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Files posted by Wrench

  1. EAF F-4E Phantom II

    EAF F-4E Phantom II for WoI
    This is a conversion of the stock WoI F-4E Phantom II into those being used by the Egyptian Air Force. Included is the Hi-Rez EAF skin by Sundowner; his original read me is in the skin folder -- please read it! The package ONLY includes the Sundowner skin, and a few inis needed to run, as everything 'stock' is reused. A new WoI style Hangar screen is included, as is a WoE style for those wishing to install this mod into another version of the series.
    This mod makes use of all stock items, with the excpetion of some additional 'nationalized' weapons, based on USAF ones, as used by the EAF -- so you WILL be using the Weapons Editor!!!
    This mod is designed for use in WoI; it's probably usable in any of the other games (SF/WoV/WoE), as it's using all standard in-every-game-items, but this has NOT been tested, but shouldn't create any difficulties to install.
    It is designed to be used with the Mirage Factory's Weapons Pak. If you are using another (such as the Bunyap Pak), please double check before adding any of the new weapons, as they may already exist.
    PLEASE read the enclosed readme for futher instructions!!!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein
    (yes, I know it's the same screenie I used before -- why waste a good picture?? )


       (1 review)



  2. SF2 KAW F2H-2 Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees

    SF2 KAW F2H-2 Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees 7/6/2014
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    ***PLEASE NOTE!!! You must have the original Razbam Payware Banshee set for all the
    necessary items!!! If you can't purchase the item from the Razbam Store, do NOT
    download this mod; it will do you NO good. This package =ONLY= includes those items
    modded by me.***
    This package contains a few (partly) repainted skin maps for the 4 original skins.
    They now carry decals for Modex and BuNums.
    These are =ONLY= for the F2H-2, as used in the early 1950s, particually over Korea.
    Included are new decals, decal inis, number lists, userlist, etc. The repainted skin maps are:
    You'll find all these items in their appropriate skin subfolders.
    Also, a totaly NEW skin, for VF-172 "Blue Bolts" was created and included. This was
    the first unit to take the Banshee into combat in Korea.
    Skins remain in bmp format. Decal randomization is TRUE. All aircraft use a "pool" of
    BuNum decals. The BuNum decals, when correct for this model, should be considered
    'generic' in nature, as they represent ony the aircraft itself, not specific aircraft
    in any particular unit. Both USMC units also use a "pool" of Modex numbers.
    National insignia, and CVG code letters remain painted on, excepting for those on the
    VF-172 skin. All markings on that one, excepting the national insignia, are decals.
    A modified data, loadout, and main (F-2H2.ini) are included. A new avionics ini is
    included, that activates the range-only gun radar (similiar to F-86E/F models).
    Shadows have been turned OFF, due to 'tractor beam' issues. NEW damage tgas are
    supplied as well.
    It may be advisable for you to back up ALL the original inis, just for safety's sake.
    When in game, you'll see
    F2H-2 Banshee (Raz)
    on the aircraft selection drop down menu.
    The aircraft is carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'.
    However, as the wings do NOT fold, you will probably NOT see them parked on the boat.
    The Standard Animation Keystroke ™ is used for the canopy (Shift/0).
    No weapons, sounds, pilots, etc are included. These are Razbam copyright items, and
    are included in his package. Those that have NOT updated their pilot to the SF2
    folderized standard, should do so soonest. OTH, the weapons used are readily available
    in the KAW Weapons Pak.
    Further work is required by those FM Gurus to bring it all the way home. I've done
    what I can with it.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So,
    please read them BEFORE installing (but after unzipping, of course). Also, give the
    "Notes" section a read too.
    Full credits are listed in the usual place, down with the "Notes".
    Good Hunting, and Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  3. SF2 Korea Terrain (V3)

