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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I'm holding off adding a lot of mods, simply because I don't want to reedit thing when I get SF2:E. but, it's getting bigger, slowly, as I add things to test... wrench kevin stein
  2. I always just paint them on; lets you weather them down a bit. Also, remember to use a decal for the tail swastika ... it's still illeagle to show it, even in games, in some countries. Using a decal allows users in those countries to simply edit the decals ini or rename the decal so it's not used. The mesh names for both of Wolf's 109 are Right_Outer_Wing and Left_Outer_Wing, and (obviously) Right_Inner_Wing and Left_Inner_Wing. Don't know exactly where the demarcation between them is; I'd suspect at the innerboard edge of the alerion. To find the position, use the wingtip positions lights, come "in" 1 meter, aft .5 meter, and adjust from there. wrench kevin stein
  3. That display set up is VERY cool!! And more cockpits is ALWAYS a good thing!! wrench kevin stein
  4. Ok, here's an odd one! Why do ships that are 'in port' NOT have hull numbers decals assigned?? Is this something in their inis or something that can be snuck into the types ini listing??? Parked aircraft have their level 0, 1 & 2 decals present. Or is this something 'hardcoded', that TK just never thought that Naval vessels would turn up 'in port'?? Meanwhile, testing out the decals in a single mission where one can assign hull numbers/names. So, we know the decals work.... Noticed this on the stock carriers too, no numbers when in port, but in single mission (when assigned in the ship's listing in th msn file, they do) btw, just ingore the incorret ensign on shot #3, as you can see in the previous 2, it's been corrected wrench kevin stein
  5. This would also mean that we can create the hull numbers for Grinch's Fletcher (oi!!!!), or the stock SumnerFRAM. Them's a lot of number!! wrench kevin stein
  6. Actually, the best way to do is would be to "clone" them. That is, create a clone that is classed as "CargoShip", but retains all it's sensors and weapons. Makes AS missions a bit more challenging... To do that, create a new folder for example, say Grinch's Fletcher and call it "Fletcher_C" (t for cargo), copy over all the bits an bobs. rename the Fletcher.ini to Fletcher_C.ini. Insidise said newly renamed ini, do this for the ]GroundObjectData[ section: [GroundObjectData] ObjectFullName=Fletcher Class DD {C} ObjectDataFile=Fletcher_C_data.ini <--- note: rename data ini too! rename the data ini as shown above. OPen said newly renamed data ini and do this: [MissionData] NationName=USN ServiceStartYear=1942 ServiceEndYear=1971 GroundObjectRole=CARGO_SHIP <--note class change Availability=COMMON FormationSizeBase=1 FormationSizeVariation=4 <-- increases # of ships of formation Exported=TRUE save and close. Now you've got a new cargo ship, that shoots back. BUT ... there is one major drawback we've discovered. The game seems to limit the amount of "Cargo_Ship" class vessels to a max of 4. And that's it ... so, choose carefully what you convert wrench kevin stein
  7. Have more cargo ships??? as all the others are "WARSHIP" wrench kevin stein
  8. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3197 Also, make sure you have the WW2 nations.ini be advised, the IJN/IJAAF may cause a CTD; check my Japanese plane mods and WW2 terrain mods for the fix wrench kevin stein
  9. O, NICE!!! At your leisure, we'll be here awaiting their arrival wrench kevin stein
  10. Oh, don't I remember those!!! Had my a$$ handed to me all the time wrench kevin stein
  11. Are you using the correct WW2 Formations ini???? wrench kevin stein
  12. Really???! I never knew that!!! (of course, never spent much time with ships..) It also looks like only the B Turret (?) is active, peeking into the lod with the hex editor, so adding the other 9 guns may not be possible without a rebuild, and I sure ain't asking Hinch to do that!! Maybe I can sneak in a couple of AAA units instead... wrench kevin stein
  13. Well, its in with no issues, other than I'd like to activate the other 3 turrets, and add some 37mm AAA guns... just not smart enough with ships. Adding the guns (btw, they're 'degraded' to 6'') is a no brainer, just figuring out the muzzle positions based on ship lenght ... that's the hard part (well, adding the gunner stations too) note the new Sovet Fleet flag wrench kevin stein
