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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. HasArmor=TRUE ArmorType=Titanium Armor[FRONT].Thickness=500 Armor .Thickness=500 Armor .Thickness=500 Armor[REAR].Thickness=500 Armor[TOP].Thickness=500 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=500 do that for ALL components (wings, fuselage, tail, et) and all control surfaces (ailerons, spoinlers, rudder, elevators, etc) increas thickness to suit
  2. is that overall green? should be in the A pak. if camo, no. BUT... the templates are in the pak!!
  3. as said, they mostly exist already. what is needed are REPLACEMENT, freely available no-strings-attached versions of those no longer freely available note to self: bug cocas about the spit 5.....
  4. Melbourne is it's own self, so it should only have it's one number
  5. well, honestly if you're using MY terrain, it's designed with a 100 year operational life span ... not just the historik Korean War, but anything after. and yes, everthing get added back every time you add ANY stock 3W item. Add a DLC and see happens ... a real bitch and half for us WW2 players too. But that's just the way it is, and we learn to adapt to it
  6. prolly not, given the length of time that's passed
  7. if it's DAT, only from them ----------- I have a working waterbmp, with carrier station for Modern Darwin, if you want it paulo
  8. flip lat and long setting if necessary might also help to know WHICH terrain? kinda diffucult to diagonse with no informaton...
  9. all the decals fro the P-61 will be the ones I did for the original relaeas ... serials are matched to the nose arts, 98.6% historically accurate
  10. if you look at the Saint Nazaire basin, that LARGE square structure to the west end (left side of image) IS the sub pen
  11. if you're talking about the "Flying Frisbee", it's been out since 2007. a search in the aircraft downloads section will turn it up
  12. BOF

    some discussion, never really started. it was about the time the DAT left the general community, 2009ish?
  13. look in the downloads (what if) for the A-12 Avenger II. I did it up a few years back. FM does need tweeking, but would be a good starting point http://combatace.com/files/file/12280-a-12-avenger-ii-by-rhugouvi-for-sf2/
  14. one also shouldn't forget our members in the region; expecially when he's doing a bang-up job on skinning Veltro's 262.. I'll have to import a nice house for him (cheatau?sp?) This one's for Coupi (and it'll add at least another week....this exists at the -one time- southern edge, where the water started. now heavily retiled several hundred KM inland to accomodate the city and remove visual oddites) now the question ... during ww2, were there bridges across??? If the 2 sides are too far apart, blame me. thoe are sea-2-city tiles, as opposed to city-river tiles. If need be, that can be fixed!
  15. or blastshields, like I did on the Mississippi and other rivers on the MidWest USA map. if you look around the drydockd DD, you just see the 'train siding' lod repurposed as the lock edges (at the foot of the cranes).
  16. if you can type text here to post, you can edit an ini
  17. says the Tile Master!!! (actually, might be as little as 15 tiles, and most are various seaports) == looks a bit better when populated...(yes, the drydock is operational, unless one wants to believe the ship in it is HMS Campbeltown)
  18. Version 1.9


