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Files posted by Wrench

  1. SF2 WW2 PTO J2M Jack Number List Fix

    SF2 WW2 PTO J2M Jack Number List Fix 9/13/2013
    Herein are replacement numberlst.inis for the J2M1 & J2M3 "Jack" recently released.
    For some reason, I'd forgotten to extend the numberation to it's full extent.
    You can find the aircraft here:
    -Install Instructions:
    unzip as usual, and drop the /Objects folder directly over your existing one. Allow the overwrite.
    sorry about that people!
    Kevin Stein


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    1 comment


  2. SF2 WW2 Pilot Figures Pack

    SF2 WW2 Pilot Figures Pack 9/13/2013
    -- Something for Everyone --
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    *Note: these pilot figure may also work in 1stGen SF/Wo*. Be advised, that at pre-08 levels,
    folderized pilots won't work. YOu'll have to seperate the all out, like as was done in the Distant
    Past at 06 level*
    This is a compliation of pretty much ALL the WW2 Pilot figures available for use in the various
    aircraft mods now available (and by inference), and those to come.
    It is a comglomeration of work dating back nearly to the very beginnings of SF modding. The names
    of some of the contributors are Lost to History, but we thank them all. For those that I could
    remember, see "Credits" section below.
    This pack contains some 28+ pilot and crew figures, included the "FakePilot". This is JUST
    pilot/crew figures. Those "devices" that use the FakePilot method for adding radar pods, or pylons
    are NOT included. Aircraft Seats are also NOT included.
    See the enclosed "pilots in this pack.jpg" for the listing.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  3. SF2 WW2 SB2C Helldiver, "Blank" Skin Pak

    SF2 WW2 SB2C Helldiver, "Blank" Skin Pak 9/12/2013
    - For SF2 WW2 and Whenever Players -
    This pak contains a set of 3 "blank" markingless skins for Veltro2K's Helldivers. They are:
    Standard 3-tone
    (note: the -1 uses a different -s map due to the 3 bladded prop)
    SB2C3 thru 5:
    Standard 3-tone
    Overall Dark Gloss Navy Blue
    (The enclosed screenshot is a -5 in 3-tone. All others are identical to those already available, but minus the US Star-bar)
    As stated, there are NO national or squadron markings (ie: for USN use) of any kind. This will allow skinners (and WhatIfers) to create/recrate the various squadron and national markings via decal placement. With the several skins out already, decal placement locations have pretty much all been pre-plotted. A decent skinner should easily be able to figure out any others.
    As always, fairly simple install instructions are included. So, please read them.
    REMINDER: these are skin maps ONLY!!! YOU will have to build the other required inis and decals.
    Happy Skinning!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  4. SF2 WW2 Curtiss A-25A Shrike Pak

    SF2 WW2 Curtiss A-25A Shrike Pak
    -- Something for the WW2 players (and What Ifers, too, maybe?...) --
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    US Army Air Force version of the USN's SB2C-1C Helldiver dive bomber.
    The aircraft has been 'de-navalized', with the removal of the hook, and has non-folding wings.
    Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. Serial numbers are historically accurate for this aircraft.
    All markings on this aircraft are decals. This'll give the "What Ifers" a fairly blank canvas to create other fictional land-based users.
    It should be noted, this aircraft NEVER served in a combat capacity, and never left the Continental US. They were regulated to training and target-tow duties. Don't know what you're going to do with it, but here it is.
    This package is complete, with the aircraft, engine sound (AvHistory). Pilot figure and weapons (including guns) are NOT included. These are reused from the various USN SB2C paks.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  5. SF2 WW2 ETO B-17G Flying Fortress Pak

