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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. iirc, the font is Long Beach USN, but Ive never found a full version for free download. The freeware are always crippled somehow - missing a few letters/numbers. So, one would need to 'buy' it. that most defiately looks like a Midway class! I also like that cruiser! (although the pre-missile all 8" gun version would be nice too! )
  2. After successful delivery of beer to the troops, time to head home... -------- ant: are those new fuel bowsers I spy?? russo: the bump mapping on the su16 is superb!!
  3. ya got my vote! (do i have register as a voter?)
  4. but ya gotta admit, it IS one of the nicest looking models 3W has ever produced (and, yes I prejudiced!) the thing should be one of the best dogfighters EVER in aviation history -- that kinda sorta what it was built for. removing the fues tank is a good idea -- for 3W 63% maps - with the 2 internal wing tanks, and the 2 drop tanks, it'll have plenty of gojuice. But what of the few full-scale maps we have? that extra gas might come in handy. but it DO needs tweeking. We're all seen real ones flying, and various newsreel-type films from the war; it should be MUCH more manuveralbe
  5. i just use that 1st selection -- that shows dlc and cat files. i'm lazy
  6. no, you have change the selection on the cat extractor to sho dlc
  7. there's some seriously f***ed up tiles on that terrain! missing all kinds of transitions! landing lights are waaaay too bright, drop both down by 50% (use the specs we did on the Paki Mirages)
  8. TAS or IAS??? (it's a discussion that comes up all the time) you'll need to active the full debug mode, so extract the HUDData.ini, place it in the /Flight folder and do this to the top section: [Debug] //DisplayDebug=FALSE DisplayDebug=TRUE the commented out section will allow you turn it off permantly. In game you'll have a LOT of info on the left side of the screen. It can be turned off by hitting Alt/D. you'll also notice the speedometer is calibrated in MPH, while debug is knots and yes, I agree, it feels 'sluggish' all around
  9. that's not how SF2 does nations now. let me get the PTO mods folder unzipped, and look at the Solomons (don't recall if I used LimitedNations=TRUE yup, sounds like the dreaded ATI bug on the tga (I've always used nVidia) the jpg skin is a patch issue -- iirc the Nov 2011 added that ability. as to the cockpit ... I DID remember it in the SB2U's zip, right???
  10. we could use a "Liberty" ship style cargo ship, too. Not only for WW2, but for many years after just throwing that out...
  11. the thing that's really got ME bugged is the square prop tga on the SBD, and the missing pit on the WindIndicator...as (as always!) they work fine for me. The skins ARE in jpg, for May/June/July 2012 level (full-5 merged in my case) Jeff, try converting the skins to bmp with Photoshop, or IrfanView or GIMP and see what happens. I don't have my mods folders rebuilt yet; just got the new HD in and the reinstall of the OS done last night, and waiting for the new vidcard, so I can't check anything for few days (the craptastic card i'm using just don't like SF2) and most definately, what patch level be you at?
  12. plenty of skinning tutorials at simmerspaintshop.com
  13. thats an easy fix,but will require some work in both the targets and types inis. This same 'cheat' is being used in the KAW mod, for the PRC airfields west of the Yalu (and therefore, off limits). You need to 'clone' all the objects on the Peshwar base in the types ini -expecially the runway and ALL buildings, and give them a 0 point value. Example: [TargetType0**] Name=barrack1n FullName=Barrack ModelName=barrack1.lod TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=0 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=10.0 ArmorValue=0.0 ArmorType=0 RepairRate=0.150 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=15000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=MediumShortStructureCollapse DestroyedModel=barrack1_destroyed SecondaryChance=25 SecondaryEffect=SmallExplosionEffect note that it's now called "barrack1n" -n for neutral or no value. You'll need to do that for EVERY object listed in/on that airfield. Basically, you copy/paste each one at the bottom of the Afghan_types.ini, useing the next number in sequence you'll have to go through the targets ini for the runway you've selected for Peshwar, noting down ALL the items listed, and