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Files posted by Wrench

  1. SF2 Douglas RB-66C & WB-66D Destroyer Update Pak

    Douglas RB-66C & WB-66D Destroyer Update Pak                      8/12/2019
    = For SF2, Any & All =
    This package contains 2 of Bunyap's 1stGen aircraft brought up to a more SF2-ish
    standard. Also, they seemed to be missing from the SF2 downloads, and I thought
    it was time to bring them back. They are the:
    RB-66C Destroyer (Recon & ELINT) aircraft
    WB-66D Destroyer (Weather Recon, ELINT) aircraft
    The units/skins provided herein are:
    42nd TRS, 10th TRW (USAFE)
    19th TRS, 66th TRW (USAFE)
    9th TRS, 363rd TRW (ConUS+)
    All markings are decals, excepting the 42nd tailfin flash. All serial and buzz
    number decals (30 for the RB & 36 for the WB) are 100% historicaly correct. They
    represent the full production runs for =BOTH= aircraft. The 2 skins for the RB
    use the same pool of decals. A new Hi-Rez replacement skins were created from
    HGBN's templates. The skins are in jpg format. As with the B-66 and EB-66, a
    highly modified cockpit is supplied to 'fit' within the visible model.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are
    included. Please read them! See "change List" in Notes for what's been
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  2. SF2 E-767 AWAC and KC-767 Cargo/Refueler Aircraft by Veltro2K

    SF2 E-767 AWAC and KC-767 Cargo/Refueler Aircraft by Veltro2K
    = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
    This is a Re-release of the Veltro2k's KC and E-767 aircraft.
    It is REQUIRED that you have -at the VERY minimum- a Full-4 merged install. However, the AWACs makes use of SF2NA coding, and is NA is REQUIRED for everything to (more of less) work properly. Also, as these reference the stock 3W destroyed model (closest fit in shape, but not size...). Hence, the need for a Full 5 Merged install. It is usable without, but you may not have the dead burning wreckage on the ground.
    Included in this pack are the:
    E-767 AWAC:
    602 AACS, JASDF
    KC-767 Refuler/Cargo Carrier:
    14 Stormo, AMI
    401 Squadron, JASDF
    Skins remain in their bmp format; the KC-767 makes use of Brain32's trick of having the one skin, resued for both, residing in MAIN aircraft folder. Decal radomization is set to TRUE (well, there's 4 aircraft for each user!). A user list is supplied for the KC-767.
    New damage textures are supplied, in DDS format. The skins have been 'partly' redone. The partial template I used in included. Other skinners are encouraged to 'have at it'
    While this mod IS supplied with a cockpit, the Standard Waring Disclaimer ™ for these High Value Assets ™ remains: let the AI handle them. As AFR isn't part of the game ... the word we're looking for is "eye candy".
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular on operational usage.
    The Legal Statement has been changed with regards to these aircraft.
    For those that still have the original releases, as there HAVE been changes and additions in several of the inis you may wish to examine, mostly in respect to SF2NA, you may wish to replace the originals with these.
    **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (8 reviews)