    Korea Terrain (V3) for SF2
    == For SF2, Full 5 Merged, @ July 2012 Patch Level, -ONLY- ==
    * Note: while this terrain references the GermanyCE.cat for terrain objects, it =MUST= be used in the SF2NA (or Full-5 Merged) environment. Use in any other type of install is at the End Users risk, as carrier operations have some 'oddities withou the necessary SF2NA coding. No support is/will be available for those End Users withOUT SF2NA. It it also supremly reccomended (read: required!) that you have SF2I's Expansion Pak 1, as several of the aircraft (soon to be) supplied WILL be needed for historik 1950s usage. SF2V is also required for it's Skyraider. If you do NOT meet these requirements, you download this at your own risk. It is also probable, that without heavy editing, this terrain MAY NOT WORK in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. *
    This is a higly detailed terrain, with many new custom tiles and TODs. Due to the large number of terrain and ground objects used, you may experience exceptionaly long loading times. It has been fully tested in a Full-5 merged SF2 install, at the July, 2012 patch level (meaning: both a stand-alone KAW-centric game install, and with the terrain in SF2NA).
    This is the terrain you've all been waiting for --
    This is the KAW "Korea" terrain. It replaces any and ALL other versions of this part of the world you may have; this is likely the most accurate terrain EVER released for the Third Wire series.
    While designed with the Korean War in particular mind, like all my other terrain mods, it has a full 100 Year Operations Span ™, allowing for use well into Modern Times. This is a Full 4-Season terrain, with all the various tiles and terrain objects requred.
    However, it IS HIGHLY suggested you create a seperate KAW mods folder built from the SF2NA exe, as this terrain makes use of NA specific coding for carrier operations via the water bmp. There are 2 "CV Zones" on the map, in their semi-historic locations; Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan. This terrain also makes use of the LimitedNations=TRUE statement, locking in regional participants. And yes, as expected, there ARE Easter Eggs.
    When building you KAW Mods Folder, you are advised to leave all the stock items intact, due to the Year Spread, and when the other 1950s KAW Parts are released, simply add them. It is vitally important to use ONLY the era-specific ground objects I'll be supplying!! Of course, adding SAMs the NK's have and their associated radars, and HAWK units is also important! So, feel free to add those AD or Ground units that fit this particular region.
    GroundObjects included in this pak are very limited; in fact, some you may have already. The full KAW GO, Weapons, Pilots and other items will be released as soon as possible. With the exception of some aircraft; they'll be along as soon as they're done. In the meantime, there ARE plenty era-specific aircraft downloads at CA to keep you happy for a short while
    Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features, including target areas, will also fall into that classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, with no strategic or tactical values. Just someplace to fly over. Also, the targeting in Japan is exceptionally minimal -- this was done purposfully to reduce the chance of Enemy Aircraft ™ showing up far beyond their operational ranges over the Home Islands. If necessary for 'later year' useage, this can be expanded as needed (what with all those superdetailed F-104J and F-4EJs available, to say nothing of JASDF Sabres in the download section).
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping, but BEFORE installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading.
    It's also VERY IMPORTANT to read the Legal Statement at the bottom, as it reflects changes in policy to ALL my terrain works.
    Happy Landings, and Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    -for the KAW Team


       (16 reviews)



  4. TMF's Mirage F.1C for SF2

    Dassault Mirage F.1C by TMF

    For SF2 (any and all, Merged or not)
    This is a semi-complete upgrade of The Mirage Factory's Mirage F.1C to SF2 standards.I call this 'semi-complete', as some tweeks are still needed (see "Notes" below). A cockpit upgrade, loosly based on my AMI F-104S-ASA-M adds a working HUD for all modes, various A-A modes, and Ground Mapping. Some functions may be too modern, but hey, it all works!!! The cockpit is still the Zippers, as originally released with. A new userlist ini is also included, with hopefully everyone and fairly close operational years. A new SF2 style Hangar screen is also included!
    Several weapons are included, from the GunnyPak. Loadouts are set for mostly French weapons, with the occasional NATO slipping in (Sidewinders in the early operational years). (see Notes for comments on the desert skinned drop tank)
    Skins and decals included in this pak are from (iirc) the original release, and maybe some others:
    AdA Blue
    EDA Camo
    Greece Blue
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. PLEASE read them.
    With special Thanks to TMF & Sony Tuckson for giving permission to modifiy and upload.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  5. Eritrea/Ethiopia Terrain for SF2

    Eritrea/Ethiopia Terrain for SF2
    = For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended)
    This terrain is a rebuild version of the 'beta - (minus)' uploaded by Wingwinner some years ago. It has been completly rebuilt, from the HFD up.
    This terrain also uses JSF_Aggie's Enhanced Desert tiles, with the tile set =GREATLY= expanded, with many new tiles, many tiles with minor & major corrections and repairs, and LOTS and LOTS of custom TODs. The area covered includes parts of Somilia, Djbouti, a little of eastern Yemen, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sudan as far west as the Nile rivers (Blue & White) confluence at Khartoum.
    The 'addon' terrain objects have been kept to a minimum. Stock in-game items have been used in most cases, although some additional units may (or may not!) be required. Add-on GroundObjects, while heavily listed in the _Types.ini, have been kept to as small amount as possible. See "Notes" for what you might need. You've probably got most of them already. Some additions to several Userlists for both Stock 3W and 3rd Party add-ons (in particular for some SAM units) have been included, as several nations simply weren't listed.
    Limited Nations, Limited Missions and Operations years do NOT reflect the Real World ™. Eritrea did not exist until 1991; the map has the standard "all years spread". However, the various nations are listed in the Eritera_Nations.ini, but none of the Limitations are active.
    Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or even exist as such. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification (ie: mountains, hills, valleys, etc). Some cities may also NOT have
    all their proper Real Life ™ industries, facilities and other building classifications, or be fully loaded with 'target objects'. Accuracy has been strived for in all cases, to reflect the Real World ™. As much as is possible with this Engine.
    This map also makes use of the 'Expanded Borders' mod, wherein you make changes to the FlightEngine.ini. Instructions on making this adjustment are included (if you haven't already).
    Please note, that when unzipped, the terrain folder will be quite large (~350 megs) due to the size of the tiles -they're 1024x. Make sure you have enough space.
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping, before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading.
    It's most important that the legal disclaimer at the bottom be read and complied with. There has been a change in policy with regards to =ALL= my terrain mods.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (6 reviews)



