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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. oh, thank G*d!!!! It's needed it since, like forever!! the cockpits are actually all the same -- A6M2s (as that's all AD ever made!! ) seperate by aircraft folder, zip and release as a package. Best and easiest way for the End User ™ to install.
  2. Well, the 1st Thing would be --as stated in several thread/post in the KB... ---------------------- As to the acutal question, can you be a little more specific? Like, which game, which patch level, what weapons? Do you have the correct (for patch level) 3rd Wire Weapons Editor? Have you read the instructions here: http://combatace.com/topic/9323-adding-weapons-to-sfwovwoe-a-tutorial/ Have you extracted the weaponsdata.ini from the Objects.cat??? Help us to help you, with some basic info!!
  3. nope, he stated he wants "japan only". Maybe FS would be a better game for his use? Time and time again we've explained why, what and how to do things -- and you know how long it takes to make an accurate terrain as well as I--. Look in the 'WhatIf Forum' for a similiar request, and some kind soul even outlined the entire procedure on what to do. Because of all the recent crap, both here (what with all the patch nonsense, The Stalker returning and other things) and RealLife ™, I may have been a little harsher then usual, but that's the way it goes. Maybe from now on, I should just do the smart thing, and completly ignore such posts. Let someone with more paitence explain the 'ways of the (game) world' to folks. Now, OTH, if we had the full East Asia map - the Home Islands (all 4), the Kuriles, the Soviet Union (Vladivostok region), Korea, and China down to (a usable) Port Arthur*, THEN we would have a worthwhile map. But having the Home Island themselves is worse than useless. I do like Falcon's response ... everybody loves japanese monster movies!!! Now, we just need a 3d Guru to give the beasts! (*my maternal grandfather was around there in 1906, with the rest of the Russian army/navy, getting it's ass handed to it!)
  4. looks almost like a Scimitar in this scheme. VERY NICE!!
  5. "If modding is lost, the Game is lost" the modding community is what's kept it going for 10 years. Not many other games, manufacturer supported, can say that (note i said 'manufacturer supported', not abandonware that's be rebuilt from it's released sourcecode)
  6. Ernest Borgnine has passed on...

  7. the other entires, that SG posted, i think, are more for target tracking (like EO guided weapons and such); similiar to laser designator or lltv view i've never used the TCS on the Tomcat for landing....that's what the "A" key for!!! (yes, i'm a lazy f**k)
  8. I just changed the TMF ones by adding the suffix _TMF to the weapons, adjusted the data and loadout inis accordingly. That removed any conflict between the 3W 54s and the older ones. Never had a problem
  9. when I rebuild the U-2 for SF2, I added the driftsight, pointing pretty much straight down. Unfortunately, thats the only view you'll have. once you set the view angles, they're fixed in place [Driftsight] ReferenceName= SystemType=EO_CAMERA CameraFOV=30.000000 CameraAngles=0.0,-85.0,0.0 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga EODisplayFlags=268435456
  10. SA??? (Sepcat Attack) JA?? (Jaguar Attack)
  11. yes, via Bpao's (patent pending) 'remove component' trick
  12. well, it was mostly rebuilding the weapons/guns on the Mk4 for SF2 usage.
  13. you said, in the screenshot thread, those tiles are old. They's the only one's I have. Were there newer ones available, with fixed TODs that reomve the trees and buildings from the water on river tiles??? If so, can I get them? Please reply in the KAW forum or via PM
  14. or, in an 'alternate universe', what happens 5 years after WW2, takes place in a divided Japan -- communist north and Western south. (read it in a book somewheres...) Can you imagine the battle on Kanto Plain???? --- not so much making terrains 'NA-style, lod driven'; old style terrains still work just fine. Still have to finish Central America, and "The Real Deal Korea" is actually finished ... just need to finish off all the 1950s aircraft. The terrain will be quite usable all the way to 2050 (as always with my stuff)
  15. wow!! now, that is some details!!
  16. triple time, PLUS hazard!!! and all the 10mm casless ,armor pircing ammo I can carry!!
  17. have you checked at navy.mil??? what about this one: http://www.gonavy.jp/CVW-NHf.html edit: on the gonavy page, when you reach the America, there's a whitish-box that says "BuNum". Lists the modx and BuNum for the aircraft in each squadron -now THAT's cool!!!
  18. ok, right. whatever you're telling this to guy that MAKES most of the terrains for this game
  19. Game Of Thrones

    missed all the 1st season, but caught from (somewheres!) in season 2. I'm liking it (says the old D&D player)
  20. i was actually looking at this terrian over the last couple of days... i need to add some 'window dressing' at some of the airbases, and repositions some items. as to the campaing, sorry I can't help there! I just build worlds... (hhmmm.....maybe I should my resume to Wyland-Yutani Corp??? )
  21. I think it's about time you try this one yourself ... here's how...... ----> Say you're gonna make a JASDF A-4E*; you extract the 4 skin maps from whichever object data cat they're stored in, along with the textureset ini, decals ini and numberlist (since you prolly won't be making decals yourself). You'll also need to extract the data.ini and userlist.ini, to add Japan as a user (with appropriate years, and double check the Exported=TRUE in the data ini, and adjust the years accordingly create a folder in the A-4E, call it "JASDF". drop all the stuff in there. everything. Then, open the textureset ini, and do this: [TextureSet] Name=JASDF Nation=Japan Squadron= Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.100000 Reflection=0.000000 the decals ini won't need touching, as it calls generic markers (insignia, etc). now, if want a specific Hikotai, you'll have to learn decal creation (and it ain't really that hard!) Another interestering fact, is that TK gave us nearly 200 countries in the game ... its a simple matter to just choose "Japan Air Self Defense Force" in the Service window on the Single Mission menu page. It'll use the base 'generic' Gray/white scheme, but the game has worked this way since 2003. *this assumes you want a standard GullGray/White scheme. for camo, you'll have use one the DLC scooter skins, or even one of dtmdragon's green Kahu skins, albeit for the E model*
  22. Seriously, and what good what that do??? how would/could it be utilized? to defend the Home Island against Godzilla/Mothra/King Gidorah??? you forget (or don't know) the basic premise of ALL terrains made for this series, it being a Combat flight game: "There must be at least 2 sides, defined as ENEMY and FRIENDLY, for the engine to work properly" (not taking into account, however, the 'off map basing' used in NA. Which in some cases, can be unrealistic)
  23. ummm dswan, how many time do we have say that SF2 uses a different decals setup? you know, all the decals go into the /Objects/Decals/*nameofaircraft* folder???? One of the very reasons we have a Knowledge Base... http://combatace.com/topic/70920-sf1-to-sf2-decals-folder-conversion-quickie-tutorial/ btw, Raven, it works just fine in SF2, with very few tweeks

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