    1 comment


  3. SF2 Egyptian Air Force Macchi Mc-205 (DAT)

    SF2 Egyptian Air Force Macchi Mc-205 (DAT)
    = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED + expansion pak 1!)
    *Designed for use in the standard/stand alone SF2:I Mods folder*
    **Expansion Pak 1 is/may be required as the destroyed model references the stock 3W P-51D
    Mustang's destroyed model**
    ***This mod -MAY- work in 1stGen game installs. But this has not/cannot be tested by
    me. Some (ok many) functions, etc will NOT be available in SF/Wo* . Skins will need conversion to bmp format, etc and so forth. End Users ™ that attempt to do so, do so at their own risk. No support is/will be available***
    This pak contains mods for the Dev A-Teams Mc-205, that recreate the aircraft as used by
    the EAF in the late 1940s.This is a semi-complete aircraft mod, and as per DAT directives, the aircraft lod is =NOT= included. So, those users that cannot access the DAT downloads, you're advised to skip
    this, as it's of no use to you. Everything else is included (pretty much!).
    Those users with access, =WILL= be transfering the lod from either a seperate DAT download
    of the Mc-205, or copy/pasting it from their/your Wings Over Africa WW2 Mod (suggested).
    This mod has been (re)built and tested with the
    Mc-205-R2.LOD (dated 8/30/2010)
    from their WW2 Wings Over Africa TC Mod. You WILL need THAT, to copy/paste into THIS
    aircraft's folder. You should be able to d/l from their site (seperate aircraft), in the
    usual manner as well.
    *Please Note: this mod has NOT been tested with the seperate aircraft download's LOD, Mc-
    205-R1.lod (dated 2/7/2007). However, there is no reason to expect it NOT to work. Your
    mileage may vary.*
    This pacakge contains 1 (almost) complete aircraft. This is a reissue of my EAF Mc-205
    from many moons ago...now, with some improvements!
    The skin represents No. 2 Squadron, ®EAF circa 1948-1950; just in time for the Israeli
    War of Indepencence. They are in jpg format.
    All national markings are painted on, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. Serial
    numbers are accurate, and in Arabic characters. The canopy has been switched to the
    Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/0.
    The 'fake pilot method' has been used to add the underwing pylons. Loadouts have been
    adjusted (postiioning) accordingly.
    A 'new' cockpit has been used, one of Stary's WW2 pits (the Italian one).
    Weapons (Italian bombs and drop tanks) are included; these are SF2 conversions of those
    from the WoA mod.
    The FM is based off the 205 from the Wings Over Africa Total Conversion Mod, and may need
    further small adjustments. Expecially in the Post May 2013 Patch World.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE
    read them!!! All the original DAT readmes are included, for historical and
    ownership/copyright purposes.
    It is HIGHLY suggested you unzip this archive, and READ the install instructions BEFORE
    installing this mod. So you know EXACTLY what to do..
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    PS: although not exactly a WW2 aircraft (although the WW2 Italian AF used them) I'm placing it here only for convienice of location.


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  4. SF2 ExpPak 2 Update Patch Dec 2010-B

    uploading missing patch, Dec 2010-B, SF2E Expansion Pak 2


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  5. SF2 ExpPak 2 Update, Jan, 2011

    Jan, 2011 update for SF2 Expansion pack 2


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  6. SF2 ExpPak 2 update, May 2011

    Update/patch for SF2E Expansion Pak 2, May 2011


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  7. SF2 F-102 (V2K) Delta Dart Hawaii ANG Skin Pack

    SF2 F-102 (V2K) Delta Dart Hawaii ANG Skin Pack                            5/22/2020
    = For SF2 (Any & All) =
    This is a new skin for the F-102 Delta Dart, by Veltro2K. It represents Darts as used by the 199th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Hawaiian Air National Guard from 7 December 1960 until October 1976.
    You can find the aircraft, if you don't have it already at the following URL:
    This is an all new skin, built from Geary's template (thanks!), with 26 new serial numbers. Those numbers marked with the star (*) are 100% historical. All the rest should be considered generic in nature. Decal randomization is TRUE.
    When in-game, you'll see:
    199th FIS, Hi ANG (12/60-10/76)
    On the skin/unit selection drop-down menu.
    **Important! In order to eliminate confusion with the Razbam F-102, this main folder has been tagged as "F-102A_v2k". If yours in name differently, you may have to either rename you aircraft folder, or rename THIS folder to fit you personal naming conventions. Do NOT rename the folders in the Decals sub-folder. This will keep their specific pathways intact.**
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzippering. Please follow the 'usual instructions'. If you run into trouble, feel free to post the question, or PM me. 
    Happy Landing!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  8. SF2 F-102A (v2k) 159th FIS Fl ANG Skin & Decal Pack

    SF2 F-102A (v2k) 159th FIS Fl ANG Skin & Decal Pack         7/14/2021
    -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
    This package contains a replacement skin and decal set for Veltor2K's F-102A Delta Dagger. This skin represents the 159th Fighter Interceptor Squadron "Boxin' Gators" of the Florida Air National Guard from 1960 thru 1974. The original skin is found in the "Operation Tainted Cigar" campaign.
    The remake of this skin was inspired by some screenshots Viggen posted in the CA SF2 Screenshots thread. Since the decaling was totally inaccurate, I took it upon myself to "make it correct".
    26 all new, 100% historically accurate serial number decals were created, including the correct Air National Guard fuselage tag. Decal randomization is TRUE.
    On the skin/unit selection drop down menu, on the Loadout screen you'll see:
    159th FIS FL ANG (60-74)
    With luck, this change will not effect the OTC campaign data ini. If so, End Users (tm) may have to do a little text editing to correct the skin's folder name or displayed name in campaign data ini. I don't know enough about campaign structure to give any real advice.
    As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    Director of Marketing, Coyote Aerospace
    "We Aim Higher"