    SF2 WW2 ETO B-17G Flying Fortress Pak 9/1/2013
    -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
    = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    **Note: Having any SF2 series game is HIGHLY reccomended, as this mod references the stock destroyed An-12. Also, due to modifications to various inis, and LOD exportation coding (Unicode) this mod will -NOT- work in1stGen games installs at ANY patch level.**
    This is the release of Veltro2K's B-17G Flying Fortress Heavy Bomber. This mod ONLY represents Forts used in the ETO.
    To eliminate any confusion with any other B-17Gs you may (or may not) have, your in-game displayed name will read "B-17G Flying Fortress (V2K)"
    There are 2 skins/decal sets in this pak. These represent 2 squadrons fron the 91st Bomb Group (of the 4), based in England...
    322nd BS - in standard OD over Grey (folder is called "OD43")
    323rd BS - in overall natural metal (folder is called "NM44")
    The skins make use of the "Start Date" statement, and will change accordingly in June, 44 from OD to NM. Although, historically, OD aircraft were seen up until VE-Day.
    All skins are in jpg format. All new Squadron Codes, plane-in-group and serial number decals were created. One may consider the serials as 'generic' in nature, but ARE correct for the model depicted, AND are actual serials for 17G's as used by both squadrons. It was impossible, however, to match serials to plane-in-group letters.
    All markings are decals, making in easier for skinners to recrate other ETO units (and by inference, MTO units). All lighting is historically correct.
    There are =NO= nose arts. Those with the desire (and talent) are encouraged to do the necessary legwork on research, running down the correct match between nose art, plane-in-group letter and serial number.
    The Skin templates ARE included. Look for the seperate folder "B17G templates -v2k", inside this zip.
    It should be noted, do =NOT= use this mod in a PTO-centric mods folder; these aircraft were NEVER used in the Pacific. Those wishing to recreate 15th AF (MTO) units are encouraged to do so.
    Engine sounds, pilot figures, BRAND new Hangar and Loading screens (in SF2 jpg format) are included. Bombs and guns are not included; you should have them already. Operational service dates are rounded to 'whole months'.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other EXCEEDINGLY!!!! important notations. The last round of patching (May/June/July 2013) seems to have induced some "issues" with Player Flown Heavies ™
    Happy Landings!!
    Kevin Stein


       (5 reviews)



  6. SF2 Antonov An-2 "Colt" by Pasko

    SF2 Antonov An-2 "Colt" by Pasko 9/1/2013
    = For SF2 (Any/All; Full5 Merged Reccomended)
    *Note: this mod will probably NOT work in SF/Wo* 1stGens at any patch Level*
    Modifications, tweeks, partial reskinning and redecaling for Pasko's An-2, bring it (more in line) with SF2 levels.
    Included are the 4 skins, most still in their 1stGen tiny sized bmp format:
    Soviet Green
    North Korean Black
    Polish Camo
    The Aeroflot skin was partly redone, to remove the painted on registration number; 17 new historically accurate number decals were created for it. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins.
    See "Change List" below for more details.
    This aircraft includes the data ini posted by Dave on the CA boards; I don't know who built the FM, but it's MUCH better now!! However, further fine tuning MAY be requried, as during testing, I experienced wingman crashings on take off. Be Advised!
    Control/O (Oh, not Zero) opens the cargo door on the side. Weapons are NOT included.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for the change list.
    For those that have the 1stGen releases, it's advised you delete, or move to a storage disk or elsewhere, the aircraft and decals folders for them; this pak is desinged to replace them in total. For those having this aircraft from other "all inclusive" mods pack, you may wish to review this pak before installing it over your existing aircraft. For saftey's sake, and all that kind of stuff.
    **The aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  7. SF2 WW2 ETO Heinkel He 177 Greif Pak by Veltro2K

    SF2 WW2 ETO Heinkel He 177 Greif Pak 8/26/2013
    -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
    = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    **Note: Having SF2I Expansion Pak 1 is HIGHLY reccomended, as this references destroyed model for the 3W C-47A. If you do =NOT= have Exp1, you will NOT have the burning wreck on the ground. You will have to locate some other destroyed model for use. Also, due to modifications to various inis, this mod will probably -NOT- work in 06 level 1stGen game installs. 08 Level 1stGens may have some issues, but this has not/cannot be tested by me.**
    This is a reissue of Veltro2K's Heinkel He 177 Greif Luftwaffe Medium Bomber. It has been partly reskinned and decaled and had some tweeking done. Much of the work is based off Cliff11's SF/Wo* 1stGen pak, with as stated, some tweeking by me. In essence, 98.6% of his work remains intact. That having been said, further tweeking may be necessary to fully bring it to SF2 levels
    All original readmes are included.
    The single skin included, still in bmp format, represents II/KG 40 based in Western Europe. 26 New decals for the radio call letters (or whatever they are) have been created. Historically, I know this is FAR more than operationaly used, but it makes for a nice change. Decal randomization is set to TRUE.
    Also, there's new damage textures, in DDS format.
    New AvHistory Engine sounds, pilot figures, new SF2 compliant Hangar and Loading screens (in jpg format) are included. Bombs and guns are not; you should have them already. The Fritz X Glide bomb, however, is.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for the change list, and other important notations. Also, the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to this aircraft.
    For those that still have the original releases, you may wish to examine THIS package before installing over said original. There have been some minor, but relevant changes.
    **The aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. The source files have been lost or destroyed, and there can and WILL be no modifications to the physical model. They 'are as they is' and you must accept it with this caveat in mind. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**
    Good Hunting!!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  8. SF2 Lavochkin La-9 FM Tweeks Pak

