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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. looks like I have to retargeting to do for the WW2 Euro terrain.... (and _types ini editing, too. but that all be easy! since a placed a 'fake' Freya ... a simple /Objects replacement) those are looking OUTSTANDING Raven! We've needed those axis radars for a LONG time!! I have the Schiffer book on WW2 German radar systems on PDF, if that's any help!!
  2. Only when flying them seems to happen; escorting or intercepting generates the "proper" formations. it's gotta be a code fuck up. normally, most bomber formations should be based on a 3 plane flight. even messing with the formation ini didn't seem to help (drove/driven me bat-shit crazy when testing the B-17s) has anyone tried fiddling the formation ini to use the 'standard' bomber formations?
  3. terrain texture lists are NOT part of the terrain cats. (unless you rebuild it using the _data ini as the basis) they (in particular GCE, VNSEA and IME) should be in the WoE terrain editor
  4. that's like the newsreel footage. kinda cool
  5. why not just download it and find out? It's a VERY nice model!!!
  6. figured that out in 2005; simple regrouping the hardpoints. which one did you give up, or 'hide'?
  7. i'm guessing that's the Greek coast, near Kalamatta??? The mountains are screws things up
  8. considering we no longer have FACs of any kind...that's moot. then, IF the max files present themselves, somebody to do the conversions.
  9. anytime is good! I'm at an impasse on the WW2 Formosa, so ... need something to distract my mind
  10. the old SFSQMD will display the target area names, as does Gerwin's TFD tool (note: on Gerwin's, ALL tiles must be resident in the terrain folder)
  11. it happens a LOT on the older terrains when used in SF2. Seems to have something to do with the height field, and mostly on costal transition tiles (or any water/land transitions) no fix known, live with it. (unfortunately)
  12. Italian Front (WIP)

    the terrain looks EXCEPTIONAL!!! good work!!
  13. I'll take a shot at it! Give me a chance to research aircraft (originally) built less than a mile west of me! UVmaps too, if possible
  14. just to change the subject a bit, Ed, whatever happened to the C-54 you were doing some time ago??
  15. Interview With Wrench

    ah, shucks, guys!! (shuffles feet around)
  16. File Name: SF2 WW2 PTO P-40N, USAAF (SWPA) Skinpak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 September 2013 File Category: P-40 SF2 WW2 PTO P-40N, USAAF (SWPA) Skinpak 9/14/2013 -- Something for the WW2 PTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this pak MAY be usable in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. However, some features (decal randomization, DDS damge textures, destroyed model, etc) will be NOT functional. Use in 1stGens has not, and cannot be, tested by me.* **Notex2: this mod is designed for use ONLY in a PTO-Centric mods folder** A new skin for Raven's P-40N, a "generic" representation of USAAF P-40Ns in SoWesPac Theatre (read: New Guinea). Although the "Displayed Name" on the Loadout Screen will say "7th FS, 49th FG" (the Bunyaps), they are to be considered a bit more generic than Squadron Specific. Even though the individual plane-in-group numbers fits those of the 7th's usage. Skins remain in their bmp format. New DDS damage textures (usable on all Raven's Warhawk/Kittyhawk in SF2 only) are included. A slightly modified data ini, with some flight model tweeks, and switching to the AvHistory engine sound. So, be prepared to back up some inis for saftey!!! A new textureset ini for the "Bare Metal" skin is included, that adds Decal Randomization for SF2. A new userlist ini was created, for the Export Customers. All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Also, via the use of my (patent pending) Fake SqTail decal, the squadron name display is now active on the Loadout Screen. No weapons are included, except SF2 Versions of the new drop tanks (for those that haven't converted them yet). New theatre-specific Hangar and Loading screens are included, too. The skins have been run through the template (thank you Raven for that!), and have had a layer of dirt and 'clouds' added for weathering. They're still not dirty enough for my taste, but it's something!! As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  17. blackbird, try clearing out your attachments, or upload to The Gallery, and link them to the posts
  18. NOW do you all understand WHY I use a 100-year spread on my 'modern-ish' terrains??? EXCELLENT work, WBS!! And my thanks!!!

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