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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. ask Baltika! He did the base TFD/HFD (from 2 DEMS) for me the ini says the map is 2000 x 2000 I won't be targeting anything further east than Haiphong, as Hinan doesn't really play a part in ww2; at least not in reference to the main B/I operations. Although there was a small IJN naval base with attached aircraft (some Zeros, Mavis Emily) for sea search/recon. Also leaves plenty of space away from the Eastern Wall ™ be using GH3, of course, and MANY of my GH3 speced 'specials', including the new river-paddy tiles and the various port tiles
  2. I LOVE how the runway and base is merged with the forest. Accurate item placement like that can be a nightmare!!! good work!!
  3. check the movement ini for the shipping routes (Gerwins tools is OUTSTANDING for this!!) actually, for islands, I've found exporting the height map as bitmap, and the repainting their location to the blue sea color really helps when it comes to placing airbases on them. When flattened, they remain at 'sea level'. Of course, this assumes NO mountains on the island... the tile misplace looks like an errant mouse click -- been there, done that!!!
  4. oh, man. what a drag!! (sorry, somebody had to say it!!)
  5. did you change the games year span in the options ini??? as per http://combatace.com/topic/68224-adjusting-beginning-end-year-spread/ you shouldn't ever have to touch the date in a mission, if this is correct.
  6. Blessings on you Gepard!!! that sure did the trick! Never even noticed that mistake Looks like I'll have move the front line east a bit, but that's an easy fix
  7. East India (the city under the 2 airfields top center is Calcutta) btw, the part of india on the east side of the bay (of Bengal) is now Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, French Indo-china*, parts of southern china, Tibet/Nepal, Malaya (RAF Tengah=Singapore), eastern Sumatra in the lower right corner Andaman and Nicobar islands near the center basically, almost the entire CBI Theatre, minus China north of Kunming. If you look on the right (eastern) coast of Indo-china, and follow the coatline past the large island (aka Hinan Island), you'll see a large U shape in the coastline. That's where Hong Kong is. all the major rives will need doing ... all the cities added (yes, the future Vietnams will get their cities, and least Hanoi, Haiphong -a major Japanese port-, Saigon, etc. *-what will become Laos, Cambodia and both Vietnams Don Muang = Bangkok Mingladon = Rangoon in theory, this map could be used for more than just ww2 -- the (?) Indo-East Pakistan (Bangladesh) war, Malayan Emergency, possibly even a replacement for the stock VNSEA -- all of Thailand and Vietnam are usable- for SF2V . I will be leaving spaces for the locations of post-ww2 & 1960's historic airbases
  8. checked the _col.lod. It calls for the same airport_tower.bmp how odd!
  9. could've use that pile of coal on the Euro WW2 map!! I put the refineries and gassification plants in ... but no coal!! those stock cranes just don't cut it ... we've needed better ones for a loooooooooong time! The af51 has (nearly) the right shape, but is 1/2 the size it should be nice work; sure that comm tower isn't for Star Wars??? looking good!
  10. into the terrain folder itself, in the mods folder. If it's in the core files, the game won't see it at all. the way things used to (and still should --), is the engine looks in the folders 1st, then if it doesn't see what's needed, 'pulls' them from the various cat files. that's why stock aircraft have no skins or decals in their folders, and an add-on terrain that uses all stock tiles can just use the cat pointer line to locate what's needed. Same goes for other terrains, referencing terrain objects (evildamncommbuildings, for example), and so forth. now the weird thing, in the last 4 WW2 terrain mods I've uploaded, the pit1.bmp is residing in the terrain folder, with no lod, and the "new" sandbag texture shows with no problems. on this one, using just the texture in 3 different mods folders (SF2E, SF2NA, SF2) sitting INSIDE the GermanyCE terrain folder, it wouldn't work just some really weird shit going on!!
  11. you'll want to do a better job of repainting the texture, the one I have is just awful!!! After all, the flood bucket in PS really DOES flood!! Left (most) of the windows and doors!!
  12. ok, having tested this on 3 different installs on the GCE terrains, I can state that Rends is correct ... for some berserk reason, the stupid game engine is NOT seeing a texture residing within the terrain folder, as has been in the past. The only way I got the 'new' texture to show was (as I stated above) using my archived lods (you all know that all the items 08 level cats are 100% compatable with SF2, right?) renamed the ini, editied the lod name within the ini, renamed the lod, renamed the bmp, did a quick and dirty flood of 25% white (concrete looking) hex edited the lod, and saved everything. Added the new clone to the _types ini, replaced the tower at Bitburg, and below is the result why in hell what has worked since Day 1 is no longer, I can only attribute to some fuck up internally in the game engine.
  13. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    you'll find containers and stacked containers in the Persian Gulf map (cocas did the lods)
  14. no apology is necessary my friend; I dropped the ball! oddly, the EAWEuro WW2 has 7 digit locations, and does NOT have this problem could be related to the higher latitudes or that Gerwin 'twisted' the base TFD/HFD to give the straight N/S orientation, as opposed to my original, which had the latitude 'warping', drifting things eastwards. (oddly, thinking about it now, the displacement is about the same ... if the map had the latitude convergences, the objects might show in the correct locations. Just don't know!!) but it's only on the planning map views. The in-flight map shows things were they are (or go or whatever!)
  15. Jaguars, flaps extented