    SF2 Lavochkin La-9 FM Tweeks Pak 8/21/2013
    = For SF2 (Any/All; Full5 Merged Reccomended!)
    **This mod will -NOT- work in 1stGen game installs**
    This pak contains a new _data.ini for the recently re-released La-9 packakage by PauloPanz.
    It incorporates a new FM, much closer to SF2 standards, that will prevent the aircraft from 'mushing' into the ground on AI controled wingmates. See "Notes" for (mostly) coherent Change List
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    ps: wilches prop fix has already been applied to this data ini


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  9. A6M2 Zero: Pearl Harbor & Midway Skins Set

    Mitsubishi A6M2 Carrier Air Groups Skin Pak -- For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO installs
    "Pearl Harbor & Midway Attackers" The Fighters
    This package contains a set of 6 NEW skin and decal sets for ArmorDave's A6M2 Type 21 "Zero", IJN carrier based figher.
    These skins are designed for a 'start of the war' time frame, up until approximately July/September 1942, when the paint scheme began to change from the 'light gray' to 'camo green'.
    The carrier fighter groups represented here are:


    as seen on the morning of 7 December, 1941, during the Attack on Pearl Harbor. They are also designed to be used on an upcoming Midway campaign, as my research seems to point to that the carrier figher air groups (at least for Akagi, Hiryu, Soryu and Kaga) pretty much carried the same markings up until mid-late 1942 (well, at least until their carriers were sunk...). Even during the Guadalcanal time frame, the Zekes seemed to still be painted in the 'light gray'.
    They are NOT 100% historical; there are a few certain liberties I've taken to make them more usable for a slightly longer timeframe than should be historically accurate (more in the "Other Notes" section below). In other words, some squadron and flight specific markings have NOT been created. Although simpler in execution, it does gaul my sense of propriety and my bent toward "as close to 100% accuracy as possible". Such is life! :(
    The skin were created using the new template I created for some other Zeke mods I've released; all new individual aircraft tail codes for 18-21 aircraft (depending on the ship) have also been supplied.
    = IMPORTANT: These aircraft are designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 8/28/08 patch WoI, or post 9/08 - 10/08 patch SF/WoV/WoE. You use it in these enviroments at YOUR own risk. =
    = This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package. Obviously, you'll also need AD's Zeke as well...it's also reccomended to have the Update Pak, also available here at CA =
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    **Note: the skins/decals work just fine in SF2***


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  10. D3A "Val" Battle of Midway Air Groups

    Aichi D3A "Val" Carrier Air Groups Skin Pak -- For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO installs
    This package contains a set of NEW skins for Pasko's D3A "Val", IJN carrier based dive bomber.
    These skins are as seen during the time frame of post-March 1942, up to June 1942 (ie: Midway)
    The carrier dive bomber groups represented here are:


