norris ™ inside that helo, lifting the jeep to save a buddy???
  5. could just try speeding up the slow or idle prop RPMs in the data ini...
  6. brother, I feel the pain! Imagine trying to redo the WW2 Okinawa/Japan map ... there's NO TODs that fit the bill, and still allow proper addition of targets.
  7. Movies

    I still have that on VHS!!
  8. @ Wrench

    Excellent! Glad the move went smoothly! We're all looking forward to what you've got next!
  9. THAT is exactly the point, hence them being Easter Eggs. Please do NOT change the dates also as to cities, there would most definitely BE city tiles in 99.9% of the cities. The maps/charts I used for some of them dated to 1945 -- even to the point of including the location of Japanese barracks and aircraft factories
  10. ahhhh.... rats! another load of tourists!!!
  11. I would definitely move the fuel tanks OFF the flightline and parking ramp. Maybe replace it with the 'gas station'. You don't want something that explosive so near the parking ramp
  12. indeed, the original HFD has SERIOUS issues, many of which were/are caused by the flattening of airfields (the airbase west of Terhan come right to mind) didn't I place the terminal on that map? Or was it another one? Where I put was a 'best guess' based on the Kuwait/Iraq coastline and Falika Island, from GE views edit: on the IR2003, it's at 689083 x 377313
  13. perhaps a sensor issue? EDIT: ok, just tested mine Nord's (which are called SS.11 - don't remember where they came from, maybe Gunny Pack?) Anyways, set as WGM, the wingie didn't engage. They also didn't even try to track after launch!! So, I changed them to CGR, added the type to the data ini, and now they track and hit, and the wingie (with some prodding!) attacked and hit as well. so, maybe setting it to the (inaccurate) CGR could be a fix?
  14. that Falco looks REALLY good!! The camo almost looks like Israeli 3-tone!! for a real easy to retile terrain, as it has so few tiles, would be "The Range". I have a dedicated Terrain Editor to just that terrain; If you want it, I'll be glad to send it over!
  15. while working in the "Civil Mod", and searching for aircraft to fit the bill, I found this little bird: Alouette III http://combatace.com/files/file/11819-alouette-iii-armada-argentina/ it's in the 1stGen d/ls. Unfortunately, the FM is completely hosed. Not only can't the AI control it, but neither can The Player. So, I'm asking if there's anyone capable enough to take a look at it, and see what can be done TIA!!
  16. well, one can always land one self, and then end the mission before the wingmate spins in and crashes!
  17. Aggie's should be ok to use -- he's a Freware Signatory. Centurion-1 I don't think is. a note of rivers, especially in mountain regions ... yes, they're a frelling* nightmare. Depending on how "rolly" the terrain is, you can use the TFD tool to flatten out the water course. I've had to do the countless times on the WW2 CBI map. It can create gorges and vallies, but that's usually what happens via erosion in the Real World. The safest way is to have a backup copy of the HFD ( copy/paste in the terrain folder, and rename with the current date. Example: 9-11-2015-IR.HFD. Then, work the TFD tool and check in game. If one doesn't like the result, toss the modded one and rename the backup back. (* been watching Farscape on Netflix)
  18. ok, tested it yesterday -- in fact, tested ALL the 3 helos in the Civil Mod right now (UH-1B, Alouette, OH-6a) and NONE of them will land under AI or autopilot control (sorry yarkov!!). They reach the 2nd to last waypoint and to into a little dance. So, anyway, here's the Alouette's data ini. just ignore some of the loadout changes. Country of origin and years corrected. Hoepfully, someone can do something with this. But at least, it takes off and flys much better!
  19. yes, because the acclerometer is usually mounted on the dash, not window frame
  20. hack job warning!! got it to take off, and fly and stuff. Did the patented copy/paste of the FM statements (with the addition of some "fake" components" from the working UH-1B. Have to test landings still, but now it WILL take off, and fly -- both under player and AI control. I'm not converting the weapons back to FRANCE, as I'm mostly concerned with civilian models at the point, but still may do them there's a screenie of the new Securite Civile skin in the regular screenshots forum. If anyone wants the data ini, I'll post it
  21. rescue worker (yes, I know the decals still need a little dialing in...)
  22. interestering stuff, gents! Has anyone tried that aircraft role as KJakker mentioned? I'm still recovering, and can only spend a few hours a day working on things, but every day is a bit better! I'll test that Allouette data today. thanks all, keep it going! That bird deserves to be SF2ed!!

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