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Everything posted by Wrench


    your post wasn't deleted, just hidden ======= we've had the same fuck wits here in Los Angeles. Approx 10 days ago, even under the "stay home stay safe' order, thousands of morons were out wandering around on the local beaches and parks and hiking trails. The Mayor order them shut down. If one wants to commit suicide, please do it in the privacy of your own home, ok. As to conspiracy theories, well, I've never seen a "theory" kiil before. I guess there's always a first time.
  2. I remember as a kid in 60, I had a toy of the Mojave. The "mouth" opened up and I could stuff my Plastic Army Men (tm) inside!!!. Also had the Remco H-21, with working winch, and was motorized to run around on the floor, with the rotors spinning. Good times!! :)
  3. I couldn't find an image of it, but this below is one painted as a 'fire truck' kind of vehicle. Somewhere around here is my "3rd Wire Parking Enforcement Vehcile", but I can't find it!!
  4. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    indeed, Hinchbrooks' Colossus class is very long in the tooth
  5. man, that is hella cool!!! nice work!!!
  6. Free military history ebooks at Osprey

    thanks, brother!
  7. Free military history ebooks at Osprey

    DAMN IT!! won't let me create an account!! I wanted that Hurricane and USN Cruisers book!!! shit!!!!
  8. thanks for the video clip! that thing had a FAST elevation!!
  9. so the gun and elevate and traverse. I wouldn't think it'd be necessary for the ammo feed drums to move i was wondering if the radar dish spins, or ?? Never found out when I built the stand in!
  10. <cough> ww2 EAWEuro ring any bells?? with TODs oh, and you're welcome Jordi!!
  11. The Corona Virus Thread

    I'm sorry to laugh, given the impending horror of the situation, but THAT was funny!!
  12. nice to see someone else know's Richard Herman's books!! ---------- required screenshot
  13. aint nothing too it! (from the guy that invented the audio=only RWR 'way in the 2000s.) extract the avionics ini fro the Nesher from whatever cat it's in. Also, extract the data ini -- it'll need updating too. place both in the Nesher's aircraft folder open the avionics ini, and add the following lines: [RWR] Type=AUDIO_ONLY TrackSound=RWRTrackSound.wav LockSound=RWRLockSound.wav [RWRTrackSound] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=FALSE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=1 [RWRLockSound] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=FALSE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=1 save, and close open the Nesher's data ini, and in the DetectSystem section ---> [DetectSystem] Name= RadarType=RANGING VisualBlindArc=5,6,7 VisualRestrictedArc=4L,8L MaxVisibleDistance=7200.0 HasRWR=FALSE change the FALSE to TRUE. this will give you the beeps! (no direction, but it'll tell you when something is looking at you, and when they shoot)
  14. Free military history ebooks at Osprey

  15. why are we necrothreading?? please stop it.
  16. Don't know if this'll be of any help, but at least gives another reference book for The Collectors FM44_1 1965- US Army Air Defense.pdf
  17. because some folks are dumb fucks, that can't/don't/won't follow established procedures. Said procedures are set up by the game itself and how it names and manages folders.
  18. glad to help out, in some small way!
  19. here it is like I said, it's a stand in. some of the DetectSystem data may be close, maybe not! (but it does work!0 z-skysweeper.7z
  20. Rend's Germany rebuild?? so little to go on, it's almost impossible to answer the question
  21. I built a 'fake' stand in one several year ago ... I'll look around for any books or such. If you need the ground object to cross check or use as a basis for yours, let me know and I'll send it over (it uses the British 3.7in AAA gun as the lod -- as I said, it's a stand in!) here's some links https://weaponsystems.net/system/421-M51+Skysweeper https://www.net-maquettes.com/pictures/75mm-m51-skysweeper-walkaround/
  22. those look to be a LOT more detailed than the ones we have now, from 2003!!!

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