    as seen on the morning of 4 June, 1942, during the Battle of Midway. These are done in the later 'green' color, as research has shown that the IJN bombers (in this instance, Vals) had been repainted to more 'camo-ish' color just prior (and for some ships, just after) to the Battle of the Coral Sea, and obviously, Midway.
    They are NOT 100% historical; there are a few certain liberties I've taken. In other words, some squadron and flight specific markings have NOT been created. Although simpler in execution, it does gaul my sense of propriety and my bent toward "as close to 100% accuracy as possible". Such is life! :(
    Also included are modified data, loadout and cockpit inis. The loadout ini uses the correct WW2 Japanese bombs, the data and cockpit inis have been 'metric-ized' to show meters, kilometers per hour, etc (like I've done for several other Axis aircraft). NEW damage tgas have also been created and included, for that shot-up look. My Hangar and Loading screens are here as well, for those that might want to use them.
    (BTW: these are the same inis from the Pearl Habor Val Skin set, so you needn't re-install these inis, if you have the PH set)
    The skin were created using the new template, based on the original skins, rezied to 1024, with all new panel and rivet lines; all new individual aircraft tail codes for 18-21 aircraft (depending on the ship) have also been supplied.
    = IMPORTANT: These aircraft are designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 8/28/08 patch WoI, or post 9/08 - 10/08 patch SF/WoV/WoE. You use it in these enviroments at YOUR own risk. =
    = This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package. =
    His Divine Imperial Majesty, the Emperor Himself has deemed it imperative you READ the enclosed readme to gain insight on the correct Installation Procedures ... the Consequences will be Dire if you do not....
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    **Note: the skins/decals work just fine in SF2**


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  11. B5N1 Kate: Pearl Harbor & Midway Skin/Decals/Ini Set

    Nakajima B5N1 Carrier Air Groups Skin Pak -- 2/5/09
    "Pearl Harbor & Midway Attackers" The Bombers Part 2
    This package contains a set of 6 NEW skins and decal sets for DATs B5N1 "Kate" carrier based torpedo/level bomber.
    These skins are designed for a 'start of the war' time frame, up until approximately July/September 1942. Basically, up until Midway, although Shokaku and Zuikaku skins could probably be used up until the Battle of the Eastern Solomons and/or Battle of Santa Cruz time frame.
    You MUST have the DATs Kate to install this pack to! Full instructions and stuff are in the enclosed readme. READ IT after unzipping
    *works fine in SF2*


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    1 comment


  12. D3A "Val" Pearl Harbor Air Groups

    Aichi D3A "Val" Carrier Air Groups Skin Pak -- For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO installs

    "Pearl Harbor Attackers" - The Dive Bombers

    This package contains a set of 6 NEW skins for Pasko's D3A "Val", IJN carrier based dive bomber.
    These skins are designed for a 'start of the war' time frame, up until approximately Feb/March 1942, when the paint scheme began to change from the 'light gray' to a 'camo green' for the stike aircraft.
    The carrier dive bomber groups represented here are:


    as seen on the morning of 7 December, 1941, during the Attack on Pearl Harbor. This is obviously the "start of the war" paint scheme, of the light gray. Some of these aircraft also operated over China, prior to the Hawaiian Operation, and wore this same paint job.
    They are NOT 100% historical; there are a few certain liberties I've taken to make them more usable for a slightly longer timeframe than should be historically accurate (more in the "Other Notes" section below). In other words, some squadron and flight specific markings have NOT been created. Although simpler in execution, it does gaul my sense of propriety and my bent toward "as close to 100% accuracy as possible". Such is life! :(
    The skin were created using a new template I created, based on the original skins, resized to 1024, with all new panel and rivet lines; all new individual aircraft tail codes for 18-21 aircraft (depending on the ship) have also been supplied.
    Also included are modified data, loadout and cockpit inis. The loadout ini uses the correct WW2 Japanese bombs, the data and cockpit inis have been 'metric-ized' to show meters, kilometers per hour, etc (like I've done for several other Axis aircraft). NEW damage tgas have also been created and included, for that shot-up look. My Hangar and Loading screens are here as well, for those that might want to use them.
    = IMPORTANT: These aircraft are designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 8/28/08 patch WoI, or post 9/08 - 10/08 patch SF/WoV/WoE. You use it in these enviroments at YOUR own risk. =
    = This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package. =
    Full, detailed instructions are in the enclosed readme. The Commander of the Combined Fleets REQUIRES that you read it ... or take the Honorable Way Out...
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


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  13. HMS Cavalier (Royal Navy C-Class Destroyer)

    HMS Cavalier, "C" Class Destroyer
    For SF2 series (Full5 merged reccomended*) --
    This is Hinch's WW2 era/post-war era Royal Navy destroyer.
    UPDATED: 8/30/2012
    for PTO and SF2NA usage
    new names list, other small tweeks.
    Usable from WW2 through the 1970s
    *should work in SF2 installs with NA; this has NOT been tested*