  14. They all work fine for me. Including landing lights (where/when available) Imported stocks or 3rd party Keystroke is the same for the whole series. wrench kevin stein
  15. These are the best shots I could find, from Gordon's book on Soviet weapons It'd need to be a '4 pack' meaning like Pasko's mod, all the pylons in one lod, spaced approx as the missile mountings in the data ini for the PFU I just wish there was a way to re-import the PFU nose bubble, remove the meshes for the nose, but leaving the pylons intact. Too bad Pasko isn't around anymore, so we could beg for the MAX file.. oh well, hope this helps. I made the images as large as I could wrench kevin stein
  16. Without the data ini, the game engine ™ dosen't see it. I'll try to get that uploaded today (after returning it to 'stock' -- have to repain the White Ensign!) Provided, of course, Hinch don't mind. He said above, he wasn't happy with the shape... wrench kevin stein
  17. Well, even though it might be a bit small, and will need repainting and hex editoing to rename the lod and skin bmp name, why not 'tweekify' the AN/APS-4 radar pod from my AD-4 Skyraider mod?? Add as a pilot seat, adjusting the location -it has a short pylon already attached-, and go from there Just make sure that Timmy gets credit for the LOD creation, as he made for me for some of my WW2 mods wrench kevin stein
  18. Well, since it's Dave asking the question -- I break my own rule for this thread and answer it.. I'm testing a rebuild of my Modern Darwin, in BOTH WoE and SF2:V, and am experiencing NO strangeness. Mind you, all the TOS tiles are in the Darwin terrain folder, but it IS pointing to the SF2V vietnamsea.cat. Using selected Green Hell ™ tods, everything seems to be working just fine, thank you. Other than low double-digit frame rates (10-17 -- but this is in ALL terrains, including the NextGen desert and VNSEA, so it's probably a machine issue) So to answer the question, it seem to be working for me! wrench kevin stein
  19. This is what worked for me on Koni (I know I used it in SOME terrain) This is the whole main ini: If Hinch can't find his copy of Chapeav, I've got one in here that works fine at 06 level, albeit converted to an RN Cruiser. I'll bring it over to my 08 test install, and see what's up. wrench kevin stein
  20. Looks like some of the basic, fundamentals of HOW this game works are not being noticed by some folks We all know the historical usage and descriptions of the Okha. But, like FC said you cannot shoot down a missile or weapon in this game. Which brings us back to the main point in question: How do you want to Okha to be used?? Being somewhat knowledgable on such things, here's a few suggestions, and comments: 1) As a piloted weapon. Which calls the questions a) if piloted, a new FM will need developing b) if piloted, a new or stand-in or 'edited' cockpit will need creation (that actually the easiest part -use the Oscar's) c) if piloted, how do you plan on launching it? d) if piloted, how do you plan on landing it? e) if piloted, how do you 'successfully' complete multi-mission campaigns? Now, let's pick those apart, to why a piloted bomb won't work.... You can't carrying "yourself", when stuck into the bombbay of Betty. Oh, sure, some work has been done with "carrier aircraft', such as FC's own work on the B-52A/X-15 combo, but then you have a 'jettisonable' carrier aircraft that you're not flying. Also, given the mountings of the Okha in a semi-conformal "bracket" to the Betty's belly and bomb bay, how do you plan on seeing OUT of a cockpit that buried over a meter INSIDE another airplane? Makes take off, climb-outs, formating with the group, and navigating your waypoints a bit difficult As the IJN didn't have fixed launch rails for these, and not needing them as they ain't Fleiser V-1s, there isn't any other way TO get the 'weapon' to the target. Given the Okha extreamly short legs, land basing is out. Even given the fact that most planes DON'T seem to run out of fuel (fly the Me-163 for more than 9 minutes, and get back to me ... you'll see what I mean) Of course, there's the whole issue of the "succesfull kamikaze pilots" ... YOU have to fly this rocket-propelled bomb INTO your target, effectively killing yourself. As it was designed to do. In a campaign, you get 1 mission, and you're done. In single missions, you have unlimited lives via the "Fly New Mission" button. So, you could wind up being the Special Attack Force pilot with 13 successful missions .... a bit on the "odd" side, and completly non-historical. So, we wind up back at the beginning, with the realization that ... 2) the ONLY way to have the Okha in-game is as a WEAPON carried in player-flyable bombers, as an "optically guided, rocket propelled bomb", along the lines of the Fritz-X, or the USNs Bat . You can make it LOOK like there's somebody in there -just see the renders above to prove that-, but there really isn't any workable solution to flying it yourself. wrench kevin stein
