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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: SF2 WW2 ETO Gloster Meteor F.3 "Stand In" Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 14 September 2013 File Category: Other SF2 WW2 ETO Gloster Meteor F.3 "Stand In" Pak 9/11/2013 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged, Plus Expansion Paks (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: Having wichever SF2I Expansion Pak that gave us the Meteor 8 is =REQURIED=. As this mod makes use of that stock 3W Lod, you =MUST= have said Expansion Pak as part of you merged installs. Otherwise, this mod does you no good, and you shouldn't download it.** A reskinning and redecaling of the stock 3W Meteor F8 to create a "Stand-In" WW2 era Meteor 3. Yes, we all know there are =SUBSTANTIAL= physical differences between the early and later production marks, but this WILL allow you an RAF jet for anti-diver patrols and causing general mayhem in the closing months of the War. And possibly against some of the Luftwaffe jets recently released, and those still to come. The markings are all decals, representing No. 616 Squadron "South Yorkshire" circa late 1944 thru 1945. These are reused from an old 1stGen mod of mine. The serial numbers are historically correct as they ARE for the F.3 variant. Decal randomization is TRUE. Serials and Plane-in-Group letters for 26 aircraft are supplied. The canopy opens with the Standard Animations Keystroke (Shift/0). The pilot figure is included, but weapons are NOT, as they reference ALL stock 3W in-game items, with the exception of the RAF500 pound ww2 era bomb. You should already have this in you game via various WW2 weapons packs. My 1stGen 'box art' hangar screen is included, now revamped for SF2. When In Game you'll see: Meteor F.3 (SI-3W) on the aircraft selection drop down menu. This will diferentiate it for those that may (or may not) have the DAT F.3. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  2. every patch level has it's own unique set of 'interestingness' that having been said, in MY case, simply because I'm all over the place (timeline-wise), I have to be at the latest patch level. And accept the "challenges" that that brings. IIRC, the "best" version was the June 2012. If you're NOT going to be purchasing DLCs, that might be the one to use. Most bug free of them. (however, IF getting late mark DLCs, SupGen has little trick to get them to work. He explains it in several posts in the general and mods/skinning forums)
  3. I posted them yesterday. Have at them folks!!
  4. I think -- and am NOT sure!!!- it's newton-meters
  5. that's his new fighter-bomber version, with the fues pylons, isn't it? (Lim-6bis or something like that?)
  6. yeah, they got locked away some months after we started adding new threat icons (sometime in 2012) rwr lists can reside In either the Flight folder or individual aircraft folders. works both ways
  7. Nigel, is that TAS or IAS you're reading?? set the HUDData.ini to Debug=TRUE, and see what the TAS is. TK usually, for the most part, gets stuff pretty close. That having been said however, like you I feel SLPowerDry=1517499.5 is too low. You'll also notice that WEP= TRUE, but there's no statement for SLPowerWEP= someone, much better than I at figuring this out, needs to have a look at it. The same is true for the other DLC Spits. I can almost guarantee they're missing from the S-99 as well (as I'm pretty sure the G-10 had MW50 injection)
  8. File Name: SF2 WW2 Pilot Figures Pack File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 September 2013 File Category: Pilot Mods SF2 WW2 Pilot Figures Pack 9/13/2013 -- Something for Everyone -- = For SF2, Any and All = *Note: these pilot figure may also work in 1stGen SF/Wo*. Be advised, that at pre-08 levels, folderized pilots won't work. YOu'll have to seperate the all out, like as was done in the Distant Past at 06 level* This is a compliation of pretty much ALL the WW2 Pilot figures available for use in the various aircraft mods now available (and by inference), and those to come. It is a comglomeration of work dating back nearly to the very beginnings of SF modding. The names of some of the contributors are Lost to History, but we thank them all. For those that I could remember, see "Credits" section below. This pack contains some 28+ pilot and crew figures, included the "FakePilot". This is JUST pilot/crew figures. Those "devices" that use the FakePilot method for adding radar pods, or pylons are NOT included. Aircraft Seats are also NOT included. See the enclosed "pilots in this pack.jpg" for the listing. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  9. Cool! I knew they did (folderized weapons and pilots) in 08. We just never tried it before in 06!!
  10. the mods folder probably want to start here, Ignacio: http://combatace.com/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ with particular attention to the "What is the mods folder" and "what new in SF2" threads basically, it's the same as SF/Wo*, but just in a different location
  11. are you sure??? if the tga was defective, it usually turns the entire mesh either transparent or black. Open meshes cause the colors to seep (bleed) along their faces, like paint running down the wall. might help to know the plane, as a good number of Pasko's old birds do this, as do some DAT birds too a screenie would help, too.
  12. File Name: SF2 WW2 PTO J2M Jack Number List Fix File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 September 2013 File Category: Other SF2 WW2 PTO J2M Jack Number List Fix 9/13/2013 Herein are replacement numberlst.inis for the J2M1 & J2M3 "Jack" recently released. For some reason, I'd forgotten to extend the numberation to it's full extent. You can find the aircraft here: http://combatace.com/files/file/14251-sf2-ww2-pto-mitsubishi-j2m-raiden-jack-pak/ --------------- -Install Instructions: unzip as usual, and drop the /Objects folder directly over your existing one. Allow the overwrite. ------------ sorry about that people! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  13. other than being an exceedingly ugly annoyance, it effects nothing
  14. SF2 WW2 Pilot Figures Pack