       (2 reviews)



  14. CV HMS Victorious, R38 by Hinchbrooke for SF2

    HMS Victorious (R38) Aircraft Carrier by Hinchbrooke
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    This is the aircraft carrier HMS Victorious as she appeared "post 1950s refit" until her retirement in the late 1960s. Originally released for 1stGens way back in 2005 and subsequently "lost" in the ether. Prompted by one of the CA members into looking for it, I scrounged through all my archive CDs (dating back to 2004) and actually located it. This will give our Fleet Air Arm guys someplace new to land on!
    Some very small tweeks for SF2 (mostly to the radar statments for TEWS -but as she 'retired' in 1969, that's a bit moot).
    As CVs are 'unvulnerable' in-game, her defensive armament is minimal (the same 2 guns that Hinch put on way back when), and mostly for show.
    Also included, just for fun, are 2 missions set on the Desert map, using my SF2 mod of Skippybing's Sea Vixen. One is a take off, the other is landing. End Users ™ can always change the aircraft and 'mission date' to fit whatever aircraft pleases you. They are edits of the stock SF2 carrier take off/landing missions, moved to a
    different map and using Royal Navy equipment.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for fully detailed, easy-to-follow install instructions. Hinch's original readme is included, for historical reference purposes.
    With thanks to Hinch for creating this, so long ago!
    kevin stein


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    1 comment


  15. SF2 KAW Independence Class CVL, USS Bataan

    SF2 KAW Independence Class CVL, USS Bataan
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work properly in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. Due to data ini and other statements will =NOT= be in effect in 1stGen SF/Wo* at any patch level, it is NOT designed for use in SF/Wo*. It is designed for use in SF2NA, at the most CURRENT patch level. Your milage will vary!*
    As promised....
    This pak contains the INDEPENDENCE class CVL (light carrier), USS Bataan, used during the Korean War. The data ini herein includes eburger's fixes for the arrestor cables (thanks Eric!)
    This ship is ONLY designed for use with the KAW mod.
    It's fully compliant with SF2NA, having been tested in that envoriment. Names lists, data ini tweeks add the SF2NA radar statments, and other small adjustments.
    All weapons (ok, the guns!) you should have already in you various mods folders, so they are NOT included.
    BE ADVISED: it may/will cause a "strange" issues in game-generated single missions. I've detailed these in the "Notes" section below.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations, credits, and so forth.
    Happy Landings
    kevin stein


       (4 reviews)



  16. SF2 Independence Class CVL -Ver 2

    SF2 Independence Class CVL by YEYEYE
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
    **** This is version 2.0, with fixed arrestor cables, and parking slots for the French ships. If you've downloaded the original, my apologies - You'll have to redownload, and when installing, just OVERWRITE the originals. ***
    *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work properly in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. Due to data ini and other statements will =NOT= be in effect in 1stGen SF/Wo* at any patch level, it is NOT designed for use in SF/Wo*. It is designed for use in SF2NA, at the most CURRENT patch level. Your milage will vary!*
    This pak contains the INDEPENDENCE class CVL (light carriers) of the US Navy during WW2
    They are fully compliant with SF2NA, having been tested in that envoriment. Names lists, data ini tweeks add the SF2NA radar statments, and other small adjustments.
    2 seperate, nationalized versions for the French Navy are also included (good for Suez and Indo-China with the recently re-released FN F4U-7 Corsairs and Hellcats).
    PA La Fayette R96
    PA Bois Belleau R97
    All weapons (ok, the guns!) you should have already in you various mods folders, so they are NOT included.
    BE ADVISED: if using these ships in the KAW mod -the USN Version- (and historically, only one was in Korean waters; USS Bataan), it will cause issues in game-generated single missions. I've detailed these in the "Notes" section below.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
    NOTE: Do NOT use this version for the KAW Mod!! A seperate versiion, modded by paulo, will be relased ASAP.
    Again, my apologies!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein
    Changes for Ver.2:
    fixes for arrestor cables by eburger
    fixes for parking slots (FN only) by paulopanz
    added missing _COL.lod for USN version


       (4 reviews)