  6. SF2 USAF/NATO/Western Cargo Planes by Veltro2K

    SF2 USAF/NATO/Western Cargo Planes by Veltro2K
    -For SF2, Any and All-
    This is a re-release of these aircraft, as some have stated a desire to have them again.
    This pak includes all my reskins, decals, ini tweeks,etc, from the various "upgrade paks" I'd
    released before the aircraft were disappeared.
    This pak contains =ONLY= those aircraft used by the USAF, our Allies and other NATO powers. The
    Soviet/Warsaw Pact transports are someplace else....
    Included in this pack are:
    C-141A Starlifer
    C-141B Starlifter
    C-5A Galaxy
    C-17 Globemaster III
    G-222 Spartan (called such in USAF service)
    Some may be more complete than others, with regards to decals and such. Some are fairly
    'untouched', and will need further decaling, etc. Some hangar and loading screens are NOT in
    SF2 format, and will need redoing (meaning: I never got around to them!).
    All the original readmes from the Upgrade Paks (I could find!) are included within this main
    folder. I'd reccomend reading them, just for fun!
    Skin and some decal templates (again, when I could find them!) are included. The decal template
    is for the "ttag" decal, that is for USAF AMC usage.
    This pak is quite large, as the skins remain in their bmp format. You can convert to jpg at you
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read
    them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations. Also, the Legal
    Statement has been changed with regards to these aircraft.
    For those that still have the original releases, you may not need to reapply this package. But,
    to be safe, PLEASE check over your aircraft to be sure. Thank You :).
    **These aircraft herein are re-released in "AS IS" Condition. There are/may be some issues with
    the LODs that may not/cannot be resolved. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be
    solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created. For now.**
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein
    *note: C-5 Galaxy not shown in attached screenshots*


       (4 reviews)



  7. SF2 Korean War Era F-86 Sabre Pak

    SF2 Korean War Era F-86 Sabre Pak
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the extensive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level.*
    This is the F-86 Sabre Pak for the Korean Air War mod. Probably as eagerly awaited as the terrain itself...
    Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, THIS is the "Star of the Show"!!!
    In this pak you have 3 Sabre marks, with their various skins/decals sets:
    334th FIS
    335th FIS
    336th FIS, 4th FIW
    This set uses the 'SF2 date switch' to swap from the Black/White Invasion stripes (Early skins) to the Yellow ID band (Late Skins). They switch on March 1, 1951.
    No. 2 Squadron, SAAF
    16th FIS
    25th FIS
    39th FIS, 51st FIW
    334th FIS
    335th FIS
    336th FIS, 4th FIW
    16th FIS
    25th FIS
    39th FIS, 51st FIW
    334th FIS
    335th FIS
    336th FIS, 4th FIW
    ...and a Surprise Bird, with 3 skins of it's own!!!!!
    All aircraft have brand new skins, built from ravenclaw's beyond superb template. All skins are in jpg format, and Decal Randomization is set to TRUE. Almost all markings are decals, excepting special vert fin/rudder markings (the yellow stripe for the 4th FIW, and checkboard with squadron color for the 51st). New DDS damage textures are included.
    An all new, SF2-compliant FM was created for these aircraft; it flys like it should! (as seen on some other recently released Sabre mods) A new userlist ini is also included. The F-86A gets an SF2-version of my original 'box art' Hangar screen; the E & Fuses a more 'generic' style. No weapons are included; they are in the KAW weapons pak, and excepting for the drop tanks and HVARs, reference stock items (ie: the bombs). Many new sounds are included; be advised the included 50cal sound =WILL= overwrite any others you posess. Several new 'effects' are included as well.
    For your extra added Flying Pleasure, a KAW =ONLY!!= modded InstantAction.ini resides in the included /Flight folder. REMINDER: use this =ONLY= in a stand alone KAW mods folder. It's based off the Korea V.3 map, and you'll need the MiG-15bis_NK, La-11 Fang, F-82G, F9F-2, and of course, these Sabres. This is an optional use file; I won't be insulted if you don't use it, or change the aircraft to what you want. Really; I promise!
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There are "Operational Notations" and other impertinant data you should know.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    -for the KAW Team-


       (14 reviews)



  8. Central America Terrain for SF2

    Central America Terrain for SF2
    - For SF2, Any & All (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended*)
    This terrain covers the area from Belize, down to Columbia, centered on the Panama Canal. Some regions are a bit truncated (eastern El Salvador), and some areas are not targeted.
    This terrain does =NOT= have the SF2NA "NavalMap" statement activated in any inis. It is designed =ONLY= for ground-based air forces. It is highly suggested it remain as such. However, the _water.bmp does have 2 "Blue Side" coded carrier stations, one in the Pacific and one in the Caribean. Again, its not reccomended for CV usage; as once the "NavalMap=TRUE" is activated, all USMC carrier-capable aircraft will now ONLY fly from The Boat.
    The LimitedNations statement is set to TRUE, allowing only for 'regional powers' (with a few exceptions).
    Many of the included GroundObjects you may already have -- install them anyway. A majority of them have had the "issuing" user nations corrected, and the appropriate UserList created. The included Ships have also been updated as per SF2NA.
    Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification.
    However, 2 Easter Eggs are emplaced on the map. You should be able to guess where, and what they are.
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read the New Standard discalimer, as it's been changed slightly.
    Happy Sightseeing!
    kevin stein
    *Full-5 reccomended if one activates the Carrier Zones - NOT reccomended*


       (4 reviews)



