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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. as that's the F-106 pit by Pasko, "smoothing polys" was not a thing back then (expecially on his work) Didn't Eagle use Stary's F-94 pit for Scorpion?
  2. I saw that too ... thought it looked really cool!!!! Nice modeling job, that
  3. "village" I've heard used in some of the Eastern US states (north eastern) Out here in The West, it "small town"
  4. Humpday Heavies

    Damage assessment, post strike (although only a suicidal idiot would actually do this!!)
  5. so, they still have the alpha channel, right? I didn't know you could do that with a jpg!!!
  6. while checking (and adjusting) the wing tip lights on Yakarov's NEW Sabre Dingo, as I rolled around the bird, caught this image of the newly risen Moon. I thought it was coooooooooooool!!!
  7. here's a quickie fix for the wing tip position lights . just copy/paste the text below OVER the existing statements: [LeftPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-6.0,-2.413,-0.45 LightSrcOffset=-0.04,0.04,0.00 Color=0.88,0.25,0.25 Brightness=0.03 LightSrcRange=0.35 CanFlash=FALSE [RightPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=6.0,-2.413,-0.45 LightSrcOffset=0.04,0.04,0.00 Color=0.25,0.88,0.25 Brightness=0.03 LightSrcRange=0.35 CanFlash=FALSE I LIKE this little bird!!!!
  8. well, there's kind of a problem with that ... assigning historical SAM units (types) to specific areas. Your RWR won't work. When placing correct/specific units (like I did for the Persian Gulf & Cuba maps) the game engine for some unfathomable stupid reason, can's "see" them with your on-board RWR gauge. You'll also get NO audio warnings either. It's been a glitch for, at least, 10+ years that I know of. So, we have to let the lame-ass engine populate by guess and by golly (not even going to mention NIKE radars showing up with HAWK or other Blue SAMS)
  9. yes and no. the userlist defines when Exported= is TRUE. So, if Turkey for instance, starts using S-300 SAMs, both the data inis for the launchers, radars, and missiles have to reflect that (Exported=TRUE) OTH, simply Blue or Red side WILL populate based on what year the mission is
  10. which birds get parked are set in the airfield's ini, by wingspan. So, yes, you can have fer instance, an-12s or c-119 or that type on a runway 3 below, is from the runway3 ini (notaitons of acutal parking slots removed for clarity. also, the chance percentage has been modified by me to have more parked birds)
  11. I would base it on flight deck size ... the stock Essex (SCB-125) is rated SMALL. This is correct, as they couldn't launch or recover Phantoms for various reasons (cat stroke, arrester cable strength) (had a friend who's dad served on the Coral Sea -- they even had problems launching at a full load) The stock Kittyhawk's (CVA-63) are classed as medium, as are the Nimitz class. You don't want to go Large, as that's for things like An-12s, B-52s, Tu-95s, etc The "rough fields" you taking about is the Runway3, is classed as SMALL -- and very stupidly created for this game. I mean, who the fuck is going to operated jets, with low-slung intakes just asking for FOD. (that's why I've repaved them on most of my terrain mods) runway 2, the part paved, part marston matt, is classed as MEDIUM, even though it's the smallest of those (1,5,6) So to conclude; if the CDG is near Essex size, use SMALL in the Entendar's data ini
  12. what about FAS.org???? Just a shot in the dark ...
  13. yeah, that's PS6. It just get copied over to each new HD. I lost the install disc a long time ago. I have PS7 as well installed (as well as having the disc), but it won't start. Some error with the 'scratch disc'. whatever the hell that is!! (7 don't like tgas too much anyways...)
  14. 20

    seeing Crusader's post got me thinking ... so, I went and checked my "time in service" holy crap!! only 2 days difference!!! so, that settles it ----- the lunatics ARE running the asylum!!!
  15. 20

    Congrats!!!! (for sticking around with us lunatics for so long!!!)
  16. sometime you also have to edit the alpha channel of the gunsight tga, as it's not fully transparent in the "show though" regions. you can see on the image below, the shape is not pure white (0 opacity). Meaning: you have to redraw the lines to make it fully transparent
  17. known glitch in game, since Day 1. CCIPs do the same thing. no fixing it
  18. ask away, brother, we're here to help! I'm trying o remember how I swapped out the secondary ADI on the F-104 pit and turned it into an RWR. I know it was a simple text edit of the cockpit ini, and adding the RWR bmp
  19. yup, I was supposed to vaccuum today... it also appears the Ubangi's head is PAINTED on the skin, hence no decal
  20. Speaking as a old dude (nearing my 7th decade), with crappy eyesight, I personally go for the brightest yellow possible. No matter how good our monitors are, there is always some loss. So, I'd rather give up some historical accuracy for playability. I've repainted many a gunsight tga simply for that reason
  21. is the skin "year dated" meaning, in the texture set ini StartDefaultDate = **** also, is the badge a DecalLevel=1 or =0???
  22. yes, what Blade said!!! I've never run into that, meself

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