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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. wouldn't "thru-deck cruiser" be a better name?
  2. Does anyone have these? I'd like to try something, before I have my eye surgery. Just for grins and giggles! TIA!!
  3. I didn't even know we had them! Much thanks to you and Ludo!!
  4. Why would aliens so far advanced visit us ?

    didn't Ford Prefect say they were just "teasers", college students off on a lark?
  5. inis ARE all in ansi already. be advised, though, some data ini statements are SF2 only, and they will NOT work in 1stGens. use at own risk
  6. as soon as someone builds an airplane that does it. ------ having issues with the Tigercat and Z-37 not loading automatically ... driving me nuts
  7. File Name: SF2 P-3C Orion by Florian File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 29 August 2015 File Category: Other SF2 P-3C Orion by Florian 8/29/2015 = For SF2, (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) = A stand alone release (as requested) of Florian's Beta P-3C Orion naval search aircraft. It is taken 'as is' from eburger's RSR mod. The only thing I've done is activate the cockpit, and change a few sounds. Skins included are 2 US Navy and 1 Netherlands Navy, as is the cockpit and all required decals and sounds. A full userlist ini, is included for skinners **This aircraft is a "Beta Release". It is released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist until as it's no longer a Beta.*** Happy Landings & Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  8. was such a nice pose, I just had to grab the shot!
  9. didn't WhiteBoySamauri do a Komatsu version in his JGSDF pak? IIRC, it's something pretty close
  10. Problem with decals

    decal level issue? 2 that are Level=0 ??? on the B17 below, the stripe is 0, the Nnumber is 2, and they work fine. You can have a level 0, at the "top" of the decals ini, and the put a level 2 on top it, further down the list. I've never tried 2 level 0s together. Is the stripe used for something like flight leader, that can be set for 0 or something else? also, are the alpha channels surrounding the marking pure black? (the image looks like tga overlap, with not fully opaque alphas)
  11. THAT is a hell of an idea!! I'll take care of that later today! (it could use a different cockpit -- the B-52 one is just plane wrong. The C-130 would be closer, with "moves" to take out the HUD)
  12. the "P2v-7.wav" had both the recips and the jet turbine sounds --------------- DA: the racing stripe was being painted on. I'd try it as a decal, but can't find a good enough picture to use as a base Yakarov: yes!!! more helos!!! this is what a meant about the mapping being 'odd'. one can see the nose is separated from the fuselage, making it difficult to align the stripes properly. (this is a personal failing, due to vision issues). I know it CAN be done, but I'm just having some problems...
  13. without the corresponding "name-of-radar.tga", adding the text list won't make it work. you must have both
  14. iirc, hold down the ALT key, and drag with the moose
  15. changed the base color of the "tracer_20.tga", now looks more like phos-check --- I don't think I can to the 'racing stripe' on the Neptunes ... they mapping is odd for me. If anyone want to asssit, it'd be a great help!!
  16. just like some others (47s? 36s?) that had doors on them. Well, easy ini tweek to re-add!! the yellow/white one is REALLY sharp looking that's not too far from my mother-in-laws place in Lakewood!!
  17. thanks CL!! actually,if you look at the Neptune Av Neptunes, the jet nacelles are closed off. I can "put them back on", and just delete the jet engine itself that red/white cheat line is gonna be a bitch to paint!!!
  18. well, that answers the question! You'll have to go through the motions and rebuild all 4 SPADs this should help. http://combatace.com/topic/20789-how-to-make-ai-planes-flyable/ the above is for basic "what to do". There are special cases for specific aircraft. but if you download the Dels cockpit pak, everything should be included (iirc). If not, let me know. He built them kind of at my request (sort of!)
  19. got it! thanks gents! it looks like the mapping hasn't changed, so the template I started for by Dave's request should work. (the only reason I asked about the template is that I wasn't sure if the mapping had changed) now I can try and figure out the pattern for the fire bombers
  20. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    but I'm Jewish ... we have no concept of hell, as described in Christian doctrine.

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