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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. do you have a Level 1 decal listed in the decals ini??? Level 1 designates the squadron I'd recommend using my "fake" SqTail decal. I've used this a LOT on skins (particularly for WW2) when a squadron exists in the stock squadronlist, and I want the name to show. entry would be something like this (example from PTO P-40E) Adjust X/Y coordinates as necessary. Of course, you'll lhave to change the decal's number and so forth. Leave the Scale= statement as is The rudder or an aileron are equally good meshes you don't even have to have it IN a particular skin folder, but can be placed in the root of the /Decals main folder. Of course, you'll have to rewrite the pathway... I've attached the SqTail tga in the zip
  2. fues roundels/star (well, at least mine) for the Wildcat are decal. so, you're saying, stretch the decal in the vertical plane? or just make the tga "unsquare' (as shown above)?
  3. got an email from capon tonight. I have NOT been banned! His ISP is having some "issues". ============= Daniel has had some computer issues of late, and lost the bubbletop Jug files. He been trying to rebuild it from the razorback. And we still have several beaufighters to do as well. But, unfortunately Real Life ™ keeps rearing it's ugly head for him. I've got max 2009, but just haven't had time to learn it!!
  4. Apparently, so have I. And I was just there around noon time (pst) today
  5. indeed, NOTHING is required to be extracted for GH 3.5. Just follow the read me enclosed with it
  6. File Name: MD-450 Ouragon template set File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 03 March 2015 File Category: Skin Templates MD-450 Ouragon template set This is my "Home Grown" Template set for Pasko's French Jet Fighter. They are 1024 x 1024. Multi-layered PDS format templates. There is only one template for the wings (Left Wing), as the right and left wings are mapped identically. Be adivised, that if NOT in natural metal finish (say, a camo of some kind), the right lower aileron is NOT mapped correctly. There are several skins now available that show how to correct this (ie: via a decal). The right aileron psd is also provided. I've also supplied a blank, generic NM skin, in bmp format. Please feel free to make any correction, modification, etc. I only ask they said improvements be made available to the entire community. Happy Sinning!!!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  7. Version


    MD-450 Ouragon template set This is my "Home Grown" Template set for Pasko's French Jet Fighter. They are 1024 x 1024. Multi-layered PDS format templates. There is only one template for the wings (Left Wing), as the right and left wings are mapped identically. Be adivised, that if NOT in natural metal finish (say, a camo of some kind), the right lower aileron is NOT mapped correctly. There are several skins now available that show how to correct this (ie: via a decal). The right aileron psd is also provided. I've also supplied a blank, generic NM skin, in bmp format. Please feel free to make any correction, modification, etc. I only ask they said improvements be made available to the entire community. Happy Sinning!!!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. Alfie, I've had the tempates for Pasko's Ouragon since 2009. You want I should upload them?? mind you, there's a major mapping issue on one of the ailerons (like, it isn't!)
  9. somewhere, buried deep in the Area 51 of our download section, might reside the Avro Aerocar ... it was made for 1stGens, and was never really "right" that's the closest we got to a flying saucer
  10. Converted Mission sets