  9. SF2 DH Venom NF.3 by Veltro2K

    SF2 DH Venom NF.3 by Veltro2K 9/13/2016
    = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
    This is the release of the De Havilland Venom NF.3 Night/All Weather figher by Veltro2k.
    The aircraft comes with 3 skins:
    No. 23 Squadron
    No. 141 Squadron
    Swedish Flygvapnet:
    F1 Hasslo (J-33)
    All markings are decals and decal randomization is TRUE. All items; sounds, pilots, drop tank are supplied. All other weapons use stock 3W items. Serial numbers (RAF version) while correct for the variant, should be considered 'generic' in nature not representing any specific unit. IIRC, the Swedish numbering should be 100% historicly correct.
    Other RAF squadrons are easily made by creating the "bar-roundel" decal seen on the tail booms.
    The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystrokes; shift/0 (zero)
    When in-game, you'll see
    Venom NF.3 (v2k)
    on the Aircraft selection drop down menu. This will diferentiate it from any others you may (or may not) have.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Give the "notes" a browse, too!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (5 reviews)



  10. Super Etendard & Super Etendard (M) for SF2 by Foxmonter

    Dassault Super Etendard & Super Etendard(M), SF2 Combo Pak (by FoxMonter)
    For SF2, Any & All (Full-4 Merged Prefered - At Minimum, =MUST= have SF2:I AND SF2:V)
    *Note: the reason for these requirements are the cockpits used on =BOTH= versions of the aircraft. They reference 2 very different cockpits and avionics displays, only truely available in a Full-4 Merged installs.*
    *Note x2: There are 2 seperate readmes in this Combo Pak - one each for the Super Etendard and Super Etendard (Modernized). It's suggested that after downloading this pak, you unzip to a temp folder or your desktop, and =READ= both before installing, as well as this complete readme. Install instruction are, as usual, the same*
    This package contains 2 complete aircaft - the early version, Super Etendard as used by the French Navy and Argentinian Navy, and the late 90s to-date version, the Super Etendard (Modernized) as used only by the French Navy. All skins, inis, decal, weapons, etc are included. Specific details for each are in their own readmes, inside this archive. You'd do well to read BOTH!!! (no kidding! really!!) All new SF2-style hangar & loading screens are included (exceptng the SuE loading, it's the orignal converted to jpg).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! I'd reccomend that you unzip this archive FIRST (to a temp folder or your desktop), and READ through this readme document, and the other 2, before installing.
    The extensive "Notes" section in each readme also contains a Change List of modifications and other impertinant information. All original readmes are included, for historical reference.
    Happy Hunting!
    kevin stein
    EDIT: updated 10/13/2011
    -- added the missing Tank_SUE_Gray
    For thos that already downloaded this pack, the tank in availalbe in the SF2 Weapons downloads section


       (3 reviews)



  11. Israel 2 Terrain (ver 4.1) Upgrade/Update for SF2

    Israel 2 Terrain (ver 4.1) Upgrade/Update for SF2 3/28/2015
    = For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!!!) =
    **Note: this terrain replaces any and all previous versions!!**
    This is an (almost) complete rebuild of my 2008 build of Gepard's Israel 2 terrain. The
    terrain has been 90% retiled to more match the stock IsraelME and my "Eastern Med"
    terrains. However, the farm and city tiles remain in their original 'desert' style. All
    other tiles have been replaced. The target areas have, for the most part, been rebuilt,
    enhanced and/or expanded. As is to be expected, several new tiles, and their associated
    TODs had to be created.
    It is designed to be used =ONLY= in the SF2:I environment.
    The addon terrain objects have been kept to a minimum (no, not really!). Stock in-game
    items have been used in most cases, although some additional structrues HAVE been added.
    Add-on GroundObjects, while heavily listed in the _Types.ini, have been kept to as small
    an amount as possible.
    I've included =SOME= of the Ground Objects needed but NOT all of them. Its up to the End
    User ™ to make sure that you have the theatre-specific (read: Israeli and Arab nations)
    proper items. That means, I've given you no AAAs/SAMs/Radars, Tanks, SPGs, ships, etc (and
    any associated guns/weapons they'd require).
    Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real
    Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several
    cities and other physical features, and target areas will also fall into that
    classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, even if they
    might have had strategic or tactical values (most don't!). Just someplace to fly over.
    When in game, you'll see:
    "Isreal 2 (Full Scale)"
    Limited Nations is set to TRUE, and only contains regional states. This terrain is =NOT=
    carrier capable in =any= SF2 Environment (see notes - and I don't know why!).
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest
    of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the
    document through after unzipping, but before installing.
    As always, the Notes and Other Nonsense section may make for entertaining (and essential!) reading.
    It's most important that the legal disclaimer at the bottom be read and complied with.
    There has been a change in policy with regards to =ALL= my terrain mods.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    Changes for 4.1:
    moved Az Zaqaziq (Abu Hamed) AB
    Added Hulwan AB
    Added Al Mazza AB
    Added Mezze AB
    Retiled region between the Nile and Qaroun Lake
    Please note, if you've already download this full terrain, you need not do so again. An
    update containing the changed files can be found at the following URL:


       (6 reviews)



  12. American North West - 4 Seasons Rebuild

    Upgrade for America NorthWest Terrains: 4 Seasons Inclusive Build


    -for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe FE?