  21. From the KB, post patch 3 wrench kevin stein
  22. It's next on my list to test....as soon as the Darwin (Modern) terrain is all tweeked out in WoE, all the bits are going over the SF2 for testing ------- I don't see WHY the ships aren't loading in game generated single missions...if the main ini is up-to-date (as per patch 3 levels, with the listings in it), all the necessary parts are present in the ship's folder (lods, data ini, main ini, skins), the gundata ini is updated with any add on guns, there should be no problem. They should be just like any other groundobject. the mission editors, as far as I know, look into the GO folder for it's listing; I don' think that's a valid test of them showing up. which ones in particular?? (as I've got several of Hinch's to test out) Any particular terrain? If so, are they called out in the types ini?? -like the docked ships in say, ASW or SoCal or Libya or..or..or.. wrench kevin stein
  23. Is it REALLY just as easy as I just experienced?? I moved the old 08 patch gundata, that has ALL the guns in it, from pre-WW2 to the present, and just ran the editor, pointed it to the new /Guns folder (wherein I'd just copied the old data ini and dat files), and it created all these folders with ALL the guns. Is THAT easy??? Or did I miss something??? Yes, I'm that paranoid .... when things go too easily that usually means something's not quite right... wrench kevin stein
  24. I'm going to "assume" (and you all KNOW what happens when you do that...), it would be the same as adding a new tank or airplane... Create new folder for gun or weapon Create main ini (newgun.ini) Create data ini for the gun (newgun_data.ini), drop all in newgun folder, and it should work open nextgen guneditor (anyone notice a new folder get created in your (well, XP in my case) MyDocs/ThirdWire/Strikefighters2/Utilites with the guneditor ini in it?? "add weapon" bit just like we used to do before, and that should be that... At least, that's MY read of how it gets done in NextGen series... wrench kevin stein
  25. My Friends, my Fellow Simmers; this is just an example as to the KIND of people we have in this community. I mean, how many times since The Beginning of the 3rd Wire Series, has a modler gone back and revisited something that's over 7 years old, and bring it up to more Modern Standards??? Other than some TMF projects, still to be released, I can think of no one else. Monty, brother, you totally Rock!!! He's gone back and made some changes in his old A-1H Skyraider; splitting meshes and adding new mapping (meaning: things are mapped the same, just duplicated). Doing this dosen't change anything in the skins; us End Users ™ just have to take less than 5 minutes to open some existing skin bmps, and "save as...", and viola!!! Every Single Skin using the old lods can be totally reused!!! So, in essence, NOTHING is lost, and more meshes are gained for more decals. (btw: Monty, the open canopy needs to be back about twice as far as it is now. TIA ) It's a win-win for EVERYONE!! When this upcoming VMA-331 skin is released, it'll be a COMPLETE, UPdated aircraft package. All the inis, lods, and various and sundry bits will be included. I've been spending hours repainting the Scooter B cockpit bmps to 'backdate' it for a more prop-job look, to say nothing of fiddling with the cockpit ini trying to reposition indicator needles to match the systems (btw: how the hell do I get the fuel gauge to match internal tankage??? or at least get close...) Now, if I can just figure out the pylon bits.... we have: MovingPylon= RotatingPyon= so, which one will make it so the bomb/RPs/Etc stay attached to the wing when it folds??? I've tried all the combination; true/false, false/true, true/true, and the weapons still don't move. It's not a killler, but it just bugs me Even if that isn't resolved, big deal!!! This is the best example of the caliber of folks we got building things for us. You can't ask for much more, ya know?? Wrench kevin stein

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