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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Even though slight 'outdated', and for an old weapon pak, the basic procedures are the same as outlined here: http://combatace.com/topic/18346-how-to-edit-loadouts-for-weapons-packs-bunyappak/ in particular, in the extraction of the needed aircraft _Data.ini and _Loadout.ini (just ignore the rest of the stuff.) The post you want are the 2nd, or 3rd or somewhere near the top
  2. Version


    Republic P-47D-25 Thunderbolt (BubbleTop) by Wolf257 Please note this aircraft mod is released "As Is"; any flaws or faults NOT caused by my ini edits are most likely unfixable and must be lived with (until a replacement model is created by one of our over-worked 3D Gurus). I just want to get this off my hard drive, and have 'those that know' test and experiment with the FM -- it NEEDS more fine tuning (see "Notes" below). This is a complete aircraft,and is designed for Post-World War 2 usage, by the USAF and several Allied airforces; in particular those in Latin America. Included skins are: USAF Post-War Natural Metal, 525th FBS, circa 1946, West Germany; 1º Grupo de Caça, Brazilian AF, WW2 MTO (OD/Gray); 1º Grupo de Caça, FAB, Post-War natural metal (called "FAB2"; reuses some historic decals from the above skin, repainted for NM usage, and all new post-war serials for 25 aircraft -there're still more to be done, if someone wants to!); Escuadrón de Caza, Colombian AF, 1946- the late 50s. 100% accurate serials; "Generic" NM, for anyone else, and can be used as a basis for other countries (Italy, France, RAF, etc) All markings excepting the 2 FAB skins and the FAC post-war with painted-on rudder stripes, are decals. 2 cockpits are included, one is the Mustang-style from the original release, and Stary's 'Generic Late WW2 Cockpit' - which it is set to use right now. You can switch as you wish (Stary's is better, of course). All external lighting is 100% correct for this model. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. It is suggested that you unzip the archive to a temp folder or your desktop to access the entire 'readme' before instilling. Also, give the "Notes" section a read for further information and stuff like that there, illuminating defects, flaws, my goofs, and etc. It should be noted, that as we ONLY have the -25 model, it is incorrect for the units/countries depicted herein. These would/should be later production D models, with the fin filet. We make do with what we have. Good Hunting! wrench Kevin Stein
  3. weathered, tweeked and ready to go. standard RAF day scheme (medium sea gray/dark green uppers, light or camoflague gray unders)
  4. google is your friend... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saab_21R
  5. maybe there's where I got confused .. Gmax vs 3dmax. Maybe something with the exporter? I seem to recall somebody saying "things changed unexpededly" when exporting. short point .. if the max file is available, the rest follows!
  6. Excellent! finally a decent NF!! Maybe I can finish that mod from 6 years ago now...
  7. Happy Birthday

