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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. picture 1 ... just cruising along in a Sabre (yes, it's a new, actually rebuilt, skin!) picture 2 ... getting swatted by a Gnat!!! (yes, the new dds damage textures work, but I knew that anyway as they're being used for KAW)
  2. a CFIT kill, is still a kill!!
  3. the RAAF used 3 variant of the Mir3 ... each had a different function (F, A, and finally F/A before retirement). TMF was working on all of them at one time, but, well...things changed. Perhaps, one day, we'll have their's.
  4. File Name: P-39 'Airacobra', Soviet Air Force File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 July 2012 File Category: Axis Fighters P-39 Airacobra, Soviet Air Force "Eastern Front" Somehow, for some reason, this bird never got released. That's fixed now, eh?? A complete aircraft, 'nationailzed version', representing 16GIAP Airacobras of the Soviet Air Force on the Eastern Front. Includes many changes as seen on the P-400, including the 'newish' cockpit. The skin is heavily weathered, replicating the conditions on the Eastern Front. Weapons, pilot figure and sounds are not included, but you should have them already. Tested in SF2, but not fully compliant, FM wise. (as I have no 1stGen installs anymore). Should work passably well in 08 1stGens, and definately in 06 level SF/Wo*. As always, "caveat emptor". And, as alwasy, READ the enclosed 'To Install' instructions. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  5. how about we NOT clog up the release thread any further; post your question in the Mods/Skinning Forum
  6. Version


    India-Pakistan Terrain Tweeks Pak - For SF2, Any and All - This is a relatively small tweeks pak for the India-Pakistan terrain. It is to be applied to the original I/P terrain download available at http://combatace.com/files/file/11805-india-pakistan-terrain/ There has been a few small changes in the 'eye candy' department, and a slight cleanup of some of the airbases. A few new terrain =AND= GroundObjects have been added, and included for ease of installation. These changes are not major and will not effect much, except adding the recently released fuel truck repaints, both the red and yellow 'followme' jeeps, and little things like that. A new TFD and HFD are included, as some retiling had to be done. Also, a new "india1" planning map was created. It's just very basic, showing the region. As always, fairly simple, easy to follow install instructions are included. Please read and follow them. It's pretty straight-forward (for once!) Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  7. yeah, there's not a whole lot of info on the 108 ... one could assume (oh! that word!), it'd be skinned/painted like it's Big Brother, the Valkyre. (heat resistant finish that alwasy peeled off)
  8. are they any? testing one now for ghostrider, the IIIEP (aka IIIE rebadged) for Pakistan, and it don't want to take off with the "standard" strike loadout (2 tanks, 2 bombs and ECM/chaff pods). Other loads, it do take a long time (on standard medium runways -1,5,6) OTH, the stock 3W M3 does fine. Ive seen this before...could be a combination of too much drag and not enough lift ... but know nothing on how to fix it!! So, any idears?? Or are there fully updated ones around?
  9. thanks E! Yeah, I looked at Raven's, and it was the same one I had originally. this one works "the bomb"!!!
  10. the mirage 3 DLC is one of the best! like JM said, when I released the A-4A mod (with 100% accurate markings, btw), within the week, TK rleased his. When I released the MirageIIIO pak, the next day TK announced that he wwould have one too (over a year ago, and it still hasn't materalized). But MINE has 100% acccurate serials for each squadron represented!
  11. warships don't show in anti-shipping missions, because they're warships. Only vessals classed as CARGO_SHIP are valid targets. Of course, in SF2, with SF2NA, they ARE valid targets (but only in CVBGs). Another reason to move up!
  12. been there, done that! it's the node names that differ, for the most part, on the control surfaces, and 3W uses the 'SecondaryInput' lines for the middle and inner elevons (for both pitch and roll control) I've actually got the 'main' section transplanted; it's the control surfaces that need the major upgrade so, how about zipping and attaching the data ini for the NF4+ TMF IIIE, so we don't have to download the whole mod JUST for that? Help a brother out!
  13. File Name: India-Pakistan Terrain Tweeks Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 July 2012 File Category: Full Terrains India-Pakistan Terrain Tweeks Pak - For SF2, Any and All - This is a relatively small tweeks pak for the India-Pakistan terrain. It is to be applied to the original I/P terrain download available at http://combatace.com/files/file/11805-india-pakistan-terrain/ There has been a few small changes in the 'eye candy' department, and a slight cleanup of some of the airbases. A few new terrain =AND= GroundObjects have been added, and included for ease of installation. These changes are not major and will not effect much, except adding the recently released fuel truck repaints, both the red and yellow 'followme' jeeps, and little things like that. A new TFD and HFD are included, as some retiling had to be done. Also, a new "india1" planning map was created. It's just very basic, showing the region. As always, fairly simple, easy to follow install instructions are included. Please read and follow them. It's pretty straight-forward (for once!) Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  14. when i was rebulding the airfields, in particular Mianwali PAFB, I felt really stupid for leaving out an entire city!!
  15. i have the Real Deal by Mirage Factory, almost ready to go.
  16. unzip to a temp folder or your desktop, read the enclosed read me for install instructions. usually, just drag and drop (or cut/paste) the new vehicles/ship/ground unit into the /GroundObject folder. IF the item was created pre-08 patch (and not yet updated), the main ini will need some editing as per this thread: http://combatace.com/topic/11815-ground-objects-format-update-no-groundobjectdataini-anymore/
  17. also, for the RAAF version, check out the avionics ini on the III0's that I did. it's a mixture of the 3 variants the RAAF used (kinda sorta) http://combatace.com/files/file/11967-dassault-mirage-iiio-raaf/
  18. they're not supposed to...look at the 'untitled1.jpg', if its still in the main folder. The Red Star ™ was painted directly over the USAAF star, and the other 2 were added "in theatre" do you actually think I'd relase something that wasn't researched to the nth degree? Seriously?
  19. want to give proper credit when I finsih the Canberrai B(I)66, as I'm using them via 'fake pilot' found them floating around in the root of my /pilots folder, and don't know where they came from!!!! TIA!!
  20. Share your Favorite Utility

    one that Fubar told me about, that I use is CleanUp http://www.stevengould.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=69 removes cookies, deletes temp files (you all know why!!) frees up disk space

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