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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. it's a full aircraft package .... EVERYTHING was included. I'd delete it from your install, and try again. Cause it works fine for everyone else, or there'd have been more complaints.
  2. Dude, do you even LOOK in the downloads section??? http://combatace.com/files/file/11915-t-45a-goshawk-for-sf2/ some months back... sheesh....
  3. How about any that have been released in the last 12 months?? AE (Magadasscar) OTC 2 (cuba) Iran/Iraq Waterworld Darwin ASW and so on................ they even have up sized parking slots (ie: more available) in the airfield inis could've saved yourself some work, eh?
  4. "Sorry, you WON'T be" says Yoda!
  5. reduse the rotor diameter to 6.0 or less
  6. Been there done that .... look in like the last 3 or 4 terrain mods I've posted. Not only Runway2, but Runway3 has been totally 'paved'. No more FOD worries from dust/dirt/tumbleweed ingestion
  7. WaaaaaHOOOO!

    Happy Birthday to LloydNB!!! may the fan in front of you always keep you cool! (prop-heads joke!!) wrench kevin stein
  8. re: http://combatace.com/topic/66381-does-the-patch-update-all-xxxexe/ might point you to some answers, as would the SF2 Knowledge Base (I know it's covered in there someplace !
  9. You should get one for the back garden

    worked in WW2, why not now?? I'll take a Flogger -- that'll really f*** with the parking enforcemnet officers on my street!!!
  10. with (great deal of) assitance from Dave (decals are mine though!) Soon
  11. Ya can't go wrong with CH -- EVER!!!
  12. How do you think I did the A-16A??? Let me assemble the package...and I'll upload it.
  13. in a full-4 merged, EVERYTHING is available in the SF2 (base) install. So, propbably, you'd need SF2V merged to get them. (and FRAM2 as well) EDIT: checking my SF2E install mods folder, they 2 stock CVs also show. Must be a 'merged' then, when reading mods folders from the SF2E.exe, with all the others. They're in SF2:I as well. (to say nothing of Israeli Centurions/Sho'tkal/Magach and European Leopards in SF2V) this is what the userlist and limitednations statements in the terrains are for
  14. you get the SCB125 and CVA63 stock. Any others , you add just like before to the GO folder (although their radars will need updating to show on a TEWS)
  15. even has a slightly modified Israel terrain, adding things on Cyprus. Has everything you need, all in one nice, tidy package
  16. Honetly, who cares? We're gonna buy it anyway!!
  17. 1st question is, WHY are you exporting the height map, and then reimporting it?? Why would cropping be necessary? Let the games world settings place The Wall let the DEM build the HFD, don't even mess with the *terrainname*.bmp unless you have to (to edit river valleys, or mountains or shorelines)...and only then after tiling. tile it and build up. mess with things after the tiling is done, and them modify the tiles to fit.
  18. while looking for something completly different I stumbled across a reference to this (seen below). Thought I'd give it a try..... Truck hunting, anyone?
  19. Genies on a 102???? I thought Greece was a non-proliferation signatory?
  20. I've actually tried that, with FULL airfields, to represent an expansaion/overhaul/extension, and couldn't get the ENTIRE target area to switch. However, individual items within seem to work. Haven't tested since the last patch, since the terrains I've been working on have relatively 'fixed' airfield types. (no major expansions and so forth) It may be possible now, however Maybe something like this might work (it WILL need testing.) Example is truncated for space saving [TargetArea014] Name=Puntarenas Airport Position=263000,390000 Radius=6000 ActiveYear=0 InactiveYear=1975 Location=3 Alignment=FRIENDLY AirfieldDataFile=desert_airfield2.ini NumSquadrons=1 Target[001].Type=Runway2 Target[001].Offset=0.00,0.00 Target[001].Heading=0 [TargetArea015] Name=Puntarenas Airport Position=263000,390000 Radius=6000 ActiveYear=1976 Location=3 Alignment=FRIENDLY AirfieldDataFile=desert_airfield6.ini NumSquadrons=3 Target[001].Type=Runway6 Target[001].Offset=0.00,0.00 Target[001].Heading=0 the 'clear airfield zone tiles' are a definate must to be used (4 of them). That nicely centers the 0,0 point of the airfield and makes it look a little better
  21. why not use a reskinned Netz, in all-over green? Using the template I made for the A-16, you want it in the medium green or the lighter green? the above Paki uses the -15 pit it came with, and the Netz avionics ini. Works a charm, as they say!
  22. File Name: "Waterworld" Terrain File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 July 2011 File Category: Full Terrains "Waterworld" Terrain for SF2 Full-4 Merged (Reccomened) and/or SF2:V Just a bit of silliness. I was asked to create a 'quick and dirty' mostly ocean terrain by Fubar512, so he could test some ship mods. This is it. Just a little something fun, and slightly different. Yes, there are Easter Eggs. In fact, the WHOLE map is an Easter Egg! This terrain contains 2 land-airfields (one for each side) and 6 CV stations; 3 each for Blue and Red. I made use of the "Allowed Missions" statement, so you won't be seeing any CAS or Armed Recons (with no place to drive too...well, you get the idea). Plenty of shipping routes, however. No tiles (excepting one special, and one for use with GH3) are included with this, but it uses the VietnamSEA tile set, as pointed to via the 'use this cat' statement in the terrain's main ini. If one wished to, you can easily just drop Stary's GH3 set, or any other Vietnam-named tiles directly into the terrain folder. Once the terrain has it's own internal tileset, you can use any cat pointer =EXCEPT= the IsrealME.cat. The cities on the map have the minimal amounts of targets possible ... this is more for those liking to keep their feet wet. Also, you might just want to consider this terrain a "myth-mash" (see notes below). Bonus point awarded to ID the source of several of the place names. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Happy Swimming! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file

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