  17. India-Pakistan Objects/Weapons/and Other Bits

    India-Pakistan GroundOjbects/Weapons/Guns/Pilots Pak


    -For SF2, Full-4 Merged -Reccomended (plus ExpPak1)

    (Should actually be called "Objects, Other Than Aircraft Pack")

    This is the Second Part of the India-Pakistan mod. This package =ONLY= contains GroundObjects, Weapons & Guns, Menu Screens. Aircraft will be available as seperate, packaged downloads as soon as we get them together!
    These weapons and Ground Objects are NOT to be used altogether in a 'everything and anything Merged Install -- it is for a Stand-Alone India-Pakistan Mods folder ONLY!!!
    Those experienced End Users ™, will be able to pick and choose the various items necessary, if crazy enough to use these in such an install. There are many (read: MOST) items that have been nationalized to either side. It is NOT reccomended for any use, other than what is it intended for!! You've been warned -- if you mess it up, it's all on YOU!!
    These items are designed for use with/as a stand-alone India-Pak Mods Folder. Instructions for creating a seperate I/P install are in the Word Doc that comes with this pak, and are covered in the CombatAce SF2 Series Knowledge Base.
    It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ these 2 documents through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we'll clown on you. Hard
    Good Hunting!
    For the India-Pak Mod Team;
    Kevin Stein


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  18. Crashed/Destroyed Aircraft for SF2 WW2 Installs

    Destroyed Models Pak for SF2 WW2 Installs
    This package is for use in creating the 'Destroyed Crashed & Burning Wreck' ™ for add-on aircraft in SF2 based WW2 installs.
    These bits have been culled from the various terrain mods as these contained static parked aircraft with their associated destroyed lods. THESE are those destroyed lods!!, with repainted skins to make them look a bit more burned up/toasted. This will allow you to add them and have the burning wrecks on the ground ala the later model jets and so forth as seen in SF2 installs (and FE2 as well).
    As always, fully detailed (and illustrated!!) install instructions are included. As well as a highly detailed "Notes" section, elaborating on the procedure, and giving alternates as you =WILL= probably be using several stock destroyed models as well in the data ini edits, as some of the larger aircraft will require reuse of the stock wrecks.
    =PLEASE= read this document throughly before installing -- that will help you in making correct choices on what to use.
    This pak is for free usage; any and all are welcome to it. Let's enhance our SF2 WW2 Experience!!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  19. RAAF Meteor F.8, 77 Squadron

    Meteor F8, RAAF, 77 Squadron Skin/Decal Pak
    - For SF2, Full-4 Merged Installs =WITH= Expansion Pak 1 (REQUIRED!) -
    As stated above, you MUST have -at the very least, SF2:I and Expansion Pak 1 to gain access to the Meteor F8. If you do NOT have these minimum requirements, Do Not Download this Mod, as you'll be unable to use it.
    This pak contains a skin a decal set replicating Meteor F8s from RAAF 77 Squadron, 1951-ish time frame, during the Korean War. The serial numbers are 100% historicaly accurate for
    those airframes assigned 77 Sqdn during Korea. Number randomization has been activated, so make sure you're at LEAST at the June, 2011 patch level. Three historical Korean-Era nose arts are included. They are 'name listed' next to their serial numbers, selectable from the drop-down on the Loadout Screen.
    Several inis are also included, as I've made some changes to loadouts (making sure the belly tank is ALWAYS loaded), data ini and year-adjusted Userlist ini. The data ini also as the canopy activated; as usual, use Shift/0 to open and close it.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....Also, it's advisable to read the "Notes" section for important comments, other instructions and general rambling.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  20. MiG-15bis Fagot-B, NKPAF "The Hunters"

