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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. didn't Ordway do something along those line??? Have you checked in the 1stGen downloads, cockpit section?? there are several alternatives... this one by Raven, tweeked of Wolf's F4U pit http://combatace.com/files/file/11270-vampire-cockpitzip/ a "1Jet_cockpit" by me in Venom upgrade pak (based of Kess' Spit Pit, with slightly retextured/labeled gauges) http://combatace.com/files/file/3889-dh-venom-update/ and of course, what I did....simply pointed it to the Hunter 1 pit. Took less than 2 minutes! (and that includes extracting the Hunter pit ini. If you want the ini, with it's correct positioning, let me know! (tested/using right now on the IAF Vampire 52 -- which I still have finish off 50odd historical serial number decals for Indo-Pak) Unfortunately, you're not gonna find a 100% accurate pit for it ... it just don't exist. We have to go with the 'best looking, best fitting' of what's available.
  2. well, if someone has the 1stGen WoI expansion, they can extract the cockpit lod and use a hex editor to find the node name (as Coupi is right, the cockpt ini only calls the needles) what is the end result you're trying to accomplish? There may be alternative cockpits, with a British look, that might not require so much work.
  3. I need to update the decals ini from the Harrier FRS1, now being 'converted' to the Mk.51 for the INAS. On the old LOD, the lower fin was 'fuselagetail', on the FRS1 lod, that dosent exist. I've gone over the OUT file, and even scanned the LOD with a hex editor, but can't locate the mesh name. Anybody know it? It's where the INAS puts the aircraft serial numbers. TIA!
  4. you should see the lo-viz gray with the LUSH upgrade with Pythons and Derbys!!
  5. never mind ... I'm an idiot!! on the late gray loviz, they work. the mesh is "Quille" ignore this thread...
  6. Version


    India-Pakistan Water Bmp Fix Pak 7/18/2012 - For SF2, Any and All, But Designed for Full-5 Merged w/SF2NA - A very small fix that removes a "modder induced problem" (hangs head in shame), with the _water.bmp for the India-Pakistan Terrain. I had totally forgotten that the Game Engine ™ classes India as an "Enemy" nation, therefore it uses the 'other color' for it's carrier zones. I'd orignally used the 'standard green', as seen on various others; that's the 'Friendly Nation' (Blue Side) color. That pale-ish green is used for those classed an 'Red Side". This is now corrected. A Blue Side green zone was added in case anyone make Pakistani Navy ships, so the DD/FF/whatever groups have someplace to steam around. Sorry for the inconvience! As always, fairly simple, easy to follow install instructions are included. Please read and follow them. It's pretty straight-forward (for once!) Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  7. notice the insignia? I think only the Czech models come with this ... model???
  8. here's the stock 3W Harrier GR1 masqurading as the SeaHarrier 51; with Python/Derby mounts. It'll need a new lo-viz skin, but that's easy (after all, I made the templates!!
  9. Sandesh, to answer you queston on the nose probe, yes! Paulo, here's the version I'd been working on before I knew about yours ... 5PA2 (w/Rose II i think!). I was using the stock 5D lod, as that's readily available to all with SF2I and/or Full 4/5 merged installs. be glad to share what I've got! (meaning: your skins are nicer!! ) (should have took the shot with the canopy open, and the light on, drat!)
  10. abso-frakking-lutely!!! suggestions would be FRANCE,WP,INDIA (i'm sure it carries STRIM400, Matra-155s, and whatever indegneious missiles/bombs/RPs that were built for it. like the INAS Harriers carrying SoAfrican Derbys.
  11. you mean like these????? TMF J-7I, J-7II; there's also a J-7IIA. (and iirc F-7B) I got them to finish from Crusader/Sundowner late last year? early this year?? Having a small avionics issue with one -can't remember which- but, essentially, they're done as to theoriginal question, that decal trick worked on first gens only ... we had the same problem in the IndoPak mmod ... the mesh name may have changed and/or we're unable to put decals on 'glass'. (double tga??). Tried for over a week, and just gave up. Have you considered using the 21FL body??? It'll need a good deal of data ini edits to add the 2 30mm gusn...but it's doable
  12. great work, guys! i just have a bad feeling .... you'll have everything finshed, and ready to go, when Expansion3 is released with it's M.F1. Be llike my A-4A mod, ya know??? but i'm liking where YOU are going with this!
  13. never mind ... having took a look at the site, and dled a skin ... they're nver gonna work as these are 1stGen, PRE-08 skins (ie: 2007). 99.9% of SF2 player-usable aircrft were completely remapped upon SF2's release, and "things" are not placed where they were. Even if they did show up, they ain't gonna look right at all. the decals may be reusable, but you've got a job of work to do, to find teh correct locations on the SF2 versions (ie: extract the new, latest-standard decals ini, along with any skins, and rebuild). BTW, just about all those he lists are now stock, in-game squadrons
  14. never heard of that site.... a LOT of the old skin did't use decals, but used painted on numbers. Also, is this for ArmorDave's Thud or the 3W one? (MAJOR differences!!) can you post a screenshot of the aircraft in game?
  15. i think hit boxes can only be set in MAX, but really don't know. i can tell you, however, of reallyodd behaviors on the He-111 -- i've seen it dozens of times, where its smoking, wings broken off, crashed (nose down), and skidded along the ground for dozens of miles without exploding -- still standing on it's head!!!
  16. the gunnypack should have the latest and greated stuff
  17. 'era/theatre/region/whatever' specific mods folders will ALWAYS requrie rebuilding, from the latest/newest dated 'stock' exes after the installation of a patch, DLC, expansion pak or game. This has been discussed several hundred times, and there should even be a tutorial in the SF2 Knowledge Base about it. As the SF2 series references/uses ALL the same dlls, cats, etc for every game install, each and every seperate mods folder must be (re)created FROM one of the newest executeables. You do it the same as you did to create the mod, with a couple of exceptions rename the mods folder (in your case the Falklands). Delete the Falklands.exe (or whatever you called it) Copy/patse the main exe back into the C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2; it'll show as "copy of ***.exe" Rename to your Falklands.exe. You'll be able to re-use the same shortcut, as it's still pointing to the right exe. Clilck it and run the game, allowing the new mods folder to be built. Play a mission, just to make sure it's working. Exit. Delete the newly created mods folder, and rename your original back CAVEAT: if any of the STOCK aircrft are used in said mod, it may be necessary to extract the NEWEST data inis from their respective cats, as often lots if hidden changes have been effected (ie: pilot positons, droptanks that are built in on stock 3W aircraft reused).
  18. FireSupression=TRUE is the correct statment also, and this is not really well known, a LOT of the bombers have their hit boxes "not quite right"
  19. Lego Cool

    holy mackeral!!!
  20. Try "SOVIET, WP" -- never hurts to cover both, as TK uses WP, and weapons paks tend to use SOVIET
  21. the other question is ... what sort of cockpit upgrades were performed on the PA2 and PA3??? I have some "things" up my sleeve...but they may be a bit too modern....
  22. since the PA2 and PA3 don't have (or need) the undernose doppler fairing, what about using the stock 3W Mirage5, either the D or F? It's sure save time and effort, FM wise, using those already at the latest standard. I"ll have to cross-look at them in game...but it should be very doable just a thought!
  23. I'd suggest trying it on the America NorthWest map (aka: ANW). It's full of mountains and deep canyons. See how the AI responds in that environment. Just for grins, of course
  24. I did mention in the readme that it's in DIRE need of a new FM!!

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