change them to the n type: [TargetArea0**] Name=Peshawar PAFB Position=*Insert proper coordinates* Radius=6000 ActiveYear=0 Location=*Insert Proper Location* Alignment=ENEMY AirfieldDataFile=desert_airfield1n.ini NumSquadrons=3 Target[001].Type=Runway1n Target[001].Offset=0.00,0.00 Target[001].Heading=60.0 Target[002].Type=Tower1n Target[002].Offset=-66.16,0.09 Target[002].Heading=0 Target[003].Type=windsockn Target[003].Offset=50.00,-1200.00 Target[003].Heading=180 Target[004].Type=windsockn Target[004].Offset=-50.00,-1200.00 Target[004].Heading=180 Target[005].Type=windsockn Target[005].Offset=50.00,1200.00 Target[005].Heading=180 Target[006].Type=windsockn Target[006].Offset=-50.00,1200.00 Target[006].Heading=180 Target[007].Type=ils_shackn Target[007].Offset=-65.00,-1229.00 Target[007].Heading=90 Target[008].Type=ils_shackn Target[008].Offset=-66.00,1230.11 Target[008].Heading=90 Target[009].Type=eor_shackn Target[009].Offset=177.00,-1267.00 Target[009].Heading=180 Target[010].Type=eor_shackn Target[010].Offset=177.00,1267.00 Target[010].Heading=0 Target[011].Type=fueltank1n Target[011].Offset=415.00,860.00 Target[011].Heading=180 Target[012].Type=fueltank1n Target[012].Offset=415.00,885.00 Target[012].Heading=180 Target[013].Type=fueltank1n Target[013].Offset=415.00,910.00 Target[013].Heading=180 Target[014].Type=fueltank1n Target[014].Offset=415.00,935.00 Target[014].Heading=180 Target[015].Type=USFuelTruckn Target[015].Offset=502.83,365.08 Target[015].Heading=312 Target[016].Type=Hangar2n Target[016].Offset=592.00,93.00 Target[016].Heading=270 Target[017].Type=Hangar2n Target[017].Offset=592.00,43.00 Target[017].Heading=270 Target[018].Type=blastshieldn Target[018].Offset=484.49,385.10 Target[018].Heading=217 Target[019].Type=blastshieldn Target[019].Offset=452.06,408.76 Target[019].Heading=217 Target[020].Type=building1n Target[020].Offset=629.32,375.72 Target[020].Heading=0 Target[021].Type=building2n Target[021].Offset=622.77,438.32 Target[021].Heading=0 Target[022].Type=Hangar3n Target[022].Offset=602.24,223.20 Target[022].Heading=270 Target[023].Type=Hangar1n Target[023].Offset=592.00,148.00 Target[023].Heading=270 Target[024].Type=Hangar1n Target[024].Offset=592.00,294.00 Target[024].Heading=270 Target[025].Type=fueltank2n Target[025].Offset=534.78,341.84 Target[025].Heading=180 Target[026].Type=pit16n Target[026].Offset=407.00,-260.00 Target[026].Heading=0 Target[027].Type=pit16n Target[027].Offset=407.00,-185.00 Target[027].Heading=0 Target[028].Type=pit8n Target[028].Offset=407.00,-110.00 Target[028].Heading=180 Target[029].Type=fire_deptn Target[029].Offset=558.00,-12.00 Target[029].Heading=0 Target[030].Type=watertower1n Target[030].Offset=628.79,-325.83 Target[030].Heading=90 Target[031].Type=USJeepn Target[031].Offset=-434.96,1057.02 Target[031].Heading=45 Target[032].Type=USJeepn Target[032].Offset=565.91,5.21 Target[032].Heading=280 Target[033].Type=USFuelTruckn Target[033].Offset=527.39,5.35 Target[033].Heading=92 Target[034].Type=bombtrailern Target[034].Offset=517.47,-98.75 Target[034].Heading=4 Target[035].Type=bombtrailern Target[035].Offset=568.01,118.21 Target[035].Heading=277 Target[036].Type=bombtrailern Target[036].Offset=321.30,-175.30 Target[036].Heading=12 Target[037].Type=powercartn Target[037].Offset=321.70,-269.60 Target[037].Heading=0 Target[038].Type=blastshieldn Target[038].Offset=518.60,-41.40 Target[038].Heading=270 Target[039].Type=blastshieldn Target[039].Offset=518.60,-62.20 Target[039].Heading=270 Target[040].Type=blastshieldn Target[040].Offset=518.60,-83.50 Target[040].Heading=270 Target[041].Type=blastshieldn Target[041].Offset=518.60,-145.70 Target[041].Heading=270 Target[042].Type=blastshieldn Target[042].Offset=518.60,-221.40 Target[042].Heading=270 Target[043].Type=blastshieldn Target[043].Offset=518.60,-295.60 Target[043].Heading=270 Target[044].Type=pit8n Target[044].Offset=407.00,-335.00 Target[044].Heading=0 Target[045].Type=ASRn Target[045].Offset=-406.67,1080.92 Target[045].Heading=0 Target[046].Type=barrack1n Target[046].Offset=-386.39,1029.59 Target[046].Heading=130 Target[047].Type=shack1n Target[047].Offset=-396.73,1065.22 Target[047].Heading=270 Target[048].Type=shack1n Target[048].Offset=-426.88,1085.00 Target[048].Heading=130 Target[049].Type=building2n Target[049].Offset=-449.12,1073.09 Target[049].Heading=40 Target[050].Type=barrack1n Target[050].Offset=694.00,-19.98 Target[050].Heading=90 Target[051].Type=barrack1n Target[051].Offset=694.43,-61.07 