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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Merry Christmas..........

    I think that Tomcat was below Rmin for a Phoenix launch!!! ------------ Merry Christmass to everyone!!!
  2. Happy Birthday?

    Which is why we can honor them, especially a modder of Oli caliber, by continuing their work to the highest standard possible. -- I hadn't realized it would have been bpao's birthday, until AFTER I'd uploading the CBI Spitfire. Thanks for EVERYTHING, Oli. We really do miss you, your talents, your advice, your leadership and teaching (most of us learned a LOT from him), and most of all, yourself.
  3. 'guardtower1' is a stock item on all terrains. the other are not the 'radio_tower' may be the "amradiotower' from the ww2 terrains, and has some scale issues (like being over 100m tall) 'antenna' could be any of several things; a skeletal type tower (from ObjectLibrary1, aka "a45radioantenn") or the microwave relay tower or dish or at least 3 items from "The Factory Place"
  4. File Name: SF2 WW2 Spitfire Mk.VIII, RAF, CBI by Mod Mafia/TMF File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 December 2013 File Category: Spitfire SF2 WW2 Spitfire Mk.VIII, RAF, CBI by Mod Mafia/TMF 12/15/2013 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = - For WW2 CBI Usage =ONLY!= - *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod MAY work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, some data ini statements will not be in effect in 1stGen SF/Wo* at any patch level (with the possible exception of WoI plus it's ExpansionPak -this has not been tested, as I ONLY mod for SF2). It is designed for use in SF2, at the most current patch level. Your milage will vary!* *Note2: it's RECCOMENDED you have whichever SF2 Expansion pak that gave us the Spit 9s. This mod references that destroyed model for it's own use* This is a reskin/redecalling of the TMF Mk.VIII Spit for use by the Royal Air Force in the China/Burma/India (although, truthfully, only in India and Burma!). However, in the case of simplifying installation, this is the FULL aircraft. This makes is easier. Skin/Decals set included is for: No. 81 Squadron, RAF as delivered in 1943 The aircraft is finished in standard SEA Scheme (Dark Green/Dark Earth/Lt Grey unders). The skin is in jpg format, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. It reuses the SF2 version of the 'box art' hangar screen as originally issued with the RAAF Spit 8. All markings are decals (excepting National Markings, these are painted on); making it supremely easy to recreate other squadron users. Serial numbers are for Mk.VIIIs, but should be considered 'generic' in nature. This is a (semi) "nationalized" version, for RAF Burma/India use =ONLY=. Meaning: for a CBI-centric mods folder. All weapons, sounds, pilot figure(s) (including the 'fake pilot') are included. The Canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0 Damage textures are DDS. When 'in game', you'll see "Spitfire Mk.VIII (TMF) B/I" in the aircraft selection drop-down window. This will diferentiate it from any other Mk.VIIIs you may (or may not) have . As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein For Oli; you are sorely missed! Click here to download this file
  5. Version


    SF2 WW2 Spitfire Mk.VIII, RAF, CBI by Mod Mafia/TMF 12/15/2013 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = - For WW2 CBI Usage =ONLY!= - *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod MAY work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, some data ini statements will not be in effect in 1stGen SF/Wo* at any patch level (with the possible exception of WoI plus it's ExpansionPak -this has not been tested, as I ONLY mod for SF2). It is designed for use in SF2, at the most current patch level. Your milage will vary!* *Note2: it's RECCOMENDED you have whichever SF2 Expansion pak that gave us the Spit 9s. This mod references that destroyed model for it's own use* This is a reskin/redecalling of the TMF Mk.VIII Spit for use by the Royal Air Force in the China/Burma/India (although, truthfully, only in India and Burma!). However, in the case of simplifying installation, this is the FULL aircraft. This makes is easier. Skin/Decals set included is for: No. 81 Squadron, RAF as delivered in 1943 The aircraft is finished in standard SEA Scheme (Dark Green/Dark Earth/Lt Grey unders). The skin is in jpg format, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. It reuses the SF2 version of the 'box art' hangar screen as originally issued with the RAAF Spit 8. All markings are decals (excepting National Markings, these are painted on); making it supremely easy to recreate other squadron users. Serial numbers are for Mk.VIIIs, but should be considered 'generic' in nature. This is a (semi) "nationalized" version, for RAF Burma/India use =ONLY=. Meaning: for a CBI-centric mods folder. All weapons, sounds, pilot figure(s) (including the 'fake pilot') are included. The Canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0 Damage textures are DDS. When 'in game', you'll see "Spitfire Mk.VIII (TMF) B/I" in the aircraft selection drop-down window. This will diferentiate it from any other Mk.VIIIs you may (or may not) have . As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein For Oli; you are sorely missed!
  6. Armored Trains

