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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Dean, what year, what plane??, and which terrain? IME (the Israel map) has not only a LimitedNations=TRUE, but a very specific year span for that terrain. OTH, GermanyCE does not; you should be able to fly anything there. CAVEAT: as long as the game's year spread has been "adjusted" via edits of the years in the Options.ini if we're talking a ww2 centric install, SF2:I is not a reccomened base to build one from.
  2. screenshot??? I don't recall seeing any antennas on IcelandNA, and there's no city named "Egilsstadoir" in the IcelandNA_targets.ini, that I can find Is this on Gerwin's terrain???
  3. thank you Nigel!! That's the sort of info I was looking for, when tossing this idea out. I'm more knowledgeable on the US stuff (even with gigs and gigs of books!!) In some way, 109s are like Mig-21s -- a zillion variants, sometimes only separated by the littlest of changes. Getting the max file from Monty for the S-99 (and the He-111E for ( a lot of) reworking to H) would be a good way too. If they can be uploaded to the Modders Depository, that is! A real late war K would be a nice addition!!! What with the rebuilds of the BoB and EAW Euro WW2 terrains now available, and the 'Northern Europe' (Northern UK/Scotland/Orkneys, Netherlands, Denmark, western Germany and Norway) still to come. -- Damn! Daniel, you're fast!!! I haven't even finished off the Spitfire 5s/Seafire 2 yet!! (seafire 2 needs some reworking -- i'll pm you some screenies later, along with the beau 1c serial decals. got some things to do today.) looking at Wolf's F last night in some detail; we can get by with it for some time ... it's actually not as bad as I first imagined (mostly because of my crappy skins) added/adapted 2 of Nigel's, and it looks MUCH better!! Most detrimental is the lack of the centerline pylon/ETC mounts. I can 'fake pilot' one of those like I did for the Fw-190s. Not perfect, but (semi) workable! thank you all for your inputs!! Here's a little gift for all: Modlers Datafile #10: Messerschmitt Bf-109, Part 2 : F-K models
  4. NICE!!! I'll get on those decals today
  5. are you at the Top Gear track??? that's a nice looking engine compartment ... we don't have (to my knowledge) the twin turbos here. Very nice!!!
  6. the 3 views in the modeler's datafile aren't very clear, but the photos do show a small bulge. Haube hoods were retrofitted to many (some G came stock with it iirc), but this could be before retrofitting. Who knows!!? Wolf's old 109 has it (but it's old, and showing it's age). Shoot, even TK's S-99 (109G6) has it. (note to self: need to finish templates for 3w S-99 so as to repaint for ww2) one of the main reasons. one could do a fake pilot Haube hood, but it wouldn't move
  7. WIP painted train tracks

    like stary said ... he made it on my request for WW2, from one of his generic hangars. Did a hell of a job too!
  8. ok, so endo-exo atmospheric craft (yup, seen all the shows, from the original 1980s -when 1st run-, to the new one)
  9. from my previous post. you NEED to do this, to cross check what you have against what you're missing
  10. Happy New Year...

    Happy New Year all!!
  11. WIP painted train tracks

    la da di, la da da ...
  12. always wondered about that ... why would you need intakes at all for an exo-atmospheric craft??
  13. ya know, if you went to SF2, you'd have 2 brand new ones -- a B (gun nose) and C (glass nose) we made for KAW. And I redid for WW2 unfortunately, since they were built in max 09, they don't work in 1stGens, as the lods are Unicode. But they're GREAT models!
  14. for Coastal Command squadron code decals (and plane-in-group letters), look in the TFX update/mod pak I did for the DAT Beaus should have: 143 236 254 squadrons if you want/need any other Squadron Codes, let know what squadron. Just takes a few minutes (and will need to look up the badge for the paint chip!!) the only thing needed, would be proper 1C serial number decals. Let me know when you need them; take me about an hour or so to do them up
  15. Gunny's Ordanance Shop what you need to do, is find out WHICH aircraft requires WHAT weapons... to do so, you MUST examine the loadout inis for each and every aircraft that you're having issues with. Only then, will you fix what's wrong. and READ the readme for the campaign; you may have missed a statement saying "you need such and such for this, that or the other" that's all I can tell you
  16. looks a bit too much on the rudder fabric, maybe toned down about 50%???? the overall model is looking pretty good!!
  17. that's just a sample of the kind of maps I work off, all the time. Persian Gulf uses stock desert tiles, along with the usual butt-load of custom "specials" I make. I'll have to search the archives for WHERE I put the texture list!!! I don't remember where it is!!
  18. watch out for The Wall .. you're getting danger close on the southern, eastern and western edges Some things were left off for a reason -- they played NO part in an Iran/Iraq scenario, and the original ODS was more concerned with action near the borders. And on the ODS, I mostly just did targeting, leaving stuff as I was given (and yes, some stuff is wrong. very wrong, as is the iran/Iraq and irag2003 maps) for a more direct Iran/Iraq conflict, check with centurion-1, he's reworking the Iran/Iraq maps as part of a larger project
  19. in the engine section, look for something like "rotor diameter" or prop diameter. this fix goes back to the 08 1stGen patch, that messed up helos
  20. actually, there isn't ENOUGH AAA -- as described by AAF and RAF pilots. It's too bad we can't really duplicate the Kamhauber (sp?) lines ... of course, now with Ravens Wurzburg and Freyas ... I should go back and add them ... but that soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much frakking work...
  21. some inaccuracies are due to the tiling or mountains or just general Terrain Engine constraints (gods, I wish it was better!!!) yes, please post some screenies; like most terrain work, one can go QUITE mad trying to place things to be where they're supposed to be in Real Life ™
  22. I hope you're not using the original version from 2003-ish. That one has NO water tgas, as it pre-dates TK giving us actual water effects. now, mind you in SF2, all the water works. at least for me!! :)

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