Target[051].Heading=90 Target[052].Type=barrack1n Target[052].Offset=694.43,-104.11 Target[052].Heading=90 Target[053].Type=barrack1n Target[053].Offset=693.71,-145.22 Target[053].Heading=90 Target[054].Type=barrack1n Target[054].Offset=696.61,-186.87 Target[054].Heading=90 Target[055].Type=barrack1n Target[055].Offset=695.13,-229.71 Target[055].Heading=90 Target[056].Type=barrack1n Target[056].Offset=695.99,-272.42 Target[056].Heading=90 Target[057].Type=barrack1n Target[057].Offset=697.62,-318.97 Target[057].Heading=90 Target[058].Type=barrack1n Target[058].Offset=758.36,41.02 Target[058].Heading=90 Target[059].Type=barrack1n Target[059].Offset=759.36,84.55 Target[059].Heading=90 Target[060].Type=barrack1n Target[060].Offset=759.36,125.78 Target[060].Heading=90 Target[061].Type=barrack1n Target[061].Offset=695.45,347.38 Target[061].Heading=90 Target[062].Type=barrack1n Target[062].Offset=695.45,303.41 Target[062].Heading=90 Target[063].Type=barrack1n Target[063].Offset=694.40,258.45 Target[063].Heading=90 Target[064].Type=barrack1n Target[064].Offset=697.02,210.64 Target[064].Heading=90 Target[065].Type=barrack1n Target[065].Offset=697.02,169.55 Target[065].Heading=90 Target[066].Type=barrack1n Target[066].Offset=695.45,125.10 Target[066].Heading=90 Target[067].Type=barrack1n Target[067].Offset=696.03,84.01 Target[067].Heading=90 Target[068].Type=barrack1n Target[068].Offset=695.11,40.97 Target[068].Heading=90 Target[069].Type=barrack2n Target[069].Offset=621.86,-56.03 Target[069].Heading=90 Target[070].Type=barrack2n Target[070].Offset=622.86,-96.30 Target[070].Heading=90 Target[071].Type=bunker2n Target[071].Offset=546.18,-540.50 Target[071].Heading=90 Target[072].Type=bunker2n Target[072].Offset=545.36,-490.74 Target[072].Heading=90 Target[073].Type=bunker2n Target[073].Offset=545.25,-445.57 Target[073].Heading=90 Target[074].Type=barrack1n Target[074].Offset=763.89,-21.27 Target[074].Heading=90 Target[075].Type=barrack1n Target[075].Offset=763.23,-61.73 Target[075].Heading=90 Target[076].Type=barrack1n Target[076].Offset=763.23,-102.76 Target[076].Heading=90 Target[077].Type=barrack1n Target[077].Offset=762.49,-145.77 Target[077].Heading=90 Target[078].Type=barrack1n Target[078].Offset=763.77,-187.30 Target[078].Heading=90 Target[079].Type=barrack1n Target[079].Offset=763.77,-231.20 Target[079].Heading=90 Target[080].Type=barrack1n Target[080].Offset=760.68,-275.80 Target[080].Heading=90 Target[081].Type=barrack1n Target[081].Offset=762.28,-318.69 Target[081].Heading=90 Target[082].Type=shack1n Target[082].Offset=823.36,-328.42 Target[082].Heading=270 Target[083].Type=xAAA Target[083].Offset=-573.20,1497.53 Target[083].Heading=315 Target[084].Type=xAAA Target[084].Offset=541.14,537.89 Target[084].Heading=45 Target[084].ActiveYear=1961 Target[085].Type=xAAA Target[085].Offset=526.88,-828.54 Target[085].Heading=135 Target[085].ActiveYear=1961 Target[086].Type=xAAA Target[086].Offset=-410.75,-1512.31 Target[086].Heading=225 Target[087].Type=building1n Target[087].Offset=629.43,-16.72 Target[087].Heading=0 Target[088].Type=building2n Target[088].Offset=624.43,-136.72 Target[088].Heading=0 Target[089].Type=shack1n Target[089].Offset=634.79,-307.83 Target[089].Heading=180 Target[090].Type=shack1n Target[090].Offset=538.00,-5.00 Target[090].Heading=0 Target[091].Type=building3n Target[091].Offset=488.97,413.26 Target[091].Heading=0 Target[092].Type=xUSJeep Target[092].Offset=472.93,408.29 Target[092].Heading=190 Target[093].Type=shack1n Target[093].Offset=466.65,416.44 Target[093].Heading=180 Target[094].Type=building1n Target[094].Offset=589.43,-16.72 Target[094].Heading=0 Target[095].Type=powercartn Target[095].Offset=467.40,397.14 Target[095].Heading=-30 note the "xAAA"; with nothing of vaule to defend, they're no longer needed. The game engine ™ will skip over those entires. you'll also need, in the example above, the Desert_airfield1.ini, to rename to match the new runway. (or the ini for whichever one you're using) further questions; just ask
