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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Which, unfortunately, no longer works. As WK said, one of the later patches borked it up. A pity too, it was rather helpful.1
  2. I'd like 20/20 vision (or failing that, "regular" vision in my right eye), but that ain't happening either. As has been said thousands of time ... if you can't wait, build it yourself. Stop complaining and acting like a whiny child. I've got a CBI map that's been in the works for OVER 6 years -- it ain't coming soon either.
  3. I've never used the Nvidia panel for SF/SF2. I'll have to give it a try!!
  4. FE2 loadout issue

    I was thinking that VERY same thing! Trouble is, I HAVE gained some weight in the last 4-5 months!!!
  5. When you exhale…

    I was thinking that it's a good thing we're not seeing the tail ramp, if you follow my drift!!!!
  6. that's definately Wolf's. Watch out for the mapping errors -- usually at the base of the fin fillet.
  7. I think only ships. Although, I have used them against land targets. But, they have to be hand loaded
  8. no, TOD objects don't/can't cast shadows. Only "regular" terrain objects (warehouse, evildamncombuildings, city buildings, etc)
  9. not without the 3d source, so the answer it probably a No
  10. Naval_Attack uses dumb bombs Cruise_MIssile uses self-guiding weapons (ie: cruise missiles)
  11. yes, you'd need the original SF2, as that has the Desert map containing the 2 fictional countries
  12. hasn't he shown screenies of a Veritech before?? IIRC
  13. Russian T-72B3 and T-80BVMs side armour ERA

    Maybe "plasma jet"??? since the shaped charge warhead refelects from conical disc, and creates that jet of molten/plasma material.
  14. torno's maybe??? too bad the uploader is too lazy to actually tell us what aircraft mod this for. next time something like this happens (no description of what aircraft mod and where to find it), it'll just get dumped. Tired of this laziness and lack of responsibility
  15. Ghost of Kyiv

    It seems the 225 is gone... https://news.yahoo.com/worlds-largest-cargo-aircraft-destroyed-162948202.html
  16. Happy now, Kev??? Excellent job people!!
  17. Thanks Eric, I needed that laugh!!!
  18. I fixed it. 10 years after the fact .... why is this happening so much in the last few months???
  19. Nope. it won't work when there's too much damage to the "system". like in real live (tm)
  20. There's also an article in the SF2 Knowledge Base somewhere too. (don't remember where, but it's there somewheres!)
  21. ??? who knows !!! we've all done soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many things, it's easy to forget things
  22. didn't I do a template set for the 3W F-14A? I seem to recall going crosseyed with the rivets....

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