    The original America Northwest Terrains; AmerianNW, AmericanNWinter and AmericaNWSpring, were released sometime back in 2003. They are exceedling FUN maps to fly on, as they are full of deep canyons and high mountain ranges. But...with the advent of the 9/08 patch for the entire 3rd Wire series, they can now be combined into ONE terrain, and with a few ini edits, allow for =ALL= 4 season to be present in ONE terrain folder. Seasonal changes are based upon the date a mission is flown, in single mission (month/day - year makes no difference), and probably in campaigns as well
    This package includes ALL 4 seasons for Major Lee's "America NorthWest" series, combined.This package is designed to TOTALLY REPLACE =ALL= the original terrains, with one single install. Editing has been done to the all the inis, as per the latest patch standards. Included are also my targets and movements enhancements, as seen in a 8/07 upgrade, with some additions.
    Included are the "Spring", "Summer" (by CA_Stary), "Thaw" (by Doghouse & Deuces), and "Winter" seasons as new subfolders of this rebuilt terrain. A new 'EnvrionmentalSystem.ini', that is terrain specific, was created that raises the cloud deck OFF the mountains. It's also super easy to edit, to allow for lower clouds, if that is your wish. You'll also find regional specific trees (pine) scattered across the landscape. It looks sooo much better with trees!!! :) For those looking for it, YES, there are more than a couple of Easter Eggs, as you've all come to expect.
    While set in the "What If.." world of the Global Sedition vs the North American Alliance, it's quite usable for just about anything. =EXCEPTING= no anti-ship missions, as there's no large bodies of water for shipping routes. (see my pleas for retiling in the "General Notes and Other Nonsense" section below)
    The movements ini has been expanded for more Armed Recon missions, with additional truck routes for both sides. Additonal targets have been added (one new city, airport and train stations for each side), and new Ground Attack routes for CAS missions. I added an oil field to the Alliance side, to give the Sedition forces something extra to bomb, and Alliance forces something to protect. I figure the story line would be "short on resources, the Global Sedititon is trying to capture the Salmon River Oil Fields and Elk Mountains Uranium Mines for their own". New country flags have been added (the 2 GS and Alliance flags are still here!) for NAA alllies - USA and Canada.
    This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, no worries there. WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the terrain cat reacharound. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games at your own risk.
    Vista users should also have no problem with terrain effects, as the latest round of patching has apparently cleared up that problem. And the fact that there's no water on this map.....
    Included as well is FastCargo's SON-9A "FireCan" AA control radar, and some ini updates for a few of the stock "Red" AAA units, networking them to the FireCan.
    PLEASE read this entire ReadMe all the way through before installing; there are some issues I've encountered that need some explaining, and this will give you a better understanding of what I've tried to accomplish.
    Good Hunting & Happy Landings!!!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  13. 3W Textures Lists for Terrain Editor

    in this zip are the 4 STOCK textures lists for use with the 3rd Wire Terrain Editor (both versions)
    Included are lists for:
    (the Isreal one was compiled by me, as one was never issued by TK)
    These are usable for terrain creation for BOTH SF/Wo* and SF2 (excepting the IcelandNA terrain, of course). The differences between 1stGen and SF2 are all in the data ini, so there's no change in these.
    It's recommended, that if doing ANY terrain work, you have a large store of asprin, and remove all sharp implements (and by inference, firearms) from you house.
    These are being uploaded, as several people have requested the IME list. So, Here's All Four
    have fun!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  14. SF2 Update/Patch July 2013

    SF2 series patch/update July 2013
    (this is the only readme bits I could find)
    Strike Fighters 2 Jul 2013 Update
    Readme File
    This update is for Mar 2012 or later version of Strike Fighters 2.
    If you have an earlier version, you must update the game to
    Mar 2012 version before applying this update.
    If you have installed any mods to the game, please check the
    ChangeList.txt for a list of updated files. If any data files
    you've extracted have been changed, you must manually delete
    and/or updated these files, or the patched game may not run
    Previous campaign saved data may not load after installing
    this Update.
    List of changes in this Update include:
    Jul 2013
    * Reduces menu screens flickering on some video cards when running on Windows 8.
    * Additional minor performance tweaks.


       (3 reviews)



  15. A-16A 'Attack Falcon'

    A-16A 'Attack Falcon'
    -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered) and/or SF2:I ONLY!!! --
    As stated above, you =MUST= have a Full-4 Merged install, or at the VERY LEAST SF2:I to make use of this mod package, as it references all stock items for the aircraft and cockpit lods that are ONLY found in SF2:I or Full-4 Merged game installs. If you have neither of these, don't download this, as you'll not be able to use it.
    This is a modification of the F-16 Netz into the proposed A-16A 'Attack Falcon', a specalized ground support aircraft intended to replace the A-10 Thunderbolt II. Those wishing more infromation on it, are encouraged to Google it, and also look at F-16.net.
    The aircraft has been completely reskinned in 3-tone Euro 1, from a new home-grown template. Markings represent those based a Nellis AFB, Nevada (for weapons testing and integration). All basic inis, skins and decals are included, as is new green painted version of the AIM-9P Sidwinder (just for this mod/skin pak). All markings are decals, with the exception of the Nellis tail stripe. Serial numbers are spurious; taken from another source.
    In the Loadout ini, several alternate loadouts are listed. These can be accessed from the 3rdWire mission editor screen (for post-Expansion Pak 2 users). With the exception of the green 9P winder, all loadouts use stock items.
    As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. Any and all inaccuracies are mine, as we only have the Netz to work from
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  16. F-104JS "Super Starfighter" (what If...) by Wrench