  14. File Name: Central America Terrain for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 08 September 2012 File Category: Full Terrains Central America Terrain for SF2 - For SF2, Any & All (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended*) This terrain covers the area from Belize, down to Columbia, centered on the Panama Canal. Some regions are a bit truncated (eastern El Salvador), and some areas are not targeted. This terrain does =NOT= have the SF2NA "NavalMap" statement activated in any inis. It is designed =ONLY= for ground-based air forces. It is highly suggested it remain as such. However, the _water.bmp does have 2 "Blue Side" coded carrier stations, one in the Pacific and one in the Caribean. Again, its not reccomended for CV usage; as once the "NavalMap=TRUE" is activated, all USMC carrier-capable aircraft will now ONLY fly from The Boat. The LimitedNations statement is set to TRUE, allowing only for 'regional powers' (with a few exceptions). Many of the included GroundObjects you may already have -- install them anyway. A majority of them have had the "issuing" user nations corrected, and the appropriate UserList created. The included Ships have also been updated as per SF2NA. Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification. However, 2 Easter Eggs are emplaced on the map. You should be able to guess where, and what they are. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read the New Standard discalimer, as it's been changed slightly. Happy Sightseeing! wrench kevin stein *Full-5 reccomended if one activates the Carrier Zones - NOT reccomended* Click here to download this file
  15. yeah, TK did a super job on 'stang. It makes me wonder what a 3rd Wire Sabre would look like....
  16. you do it via LimitedNations=TRUE in the terrains' main ini (Afghanistan.ini), and create or edit the AfghanNations.ini, listing the firendly and enemy sides
  17. File Name: SF2 WW2 C-47 Skytrain File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 September 2012 File Category: Other SF2 WW2 C-47 Skytrain -- Something for the WW2 players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged -PLUS- SF2I Expansion Pak 1 Required!!! = *Note: you MUST have SF2I Expansion Pak 1 to gain access to the C-47A to add the mod to. If you do not meet the requirement, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD, as you'll be unable to use it.* A quickie redecaling of the 3W Skytrain to represent Early WW2 C-47s in use pretty much anywhere in the world. It uses the stock OD skin, with the Round Star (no meatball, no bars) as seen from May 1942 through September(ish) 1943. 12 serial number decals are included; these ARE actual C-47A serials from the correct timeframe. Also included is Kesselbrut's cockpit*, for those that haven't made it flyable, and a new engine sound, of an actual C-47. The userlist ini also included, adding Australia as a new nation; a WW2 RAAF skin is in the works. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. This will look quite good sitting parked around you WW2 airfields! *Note: although a cockpit is supplied, it is reccomended to leave the aircraft under AI control. There is very little actual use for transport aircraft in game, at the moment, other than as eye candy. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  18. SF2 WW2 C-47 Skytrain



    SF2 WW2 C-47 Skytrain -- Something for the WW2 players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged -PLUS- SF2I Expansion Pak 1 Required!!! = *Note: you MUST have SF2I Expansion Pak 1 to gain access to the C-47A to add the mod to. If you do not meet the requirement, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD, as you'll be unable to use it.* A quickie redecaling of the 3W Skytrain to represent Early WW2 C-47s in use pretty much anywhere in the world. It uses the stock OD skin, with the Round Star (no meatball, no bars) as seen from May 1942 through September(ish) 1943. 12 serial number decals are included; these ARE actual C-47A serials from the correct timeframe. Also included is Kesselbrut's cockpit*, for those that haven't made it flyable, and a new engine sound, of an actual C-47. The userlist ini also included, adding Australia as a new nation; a WW2 RAAF skin is in the works. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. This will look quite good sitting parked around you WW2 airfields! *Note: although a cockpit is supplied, it is reccomended to leave the aircraft under AI control. There is very little actual use for transport aircraft in game, at the moment, other than as eye candy. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  19. File Name: SF2 WW2 PTO Ki-43 Oscar by ArmorDave File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 20 September 2012 File Category: Other SF2 WW2 PTO Ki-43 Oscar by ArmorDave -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a distinct possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.