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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I guess my all time fav helo is the H-19, probably because of movies like "Battle Taxi", scenes from 'Flgith from Asaiya' and lots of over movies from the 1950s. Also the US Postal Service used them here in LA, and i remember my Dad taking me to see a letter pickup here at Santa Monica Airport when I was VERY young (maybe 5-7 yo??? -- so long ago...)
  2. WOW!!!!! but, with my equlibrium issue ... there might be a mess inside after my flight!! (but i'd STILL like to try it!!)
  3. damn, that thing is BIG!! great work, man!!
  4. i know stary imported the '3d objects' for his forests and jungles as a large mass of (whatevers!), then just used a repeating texture. How THAT work (importation) is the only thing I can't figure out (well, not having and skills with MAX probably don't help...)
  5. yes, it's hard coded. My TE usually crashes around 350-400 total items. (individual solids and alphas). Baffmeister was working on someway if cheating the system, but he'll have to explain it
  6. View File SF2 Cessna 206H Pack by Wingzero SF2 Cessna 206H Pack by Wingzero 2/29/2020 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended, plus Exp 1) This is a full revamp, for SF2, of the SF/Wo* Cessna 206H "Stationair" by wingzero, originally released in 2010. This mod includes 2 skins: No.7 Squadron, Uruguaian Air Force (FAU) -start date 1998 USAF - this is a "What If..." skin, painted to match the T-41s used for USAF training and liason. All, if not most, markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. As a new 'homegrown' templague had to be created, it's included for skinners wishing to create any other users, or other types of skins. A userlist and loadout ini have been built. Please see the "Notes" section for more details. In-game, on the Aircraft selection drop-down menu, you'll find it as: U-206H Stationair As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. One mnight also peruse the "Notes" section for things that might be interesting. The original release had NO readme, but I used the text from the SF1 announcement thread. It's included within the main aircraft's folder. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 03/19/2020 Category Other  
  7. SF2 Cessna 206H Pack by Wingzero

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Cessna 206H Pack by Wingzero 2/29/2020 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended, plus Exp 1) This is a full revamp, for SF2, of the SF/Wo* Cessna 206H "Stationair" by wingzero, originally released in 2010. This mod includes 2 skins: No.7 Squadron, Uruguaian Air Force (FAU) -start date 1998 USAF - this is a "What If..." skin, painted to match the T-41s used for USAF training and liason. All, if not most, markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. As a new 'homegrown' templague had to be created, it's included for skinners wishing to create any other users, or other types of skins. A userlist and loadout ini have been built. Please see the "Notes" section for more details. In-game, on the Aircraft selection drop-down menu, you'll find it as: U-206H Stationair As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. One mnight also peruse the "Notes" section for things that might be interesting. The original release had NO readme, but I used the text from the SF1 announcement thread. It's included within the main aircraft's folder. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. US Army aviation acronym?

    actually, those are NON-commisioned officers. (NCOs) most USArmy helo pilots have been NCOs since vietnam (probably even before)
  9. All the French aircraft (those that are available) are all done. See the Thread in the Missions/Campaigns Forum. Yes, originally, it was for 48-54 only, but things tend to grow disproportionitly
  10. over the last few years, there's been changes in the zipping softwares -- some older ones no longer work. Always have the most current version
  11. were they near Area 51, by any chance??? I mean, just asking .....
  12. if you do, tell him to pound sand. kesselbrut's stuff in unrestricted freeware
  13. Actually, EVERYBODY try and stay safe! I know Italy got hit hard, and here in LA (and I'm sure up north for JosefK is) the lunatics are out in force buy up everything that isn't nailed down, and a few things that are. So, again, you all keep it clean and stay safe.
  14. thanks brudda! Just getting wet (damn rain!) maybe it'll wash the coronavirus away!!!
  15. I can't find any of mine from all those years ago, so I can't check the readme. So, if anyone CAN, please let us know
  16. Dumb question from me... Who built the cockpit for the DAT UH-60s? If it was Kesselbrut, as he always allowed usage of HIS products, I'd rule that it's usable here. Obviously, if it wasn't, and is only a DAT cockpit, well, I guess not!! (sad face)
  17. Should I leave this in the Helicopter section, or move it to the What If section????? It's nice to have a new Blackhawk! Any plans for the regular UH-60 series?
  18. I tried doing one in paint, but haven't got a clue on to work it!! Can't even get it to "save" to CV zone colors, or ...well, just can't figure out how it work!! (sad face)
  19. They are ALL pirated. They turn up in a mod, the mod gets deleted. Simple as that We have a zero tolerance policy on pirated items Why morons continue to fuck around with this sort of thing, in clear violation of Site Policy, is beyond even my understand. They don't like it, our door swings both ways.
  20. How odd that mine is..... I do remember there being issues with the "ships that sail over land and see" * but, you can try. I've attached the _water bmp (still in bmp format for you I haven't flown on it for a while, so .... *Elric reference NAfrica_Water.bmp

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