    F-104JS "Super Starfighter" (what If...) by Wrench    1/10/2023
    -- For SF2, Full 5 Merged REQUIRED --
    *** Please note: your game's mod folder/install MUST have access to the stock 3rd Wire F-104G Starfighter to make use of the mod ***
    This is a modification of the stock F-104G into a "What If..." F-104Js Super Starfighter of the Japan Air Self Defense Force. The mod is supplied with 2 skins:
    Blue Camoflague (1982 - 1990)
    Air Superiority Grey (1990 - 2004)
    These skins represent aircraft from the 207th Hikotai, and carry it's tail badge. The SF2 date switch is active, and will change accordingly.
    Skins remain in bmp format. All new "accurate" decals have been created for 24 aircraft (see Notes for more info on JASDF serial numbers). All markings are decals and decal randomization is TRUE. All weapons used are stock in-game items, excepting the "F104S pylon set". This has been edited to not conflict with the AMI or Turkish F-104S series. All items have been included (cockpit, avionics displays, etc) for ease of installation.
    As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. PLEASE read it!!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  17. SF2 F-4B Phantom (Mytai) CVW-9 Skin/Decal Pak  

    SF2 F-4B Phantom (Mytai) CVW-9 Skin/Decal Pak                  12/24/2017
    = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) and/or SF2:V =
    *Can be used in any install that has access to the F-4B & F-4B_67, which is stock in all merged installs, excepting SF2:I (well, actually it's probably there as well!). The 1968 VF-92 & 96 skins are particularly designed for use in SF2:V, as they represent the squadrons during one of their Southeast Asia cruises*
    This package contains 3 revamped & updated skins, now for SF2, originally created by Mytai01 in 2005(ish) for SF1. This skins are:
    VF-96 Fighting Falcons (1964) embarked aboard USS RANGER
    VF-92 Silverkings (1968)
    VF-96 Fighting Falcons (1968), both embarked aboard USS ENTERPRISE during the Vietnam War
    All 3 skins are new builds, from Sundowner's excellent template. The skins are in jpg format. Almost all decals from the original Mytai pack have been reused, with some modifications on the Modex number decals.
    Decal randomization has been set to "TRUE". Included are the data and loadout inis for both aircraft, with some small changes in the loadouts. The data inis now incorporate manually operating (meaning: you, the player can now) wingfold and canopy operation. Both use the Standard Animations Keystrokes (tm), Shift/9 for wings and Shift/0 (zero) for the canopy. 
    Also included, is all of Mytai's original research material that came with the 1stGen Package. This inlcudes photos and other text files.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....


       (1 review)



  18. SF2 F-4G(B) USN Pack

    SF2 F-4G(B) USN Pack              8/28/2019
    -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended)
    This is a NEW aircraft, the F-4G(B) for the US Navy. There were F-4Bs modified with a automatic carrier landing system during their Oct 1965-June 1966 deployment in South East Asia aboard USS Kitty Hawk. They were painted in an experimental green camoflauge, as were many other aircraft of CVW-11 in this time frame.
    Once upon a time, I know we had this aircraft for 1stGen SF, but have been unable to locate it. So, I rebuilt it, and now present it you all to enjoy. This is a complete aircraft, based off the F-4B_65, so make use you have this bird in your inventory. This aircraft uses all stock 3w items.
    The skin is in jpg format, in 2048x, from Sundowner's templates. 12 100% historically accurate Bunum decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE. This aircraft is given a full year's operational time frame, "1965-1966" in the data ini, even if not historically correct (read: easier). New, aircraft specific hangar and loading screens are provided.
    Is should be noted, this mod was started in 2011, and got lost. I do NOT remember who created the original skin I worked from, or the decals (which have been refreshed to remove ghosting around the edges), So I cannot take full credit for this mod (see "Notes" for more speculations).
    When in-game, on the aircraft selection drop down, you'll see:
    F-4G(B) Phantom II (USN)
    This will differentiate it from the USAF F-4G Wild Weasel, and make sure you know it's a Navy bird.
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. 

    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  19. DH Sea Vixen FAW.1 & FAW.2

    DH Sea Vixen FAW.1 & FAW2 for SF2
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    This is an upgrade/mod of Skippybings Sea Vixens, BOTH the FAW.1 and FAW.2 - so you get two complete aircraft in one pakcage!!! Such a deal!!! (Unfortunatley, this IS a rather large package...so, sorry!). This was done simply to make it easier for you, the End User ™ to install. (Almost) Everything necessary to unzip, install, and fly away is supplied.
    Included are updated versions of the BunyPak FirestreakIR and RedtopIR*, and the drop tanks. All other weapons used are stock items (with the possible exception of the AGM-12C Bullpup -not supplied- which may be from the GunnyPak)
    *=these are seperate missile from the 3W Firestreak & Redtops; for use only on the Javelin and Sea Vixen FAW1 & FAW2. This was done on purpose -don't mess with this!!! Seriously .. don't. All things are done for a reason.*
    Skins/decal sets included are:
    890 NAS (w/one Sundowner bmp, edited by me, so as not to waste decals)
    892 NAS
    893 NAS
    899 NAS (these all by Sundowner)
    766 NAS
    893 NAS
    899 NAS (all Sundowner skins!!)
    Where possible, the Squadron Badge has been used for the paint chip in the Loadout Screen.
    Data and loadout changes duplicate the hardpoints (on the FAW.1 only); one set is ONLY for missiles, the other is ONLY for use bombs and rocket pods. Other tweeks to the avionics and cockpit 'clean up' or replace a few gauge skins, a new gunsight and missile "shoot cues" were created/modified from others.
    A "new" engine sound is supplied for the Avons. Both aircraft have SF2 stlye 'carrier deck' hangar screens, and the damage/shredded tgas have been converted to dds (hope they work!!!). Flight model remains untouched; it "feels" about right. Remember -it's a gunless, missile-only armed Interceptor, NOT a dogfighter!! Fly accordingly!!
    As a bonus, for those End Users ™ with SF2:E AND with Expansion Pak2, there are alternate Data and Loadout inis for the FAW.1, adding the 2inch Micro-cell rockets. Usefull for hitting bombers, trucks, ships and other assorted annoyances. REMEMBER --these are 2 seperate inis, and you'll need SF2E Exp2 to get them to work. Instructions on how to switch are below in the "To Install" section. (these were removed on the FAW.2, so don't go adding them!)
    As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other important stuff; might want to read it, huh? VERY Important info in there... So, PLEASE read it through after unzipping, but before installing. The procedures for missile firing should be reviewed.
    Let's hope this one works!
    Good Hunting
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  20. Short Belfast C.Mk.1 for SF2

