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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. happens a lot on terrains built with the derst (SF1) TE do this in the data ini: [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] EffectShaderName=xxterAlphaObject.fx DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=TRUE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=NO_CULL LightEnabled=TRUE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=TRUE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=2.000000 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=TRUE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE comment out the fx line I wouldn't worry about the shelters ... this is where some peoples lack of understanding of the mechanics fo the game hurt things. those would have be NEW 3d objects (terrain objects), bult in MAX, exported, skinned and then hand-placed on the map like every other of that type of object. when I rebult it, it's a accurate as possible to Real World as the game engine (allows). And the crappy tile system.
  2. "Generic Hangars Pak" their orientation is 180 off the "normal" used on the Tunisia terrain, on one or another of the pto terrains and the eaw euro too (coming soon)] yes, Geo closed his is site and upoaded all his products (ww1 and ww2 !!) to their various sub-sections. Pity we couldn't get the MAX files too
  3. again, another 3W mistake ... Spitfire's are FIGHTERS
  4. looks about right to me! remember, the Mk.II is essentiall a -1A, withOUT rocket rails the Mk.IV is the -1D WITH rocket rails! damn confusing, at times!!
  5. seriously??? use a totally incorrect Mustang Pit, when a perfectcly good Spit pit has existed since 2006... whatever...
  6. now, just to clarify, we're talking the "Phillipines 44" (displayed name) map, with the SF2NA upgrades....right? NOT the PI 1941 by baltika because all the airfields work for me..
  7. yes, the royal navy variants
  8. those beauties are only AI controled by default. so.... add a cockpit
  9. oh, THAT's a good one!! I'm gonna steal it!!
  10. you put the brakes lines in too!!!!??? man oh man....with stary's pit it's gonna be a good one.
  11. that is the single most diffucult thing to do, let me tell ya!! and not just the city-river, the city river turn, the city itself, and city to farm tiles as well. as you cn see below, sometimes you get a bit lucky, sometimes not. which is why i made the city tods on the EAW Euro WW2 a little on the sparse side... note to self: need replacemnte Eiffel tower ... the 'imported' BoB one dosn't work....
  12. just watch out for "THE Wall"...it's only about 4-5 tiles west of Santa Rosa de Lima. when TK screwed us over, sometime between the March or July patch, he took away the abilitty to reset the world edge boundries, thereby negatinng several thousands man-hours of terrain work. On at LEAST 5 terrains....
  13. russ hasn't finished reworking the lod patitence. it's a virture
  14. well, it seems it started working... if I concentrate on ONLY the GCE tiled one, it'll be VERY long weeks before release. If I finish off the 'BN series tiled' version, that can be out in substantially less than "2 Weeks". However, when the GCE version is finished, you'll be downloading a MUCH bigger package, and have to delete this 'older tile' version. Please take into consideration that there are also several aircraft mods, of some importance, in the pipeline that would suffer delays YOUR vote/voice is important! Thank you for your time!
  15. with some of the "specailty" tiles that need making, and truthfully, that's on ly an hours work for me --it's stary that'll have to convert them to mulit-season (which is something I've never learned!!) stock TODs would have to used, as the placement of historical buildings and such would vanish with the usualy used overcluttered TODs (sorry, brother! your remember what we went through with korea!) make it diffucult to see an example of 'specialy tiles' is shown in the screenie below...in this case, my semi-famous "city 2 airbase' tile we'll see what happens...
  16. expeimentaly, one could try this: we'll assume (oh!! that word!!), a standard runway 3, which 'holds' one squadron -- now, unfortunatley, TKs airfiels are set up for " trailing" take off, so what we see like in the BoB movie is probably impossible so... we take our targets ini and suitably modify it.. [TargetArea0**] Name=RAF Manston Position=abcdef,uvwxyz Radius=6000 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY AirfieldDataFile=desert_airfield3.ini NumSquadrons=1 Target[001].Type=nolod Target[001].Offset=0.00,0.00 Target[001].Heading=0 ----rest of entires remain the same---- and see what happens. what you should get, is an 'empty field', with the various support building scattered around in their 'stand' locations. The airfield zone would need to flattend, of course, just like any other, and you'd need a 'blank' or empty tile to simulate the grass. weither this will actually work or not ...?????? This is a simliar idea to gepard's invisible airfield, as seen on his BoB terrain,which uses the 'flugplatz' tiles one can only try it and see if it works!
  17. 'ad hoc' terrain my ass!! http://combatace.com...errain-for-sf2/
  18. BN - original EAW style (the originals) GCE - GermanyCE tiles sorry, my fault! should have made that MUCH more clear! thing is, the only difference between them, are the tiles. (some cities will need rebuilding for GCE, as is has 'seaport' tiles usefule for Portsmith, Dover, Southhampton, Cardiff, Lorient, Cherbourg, etc,) but in essence, all the same 'target articles' will be there I'm also NOT planning a full retargeting of the map ... either one! Of nearly 300 target areas, including the now corrected airbases, none of the cities are planned for renovation (either by me or Luftwaffe or 8th AF!). To build proper types of targets, I'd need to go page by page through the Strategic Bombing Survey, and research every single city over 50000 populaiton in Europe, that was hit by either side. To say nothing of war start in the west, the bombing campaings, DDay and the drive to Berlin....that's all a bit daunting, even for me! just letting you all know!
  19. so, I guess the detail & scale books helped!! is it just the angle, or is the wing a little 'short' in span/length? you all know that when this comes out, I'll have to drop everything and finish off the New Guinea terrain!!!
  20. ok...this is frakking bull s**t!!!! just for grins and giggles, i went back into that GCE based eaw terrain editor, fiddled a few tiles (replaced with G6s), genreated the TFD & HFD, moved the folders around (renamed to 'working' terrain to save it...) and this happens... THE TRIPLE CURSED DAMNED THING FROM FLAMING HELLS IS WORKING!!!! in the screenie, you can see the 'combination' of old and new....(road tiles, some farm, etc. now, i don't know what hte hell to do!!! Please vote in the poll that'll be appearing shortly.. thank you
  21. by EVERYONE !!!! even fng2k!!! and he built it!! expect the thing early next week; remember you asked for it!!! I'll include the latest targets ini (which most assuredly WON'T match the tiles)
  22. ini.

    outie (sorry, HAD to that !!!) flightdata cat
  23. it just won't run ... locks/freezes at between 80-100%. no idea what's causing it. its a pity, would be nice to have a 4 season version of western europe! to say nothing of having proper port tiles....and city 2 sea and etc. if you want to mess with, i'll send you the ENTIRE terrain editor,all set up for it!
  24. i was talking about the dead burning bird on the ground, as I think Raven was. But building in damaged sections (before the splat!) would be great too. as to what he's refereing to, my guess is those shown in some render shots in the ww2 forum

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