    First off, I'd like to let you know things are going to have to slow down a bit. This is because, for the 3rd and HOPEFULLY!!! final time, I've had to have some repairs done to my right eye. This was to remove scaring on the corenea, and "fix" a recurrent coreneal abrasion. Think of that as like on your car tires when the tread seperates and/or you have a bubble in the side wall. The procedure is actually quite simple - it's Lazik that removes the outer layer of cells. The upside it, it corrects the vision (I'm massively nearsighted). The downside is it corrects the vision. Which mean new glasses. Not a big deal, but it takes 4-6 weeks to fully heal. This leaves me with one 'good' eye, and one (semi) functional one. I can still see, but what with the prescription have changed so drasticly (according the Dr. and my sister- who's an optician, about 2 diopters worth) So, you can see (pun intended!) that I'll have to be slowing down as looking at the screen kind of hurts, and with things out of focus, causes headaches and other bad things. ----- As to the mission sets themselves, this is what I'd been working on. Some a complete, some nearly so, some have to be rechecked on a mission-by-mission basis, and edited/rebuilt/scrapped as needed Most of these had been converted, by me, in the early 2000s, just before I got in Strike Fighters modding. So, given the time that's passed, I'm going through them all, one at a time, and making sure things work like they're supposed to. Alliance Mission Sets: XWCD: Tours 1-5, excluding the 2 Death Star missions (as no OPT exists for the surface and Trench Run that I'm aware of) Battle in the Outer Rim Territories (aka "ORT") a 5 tour set that in some respects mirrors the original XWCD tours. These are about 75% done. B-Wing Attack (20 mission set, started early this week. Look ok, but must be tested further) A New Ally Rebel operations to gain new allies against the Empire Strategic Retreat: an Alliance fleet being chased by Imp and Mercs/Pirates. Possibly taking place during the Evacuation of Hoth (?). Has the occasional BW, so possibly concurrent with XWCD TOD 5 Imperial Mission Sets: TFCD: All training mission (done, just need final testing and tweeking) Battles 1 - 13. (I've sent these to KJakker, as he is testing a ship patch that seems to work in the new GoG versions. The ship patch is a MUST, as the T/D, MIS, several capital ships and several cargo and starliners are needed, and we all know they don't exist in stock BoP Into the Unknown: fly with Thrawn as he seeks the lost starcharts to enter the Unknown Regions (oh man, do THESE need major reworking!!) There's a couple more, 2 inter-related sets, and maybe one or 2 others. The major problem with the Imperial sets, other than needing ships we ain't got, is the missions themselves were badly put together. New Republic Mission Sets: Bacta Wars (like the novels, chasing Isard and her SSD, battle of Thyferra, etc) Guns of the New Republic: my own set! ex-Imperials flying for the NR on the border between the Imperial Remnant, 'wild space' and so forth. You fly GUNs (hence the name!) Ship patch needed here, too. Unless I remove the 'surprise' ships. Operation Typhoon: right after the Battle of Endor, try to keep a captured, and damaged ISD, from falling back into Imperial hands Non-Alliance/Non-Imperial Mission Sets: Corbin Resists: their world destroyed by the Empire, the survivors try to regroup, and extract revenge. a couple of others I'm looking at; the "A Pirate Dawn" set is rather dark and bloody set (read: you murder people!) Coming Attractions: One project that I'd been researching, is the early days of the Galactic Civil War. You'd have a limited ship set (meaning: all stock!), that would culminate with the Battle of Turkana, and the combat debuts of the X-Wing and TIE Interceptor. Still doing research on this (wookiepedia has been a great help here!) So, there you have it. This is what's I've got going and planned. And I'm not giving up on my SF2 modding, as there are several aircraft yet to be finished for WW2, plus that giant CBI map. thanks for reading!
  11. which, unfortunately can ONLY be seen in MAX, if one has the MAX file. Far too many of our birds lack accurate extents and correct hit boxes. having something of that ability in Mue's Tool ™ would be godsend for the ini gurus.
  12. the planning maps are a 1:1 match in scale of the terrain itself
  13. change the entries to just plane "fakepilot'. bet that fixes it right up (make sure you actually DO have the generic fake pilot in your /Pilots folder) it should read like this cause there ain't no such thing as fakepilot2
  14. weapons, guns, pilots and even decals set up EXACTLY the same in FE2 as in SF2. That is to say, separate, individual folders for each item, within their respective "main category" ( /Objects/Guns/*nameofgun*) There should be more info hiding (literally!!) somewhere in the SF2 knowledge base. but in essence, for a gun, the folder only needs the "main ini", and the data ini, as there Is no physical objects. The bullets are, in truth, just a 'special effects'. weapons, oth, while following the basic format (main ini, data ini), also need the lods residing in the folder. as to editors, the same ones for sF2 work for FE2
  15. just be advised, if you try to add any new skins, they won't appear, as the ini is now locked. You'd have to add them by hand to the maini ini, or "un-read only it", and probably have to re-add the "make it flyable" lines again
  16. they line up just fine if you use the "next tile over". remember... all river tiles are 'centered' along the east/west axis (left to right) unfortunately, never wrote a tutorial. just went on and made what tiles I needed! :)
  17. stary has a pit for it???!!!!
  18. I really like the sabre-style yellow!!! I'd go with that one on NM! iirc, only the FAA used the invasion stripes (oddly, none of the RAAF Meatboxes ever did!)
  19. if it could do that, THAT would be a major assit!!! baff, if you're going to do those, I can send over the dds damage textures, for a 'remod' pack
  20. My Uncle, Fighter Pilot

  21. I also have new dds damage textures it's a pity we don't have the max files to fix the shadow tractor beams
  22. river tiles are easy peasy ... just think in layers. I've made, literaly, dozens when I needed them for the CenUS map. If you have a question on 'how to..' , just ask!

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