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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. suggestions: repaint the skin over the 'MirageIII', put the star there. ala 102 (american A/C never used manufacuter's name on the birds, excepting MAYBE prototype "Y*-**" versions) remove the red around the intake, us sideways "V" shaped warning stripes move USAirForec forward, reduce size by 10-15% wing markings should be 'square' the fuselage (as is SOP) serial number moved to tail fin, reduced in size by 25% (american serials are always on the fin) Buzz number might go on aft tail section -- see F-100, F-104, F-102, etc make sure winders are avialable for post-falcon years. It's a NICE what if!
  2. F-104G

    what I forgot to mention, is that after patching -or even adding the DLC aircraft which also causes an ini overwirte- you just open the x***.ini, and Save As... the regular name, allowing the overwrites. Saves buttloads of time, i'm here to tell!!! (just had to go through it all over again when I added the DLC birds)
  3. while doing terrain fiddling, this was just too nice a shot pass up! spinners: maybe use 'FM' for the buzz-number? and maybe an AIM-26 (A for nuke, B for conventional) on the centerline; if the aircraft could be considerd a Deuce replacement.
  4. F-104G

    when patching ANY of the 3W game -since Day 1 with SFP1-, any and all AI aicraft that had been made user-flyable (that means EVERYTHING you modified) is overwritten by the patch exe. All the Migs, SUs, Zippers, what-have you. This has been covered over and over and over .... and here's the simplest solution: after adding the necessary lines to the main aircraft ini, and having the various cockpit, avionics, and cockpit folder IN the aircraft folder... (in this example, we'll use the MiG-21F-13) This is the stock MiG-21F.ini: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=MiG-21F-13 "Fishbed-C" AircraftShortName=MiG-21 AircraftDataFile=MiG-21F_data.ini LoadoutFile=MiG-21F_loadout.ini UserList=MiG-21F_UserList.ini after adding the apropriate llines: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=MiG-21F-13 "Fishbed-C" AircraftShortName=MiG-21 AircraftDataFile=MiG-21F_data.ini LoadoutFile=MiG-21F_loadout.ini UserList=MiG-21F_UserList.ini CockpitDataFile=Cabina_MiG-21F.INI HangarScreen= LoadingScreen= LoadoutImage=Imagen00_MiG-21MF.bmp AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=MiG-21F-13_AVIONICS.INI Save the ini. Then ... and this is the smart part... do a "Save As..." xMig-21F.ini. In the screenie below,you'll see what the folder looks like (ignore the Cuban FAR skin folder; you prolly ain't got it) This is also covered in our ever handy, ever ignored SF2 Knowledge Base in this thread: http://combatace.com/topic/55746-patching-made-easy-part-deux/ in the case of the Zippers (CF & F) did you follow these instructions: http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/ If you don't have the actual /cockpit folder and all the necessry bits, it's not going to show up. wrench kevin stein
  5. It's a know fact that the AI cheats. Plane and simple. Not only can they see in the dark like a cat with NVDs, they probably have the ears of a bat, and use echo-location
  6. Carrier CAP

    I wouldn't worry about it in the least little bit. Carriers in the 3rdWire are invulnerable/unsinkable/everlasting. Real World ™ scenarios would be as described above wrench kevin steind
  7. File Name: Cuba (OTC Plus) Terrain File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 07 July 2011 File Category: Full Terrains Cuba "OTC Plus" Terrain for SF2 This is a complete rebuild of the 'Operation Tainted Cigar' terrain, that originally represented the time frame of the Cuban Missile Crisis. While revamped with that in mind, everyone knows that I don't build terrains that can only be used for 14 Days. This terrain has been EXTENSIVELY expanded, and has operation years spanning from 1959 (the year of the Cuban Revolution), to the Present Day and Beyond, ie: 1959-2050. This is a complete terrain, with many new/revamped/replaced/whatever tiles, and includes Stary's Enhanced Cuba pakage (meaning: LOTS of custom-made tiles and TODs). The entire map was gone over completly, moving/removing and adding dozens of new target areas and correcting errors from the original release. Unfortunately, I was not able to generate new planning maps, as for some reason SFMap kept crapping out on this terrain (volenteers, anyone??) My apologies for getting 'stuck with' the old ones. The targets, types, and movements ini have been expanded to be as historicaly and geophysically accurate as (much as is, with this terrain engine) possible. See "Notes" for more on this. The data ini uses the latest (June 2011) structure. The Limited Nations statement is set to TRUE, reducing the players to those regionally historical. So as not to conflict with any other Cuba terrain, this is called "Cuba (OTC+)" -this is how it will appear in your dropdown menu. The folder itself is called "CubaOTC". However, this terrain does NOT include the southern US (north of Orlando), Central or South America. Other than that, I think you'll find it enjoyable (no, DisneyWorld/EPCOT is NOT on the map, sorry) A large number of Ground Objects are included; some you may already have, some are new or revamped versions. Userlists have also been genrated for these, where the user(s) was known and/or discoverable. This also explains the LARGE size of the download - sorry, it's the one way I know that makes sure you have damn near everything necessary to run. Aircraft and skins are NOT included. With luck, I've remembered to add the items necessary; pleas make sure you have the needed artillery pieces. (both sides, although a new one is included) The map is 'time sensitive', with respect to the October Crisis; the IRBM batteries will turn on and off for that time frame. SAM sites are accurately placed, and for the most part remain active for the full duration up to Modern/Post-Modern Times. *Shameless Plug: several country & era-specific aircraft/aircraft skins are available in the CA SF2 downloads section* For those wishing to use this terrain on the old OTC campaign -DON'T. It will not work. A new campaign is under construction. As expected, there are several Easter Eggs -- you'll find them if you look hard enough. (Hint: one's in the Bahama's) Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read the standard disclaimer, as it's been changed slightly. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  8. trying to figure out how to have a pod that carries fuel, AND has recon cameras in it. anyone have any iders??? was thinking along the lines of the mirage combo tank/rocket launcher???? wrench kevin stein
  9. haven't done much ini work, brudda?? example: AttachmentPosition=0.00,0.16,-0.90 Left/Right,Fore/Aft,Up/Down. distances in meters. (ie: move it up 0.15 and see where it sits)
  10. yeah, that's pretty much what I figgured, too!!
  11. It's Kulbrit's Birthday!