       (0 reviews)



  9. SF2 F-102A (v2k) 64th FIS Skin & Decal Pack

    SF2 F-102A (v2k) 64th FIS Skin & Decal Pack         7/4/2021
    -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
    This package contains all 2 new skins for Veltor2K's F-102A Delta Dagger. They represent the 64th Fighter Interceptor Squadron "Scorpions" from 1956 thru 1969.
    Within this package you'll find:
    ADC Grey (56-66) when the squadron was based at McChord AFB, WA, and when assigned to PACAF from Clark AFB, PI.
    SEA 3 Tone (66-69) when based at Tan Shon Nut, RVN, Clark AFB and in South Korea during the Pueblo Crisis.
    Almost all markings are decals, excepting the ADC Grey's tail badge. I experimented with a decal, it didn't look as good as it should have. So, going against my usual practice, it's painted on the fin. All 26 serial/buzz numbers are 100% historically accurate for this squadron, for -both- skins. The 3-tone SEA camo has the proper Tail Code assigned when the squadron was based in the Phillipines and Southeast Asia (Vietnam era), and correct serial presentation. Decal randomization is TRUE. As this unit is listed in the game's SquadronList.ini, their displayed name is activated via my (patent pending) fake "SqTail.tga", and will be visible on the Loadout Screen. 
    The SF2 "date switch" is only used on the SEA 3 tone skin with a 1965 start date.
    Also included is a (slightly) upgraded AIM-4F Falcon missile, station specific coded for the F-102A.
    As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    Director of Advertising, Coyote Aerospace
    "We Aim Higher"


       (0 reviews)



  10. SF2 F-102A (v2k) ANG Skins & Decals Pack

    SF2 F-102A (v2k) ANG Skins & Decals Pack         8/2/2022
    -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)-
    This package contains 3 new Air National Guard skins & decal sets for Veltro2k's F-102A Delta Dart. This package covers Darts used by the Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut ANGs.
    On the skin/unit selection drop down menu, on the Loadout screen you'll see:
    146th FIS, PA ANG (61-75)
    102nd FIS, NY ANG SEA Camo (72-75)
    118th FIS, CT ANG (66-71)
    Almost all markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. ALL serial numbers are 100% historically accurate for each of the units depicted. Each unit has been supplied with 26 serial numbers (probably more than when actually in service). The SF2 "date switch" IS active.
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    Director of Marketing, Coyote Aerospace
    "We Aim Higher"


       (1 review)



  11. SF2 F-102A (v2k) Greek Air Force Skin Pack

    SF2 F-102A (v2k) Greek Air Force Skin Pack                    6/19/2021
    -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
    Two new skins for Veltro's F-102A Delta Dart Interceptor. These represent the Greek Air Force versions from 1968 until their retirement in 1979.
    The skins are:
    ADC Grey
    SEA 3 Tone 
    All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All 20 Serial numbers are 100% historically correct. The SF2 'date switch' is used to swap from the Grey to 3 Tone in 1974.
    Also included are:
    Updated data ini with minor FM adjustements (a backup of the original is also provided for safety's sake)
    Updated Loadout ini with F-102 specific weapons
    The F-102 specific weapons themselves (just to be safe!)
    Updated Userlist with Greece & Turkey added
    Damage Tgas (finally!)
    Main ini (F-102A.ini) with the "v2k" tag added to the displayed name. This will differentiate this model from that by Razbam, for those that may have that payware version. This means that you'll see...
    F-102A Delta Dagger (V2K)
    on the aircraft selection drop down on the main mission screen. A backup of this ini is also provided. The new ini included here is "clean", with no texture listings. When the game is started, it will automatically re-populate with YOUR skins.
    This mod package is designed to be applied to MigBuster's Upgraded Version available at the following URL:
    As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! Also, the Notes section has more details on the changes.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  12. SF2 F-102A (v2k) Skin & Decal Remod Pack