* This is an SF2 version of my 1stGen "AD Oscar Update Pak". I'd forgotten to upload it (what with all the personal computer drama lately...and still ongoing...) so here it is now. Unlike the original SF/Wo* pak, I've created all 3 skins for the 11 Sentai; each of the 3 Chutai are represented by different color lightning bolt on the tail. The other skin included is 1 Sentai, 3 Chutai, iirc, from the CBI region. All skins are jpg, and as these Sentai used no individual aircraft numbers, the only marking are the tail decals (for 11 Sentai) As expected, it has a semi-compliant SF2 Flight Models, but they do need further fine tuning by experts. To diferentiate it from the Wolf Oscar, in-game you'll see the displayed name: Ki-43-Ia "Oscar" (AD) As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Remember -- these are very old models, so they "are as they is". All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  20. File Name: SF2 WW2 PTO A-24 Banshee File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 20 September 2012 File Category: SBD / TBD / TBF / SB2C SF2 WW2 A-24 Banshee (USAAF Dauntless) -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.* This is a SF2 version of my eariler 1stGen A-24 Dauntless; like the recently rereleased SBDs, it has a (semi)complitant SF2 FM, and may need further adjusting by experts. It represents aircraft as used by the 8th Bombardment Squadron (Dive) in New Guinea in mid 1942. These aircraft had a very short operational career in combat (read: disastrous). Most later variants were regulated to Stateside training squadrons. The skin is in jpg format; decal randomization is set to TRUE. Serial numbers are correct for this model Banshee, as I was not able to run down exact usage for this squadron. It also uses the original Wolf cockpit, as these are the equlivant of SBD-3, with the telescopic sight (ring-and-bead used here). The 'fakepilot method' (patentpending) is used to add the 2 wing station pylons. This tweek can also be used on the recently released SBD Dauntless pak, if one has the ini editing skills As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All readmes from the original releases, are included where discoverable from the archives. Remember, also, this is a very old model, and like all the others, "it is as it is". Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  21. Version


    SF2 WW2 A-24 Banshee (USAAF Dauntless) -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.* This is a SF2 version of my eariler 1stGen A-24 Dauntless; like the recently rereleased SBDs, it has a (semi)complitant SF2 FM, and may need further adjusting by experts. It represents aircraft as used by the 8th Bombardment Squadron (Dive) in New Guinea in mid 1942. These aircraft had a very short operational career in combat (read: disastrous). Most later variants were regulated to Stateside training squadrons. The skin is in jpg format; decal randomization is set to TRUE. Serial numbers are correct for this model Banshee, as I was not able to run down exact usage for this squadron. It also uses the original Wolf cockpit, as these are the equlivant of SBD-3, with the telescopic sight (ring-and-bead used here). The 'fakepilot method' (patentpending) is used to add the 2 wing station pylons. This tweek can also be used on the recently released SBD Dauntless pak, if one has the ini editing skills As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All readmes from the original releases, are included where discoverable from the archives. Remember, also, this is a very old model, and like all the others, "it is as it is". Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  22. it automaticly retracts the radiator exhuast duct around 300 knots, and it dosn't close fully.
  23. how that? I just shorted down to Samauri's Shipyard
  24. in between trying to salvage my C drive (its dying badly), I was looking into it. So far, all I've confimed is that the game seems (emphasis on seems) to be ignoring any added AI statements in aircraft's data ini. We used to be able to edit the (irrc) the missioncontrol.ini, and change various altitudes... no luck so far. I know historically, USN dive bombers came in from 15-17000 feet. I'd assume (oh! that word!) IJN aircraft would be fairly similiar you could alwasy try adding NAVAL_STRIKE to the Primary or Secondary Roles in the data in, and see what happens. Be ready to change it back, however

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