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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. pretty sure I did an upgrade pak for Globemaster .... it probably got removed during The Pruge. I guess I should re upload it However a new model reaaaallllyyy!!! is required ... the lod needs optimization; more than 2 or 3 parked on base drops the frame rates to single digits. You go ahead and post the ini, and I'll incorporate the changes before upping the sf2 C17 pak again
  2. "manual placement of tiles" is my middle name!!! looking forward to the improvements!!!
  3. i would think weight being the issue? followed closely by space under the wings
  4. ok, a new WORKING version of the Mk.XVIe is now available in the downloads section
  5. SF2 cats can't be repacked afaik... you'll need to have seperate folders for EACH speech pak -- just like the ones in the downloads section -AND their requried inis (afaik)
  6. yup, since the shader scripts are locked away, there's f*** all we can do about it. increasing the resolution will SERIOUSLY screw things up.
  7. it's for the 3rd Wire Mustang, that comes with SF2:I expansion pak 1
  8. The 8 inch turrets had been removed in early 42 -- so, they shouldn't be there for Coral Sea. replaces by batteries of 1.1 quad mounts nice looking model, though
  9. telling us WHICH aircraft might be of some assistance ....
  10. and when it you get it working, let me know if you have the decal oddness with the fueselage roundel ... can't figure out if it's a Lod problem or the individual letter codes tga issue
  11. did you add the cockpit folder and cockpit ini, like the readme said? It dosne't come with the pit in the package
  12. simply by using the Tomcat's avionics ini and avionics dll but it's set up like it is for a reason... secondary ground attack (strike, auntie ship, armed recon, cas) capabilities, and need for a ground mapping radar function the kitty's dosen't have
  13. OK here's the data in for the Mk.1, 1938 No.19 Squadron Spit (honetsly, I don't know why he broke things down like he did -- it would be an EXCEEDINLY simple matter to reuse his existing decals, and make any new ones needed for this pre-war version for the TMF Mk.1 -- HOWEVER!!! these early produciton Spits had the 2-bladed Rotol, not the 3 bladed) All guns have been corrected,= useing standared 303s 'hardpoint' removed, engine sound the AvHistory merlin mission tasking limited to CAP, INTERCEPT, SWEEP (NOT hisorically accurate ! they ain't got no legs for that) the major issuse, along with the use of the "Fire_Secondary_Gun" tag, was they were all taged GunGroup=2 You can't have a 2nd group withOUT a 1st one!! not to put the man down, he skins with the best, but his ini dancing... if you all REALLY want a pre-war version, give me a couple of hours, and you'll have it useing the TMF one -- which, other than the wrong prop, is at least the right physical model.
  14. please tell me that's a Sparrowhawk....!!!!!
  15. theorreticlly, you CAN start numbering from 0; just nobody does it, as I said. As long as the SystemName= entry mateches the ]GunXXX[ name entry in the guns statements, it should work. unless Nigel was trying to do something different...??? I guess I'm gonna have to download the damn thing and see what's what ... I notice noone posted the wing System entries...
  16. umm... what do the system entries look like for the right and left wings, inner and outer? I"ll be they don't match the gun entries show above cause honestly, NOBODY uses ***Gun0. They ALWAYS start with ***Gun1 or 01. Look at the TMF Mk.1 and STOCK mk 9. you'll see what I mean and why use the 'secondary' trigger -- which the fraking AI still DON'T use, btw -- when you can simply use GunGroup= (if really trying to be historical) or swicth ALL the MGs to "Fire_Primary_Gun"
  17. Before the "juice" ran out.... traffic violators BEWARE!!!
  18. yes, we ALL read the 3W Forums ... no need to keep repeating it.
  19. Albatros W.4

    well, if you can't get them to work right in FE, I'll be glad to use them in WW2!!!
  20. opps! sorry! thought you meant the static birds! as far as i know, the game just generates the 'regualr' parked aircraft randomly (yes, and all the same type. BOOOORIINGGG!!! ) I don't think there's a way to force them to be anything different, other than 'large' or 'small' wingspans
  21. Albatros W.4

    love flying boats and seaplanes but... where did you get that cargo ship??? I don't recognize the model. Something new?
  22. Terrain Objects; treated just like any other building. (look at the old WW2 terrains, with the parked static aircraft)

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