    MiG-15bis Fagot-B, NKPAF "The Hunters"
    = For SF2, Full-4 Merged, PLUS Expansion Pak 1 =
    As stated above, you MUST have -at minimum!!- SF2 (full-4 merged) plus/and/or SF2I with Expansion Pak 1. If you do not have these minimum requirements, DO NOT DOWNLOAD this package, as you'll be unable to use it.
    The skin is a base natural metal, with a partly repainted (from a partial template) "nose" bmp to add the NKPAF Red Nose. Those familiar with actual historical marking will note that is IS slightly smaller, and without the central cutout for the Bort numbers, than those made (in)famous during the Korean War. Those familiar with the movie "The Hunters" will note that the 'MiGs' were really F-84s, but that's neither here nor there <grin>.....
    So, basically what this is, is a re-purposing of of the decal set as used on Pasko's MiG-15 to recreate the movie Enemy Aircraft ™, now using TK's model from Expansion Pak 1.
    However ... number randomization has NOT been activated for this skin, so with luck "7-11" should be the first aircraft shown. After all, you want to fly as Casey Jones, right? Not as some lower-echelon flunky??
    The latest (as of 7/11 patch + all the DLCs -don't know if they changed/added anything) Data ini is included, as I've activated the canopy, added a different pilot (my craptastic PilotER), and a seat ("liberated" from Pakso's old version -- fits quite nicely, too!) for him to park it on.
    If you have the Cuban MiG-15 skin/ini pak, the data ini herein will replace that one. Allow the Overwrite. I've made some AI changes, to try and improve the insane pitch-up they perform on take-offs.
    The canopy is (still!) activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    Have Fun!!
    kevin stein
    8/11/2013 Note: It's suggested you ONLY add the skin and decals to the KAW MiG-15bis. THAT one has the good flight model by Fubar512. So, do NOT use the data ini included herein!


    1 comment


  21. F-104A, Pakistani AF, and Ini Tweeks Pak

    F-104A, Pakistani Air Force, And Ini Tweeks Pak
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    Some modifications (ini wise) and a new-ish skin for the recently re-released revamp of Ajundair's F-104A Starfighter. This package is =ONLY= to be applied to the F-104A Pak by Spillone104, available at:
    This adds a Pakistani AF skin, with historical serial numbers (albeit 2 are for 104Bs ...) as used by No. 9 Squadron; Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Also included are several inis with some additions and corrections.
    Please note, the skins are in jpg format, so be at least at the Jan 2012 patch level for them to work. If not ... you can figure out the alternatives.
    The inis are:
    Data.ini (with corrected export dates, and steerable nose wheel)
    Userlist (with, hopefuly correct years)
    Loadout ini (corrects the "always loading Falcons" issue)
    main ini (with some minor additions)
    Hangar screen (albeit the SF2 revamped 1stGen F-104G, but the differences are so small...)
    Cockpit.ini, (with working secondary ADI and oil pressure gauges, ala F-104G)
    the included cockpit folder does NOT have the lod, but does contain the hi-rez skins by batman1976; and probably several other not used bmps -- I couldn't remember which ones to remove, so left them alone
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for usual fully detailed install instructions.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (2 reviews)



  22. F-104A, RJAF Skin/Decal Pak

    F-104A, Royal Jordanian Air Force Skin/Decal Pak
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    A new(ish) skin for the recently re-released revamp of Ajundair's F-104A Starfighter. This package is =ONLY= to be applied to the SF2 F-104A Pak by Spillone104 & Co, available at:
    This represents RJAF F-104As, with historical serial numbers and ID Letters (albeit 3 or 4 actually are for their 104Bs ...). Decal randomization is set to TRUE. This is a reuse of one of the newly released natural metal skins, with all new decals. What little I've been able to determine via research, they weren't painted in camo until their retirement (1980s??), and used as decoys at various RJAF bases (* the pattern described is very similiar of the Mirage F-1 the RJAF was using at the time*)
    Please note, the skins are in jpg format, so be at least at the Jan 2012 patch level (or whichever one in 2011 allowed it) for them to work. If not ... you can figure out the alternatives.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for usual fully detailed install instructions.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  23. E-2C Hawkeye, JASDF Skin Pak (SF2NA)

    SF2NA Nor/Grum E-2C Hawkeye, JASDF Skin Pak
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged Reccomended and/or SF2:NA ONLY! =
    REMINDER: you MUST have SF2:NA to access the the E-2C. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do NOT download this mod, as you'll not be able to use it!
    A very simple reskin/redecaling of the recently added E-2C Hawkeye as used by the Japanes Air Self-Defense Force.
    99.99999% Historically accurate decals replicate the 13 aircraft as used by 601 Hikotai. All markings are decals.
    No other inis or other mods are included (read: cockpit, avionics, data, etc); it's just the skin for now. I'm working on tweeking a few items missed or misplaced, and will upload a 'fixit' pak in the near future, with corrected lighting, a 'passable' cockpit', and manually folding wings.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein
    (it'd look great on the Kamchatka map, along with the F-4EJs!!)