    SF2 WW2 Pilot Figures Pack 9/13/2013 -- Something for Everyone -- = For SF2, Any and All = *Note: these pilot figure may also work in 1stGen SF/Wo*. Be advised, that at pre-08 levels, folderized pilots won't work. YOu'll have to seperate the all out, like as was done in the Distant Past at 06 level* This is a compliation of pretty much ALL the WW2 Pilot figures available for use in the various aircraft mods now available (and by inference), and those to come. It is a comglomeration of work dating back nearly to the very beginnings of SF modding. The names of some of the contributors are Lost to History, but we thank them all. For those that I could remember, see "Credits" section below. This pack contains some 28+ pilot and crew figures, included the "FakePilot". This is JUST pilot/crew figures. Those "devices" that use the FakePilot method for adding radar pods, or pylons are NOT included. Aircraft Seats are also NOT included. See the enclosed "pilots in this pack.jpg" for the listing. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  15. I'll take care of it ASAP you want ALL of them???
  16. CombatACE New Theme Music

    hmmm... the singer looks like a puppet in a Gerry Anderson show
  17. why not? It's already got a British engine.... (revamp of the old one Alfie??)
  18. File Name: SF2 WW2 SB2C Helldiver, "Blank" Skin Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 September 2013 File Category: SBD / TBD / TBF / SB2C SF2 WW2 SB2C Helldiver, "Blank" Skin Pak 9/12/2013 - For SF2 WW2 and Whenever Players - This pak contains a set of 3 "blank" markingless skins for Veltro2K's Helldivers. They are: SB2C-1: Standard 3-tone (note: the -1 uses a different -s map due to the 3 bladded prop) SB2C3 thru 5: Standard 3-tone Overall Dark Gloss Navy Blue (The enclosed screenshot is a -5 in 3-tone. All others are identical to those already available, but minus the US Star-bar) As stated, there are NO national or squadron markings (ie: for USN use) of any kind. This will allow skinners (and WhatIfers) to create/recrate the various squadron and national markings via decal placement. With the several skins out already, decal placement locations have pretty much all been pre-plotted. A decent skinner should easily be able to figure out any others. As always, fairly simple install instructions are included. So, please read them. REMINDER: these are skin maps ONLY!!! YOU will have to build the other required inis and decals. Happy Skinning! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  19. Version


