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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. i hope i'm not seeing a malcom hooded Jug in the PTO (~200 converted in England) ... and Ms (as used by the 56th ONLY) are VERY different from the Ns used in the pacific. the 325th MTO skin is nice. pity most folks that want that Jug, can't get it -- required screenie Vichy D.520 over Syria
  2. Su-35BM - Skin

    this part must have escaped notice the aircraft was removed due to legal issues. It is NOT available here at CA
  3. Insignia for Post War Nations

    over at simmerspaintshop.com, they have the pds with "World Markings", that go back to WW1, so some post-war should be there too somwhere on this page, i think http://www.simmerspa...php?do=cat&id=3 edit: Stephan, I merged to 2 topics together.
  4. fat, lazy, old and unemployed?? oh..what am I in the SF2 world!! misread the idea!! Mustang, methinks, or maybe Corsair (with Hellcat a close 3rd)
  5. Old airfields/airports in the US

    had this bookmarked for a long time .. got some cool shots from 'back in the day' http://members.tripod.com/airfields_freeman/
  6. wow! I've been doing it right years, and never knew it was the correct way!!! I do that with ALL planes!!
  7. File Name: SF2 WW2 ETO A-26B Invader Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 25 January 2013 File Category: Other SF2 WW2 ETO A-26B Invader Pak -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred -PLUS Expansion Pak 1) = *Note: there is a DISTINCT possibility that this mod, like it's KAW brother, will =NOT= work in 1stGen installs, at any patch level. Having SF2I Expansion Pak 1 is reccomended, as the loadout references the Stock 3W WW2 bombs.* A reskining of Bobrock's SUPERB B-model Invader, recreate those as used from late 1944 through war's end in the European Theatre of Operations. This is a complete aircraft pak, with all the trimmings. Skins/Decal sets included are for the following units: 670th BS, 416th BG, 9th AF 552nd BS, 386th BG, 9th AF (actually, ALL Invader units in the ETO were in the 9th) Skins are in DDS format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. There are no nose arts, unfortunately, in this pak. Weapons, for the most part are NOT included. The bombs used reference those from SF2I ExpPak1, but are easily swapped out for the older WepPak version by a simple loadout ini text edit. Pilot figures (the gunner) is included, and a NEW engine engine sound; now using the AvHistory R2600 x2 sound. The Standard Animation Keystroke (shift/0) opens the canopy. When 'in game', you'll see... A-26B Invader (BR) on the Aircraft Selection Drop down menu. This, also, will help to diferentiate the aircraft from any other Invader you may (or may not) have. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. And the "Notes" section, too. Important changes there. Good Hunting!! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  8. SF2 WW2 ETO A-26B Invader Pak



