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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. actualy, the Karyu was MUCH closer to the Swallow.... Kikka was more square. The Ki-201 is another of the WW2 "What Ifs..." that are no longer available. I should know, I built it
  2. yah, like that was an OPERATIONAL version ....
  3. outstanding Ant! like the blue repainted SeaKing too!
  4. and in the UK made version, that actually takes place in the correct Victorian timeframe (effects are crappy tho, on the whole)
  5. File Name: SF2 WW2 Central Pacific Terrain Fix-It Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 07 March 2013 File Category: Full Terrains SF2 WW2 Central Pacific Terrain Fix-It Pak = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (REQUIRED!!) = ** Note: This mod will =ONLY= work correctly in a WW2 PTO mods folders built FROM the SF2NA exe. This is only REAL way to get all the proper coding necessary for the operational CV Zones. It will absolutely NOT work correctly in any other versions, and most definatly NOT at all in SF/Wo* 1stGens at any patch level ** This relatively small pak contains the necessary inis, a new _water.bmp, etc to bring the WW2 Central Pacific Terrain (aka "The Marianas") up to SF2NA standards at the July, 2012 patch. It uses several 'NA-only' switches, the LimitedNations=TRUE statements, and a new _water.bmp with semi-correct CV zones (I say semi, as for ease of play, as the map is divided east/west for IJN and USN, as opposed to the historical version, with the USN TFs west of Guam). The _targets.ini has been slightly reworked, to remove the static parked aircraft, allowing the Game Engine ™ to populate them automatically. Perhaps incorrectly, but populated nonetheless :). As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but BEFORE installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining and enlightning reading. Please also read the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  6. wrong tga maybe?? Ive had that before too, and swaped out for the terrobject_tree1. give that a shot!
  7. I edited your Release Announcement. In the future, it might behoove one the make SURE you state which aircraft a skinpak is for
  8. and.. when I get the EAW Euro terrain finished (it won't be a complete rebuild, only about 60%) It also might be usable for BoB. I only say that ,as I'm having some issues with the BoB terrain in the TE.
  9. the individual terrain folders are ALWAYS named as their "main ini" (ie: VietnamSEA, GermanyCE, CenUS, etc) this should be explaned (hopefully!) somewhere's in the Knowledge Base
  10. actualy, all you need are the terrrians..... _data.ini _targets.ini _types.ini _nations.ini (a big maybe on this) the extracted "bits" go into a same named sub-folder in the /Terrains folder in you Mods folder why would one need all the tiles (bmp and tga). Lods aren't a problem, as they've all been locked away edit: by default the /Terrains folded does NOT exist, and it has to plural ... ie: Terrains
  11. hmmm one wonders if the lods and inis arn't in unicode.. sorta moot, since 98.6% of modders have moved on to SF2
  12. sure thing! after downloading, leave them alone
  13. the start date on skins is done when there are camo or markings changes. If they're mine, they are historically correct, and shouldn't be changed (i can't speak to anyone elses) which, in particular? (aircraft and skins, that is)
  14. as logic would suggest, if it ain't in the download section, it ain't been released
  15. these are uncharted waters for me.... (pun intended). Need a campaign guy to comment -- or TK hisself (doubtful) but that discovery is EXCEEDINGLY interesting!!! (for Hawaii).
  16. serioiusly??? open the CentralPacific.ini, and add this line WaterMap=CentralPacific_Water.bmp at the bottom of the top section, so it looks like this: [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Central Pacific (Marianas Islands) DataFile=CentralPacific_data.INI TargetFile=CentralPacific_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=CentralPacific_types.INI MovementFile=CentralPacific_movement.INI NationsFile=CentralPacific_nations.INI BriefingText=CentralPacific_briefing.INI DogfightFile=CentralPacific_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE //CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat //CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat Longitude=145 Latitude=14 LimitedNations=TRUE NavalMap=TRUE WaterMap=CentralPacific_Water.bmp
  17. edit.. hhmm.... one could try and add the 7th AF bases for Liberators on Tuvalu, in the Gilberts, about 1000 miles to the south/south west as an "off map base", like the Badgers/Blinders/etc on IcelandNA They'd have to start below the bottom left corner, which is the 000000,000000 position, and I KNOW we can't have negative numbers we need to ask JonathonRL about that one....
  18. The main problem is, the USAF has nothing to do with the Mariana's campaign (or terrain, in this instance) -- it's a pure navy (ok, and Marines!) show. Hence, the LimitedNaitons NOT listing the Air Force. However, since the AAF has no carrier capable aircraft... and 'off map basing' is not allowed (or allowed for). I wonder if adding it forces the game engine to give you land-attack missions (other than CAS Armed Recon)? ----------- to answer the other question... TK's game engine is designed to look into folders first, THEN in the cat files so, anything inside a specific folder, be it aircarft, ships, tank or Sister Sara's Mule, will be seen by the engine before anyting else. In the case of terrains, the terrains' nations ini takes precedence OVER the standard Nations ini, even is said N.ini is in the /Flight folder. (pureblue taught us this with the Anatolia terrain -- in the main nations ini, both Greece and Turkey are Friendly Nations) But you still need the WW2 nations ini to HAVE, to ID the various enemy and friendly forces. Think of the main nations ini as the roots/trunk of the tree, and the terrain's nations ini as the branches
  19. correct form is mm/dd/yy, expecially in data inis when exact dates are known (personally, I just use the nearest whole month) you can use as d/y (04/1957) or whole years (1957) but.. the statemen must read as "ServiceStartDate=" for mm/yy
  20. Yes. but... "Get the Carriers"!!! (but don't leave your landing forces undefended. "where is 3rd Fleet? the world wonders...") that's interesting ...flipoping JE and IJN. very interesting! odd, the waterbmp statement should have been there!!
  21. Version


    SF2 WW2 Central Pacific Terrain Fix-It Pak = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (REQUIRED!!) = ** Note: This mod will =ONLY= work correctly in a WW2 PTO mods folders built FROM the SF2NA exe. This is only REAL way to get all the proper coding necessary for the operational CV Zones. It will absolutely NOT work correctly in any other versions, and most definatly NOT at all in SF/Wo* 1stGens at any patch level ** This relatively small pak contains the necessary inis, a new _water.bmp, etc to bring the WW2 Central Pacific Terrain (aka "The Marianas") up to SF2NA standards at the July, 2012 patch. It uses several 'NA-only' switches, the LimitedNations=TRUE statements, and a new _water.bmp with semi-correct CV zones (I say semi, as for ease of play, as the map is divided east/west for IJN and USN, as opposed to the historical version, with the USN TFs west of Guam). The _targets.ini has been slightly reworked, to remove the static parked aircraft, allowing the Game Engine ™ to populate them automatically. Perhaps incorrectly, but populated nonetheless :). As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but BEFORE installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining and enlightning reading. Please also read the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein

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