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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. What Caliber Weapon Is Needed To Kill These Things?

    OK, that guys is one MAJOR fucking idiot!!
  2. right now no real rush ... fighting the triple cursed scaling issues on all 3W terrains. When I built this originally, I wish I'd gone to 2x or even 3x on the DEM import size.
  3. I'm wondering if one of your gurus could make this object for me?? I'm revamping an old (and not that great a) terrain, and feel this should be there. It doesn't have to be super detailed, just the basic shape and interior mapped to match. Let me know in there's any volunteers.
  4. have you trined "opencockpit=true", and "Moved" things in the cockpit ini???
  5. oh, c'mon brother! you know the "2 weeks" joke!!!
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  7. Rio de La Plata terrains issues

    smoking too much ... my nerves are getting to me
  8. What Caliber Weapon Is Needed To Kill These Things?

    What, like Vogons???
  9. Rio de La Plata terrains issues

    <cough> NavalMap=TRUE, and _water.bmp with appropriate "CV Zones" <cough>
  10. you've got an old data ini in the aircraft's folder. If you rename it (xA-7E_Data.ini, for example), the issue will disappear. IF you need the data ini for things like player controlled canopy or folding wings or whatever, you'll have to extract a new one from the Cat files, make the changes to match, and then leave the NEW one replacing the defective one in the aircraft's folder. This is a VERY common problem on older mods
  11. What Caliber Weapon Is Needed To Kill These Things?

    hmm... along with Crusaders 88 flak reccomendation, may I put forward the IJN 'Beehive" round??? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Shiki_(anti-aircraft_shell) There's also this American one I'd never heard of.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beehive_anti-personnel_round
  12. What Caliber Weapon Is Needed To Kill These Things?

    stick to my 12 gauge,with #6 & #8 shot. Now, however seeing their size makes me wish it was an auto loader (or that one that looks like an M-16 with a 20 round mag)
  13. You WON'T be sorry!!!
  14. which tank is called for in the data ini, on the fuel tank stations? below is from the WoE F-100D (yes, I still keep a couple 1stGens around for "spare parts" -LOL!!) [RightWingStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=3.02,-0.93,-0.83 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1360.80 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,FT AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=pylon_right_middle PylonMass=163.2 PylonDragArea=0.03 FuelTankName=Tank335_F100 [LeftWingStation3] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.55,1.80,-1.04 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.0,0.0 LoadLimit=680.40 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,CGR,RP,FT,ARM,TER AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=pylon_left_inner PylonMass=81.6 PylonDragArea=0.03 FuelTankName=Tank200_F100 the statements in bold, of course! also, check the attachment types, although they should be "stock" for when the plane was released. The SF2 versions have different names., as they're built into the aircraft lod (but you knew that!!)
  15. it's always the transition edge (tile-to-tile) that's the nightmare!!! this is looking REALLY good!!
  16. Rio de La Plata terrains issues

  17. look at the tanks in the LOD viewer, it'll list the skin maps. Since not a lot of us have it ... hard to begin guessing. But I'll bet there's a mis-match between the data ini and loadout ini as to station numbering, or missing weapons (which makes NO sense). Or a mission type being flown on a terrain that doesn't have it set?? (guessing!) the tanks are most likely a weapon, so the skins would go in that folder, not the aircraft's skin folder. That's only for sF2 aircraft.
  18. WEP actually does work. The time limit is in seconds (and the hardest thing to pin down without the actual aircraft's flight manual -- that's how I found what it was for the P-61). Also, it has to actually be associated with an engine, not a 'fake engine'. It's set by percentage of throttle (s/b 99% or better). When the timer runs out, all you have is "regular' full throttle, without the extra HP boost. also, curious was to why you just didn't extract the Mustang (or Spit 9) data ini yourself.
  19. unless the Great Behemoth is swimming up the Thames!!! (then we'll need an X-craft to go after it!!)
  20. good job!!! I KNOW how much work that can be. I never liked the snow, though. I know it not there all year round (have cousins that live in Israel) Maybe we need a seasonal tile set!!! my post was pointed to the OP, not you Jarek!!
  21. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Forest Bowl Terrain, V.2 4/5/2020 - For SF2, Any & All (Full-4/5 Merged, + Expansion Packs Reccomended) This is a (mostly) complete revamp of "The Forest Bowl" terrain that was included in the (uncompleted) SF2 Civil/Firefighter Mod. It has been completely retargeted to make it a useful 'combat' terrain. All new movement inis, targets, types, etc. Also, now all 4 seasons are working. This terrain takes place in the fictional world of the Alliance vs the Global Sedition. The map is fully functional for ALL mission types with year spans from the 1940s through the far future (well, at least 2050) ie: There are NO mission type or time limitations. Many and Lots (tm) of new terrain objects have been added, all cities are now valid targets. Shipping, Ground Attack and Armed Recon missions have a good number of routes for both sides to utlize. As is my habit, the terrain is covered with Easter Eggs; you shouldn't have any problems finding them. In short, the terrain is a myth-mash. You may experience longer than normal loading times due to the number of terrain objects and seasonal tiles. As is reccomended, unzip this archive to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you -read- the document through after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  22. without the alpha channel, you'll loose the "moving water" effect. Be like going back to 2003, before TK gave us "moving" water. But I DO see the point of having too high a GPU workload. As long as the End User (tm) is aware of it beforehand, it shouldn't be an issue. The darker blue is MUCH nicer!!
  23. Does nobody read a fucking read me??? It's clearly stated in the IME upgrade that it can't be combined with any other tileset. This was done ON PURPOSE to help keep framerates up due to so many new terrain objects. That expanded stock tileset also fills in a shitload of blanks and mistakes that had never been corrected since WoI came out in (what?) 2006/7??? The full size Israel 2 terrain uses a combination of the original stock desert tiles (for the farms) and the IME tiles for most of the rest. Please, READ the readmes!!! Saves a lot of grief in the long run.

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