    Short Belfast C MK1 for SF2 Series by RussoUK                   8/20/2020
    -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
    This package contains a new aircraft, the Short Belfast RAF airlifter.
    The Belfast was one of the largest turboprop aircraft ever built. Designed as a strategic freighter, its range and speed were however rather poor. The first Belfast was delivered to 53 Sqn. RAF in 1966. Ten served with the RAF; they were all withdrawn in 1976, with four continuing to operate with HeavyLift Cargo Airlines, Stanstead. HeavyLift ceased trading in Sept. 2002.
    Converted from a Freeware Virtavia\Alphasim model by me RussoUK
    Thanks to Kev aka The Wrench for assistance and the decals and ini work for this project. Some nice decs...Cheers Kev ole m8.
    Animations Keystrokes:
    Main Cargo doors: Shift_0 (zero)
    side Cargo door:  Shift_9
    Crewdoor:         Shift_8
    All decals (aircraft names, serial numbers) are 100% historically accurate. There are 2 loading screen jpgs included, one for wide screen, the other for 'standard' (1024/768) screen. A simple text edit will swap them out.
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. 
    Please see the "Notes" section for all the various comments and well, notes!
    Happy Landings!


       (1 review)



  21. SF2 F-82G Twin Mustang, Korean War Era by KAW Team

    SF2 F-82G Twin Mustang, Korean War Era by KAW Team
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the MAX level used to create it. It is HIGHLY suggested you be at the latest SF2 patch level for the mod to work properly*
    This is the NAA F-82G "Twin Mustang" as operated by the USAF during the Korean War.
    This is a BRAND NEW MODEL!!!, created expecially for KAW. You will probably want to delete any other Twin Mustang you may (or may not!) have. This will replace it completely.
    This pack comes with 3 skins:
    4th AWS
    68th AWS
    339th AWS
    as used in the Air Defense of Japan, and over Korea itself. All aircraft are finished in 'Night Black".
    All skins and damage textures are in DDS format. Decal randomization is set to TRUE.
    All sounds, weapons, pilot figures and goodies are included. A New SF2-style 'box art' hangar is included (rebuilt from the 1stGen version).
    The Standard Animation Keystroke ™ operate the canopies (Shift/0).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, might want to give the "Notes" section a look-see, for further explinations, illuminations, and operational notes.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    for the KAW Team


       (7 reviews)



  22. B-24J Liberator (Pasko), Indian Air Force, Ver.2

    Consolidated B-24J, Indian Air Force ver.2
    For SF2, Full-5 Merged (with Expansion Pak 1 Reccomended, for bombs)
    This is Version 2.0 of Pasko's B-24J "Liberator", to recreate those as rebuilt for use by the Indian Air Force.
    Designed for use with in India/Pakistan stand-alone install.
    This version is designed to REPLACE the version originally released in 2011 for the Indo-Pak mod.
    A brand new skin, in jpg format, from my (finally!) completed Home Grown template ™.
    The decals are 100% historically accurate for the serial numbers. Decal randomization is set to TRUE.
    Flight model, while somewhat tweeked by me is "OK", for a heavy bomber. However it NEEDS to be completly gone through by an FM Guru, as there are many 'issues'. It is NOT advised that is be used by the player, but to let the AI control it.
    Some data ini tweeks remove some of the guns, and the lower ball turret, and convert it to a surface-search radar dome (ASV), via the FakePilot method. A new avionics ini is included. Be advised, there is NO radar display in the cockpit .. in Real Life ™ this would have been (probably) in the radio compartment, aft of the bomb bays. All lighting positions have been corrected, and where necessary, new ones added to their proper places.
    The weapons loadout makes use of the stock, Expansion Pak 1 M57 & M64 WW2 era bombs.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Of course, the expected "Notes" section with comments, suggestions, and whatnots. Be in one's own best interest to read them.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein
    changelog: version 2.0 uploaded 1/10/2013


       (0 reviews)