    have a greaty B-Day man!!
  8. File Name: Yak-3RD Mixed Propulsion Fighter by Pasko File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 October 2011 File Category: What If Hangar Yakovlev Yak-3RD "What If..." Mixed-Propulsion Fighter by Pakso = For SF2, Any & All versions (Full-4 Merged Prefered*) = *Note: Full-4 merged prefered tag is because some decals used are referenced from SF2:I* Modifications, tweeks, FM enhancements, and so forth to Pakso's Prop/Rocket fighter. This makes the assumption (oh! that word!) the 3RD was put into serial production, instead of the just the 2 prototypes that were historically built. As was the original release, it is "As Is" with all the flaws and warts and etc. See the "Notes" section for more details. This package replaces the one I uploaded some long time back at CombatAce. As expected, the canopy opens/closes via manual animation keystroke -the (in)famous Shift/0. No weapons or guns are supplied with this pak; they are the same ones included in the Yak-9U pak recently released, and should be available in Gunny's Weapons Pak. It also should be noted, the Mission Profiles that can be flown have been limited to A-A: CAP, Intercept (due to expected range limitations), and Recon just for fun (with drop tanks). All new skins, from new Home-Grown Templates ™ in 1024x are supplied. One is Natural Metal, and other is overall Medium Gray. See the "Notes" section regarding the 2-tone Gray camo supplied, but not activated (severe LOD mapping issues) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read for further information and stuff like that there. For historical purposes, Pasko's original readme is included. This will give a (relatively) decent "What If..." for WW2 and the Post-War period; the Beginning of the Cold War, hence it location in the "What If Hangar". wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  9. install dx9 ... it can live with dx11 (or vice versa)
  10. AND the city port tile ... I got some you can use/modify/tweek/repaint/repair/whatever, if you want them! (needs custom-fit TODs, too ,,,,,,, ducks and runs...............)
  11. wings are done ... need to do fueselage still, and dirty/weather it all markings are stock decals (which are WRONG!! for the timeframe -these are post-war) New slipper tanks. give me another day, and I'll have a bare skin
  12. IF ( a VERY big IF), you get the source file (aka 'The MAX' file) for 3dsMAX, it can be done. BUT... you loose all the animations and likely most of the mapping. I know it's been done, with a lot of work. short answer, is, unfortunately, no.
  13. have you looked in the SF/Wo* WW2 downloads section (aircraft/allied fighters) ???? I KNOW there's one there....since I did it!! NF12 ..aint perfect, but it works alfie: yup! (also in the WW2 downloads section) for a good reference book, i'd reccomend the Modelers Data file on the Mossie (i'll find the link, since I d/led the book so long ago...)
  14. my years work too! but to answer the question -- 1969. (I'd originally thought 1957, my birth year, but the aircraft then sucked. Want something with better missiles and radars, but not too good!)
  15. so, something like this.....(fuse marking are, and always have been, decals) the new panel lines are a bit darker than i'd like (prolly due to the 'dark blurred line' under them), but as they'd be coverd by a national insignia, it's moot. The whole thing really needs to be redone...and FM is totally borked -needs a complete new one (never have figured out WHY it's nose-down on take off; might be a thrust angle issue on the engines) (bonus points to ID squadron -yes, fictional but very famous!)
  16. even I don't have them ... but it's a simple add layers, paint in the new lines where the roundells/fin flash are, paint the wing/tail/body as needed to match the camo, adjust opacity of the line, flatten and off you go. Should take about an hour, with smoke breaks don't forget to UPsize the bmps when creating the template to AT LEAST!!! 1024x1024 -- them skins are way too small, and the large size makes working them much easier
  17. Version


    Yakovlev Yak-3RD "What If..." Mixed-Propulsion Fighter by Pakso = For SF2, Any & All versions (Full-4 Merged Prefered*) = *Note: Full-4 merged prefered tag is because some decals used are referenced from SF2:I* Modifications, tweeks, FM enhancements, and so forth to Pakso's Prop/Rocket fighter. This makes the assumption (oh! that word!) the 3RD was put into serial production, instead of the just the 2 prototypes that were historically built. As was the original release, it is "As Is" with all the flaws and warts and etc. See the "Notes" section for more details. This package replaces the one I uploaded some long time back at CombatAce. As expected, the canopy opens/closes via manual animation keystroke -the (in)famous Shift/0. No weapons or guns are supplied with this pak; they are the same ones included in the Yak-9U pak recently released, and should be available in Gunny's Weapons Pak. It also should be noted, the Mission Profiles that can be flown have been limited to A-A: CAP, Intercept (due to expected range limitations), and Recon just for fun (with drop tanks). All new skins, from new Home-Grown Templates ™ in 1024x are supplied. One is Natural Metal, and other is overall Medium Gray. See the "Notes" section regarding the 2-tone Gray camo supplied, but not activated (severe LOD mapping issues) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read for further information and stuff like that there. For historical purposes, Pasko's original readme is included. This will give a (relatively) decent "What If..." for WW2 and the Post-War period; the Beginning of the Cold War, hence it location in the "What If Hangar". wrench kevin stein
  18. to be checking these out, I must be!
  19. simmerspaintshop.com ... one of the best places for skinning tutorials
  20. on the other side of the coin, just pull the "AA-**" missiles from the GunnyPak, and drop in the weapons folder.
  21. They've got Gaddaffi

    so, my question is: when can we move back to Wheelus??
  22. HOW did you close/cover the back window??? I went NUTS with that, trying to do the -5/5N mod!! Couldn't get a decal or whatall to work! i'll pm the templates over to you as soon as I can. pretty sure Geo has left the community, but maybe an email link at his site still works? http://www.geos-aircraft.com/ I don't have a template for the Bearcat; sorry!

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