    why not raise the viewport position to 1000 meters, or more???? Can't remember exactly who did it (Kesselbrut? Crusader?) but for SF1/2, there was an atry tweek that allowed for indirect fire over hills and such. Both for tube and rocket artillery btw, VERY good looking models!!
  7. updated version now available
  8. and as a rule, the airfields match NO Real World ™ civilian OR military bases. An exceedingly sore point for those few of us trying to introduce the Real World ™ into the game. if it offends you, open the targets ini of whatever terrain you like,, locate all the airbases (search = 'runway'), go line by line and rename the watertower1 to xwatertower1. but do that ONLY for airbases -- they tend to appear all over the place (cities, ports, supply depots, army bases, amusement parks, etc)
  9. http://www.thirdwire.com/man/sf2/Strike_Fighters_2.htm to be reading
  10. Gandalf vs Tram

    I think it's funny as hell!!! (watch till the end!!)) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVy7YeeqGZQ#t=11
  11. yes, you can edit them for SF1 usage. Follow the conversion to sf2 instructions, basically, backwards. It's not advised of course, as that negates a majority of my work. The EAW Euro WW2 has also been rebuilt for SF2 usage. On that one, I should think minimal editing of the terrains' data ini should lower to that outdated level (btw, good to see you back again, Tailspin!!)
  12. did you put the mod into the AIRCRAFT's main folder (example: MiG-21MF/***) Not just the /SavedGames/***. Everything for a particular aircraft goes INTO that particular aircraft's main folder. -------------------- http://combatace.com/topic/20789-how-to-make-ai-planes-flyable/ lots of valuable information, that is still very applicable to SF2 in the SF/Wo* Knowledge Base and ALWAYS read the readmes that come with them!!! (if they have them, of course!!)
  13. I guess a google search is in order... color hexadecimal value to RGB value (or something like that!) still, don't know how that's gonna change anything, when the tga's themselves are painted green.
  14. KJakker is exactly correct! the terrain must also use the LimitedNations=TRUE tag, and have the allowed nations listed in the *terrainname*_Nations.ini but a Userlist is vitally important for any item with Exported=TRUE
  15. File Name: SF2:NA -- Iceland Targets Tweek Pak, V.1 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 May 2012 File Category: Full Terrains IcelandNA Targets Tweek for SF2:NA = For SF2NA, And/Or Full-5 Merged Installs ONLY!! = *Note: for the SF2:NA IcelandNA map ONLY!!! It may be usable on Gerwins TFD/HFD based terrain, but many items will need repositioning due to the existence of actual coastlines* Some very basic enhancements to the target areas on Iceland, to increase the 'eye candy' and try to make it loook like people actually live there. Using the basic layout of several stock 'cities', filling in some gaps. As to be expected, there are at least 2 Easter Eggs on this terrain - one real, one fictional. I've tried to keep the needed ground objects to a minimum, so they are not included. You should have them from other terrain mods. (fishing trawlers, small cargo ship). Tried to keep it a 'stock' as possible. However, some enhancements have been perfromed on Air Defenses on both sides, but a -very- minimum, just in case things change radically with the next patch. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but BEFORE installing. happy landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  16. you don't. you repaint the various and sundry tgas that create the HUD and it's displays
  17. that original korea, aside from being totally inaccurate in all but the shapes of the landmasses, like the original EAWEuroWW2 use TOD objects for those "bridge" and "jetty" items. they were never textured. which is why the originals have been replaced with ones that work, and actually LOOK like the regions they're representing
  18. so, in other words, for "What If" aircraft Did you read the enclosed readmes (if any?? some folks forget to list required add-ons and where to get them.) Have you LOOKED at the loadout ini, and compared what it's asking for with what you have, or that is listed on the 'available weapons' on the Loadout screen on the loadout screen, of course. you'll see a button for it off the single mission, hangar screen
  19. like it says, other terrain mods. Pretty much any of them
  20. check for missing weapons. you'll find them named in the loadout.ini for the aircraft. you may need a Weapons Pak, if the loadout call for 'non stock' items it also might help to know, what aircraft, what timeframe, which game, etc. otherwise, we're just kinda guessing here. something might be specific to a certain era or nation
  21. was talking to Fubar on the phone the other day, and had him look at this thread, expecially the new map. He made mention of something I'd never considered, or even thought of. If properly scaled, THIS map could replace COMPLETLY! the stock VNSEA for Vietnam War use. Look at all the area it covers -- all of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and both Vietnams. Some hellacious potential sitting right there!
  22. Exp 3

    yes, but you have to say it PortuGreek
  23. Exp 3

    Indeed. macelena, consider yourself chastised with a virtual slap on the wrist (for both Expendables 3 and causing heart attacks related to the non-arrival of SF2 Exp 3)

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