    SF2 F-102A (v2k) Skin & Decal Remod Pack         6/19/2021
    -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
    This package contains all new, corrected decals for Veltro2k's F-102A Delta Dagger. This mod package is designed to be applied to MigBuster's Upgraded Version available at the following URL:
    Several of the skins have also recieved replacement skin maps, and the changes are documented in the "Notes" below. These adjusted skins remain in bmp format. Repeat: this is upgrading =ONLY= the skins & replacing decals that came in that package. The units are:
    57th FIS (62-73)
    317th FIS, AkAC (56-69)
    176th FIS WI ANG (66-74)
    196th FIS CA ANG (65-74)
    431st FIS USAFE (58-64)
    460th FIS ADC (58-66)
    509th FIS SEA Camo (68<)
    and a NEW skin
    509th FIS (>1968) in ADC grey, as used in PACAF & SEA before the application of the 3 tone camo.
    The years presented in the above, will also be seen in the game's Loading Screen, on the Skin Selection Drop-Down Menu.
    Most national insignia are still painted on. All serials & buzz numbers are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Each skin has 26 serial numbers. With few exceptions, =ALL= serials are historically correct for EACH squadron. If all could not be found, 'generic' serials and buzz numbers are used. These are identified by the star (*) symbol. If it does NOT have star, it is 100% correct. Any squadrons that are listed in the game's SquadronList.ini have had their displayed name activated via my (patent pending) fake "SqTail.tga", and will be visible on the Loadout Screen. Also, due to many having painted on insignia, a hidden "Insignia" decal is used to activate the displayed Nation Name.
    The SF2 "date switch" is only used on 2 skins; the oldest (317th) with a '1' start date, and the later (509th camo) with a 1968 start date. Any others, which most of them DO fall in-between these two, End Users (tm) will have to select for themselves.
    As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    Director of Advertising, Coyote Aerospace
    "We Aim Higher"


       (0 reviews)



  13. SF2 F-105D Thunderchief by ArmorDave Update Pack

    SF2 F-105D Thunderchief by ArmorDave Update Pack                 12/3/2023
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    * Full-5 Merged reccomended *
    ** 1stGen Salvage Operation #7 **
    This is a revamp and reissue ArmorDave's F-105D Thunderchiefs for the SF2 Environment (tm). These aircraft were first released in 2004, actually predating their 3rd Wire arrival in Wings Over Vietnam. These were among the first 3-party add-ons for the Strike Fighters series.
    This mod is split into two aircraft:
    F-105D-25 (NMF) (actually covers all early D model Thuds)
    F-105D-31 (SEA 3 Tone) (Vietnam and later)
    The -25 is equivilant to the stock 3W F-105D, while the -31 is pretty much the same as the 3W F-105D_66; in fact it HAS a 1966 start date.
    The -25 has 3 skins/decal sets:
    7th TFS "Bunyaps" 49th TFW - USAFE Spangdahlem Air Base, West Germany
    562nd TFS, 23rd TFW - (shark mouth)
    563rd TFS "Ace Of Spades", 23rd TFW -both at McConnel AFB, then Takhali RTAFB
    The -31 also has 3 skin/decal sets:
    333rd TFS "Lancers", 355TFW
    357th TFS "Licking Dragons", 355TFW - both at Takhali RTAFB
    149th TFS, Virginia ANG (auto start date 1971)
    The SF2 'date swtich' will turn on the VA ANG skin in 1971(ish). All skins remain in their original bmp format. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Each unit has 24 historical serial and/or buzz numbers. As I always do, those marked with a star (*) are 100% correct for the unit. Those marked with a cross/plus sign (+) while serving in the same Wing, could =NOT= be run down to a particular squadron. Those aircraft with 'nose art' or name badges on the wings (333rd & 357th) are all new, and match their real life aircraft (ie: name ---> serial). As all the squadrons, excepting the VA ANG skin, are listed in the game's Squadron List, those displayed names are activated via Level=1 decals. Drop tanks are supplied for both aircraft, in NMF and Camo, as is a new pilot figure. All other weapons used are stock 3rd Wire, excepting any AGM-12 Bullpups you may want to load. (see notes for more info on loadouts)
    When in-game, you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown listing ...
    F-105D-25 Thunderchief (AD)
    F-105D-31 Thunderchief (AD)
    This will diferentiatalize them from the stock 3W or any others that you may have (or not). The "AD", of course, recognizes ArmorDave's contribution to SF.
    As always, fairly easy to follow yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Also, please read the Notes section for more expositions on which, what, why, how and/or who (whom?). For the historical records, all original readmes are included.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  14. SF2 F-111B "Dominator"

