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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. A3D = All 3 Die (no ejection seats) required funny screen shot Seen on Google Earth at Longtain AB in the PRC
  2. makes you wonder 'what might have been' IF the Poles did have the Mk1s in those opening days nice job!
  3. I'll fix the aircraft names, thanks!!! So, it's NOT the building, but the vehicle directly ABOVE the tag?? Didn't think of that. hjmmmmm.......................now I wonder which 3d Guru I can bribe to make a generic food truck????
  4. Why not just use the correct A-1 cockpit by Dels, and not the A-4 "stand in" unit???? Just thinking out loud
  5. Also, to be blunt, NOBODY is building anything for SF1 anymore. We've all moved on to SF2, 10-12 years ago.
  6. you can never have too many boobs. ask the guy who's (literaly) done hundreds of nose arts ...
  7. Never mind about the terrain, I downloaded it earlier this evening. Yeah, it's in need of some serious fiddling with. The major problem is the lack of actual physical targets in the cities. Those that do exist, are placed with major interferences from the tile's TODs (the solid buildings). The airfields are is dire need of some remodeling, to rearrange the various shelters and hangars and whatnot's usually expected on air bases. Give me some time --- a LOT of it!!! -- and I"ll see what I can do with it. (side note -- I wonder how much work it would be to bring my WW2 Formosa map to 'modern' standards; it's full of industrial targets (but Formosa island is 'enemy', as it's Japanese at that point in time). Things to consider ...)
  8. removing those parked statics is easy --- just search them out in the target ini, and comment out their statement(s) Thusly: Target[271].Type=xxMIG21 Target[271].Offset=413.00,-11.00 Target[271].Heading=90 you don't even need to edit the _types ini. btw, can you post a link to the terrain? And have you added the "fixes" I did to it in the mid/late 2000s??? ps: maybe they're parked decoys????
  9. If RWRs Could Talk

    found on YT
  10. No; they heard you were flying that day, and chose to stay home instead of dying.
  11. I must apologize!!! It's wasn't Rex , but Mike Machat part 2 of the Douglas propliners. the color still of the "Air France" DC-4 coming into Santa Monica. I took a screen shot of the image; it almost looks like the housing development has begun. Just past the 'white street' should be where Armacost Ave will be. The paved street in the foreground "should be" Bundy Drive (turns into Centinella off the right edge of the photo). If I knew exactly what year it was taken, I could be more sure. Mom & Dad bought the house brand new build in 1954. So, there we are!
  12. If RWRs Could Talk

    I was really surjprised there wasn't one going "shit Shit SHIT!!!! We're gonna die!!!!"
  13. Aviation History magazine (iirc) had an artilce of them some years back. Rex's Hangar ALWAYS has something cool!! He's got a new series on the Douglas Aircraft Co. Some of the images are from the Santa Monica location; I grew up in it's shadow. There's one shot of a DC4 coming in to land at Cloverfield, and it's looking at the farm fields where my parent's house will be built in 1954!!! Very cool stuff!!!
  14. the decal inis need rewriting/updating and the decals sub-folders need to be moved to the proper places.
  15. i believe so; ive use the lod viewer to positon 'running lights' and landing lights many times.
  16. IIRC, the SRC offset is how far in front the beam is thrown. Position is where the bulb is on the aircraft. and don't forget "attachednode=" for lights on swing or folding wings, or rudders.
  17. Mike Rowe Visists the John C Stennis

    I would love to meet him, and just shake his hand and say 'thank you'
  18. the Soviet bombers use the 'off map basing" that NA brought. Therefore, they start "in air" and end "in air" off the edge of the map
  19. worst movie Spielberg ever made. totally lame -- sorry for the sidetrack!
  20. ok, the guy is fucking troll, posting stuff "acquired" by means unknown. lets not keep giving him the attention he so badly craves, and just ignore it (and yes, the SR71 is a DAT bird, as is the JAS37, so we know he at least had access to their 'stuff' at one time)

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