    good catch!!
  16. New Guinea doesn't use carriers -- this is correct which phillipines? the latest ww2 44 version sure does. Rising Sun stuff we can't help ya with. You'd need to build the correct _water.bmps, and add the CV Zones, and the main ini editing of course
  17. Stary: omg!!! I totally frakking forgot!! Not only the hangars and lighthouses, but the new train station!!! shit man, I so sorry! I'll update the readme and re-upload the whole thing I know all about bad moods -- my sister is back in the hospital again since Monday. This year is already starting off like last year. Gepard: I mentioned that in the read me notes. I have NO idea as to why it does that. I almost cancelled/dumped this project because of that. But at least the in-flight map is showing correctly! Just have to roll with it, I guess!
  18. Version ver.2


    WW2 Northern Europe Terrain for SF2 - For SF2, Any & All (*Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended*) This is an all NEW map, covering the Northern UK (Scotland, Orkneys, Shetlands), southern Norway, Denmark, parts of Sweden, Germany, The Netherlands, and LARGE parts of the North Sea. This map makes use of =BOTH= the LimitedNations and AllowedMission statements. There are =NO= CAS or other Ground Attack mission tasking, other than Armed Recon and Anti-Shipping. Strike, of course, for the bombers, remains (exceedingly!) valid. Armed Recon mission are constrained to within approximately 100km of the coastlines (more or less) for BOTH sides, due to the long over-water distances involved in some parts of the map. Like the last 2 ETO terrain remods, there is an extensive road network on both sided of the channel (lesser in Norway, of course, due to the tiling constraints and fjords!). As this map was (relatively) designed for anti-shipping strikes, you'll find plenty of them to keep you busy. Plus all the other allowed missions, for both sides. *Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features (mountains, vallies, coastlines, forests, roads, etc) may also fall into this classification; Some populated places may exist only as a "named place" on the map (even some fairly large, and strategicly important ones). This was done for operational reasons. Many airfields/airports, some of historical significance, may also be non existant or not placed in the Real World ™ locations due to tiling constraints. Bridges may also not be in their Real World ™ locations, or run in their historical directions.* When in-game, you'll see "Northern Europe, WW2" on the terrain selection dropdown window. The bare minimum of Ground Objects are supplied; you'd be well adivsed to have the EAWEuro WW2 and Battle of Britain Rebuilds, with their included objects in you ETO mods folder. Other objects are also needed, listed in the "Other Stuff Needed" Section below. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but -BEFORE- installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading, as it explains a few "oddities" you WILL experience! Please also read and -OBEY- the New Standard Usage Discalimer ™, as it's been changed slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Edit: new readme uploaded within terrain, with corrected Credits. my sincerest apologies to Stary!! Edit #2 new inis with corrected postions/terrain size. with special thanks to Gepard for finding my mistake!! MANY THANKS!!
  19. the intercooler doors??? cool!!! I didn't see them listed in the data ini, I'll check again. I'll put a list together of the needed changes (that prop is the biggest!), and shoot you detail & scale and warbird tech books. and the aircraft, too, if you want. panel/rivets finished. has nose arts, too
  20. Jaguars, flaps extented

    sure those outers aren't just drooping ailerons?? look at the Indian Jag.
  21. except for the poor bastard in the Hurricane!!! Mission Success = pulled from the freezing water of the North Atlantic before Death!!!
  22. Daniel's P-47C base skin - done lighting - done cowl flaps control -done (automatic mach) decaling - basic done (for now -- corrections needed and will be made) weathering - to do panel & rivet lines - In progress (fuselage on Jugs are "unique") still to do (only in max by Daniel) correct prop visibility issue add bulged keel and correct drop tank/bomb attachments FM -- needs work!!! amarani's query got me thinking, and slightly motivated

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