    Happy birthday man!! have a great one! wrench kevin stein
  12. The Force is with him...

    Have a great day JM!!! wrench kevin stein
  13. and remember folks ... Pave Claws aren't just for Falcons anymore!!
  14. I recoginize those ugly road tiles!! OUTSTANDING braking chutes!!! 007 would be proud!
  15. hey storm, when you get that PP positioned, post the spec ... I'd given soem thought to adding a chin pod, but kept the bird more 'as delivered' wrench kevin stein
  16. Cuba (OTC Plus) Terrain



    Cuba "OTC Plus" Terrain for SF2 This is a complete rebuild of the 'Operation Tainted Cigar' terrain, that originally represented the time frame of the Cuban Missile Crisis. While revamped with that in mind, everyone knows that I don't build terrains that can only be used for 14 Days. This terrain has been EXTENSIVELY expanded, and has operation years spanning from 1959 (the year of the Cuban Revolution), to the Present Day and Beyond, ie: 1959-2050. This is a complete terrain, with many new/revamped/replaced/whatever tiles, and includes Stary's Enhanced Cuba pakage (meaning: LOTS of custom-made tiles and TODs). The entire map was gone over completly, moving/removing and adding dozens of new target areas and correcting errors from the original release. Unfortunately, I was not able to generate new planning maps, as for some reason SFMap kept crapping out on this terrain (volenteers, anyone??) My apologies for getting 'stuck with' the old ones. The targets, types, and movements ini have been expanded to be as historicaly and geophysically accurate as (much as is, with this terrain engine) possible. See "Notes" for more on this. The data ini uses the latest (June 2011) structure. The Limited Nations statement is set to TRUE, reducing the players to those regionally historical. So as not to conflict with any other Cuba terrain, this is called "Cuba (OTC+)" -this is how it will appear in your dropdown menu. The folder itself is called "CubaOTC". However, this terrain does NOT include the southern US (north of Orlando), Central or South America. Other than that, I think you'll find it enjoyable (no, DisneyWorld/EPCOT is NOT on the map, sorry) A large number of Ground Objects are included; some you may already have, some are new or revamped versions. Userlists have also been genrated for these, where the user(s) was known and/or discoverable. This also explains the LARGE size of the download - sorry, it's the one way I know that makes sure you have damn near everything necessary to run. Aircraft and skins are NOT included. With luck, I've remembered to add the items necessary; pleas make sure you have the needed artillery pieces. (both sides, although a new one is included) The map is 'time sensitive', with respect to the October Crisis; the IRBM batteries will turn on and off for that time frame. SAM sites are accurately placed, and for the most part remain active for the full duration up to Modern/Post-Modern Times. *Shameless Plug: several country & era-specific aircraft/aircraft skins are available in the CA SF2 downloads section* For those wishing to use this terrain on the old OTC campaign -DON'T. It will not work. A new campaign is under construction. As expected, there are several Easter Eggs -- you'll find them if you look hard enough. (Hint: one's in the Bahama's) Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read the standard disclaimer, as it's been changed slightly. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  17. yes, you can hit The Wall in the vertical (I've done it) ... but not in a Hustler decieded to go with a more stock loadout for recon
  18. It's not for a 'modern' aircraft...hehehehehehehehe. it also carries about 2500 gallons for fuel. much needed for THIS bird!!
  19. only in the data ini .... I don't think it'll work. my experiments for an MC-1 just gave me a drop tank, even after adding the recon camera. alternativly, i could add the camera to the aircraft, and just have the pod 'fakedout' for fuel
  20. it can also be editied in the cockpit ini with this statement: HideExternalNode= the diffucult part is iding the mesh nodes on the aircraft LOD. The OUT file, where available is a godsend. Otherwise, it's search the LOD with a hex editor
  21. hmmm....I just drpped the terrain into my 'all is everything' mods folder, and it worked. It just lacks all the terrain details (read: targeting) that we're so used to. I wonder what he did to the flight engine ini ... have too look. My gut suspicion is the world border statement was moved too far out, and those regions are untiled. My maps are tiled right to edges. edit: yes, the border was expaned to 25.0000. without the coordinates of where that screenie was shot, hard to tell
  22. Blank, insginia/marking-less skins would be great!

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