       (3 reviews)



  24. SF2NA E-2C Hawkeye Upgrade Pak

    SF2NA Nor/Grum E-2C Hawkeye Upgrade Pak
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged Reccomended and/or SF2:NA ONLY! =
    REMINDER: you MUST have SF2:NA to access the the E-2C. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do NOT download this mod, and you'll not be able to use it
    This pak is a compilation of the 5 skins now available, and adds several new and/or tweeked inis, including a cockpit, that make this aircraft Player Usable. Importantly included is my (Patent Pending) "1 Click Restoration Main Ini", for when the aircraft reverts to AI controled after patching or DLC installation.
    The skins/decals included are:
    601 Hikotai, JASDF
    VAW-112 (renamed from it's 'USNGray')
    The cockpit supplied is a very slightly modified version of the S-3B Viking. New avionics and data inis are supplied. Mods to the data ini add manually folding wings (use the Usual Suspect manual animation key, Shift/9), and all lighting positions have been corrected, and other running lights added as needed. Wingtip position lights will now 'move' with the wings when folded. Landing lights have NOT been added.
    A new turbine engine sound, borrowed from Del's C-130s is used, and supplied as well.
    New Hangar & Loading screens are included.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein
    see the rest of the readme for full credits!


       (8 reviews)



  25. 3W A-6E TRAM Upgrade Kit

    A-6E TRAM (aka "A-6E_79) Skin/Ini UPgrade Pak
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged Required; and/or SF2:NA -ONLY!!- =
    Again, as stated above this is for the stock 3rdWire A-6E_79 ONLY!! If you do not possess SF2NA, DO NOT download this mod, as you will NOT be able to use it.
    Some adjustments, tweeks and General Fiddling With ™ for the new SF2NA A-6E TRAM. The package includes a new skin, in Lo-Viz Gray for VA-75 "Sunday Punchers", circa 1990s
    Several inis are included (data, loadout, avionics, main ini*), but NO COCKPT or cockpit ini is included -- you must locate and install these yourselves! The data and loadout inis have been adjusted to include LGB capabilities, a built in laser designator. Wingfold and canopy operation are controled via manual animation keys. Wingfold uses the Shift/9 and the canopy the Shift/0 keystrokes.
    I've included a main ini, with the cockpit line left blank, so you can insert whichever cockpit ini name you're using. Weapons (in particular the Navy GBU-10D_N is NOT supplied. It comes from the GunnyPak, so having that would be good idea....)
    New Hangar & Loading screen are included, as is a new loadout.tga for use on the Loadout Screen. The Loading Screen is actually a jpg conversion of the original 1stGEn bmp for the old TRAM.
    The new skin was created from a "Home Grown Templates" ™, with many new decals. Others are stock items. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. The skin is "clean", as all markings are decals, making it a simple matter to create other squadron users. (the mid-fueslage slimer is part of the skin map)
    A "StartDefaultDate=" line was NOT added, as doing so would limit you to ONLY this one skin (locking out the Gull Gray/White skins). As more Lo-Viz skins are created, it's reccomended that the actual transistion to Lo-Viz year be discovered, and added to this and any subsuquent new skins. A simple text edit of the textureset ini and adding said line to this skin's listing the A-6E_79.ini.
    On the Numbers.lst, those Modex marked with a star (*) have their actual BuNums when assigned to this squadron. The others, rest assured, ARE real A-6E BuNums.
    The templates will be uploaded seperately to the SF2/Tools & Utililties section in the Combat Ace Downloads.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! In fact, it's reccomened (read: REQUIRED!!, you read this document through before installing to you Mods Folder)
    The Notes section contains further details, descriptions, elightenments, illuminations, and so forth. Be good to read them, too.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein
    (*=my PatenPending "One Click Restoration Main Ini" is NOT included, due to cockpit use choices. I'd suggest you make one,after installation, as per the tutorial at
    That should get you started...)


       (1 review)




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