    F-20A/F-20B Tigershark ReMod Pak =For SF2, Any and All (but Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED!!) - A "What If..." Aircraft Mod - *Full 4/5 Merged reccomended, as the RAF skin make use of the stock 3W F-4M serial number and plane-in-group letters. You =MUST= have, at least, SF2:E as part of you game installs. If not, you'll have to find substitute decals for the RAF skins* This is a re-release of Veltro2k's F-20 Tigersharks. This pak contains 2 complete aircraft, the single-seat F-20A and the 2-seat F-20B. Both are fully combat capable, however certain mission tasking is NOT assigned to the F-20B, due to hardpoint limitations, and the lack of an internal ECM suite (no jammer; chaff & flares included at no extra cost). Skin/Decals included in this pack are (names in paranthesis are the actual folder names): F-20A: 2 Tone Blue/Gray (2Tone - nation tagged as 'generic' -would be a good HAF skin!) Air Superiority Gray (Gray - nation tagged as 'generic') 10th TFS, 50th TFW (Gray2) 1 Hikotai, JASDF Martime Blue (JASDF) 57th FW, Nellis AFB (Nellis) ROCAF Gray (ROCAF) 92 Sqdn, RAF overall Gray (RAF) 92 Sqdn, RAF Grey Green (RAF1) 92 Sqdn, RAF Grey Green 2 (RAF2) -loviz markings 75 Sqdn RNZAF (RNZAF) ROCAF Gray -no squadron- (ROCAF) RSAF - Saudi Arabia (RSAF) 110th FS, 131st FW, MO ANG "Lindberg's Own" (MOANG) 114th FS, 173rd FW OR ANG (ORANG) 119th FW, ND ANG "Happy Hooligans" (NDANG) 159th FIS, FL ANG (FLANG) Football City Air Force (FBCAF -from "The Wingman" series) F-20B: 57th FW, Nellis AFB (Gray) 56th FW, Luke AFB 2 Tone (USAF) Decal randomization is set to TRUE for all. Skin templates for BOTH aircraft are included, as are several decal templates. Skinners/decalers are ENCOURAGED! to create other users/markings/etc. Damage textures are in DDS format. Unfortunately, the archived zip file for the original skin/ini mods was corrupted, and I was unable to retreive all the information from it about them. When 'in game', you'll see F-20A TigerShark (v2k) F-20B TigerShark (v2k) displayed on the aircraft selection drop-down window. This will differentiate these aircraft from any other Tigersharks that may exist. No weapons are included, as it references (for the most part) stock items or those from the GunnyPak, or other aircraft mods (in particular, the JASDF EO bomb), but sounds are. The spine antenna & intake "thingy" created by Raven is included, along with the FakePilot needed to "attach" it to the F-20A. The loadout ini makes use of nation-specific and start-year specific loadouts. Some even actually work as advertised. The included Userlists are correct; the countries listed were those that actually considered the Tigershark at one time. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/0. The FM remains essentially the same, and REALLY needs MAJOR fine tuning by an Expert! (no, seriously! it can be a bit squirrelly at times) This is a VERY large package (771 MG unzipped), as all the skins remain in their 2048x2048 bmp format (approx 12megs per map!). You can, of course, convert to jpg at your leisure. It's sorta suggested, ya know!?, for those with limited HD space. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to these aircraft. For those that still have the original releases, you need not redownload this pak; you should have everything within it already. But if you want too ... feel free to do so! :). There HAVE been several changes in several of the inis you may wish to examine, and add. **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**. Good Hunting, and Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein ps: the screenies are from the original release, and do not reflect the addition of the ADF blade antenna. Also, not all the included are displayed. The others are inside the zip.
  19. File Name: SF2 KAW Misc Items Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 07 October 2012 File Category: Ground Object Mods SF2 Korean War Era Misc Items = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = This package contains some of the various miscellanious items needed/required for a full Stand-Alone KAW mods folder. In this zip you'll find the following folders: Ground Object /Objects/Guns /Objects/Weapons /Objects/Pilots Speech Menu Flight (both contain new menu screens) This is a particularly LARGE download, so give youself some time. Most of the USN vessels are those seen in the recently released WW2 PTO Naval Units Pak; some (like the various cargoships, trawlers, and so forth) you may already have. All are updated to SF2NA standard. Some of the weapons and pilots have also been released recently in some of the aircraft; just allow the overwrite when asked. They're the same items. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. If I've forgotten an item PLESE let me know, and I'll try to get it uploaded ASAP Good Hunting! Click here to download this file
  20. right on Allen! either him or Turtledove, eh??
  21. or, HasRWR=FALSE does the same thing
  22. judging by the total LACK of terrain objects, you have the cat pointer line NOT looking for the proper tarrain cat. iirrc, that ancient terrain needs the desert cat. should be something about 'the terrain cat pointer line' someplace n the Knowledge Base
  23. Moved to the correct Forum -------- ALWAYS check the SF/Wo* Knowledge Base -- your answers are there http://combatace.com/topic/9323-adding-weapons-to-sfwovwoe-a-tutorial/
  24. ahh....then you AIN'T in WW2, my friend!!

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