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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. and it needs (needed?) a better hangar screen, too. My old eyes had a hard time reading the 'mission brief' on the hangar. So, I made a new one for me off the SF2 hangar screen template but I'm loving this mod!
  2. this is the clue: in SF2 untextured meshes (ie: the LOD) are Black. In SF/Wo*, untextured meshes are White. The SF2 engine also handles decals slightly differently, and sometimes they don't show up on untextured meshes; wherea s in 1stGen sometimes they do. He's trying to run the mod in one of the 1stGen games. Nothing we can do there ... now, if he'd said what game he'd installed it too, a lot of confusion would have been advoided
  3. the original auuthor was "Mitch", in 2003 don't place them ON the platte, just near it! Along the threat axis (meaning: pointed towards the enemy side of the map) often they won't show until needed (or spawned) by the game engine -- this is a know issue for us targeeters. Sometimes even the launchers don't show when building a target area
  4. all i can say is WOW!!! this'll liven up night anti-ship missions (wonder if the lights will always be on, even on parked boats??)
  5. i have several comments about the "person" that reported the violence issue, but because this is a family site, I'm letting descresion guide me -for once. (that and profanity editor would just fill the page with censor marks.) --- Remember people -- No Posts In This Thread WithOUT a Screenshot!!! meanwhile, back to the game, in another part of the world.... Gnats taxi past a 'visiting' Seahawk
  6. one of the ground platte from 'The Factory Place', methinks! (aka: a rebuild of the original vehicle depots) nice repurposing!!! as suggestion for the terraformers/targeteers, is bulid the AD units (ie: SAM batterie) INTO this target area, not as seperate areas. Makes life much easier!! just a couple of corrections.... Radius=3000 7km is bit too large! also, because the groundplatte is flatobject=true, that terrain region it sits on MUST be a flat zone, or be flattened in the TE.
  7. are you using the correct weapons editor for you patch level? This assumes you're using the 08 patch; there's an 08 level weapons editor, too. I don't remember exactly where they are here, but look in the downloads, Utilities and Tools section. At worst, it's also at 3rd Wire
  8. did you move BOTH the weaponsdata.ini and weaponsdata.dat files over??? It's GOT to have both (how it works, the weaponsdata.ini is just the listings, the weaponsdata.dat is the actual file the game engine ™ looks at) now, here I'm gonna get sarcastic, so take this as a bit of a joke; not meant to be harmfull or hurtfull in any way: move to SF2 and you won't have these problems, as all weapons are folderized with all the needed inis, lods, bmps/tga etc, internal to themselves. Weapons editor for SF2 isn't really needed at all!
  9. well, check the individual data inis, making sure they're listed, and might have to extract and rebuild the soundlist.ini
  10. you block size it too small ... 50-99 is 50 numbers, you have showing 25. try chaning it to match the full block size, see what happens
  11. awaiting the opinions of the masses, and the arrival of the much-touted MirageIIIO ... not wanting to rebuild all my mods folders more than once in the same week
  12. I LOVE mountain terrains!!! Baltika; I've found the archived TE folder, and zipped it. it's only 36 megs, and I can send it via pm quite easily. Just let me know if you want it! (of course, it dosen't include the actual ing-game tiles and TODs I build for Iran/Iraq, but those are easily transfered from that terrain's folder)
  13. that's the other cheat I use ... gepard, iirc, had made 2 smokestacks (50 and 72 meter height) that I modified to have a smoke emitter. They can, and have been, placed as seperate objects within an existing multi-stack factory, or added to one without a stack, to give that nice effect. It's a real bitch placing them exactly, and sometimes they aren't as hidden as I'd like, but it creates the illusion of having all 'furnaces burning' if you want them, and their _types entires, I'll be glad to shoot them over. It'll save you some MAX time at least!
  14. it's controled by the terrrain's _Types.ini. Here's the entry for the old (from WW2 terrains) train engine: the same for Factory's (like from The Factroy Place) Small problem: you can have only ONE working smokestack per factory (example: Julhelm has a factory w/3 stack and only 1 can emmit) now, I should state THIS train is a static Terrain Object ™, and just sits there. I've got a 'moving' train -built from Old Diego's 'full train' WoV/SF2V object, but it has many issues; not the least of which is it sits over 1meter OFF the ground (anti-grav hover train??). Another issue with trains as ground objects, is even though they'll follow truck routes set in the movement ini, they'll be multiple 'units' appearing, and it just looks wrong! It's a game engine thang, as it reads the train as a multiple truck convoy. what kind of lighting are you trying for on runway? Something like fires in oil drums (ala WW2?) Runway lighting is controled in each _airfield.ini (the postions are set there, and at the bottom is the effect/material statements)
  15. don't know about that...it can STILL take months to get the terrain accurate (with reference to my OCD targeting habits!! )
  16. yah, DATs attacker; new skin by me, Spinners serial decals, new cockpit, new FM (not perfect, but MUCH better than before). LOTS of ini dancing ---- stick: GREAT Flanker shot!! ------- Sabre turning onto the runway
  17. somebody's not up to speed on their patch level, it seems ... as stated in the readme, and directly above in the Announcement which means you need to be -at minimum- the most recent patch level if the aircraft is displaying a white lod ... it also means that someone is trying to use this in a 1stGen game install (SF/Wo*), when clearly stated for "SF2 only" sorry, buddy, can't help ya there!
  18. Topic moved to a more appropriate forum first off - PLEASE DO NOT POST QUESTIONS IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE!!!! it's for answers only. questions go here, in the regular forums this is for several reasons: 1) answers only 2) nobody LOOKS in the KB, so your questions might never be seen. --- as to an answer.... you may have to set the weapons editor to win98 compatibility mode also, instead of putting the weapons editor folder on C/ whatever (even at the root of C:), try putting the whole folder on the desktop, and create a shortcut from there. or run it from the exe right there in the desktop folder Also, you might want to have the game itself at the ROOT of C:. Your path would look like (WoE is an example only): C:\Wings Over Europe as oppposed to C/ProgarmFiles/*name-of-game*. This takes out any security issues that vista/win7 have with things in the 'protected' regions of the HD. (which can also prevent files being modified -weaponsdata.ini fer instance- from being 'saved')
  19. dosen't it have to be set in MAX as a 'self illuminating tga'???? if you can find one, in a 3rd party aircraft, look for the cockpit OUT file, it usually defines such things (I just looked at the Buc's OUT...
  20. texturelist ... I'll have to look, as I used it for the I/I maps, but added about 2 dozen 'specially made' tiles. Of course, those tiles are your's for using, if you need 'em. (of course -again-, you'll have to d/l the terrain!!) or, if you want, as it's archived on one my externals, I can send you the whole TE folder, already set up for polaks desert tiles. your choice! edit: there's 160 tiles on the I/I maps ... included lots of roads, rivers, etc. (which means throwing LOTS of bridges across them!)
  21. engine sounds (yes, even stock) dropping out is a know issue, and has been reported. It ain't fixed yet, obviously cause I get it too. ain' that what I said at the start??
  22. all the city tods for those tiles need a TOTAL rebuild! (used them on the iran/iraq, and irag2003 terrains) they don't 'fit' within the city limits (have to get on to the town planning council, methinks! ) but it's looking pretty good!
  23. are they listed in your SoundsList.ini, located in the /Flight folder? Are the wavs existent in your /Sounds folder? only enigne sounds don't need entries; all others need adding to the soundlist.ini

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