  23. SF2 Korean War Era A-26B Invader Pak

    SF2 Korean War Era A-26B Invader Pak
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: This mod will most likely =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due usage of the latest TW Exporter, and DDS format skins. End Users ™ that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level.*
    *Note: this aircraft =WILL= replace any other A/B-26B Invader you may (or may not) have. It's HIGHLY advisable you delete said aircraft and decals from your game install*
    *Note: (again!) In 1947, the "A" for "Attack" designation was removed from use, and the A-26 Invader renamed to B-26 Invader (for Light Bomber Squadrons). Also, with the retirement of the Martin B-26 Marauder after WW2, the name was "open for reuse". To that end, the displayed name on the Single Mission screen will read "A-26B Invader (B-26B)".
    The skins represent aircraft from the 13th BS, 3rd BG, as seen in Korea. Aircraft are finished in 'Night Intruder Black". Serial numbers and nose are are 98.6% historically correct; nose arts are matched to the aircraft's serial and ID Letter, via exhaustive research (oh, boy it was!).
    Weapons are NOT included; they can be found in the KAW Weapons Pak. However, the 'para-illuminator flare pod' is, for those pesky night interdiction mission. In fact, just as a CYA measure, my /Effect folder is included (which is also available in one of the KAW Mod Paks -forget which one, exactly!)
    Pilot figures, sounds are included, as is a SF2-style version of the my original "Box Art" Hangar screen. A Userlist.ini was also created.
    The canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    -for the KAW Team-
    **Parentel Advisory: Many (ok, more than a lot) of the nose art decals depict the unclothed female form. If you find nudiditity offensive, seek medical help immeaditly, if not sooner. This mod is rated PG-13**


       (9 reviews)



  24. SF2 WW2 PTO B-29 Superfortress Pak (Ver 2)

    SF2 WW2 PTO B-29 Superfortress Pak (Ver.2) 4/27/2015
    -- Something for the PTO players --
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    This is a revamp of the version released in April, 2013. There have been several major and minor changes. See the Change List in the Notes section for what got fiddled with.
    This is the complete aircraft, with all the skins, decals, sounds and whathaveyous needed.
    The 2 skins included are:
    498th BG 73rd BW (all 60 aircraft)
    509th Composite Group (the Atomic Bombers)
    Serials & nose arts for the 509th are 100% historically accurate. The 498th nose arts in some cases are interperative, some are historical. Serials/tail markings =ARE= 100% historical.
    Decal randomization is TRUE for both skins. The skins, due to their small size, remain in bmp format.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them. For those users that have the 2013 version, you will be deleting the /B-29 folder from you PTO mods folder's /Aircraft main folder. Again, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS -- in fact, unzp the package FIRST, read them through, and then follow the instructions. If allowed to overwrite, bad things may happen.
    Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Be advised, the "Leagel Notice" also includes a small change. Which seems to be ignored by some people.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    Version 2, uploaded 4/2015


       (5 reviews)



  25. SF2 WW2 RAF Bombers Pak

    SF2 WW2 RAF Bombers Pak
    = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED! w/Expansion Pak 1)
    **Note: Having SF2I Expansion Pak 1 is HIGHLY reccomended, as a few of the destroyed models referenced reach over to the stock destroyed C-47A. If you do NOT have Exp1, you will NOT have the burning wreck on the ground. You will have to locate some other destroyed model for use. Also, due to the extensive modifications to the cockpit and data ini, this mod will absolutely -NOT- work in 06 level 1stGen game installs. 08 Level 1stGens may have some issues, but this has not/cannot be tested by me.**
    This pak contains a reissue of Veltro2K's RAF light, medium and heavy bombers used by the RAF during WW2. Unless otherwise notated, all are RAF Bomber Command squadrons. This (VERY LARGE!) pak contains the following aircraft/skin sets (the name in parenthesis is the actual skin folder name)...
    -Handley Page Halifax
    10 Squadron (Hali)
    -Handley Page Hampden
    49 Squadron (RAF)
    -Lockheed Hudson
    224 Squadron (raf1)
    48 Squadron, Coastal Command (CC)
    459 Squadron, RAAF (MTO -desert camo)
    VBP-82, US Navy, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland (USN)
    -Short Stirling
    7 Squadron (Stir)
    -Vickers Wellington
    12 Squadron (12)
    Skins remain in bmp format, decal randomization is set to TRUE. Almost all the original decals have been replaced (squadron codes, aircraft ID letters, serials on some, etc) with new builds or repurposed units from my stock of RAF codes. Almost all markings ARE decals. There are no nose arts. Damage textures are in DDS format. Weapons (the RAF bomb set and the 303 gun) are included.
    All the 1stGen Hangar and Loading screens were either rebuilt to SF2-spec, or created new for this package. They are in jpg format.
    The various inis make use of the 'hide component' or the 'open cockpit' statements to make sure the cockpits are where they're supposed to be. This, unfortunately, prevents their use in SF/Wo* games at the 06 patch level, as stated above. Flight modeling, for the most part, remains as originally issued.
    *Note: includes any/all "tweeks paks" released after the original releases*
    See "Changes" in the Notes section for more details.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for the change list, and other important notations. Also, the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to these aircraft.
    For those that still have the original releases, it's advised you delete the aircraft and decals folders for them; this pak is desinged to replace them in total.
    **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. The source files have been lost, and there can and WILL be no modifications to the physical model. They 'are as they is' and you must accept them with this caveat in mind. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**
    Happy Landings
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)




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