    SF2 WW2 SB2C Helldiver, "Blank" Skin Pak 9/12/2013 - For SF2 WW2 and Whenever Players - This pak contains a set of 3 "blank" markingless skins for Veltro2K's Helldivers. They are: SB2C-1: Standard 3-tone (note: the -1 uses a different -s map due to the 3 bladded prop) SB2C3 thru 5: Standard 3-tone Overall Dark Gloss Navy Blue (The enclosed screenshot is a -5 in 3-tone. All others are identical to those already available, but minus the US Star-bar) As stated, there are NO national or squadron markings (ie: for USN use) of any kind. This will allow skinners (and WhatIfers) to create/recrate the various squadron and national markings via decal placement. With the several skins out already, decal placement locations have pretty much all been pre-plotted. A decent skinner should easily be able to figure out any others. As always, fairly simple install instructions are included. So, please read them. REMINDER: these are skin maps ONLY!!! YOU will have to build the other required inis and decals. Happy Skinning! Wrench Kevin Stein
  20. Heck, you're still going to need the Desert terrain cat for a LOT of terrains that reference it.** however, it's quite easy to use the old 08 Level one, you just need to extract the data ini into the terrain folder, and may the necessary changes to bring it to SF2 shader levels. If you need help with that, let me know. **= a desert terrain folder will need to be created in every mods folder, and the full desert.cat placed within it. OR... place desert.cat in the central game install C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Terrains THEN, extract main and data inis, place in individual **name of mods folder**/Terrains/Desert folder, and adjust the data in from there. Actually, quite easy. Works in FE/FE2 as well.
  21. that's why I removed the painted on markings. I KNEW you all would come up with something!! just wish the damn pilot's canopy wasn't linked to the gear. Rather have it as a separate, player controlled animation. but, we take what we get. if a plane blue skin (either in USN 3 tone or overall gloss blue) is wanted by anyone, let me know. I may do them anyway, so other skinners have a base.
  22. Korea 3 uses a GermanyCE tile set
  23. 6 dollars for hot dog? are they nuts/?? i'd thought about the name question last night.. since the character was/had used partly charged E-cells, how about something like ray-o-vac Duracell everyready (and by inference...) bunny oth, I have NO probs with you using my nickname. Most mechanics (and ex-ones too), are all wrench-benders.
  24. BAe Hawk T.1A for SF2 by RussoUK



    BAe Hawk T.1A Update Pak = For SF2, Any & All = *Note: requires an install with access to the F-100D cockpit. May not work in stand-alone SF2:I* Fully merged installs should have no problems* This is a full, complete pak, with several skins, decals (and LOTS of new decalstoo!). All sorts of fun stuff! This verson replaces any and all others. Skins included are: RAF (standard Euro-wraparound camo, 243 Sqdn) 1975-82 Gray (generic RAF gray, 19 Sqdn) 1983-1991 Black (RAF 208 Squadron) 1992-to date *rebuilt completly, based on Marcfighters* Desert (for UAE) Finnish Camo (for FAF, HävLLv 41) (in fact, ALL the skin are new builds!) The RAF skins are 'year specific', and will change over when selecting the proper years. Decal randomization for all skins is set to TRUE. A new userlist ini is included; it may not be fully accurate, and changes/correction are ENCOURAGED!!! Included is also a set of new tail letters & Skull badge,but unused, as used on 100 Squadron's Hawks (as seen on the new loading screen) A revamped SF2 version of my 'boxart' Hangar screen is here as well. Other ini edits fiddle and tweek things in the data, loadout and avionics ini. The avionics include a gun-ranging radar and audio-only RWR (not entirely sure as it IF they had them, but it imporves Playability). The canopy is operated via The Usual Suspect ™ animation key, Shift/0. As stated above, the cockpit has been switched to the F-100Ds; it's not perfect by any means, but works QUITE well, and seems a bitcloser than the F-86 and/or A-4Bs used before. All weapons (Aden gunpod, drop tanks) are included, as is the /Gun for the gunpod.Loadouts and Mission statements have been adjusted to match, as best as possible, Real World ™ usage. Also, with expecial thanks to Russo, for he whipped out a new lod for us that fixes the shadow issues. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein

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