    SF2 WW2 ETO A-26B Invader Pak -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred -PLUS Expansion Pak 1) = *Note: there is a DISTINCT possibility that this mod, like it's KAW brother, will =NOT= work in 1stGen installs, at any patch level. Having SF2I Expansion Pak 1 is reccomended, as the loadout references the Stock 3W WW2 bombs.* A reskining of Bobrock's SUPERB B-model Invader, recreate those as used from late 1944 through war's end in the European Theatre of Operations. This is a complete aircraft pak, with all the trimmings. Skins/Decal sets included are for the following units: 670th BS, 416th BG, 9th AF 552nd BS, 386th BG, 9th AF (actually, ALL Invader units in the ETO were in the 9th) Skins are in DDS format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. There are no nose arts, unfortunately, in this pak. Weapons, for the most part are NOT included. The bombs used reference those from SF2I ExpPak1, but are easily swapped out for the older WepPak version by a simple loadout ini text edit. Pilot figures (the gunner) is included, and a NEW engine engine sound; now using the AvHistory R2600 x2 sound. The Standard Animation Keystroke (shift/0) opens the canopy. When 'in game', you'll see... A-26B Invader (BR) on the Aircraft Selection Drop down menu. This, also, will help to diferentiate the aircraft from any other Invader you may (or may not) have. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. And the "Notes" section, too. Important changes there. Good Hunting!! wrench kevin stein
  9. the section I posted, goes in the FlightControl section, at the top of the data ini, NOT in the controls section with the flaps themselves. Thusly: [FlightControl] StallSpeed=33.440 CruiseSpeed=93.88 ClimbSpeed=84.49 CornerSpeed=140.500 MaxG=5.00 MaxSpeedSL=150.07 MachLimit=0.80 PitchDamper=0.5 RollDamper=0.125 YawDamper=0.1 GunBoresightAngle=0 RocketBoresightAngle=0 FlapSettingForLanding=2 FlapSettingForTakeOff=0 ==================================== (cough) Raven's Hurri's (Cough) even though built for 1stGens, work EXCELLENTLY in SF2 -- chk the WW2 download section for some stuff I've done, and the WW2 1stGEn section too (for some of the originals. I've ported a few, but they really need VERY litle work to bring them SF2 -just some cockpit/and data ini tweeks to had the external framing)
  10. File Name: SF2 WW2 SB2C Helldiver Tweeks Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 January 2013 File Category: SBD / TBD / TBF / SB2C SF2 WW2 SB2C Helldiver Tweeks Pak -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = Some tweeks, and a new skin for Veltro2K's recently released Curtiss SB2C "Helldiver" WW2 USN dive bomber. This skin is a simple re-decaling of the original release Dark Gloss Navy Blue, represent VB-7 from USS Hancock, post June/July 1945 (when BuAer mandated the changover from 3-tone). The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. Tweeked Data, loadout, and main inis as well as Sounds, weapons are included. BRAND NEW SF2 "box art" hangar and loading screens, too. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. It contains the Change List. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  11. a little "oopsy" in the decals.ini I forgot the add the 'fake' insigina decal, that will activate the Nation name display on the loadout screen. in the VB7 skin folder, add this to the decals ini, at the bottom [Decal016] MeshName=leftaileron DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=Insignia Position=6.5,0.55 Scale=0.00000001 Rotation= DecalMaxLOD=1 because the national markings are painted on, there's no other way for the game engine ™ to 'know' who it belongs to
  12. thats VB-17 (Bunker Hill) birds on the Helldivers combat debut, 11/11/43. but is pretty much representative of ALL Helldiver units, just before the G system went into effect in Mid-44. Some use modex in all 3 positions, some only 2 (not counting the gear doors, of course) That's the part that drives skinners crazy ... what geometric marking when with what Air Group!! (good thing I've got a faily complete guide!) ya'llknow i'm pretty much the ww2 usn expert 'round heaar!
  13. then its time to evolve to the SF2 series. You will NEVER get them to work in SFP1. It simply canNOT be done. ------------------------- .old file extension is exactly what it says is it... an old file that was backed up for archiving. looks like eburger just forgot to delete it. no, because it REQUIRES the SF2:I Exp1 Meteor "bits'. Which will NOT work in WoI or ANY 1stGen, due to use of Unicode lods. Hence, why almost NO one mods for 1stGens anymore. They're dead
  14. try this, see if it work: FlapSettingForLanding=2 FlapSettingForTakeOff=0
  15. as this is a V2K aircraft.... but not to detract from the much wanted (and NEEDED) Flying Fort, here's the recently released Helldiver in it's 3-tone camo. Made from my Home Grown ™ template. Just needs modex decals...and determine if/what G system marking is/was/should be used. i think I"ll also do the -3 version, to give something for slightly eariler year usage.
  16. trust me, solomons V3 works GREAT in SF2. It's only lacking the carrier base coding (NavalMap=TRUE) and the waterbmp with the carrier stations (and there would be only one for USN ... but would be VERY close to The WALL which is why I never added it). In the case of most of the PTO terrains (Solomons, Phillipines, Okinawa, Darwin) they REQUIRE the VietnamSEA cat, even though each of those terrains has their specific tilesets included within the terrain folder. whatever issues USAFP2 is having is something caused at his end, as has been discussed in the Missions/Campaigns Forum this is 100% TRUE. Now, you can MAKE it NA only, by 1) not flying on any other map but IcelandNA 2) deleting all non essential aircraft, groundobjects and whatnots. and that would be more work than it's work, imo Simply by design, ALL SF2 game installs (read: mods folders) run from ANY of the exes will ALWAYS have all the items from all the games avialable. This has been asked and answered hundreds of times... It's because ... SF2 SF2:V SF2:E SF2:I SF2:NA all use the same 'core files'; dlls, wavs, ini, cats, etc. You wanna talk about a major 'reach around', this is it. Is there something "different" about the SF2NA.exe? Nothing I've seen and experimentated with has DISproven the fact that, YES there is. It seems to be releated to shipboard basing of Naval aircraft (and in some cases, USMC birds too). The same terrain(s) in SF2 will NOT work as advertised, or built as they do in SF2NA, or a mods folder built from the SF2NA.exe. The best example of this is Cuba OTC+; locks/feeezes at anywhere from 70-90% loading in SF2. The same terrain, when placed in SF2NA loads right up (well, after a short wait due to someone cramming millions of items into the targets.ini ) and works as desinged. So, don't know what else to say!
  17. that would be my guess! maybe just use this line? DecalNumberBlockSize=1
  18. Version


    SF2 WW2 SB2C Helldiver Tweeks Pak -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = Some tweeks, and a new skin for Veltro2K's recently released Curtiss SB2C "Helldiver" WW2 USN dive bomber. This skin is a simple re-decaling of the original release Dark Gloss Navy Blue, represent VB-7 from USS Hancock, post June/July 1945 (when BuAer mandated the changover from 3-tone). The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. Tweeked Data, loadout, and main inis as well as Sounds, weapons are included. BRAND NEW SF2 "box art" hangar and loading screens, too. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. It contains the Change List. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  19. 4 or 5 base skins, HUNDREDs of decals why don't you just buy it and find out?
  20. so, what the deal? How hard can it be? (covered in the KB, by the way!!) you just copy/paste the NA.exe BACK into the core install location, -ti'll show up as StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic - Copy.exe then, you simply rename it to what you want. Create new shortcut to that exe, change the icon if you want, run it, and mod that newly created folder. everytime you want to play that particular 'era/, just use that shortcut remember: copy/pasting MODS folders don't do nothing; you have to have the executable for that particular install

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