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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. if you have the email confirmation, you should be able to redownload. If not, maybe a shout out to TK might be in order. Yes, SF2 IS the way to go. 99.9% of ALL modders (and by inference, all new add-ons) are for SF2.
  2. actually, the sub-folder in the mods folder is just called /Flight
  3. you CANNOT use SF2 data in SF1, and vice versa Period all the nodes are different
  4. Thank YOU!!, Centurion it pains me greatly to see the sheer amount of double work that goes on around here.
  5. Full 5 Merged, with BOTH expansion paks My WW2 mods folders are all built from SF2NA exe, as the carrier coding is MUCH needed!
  6. the best way, while not perfect, IS to use the game generated parked aircraft. By use of Limited Nations on a specific terrain, you do lilmit what gets to park in the transient spaces. new one ARE easily added, but simply aren't worth the extra work (and sometimes, even WHEN plotted, the frakking game engine won't use them) the only thing truly adjustable, is the percentage chance. and why is this in the 1stGen Forums???
  7. the splinter paint job looks reaaaaaaally good on that!
  8. one of our PR Spits caught this odd place outside of Kiel....
  9. try this layout, just remove the ActiveYear= lline also, don't forget the "data link" the sam radar TO the SAM (I'm assuming it's the Natter?) add the NetworkType= to the natter as well also, in 'built' missions", sometimes the game engine will NOT generate all the units of an AD battery; in particular SAM sites. This is a known issue, and has been for QUITE a while (maybe even as far back as the 08 patch. Drives us targets guys bat-shit crazy!) EDIT: in the types ini, the Natter would be listed as SAM_Launcher. in it's data ini, GroundObjectRole=STATIC_SAM
  10. the amount of SAMs (or any air defenses for that matter) are set in the terrain's _targets.ini. If said _targets.ini has NO SAMs and their associated radars listed, none will generate.
  11. should be this one: http://combatace.com/files/file/13095-ww2-nations-formations-inis/
  12. you have to OPEN the cats with the extractor, scroll until you find the wanted find, then extract. it'll create a separate folder (wherever you have the extractor pointed to) of the original named folder (think of it as a copy). From there, you can copy out the file and place it wherever it's supposed to go. Now, OTH, having spent the last 10 minutes going through all the cats in the core install's /Flight ... I can tell you we got fucked again... like the RWR lst, they no longer reside anywhere we can locate. (like ALL the lods, probably residing the locked-out ObjectDat002.cat One may have to extract them for a 1stGen MissionData.cat
  13. we have ILLUSTIROUS, albeit minus moving turrets. (along with Victorius and Formidible in there -basic- ww2 configuration) there's plenty of gun mounts, even if they don't move. You should be able to 'fake out' the game engine by adding the weapons to those approximate positions. We should also have a 4.5in around someplace...so you could convievalbe have both them and 40mms I remember that Hinch said years ago, even his Eagle is 'not quite right'
  14. could be an airfield that's not fully flattened. Are the runway ends/center 'normal' looking? which one? (of course, I'll have to find the archived TE zip that's got the Libya stuff in it ...) If the rest of the airbase is ok, I'd just ignore it
  15. if it's like everything else, 999 would be the max
  16. HEY! It's...

    Brain32's birthday!!! hope it was a GREAT one man!!
  17. Version


    SF2 WW2 PTO P-40N, USAAF (SWPA) Skinpak 9/14/2013 -- Something for the WW2 PTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this pak MAY be usable in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. However, some features (decal randomization, DDS damge textures, destroyed model, etc) will be NOT functional. Use in 1stGens has not, and cannot be, tested by me.* **Notex2: this mod is designed for use ONLY in a PTO-Centric mods folder** A new skin for Raven's P-40N, a "generic" representation of USAAF P-40Ns in SoWesPac Theatre (read: New Guinea). Although the "Displayed Name" on the Loadout Screen will say "7th FS, 49th FG" (the Bunyaps), they are to be considered a bit more generic than Squadron Specific. Even though the individual plane-in-group numbers fits those of the 7th's usage. Skins remain in their bmp format. New DDS damage textures (usable on all Raven's Warhawk/Kittyhawk in SF2 only) are included. A slightly modified data ini, with some flight model tweeks, and switching to the AvHistory engine sound. So, be prepared to back up some inis for saftey!!! A new textureset ini for the "Bare Metal" skin is included, that adds Decal Randomization for SF2. A new userlist ini was created, for the Export Customers. All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Also, via the use of my (patent pending) Fake SqTail decal, the squadron name display is now active on the Loadout Screen. No weapons are included, except SF2 Versions of the new drop tanks (for those that haven't converted them yet). New theatre-specific Hangar and Loading screens are included, too. The skins have been run through the template (thank you Raven for that!), and have had a layer of dirt and 'clouds' added for weathering. They're still not dirty enough for my taste, but it's something!! As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  18. how does one plot these? Are they set in MAX? simply put, I'm having an issue with bullets passing through the aircraft, as the data ini used "another" aircraft's setting for Min Max Extents and Collision points (the extents had to be commented out to get the free camera close enough to inspect lights, decals positions and panel lines. Even so, they're waaaaaaaayyy off for THIS aircraft) while flight testing, to make sure the damage textures works, got bounced by 12 enemy spitfires, and they expended their entire magazines, with the bullets passing THRU the aircraft. I know the destroyed model works, and I flew into a mountain to check it ... so, help and advice needed! tia!
  19. of course I adjusted the lights! In fact, I had to dig out my DVD of "The Big Lift", and watch it today!! The only thing I know of with enough visuals on the Skymaster. (since I don't have -or even know!- if "Fate is the Hunter" is on DVD) so, it's based on xyz, x being body length y being wingspan z being height (fues bottom to fin top??) but are the points based on the "world center" of the model, or something arbitrary, like CG positioning? I shot a pm to Veltro, and asked if he can find them in MAX in any case!! (my math really sucks!!
  20. As in "Flying The ..." (for those NOT in the US, it's a TV commercial for an insurance company)

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