    GD F-111B Dominator, Fleet Defense Fighter
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    A "What If..." for your enjoyment.
    A full(ish) SF2 upgrade pack for the F-111B Fleet Defender, assuming it had reached serial production and entered Fleet service in multi-squadron strength.
    This pack contains 2 skins; one East Coast and one West Coast Squadron:
    VF-84 "Jolly Rogers", USS Roosevelt (including CAG markings on #100 Bird)
    VF-161 "Chargers", USS Coral Sea
    "Accurate" BuNums, extrapolated from the protypes, reflect production versions. All markings are decals. Decal randomization is set to "TRUE".
    All needed weapons (excepting the Sidewinders and Sparrows -which use stock in-game items-) are supplied. The AIM-54 supplied herein will NOT conflict with any others, stock or add-on.
    New, SF2 versions of the hangar and loading screen are supplied. The aircraft is fully carrier rated, and the data ini incorprates the 'parked' wingspread statements for use in SF2NA or Post-April 2012 patch levels. Canopy animation is controled via manual animation keystroke, the Usual Susped ™, Shift/0.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! The Notes section contains further details, descriptions, elightenments, illuminations, and so forth. Be good to read them, too.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  15. SF2 F-15A Eagle, (3W) Hawaii Air National Guard Skin Pack

    SF2 F-15A Eagle, Hawaii Air National Guard Skin Pack    5/19/2020
    = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Preferred) =
    *You must have the STOCK F-15A in you hanger to make use of this mod!!*
    This is a reskinning of the stock (3rd Wire) F-15A Eagle as used by the 199th TFS, 154 TFW of the Hawaiian Air National Gurad from 1987 to 2010, when they were replaced by F-22 Raptors. (It should be noted, F-15Cs were also used, alongside their older siblings).
    This mod uses the stock skin, with various decals. All markings are decals, especially the squadron and nose zaps. I was unable to run down historical serial numbers, so 26 stock 3W decals are (re) used. Decal randomization is TRUE.
    When in-game, on the "select skin" drop down, you'll see:
    199th TFS, HI ANG (87-09)
    This will assist you in selecting the skin. 
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzippering. Please follow the 'usual instructions' 
    Happy Landing!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  16. SF2 F-16A Block 1 (TMF) Pack

    SF2 F-16A Block 1 (TMF) Pack       6/28/2024
    -For SF2, Any and All-(SF2:I Required, Full 5 Merged Suggested)
    - Another 1stGen Salvage Operation -
    This is a rebuild of TMF's F-16A Block 1 Fighting Falcon. This is =JUST= the block 1, with its short life span (78-90, including exported/European built versions). Having SF2:I is required, as this mod makes use of the Netz's destroyed model.
    This mod is set up and labeled to cause =NO= conflicts with the myriad of F-16 mods, both based off the Third Wire Netz or any add-on Vipers. Skins remain in their original bmp format, in their original size and resolution. Most markings are decals, with the exception of some painted on national markings. Decal Randomization is TRUE. Each skin is provided with 24 historically correct serial number decals (for the A block 1).  All necessary items are provided; drop tanks. decals, pilots, sounds, and so forth. Weapons used are all stock in-game items. If I missed anything, PLEASE let me know and I'll get it fixed. Please read the "Notes" for how to select the alternative STRIKE loadout.
    The canopy operates with the Standard Animations Keystroke (tm), Shift/0 (zero). The refueling door operates with the Shift/1 (one) keystroke. This also makes use of the expanded RWR listings, and hopefully I've gotten all them tgas together.
    The aircraft is supplied with 3 skins for the original "starting" Air Force users:
    USAF: 16th TFS, 388th TFW
    Belgian Air Force: No.359 Squadron (<1979)
    Netherlands Air Force (KLU) No.322 Squadron (<1980)
    Those squadrons in the stock 3W squadronlist.ini (BAF & KLU) have their displayed name activated via either my (patent pending) fake SqTail decal, or a squadron badge decal, or both.
    When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop down you'll see:
    F-16A Blk 1 Fighting Falcon (TMF)
    So you can't mistake it for anything other than what it is. This will also differentialize THIS one from the many other Falcon mods zipping around, including the stock 3W one.
    As always fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. The original readme is included. The 'Change Log' is, of course, in the Notes section below.
    Good Hunting & Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    For Oli


       (0 reviews)



  17. SF2 F-16A Falcon (3W), 138th TFS, NYANG

    SF2 F-16A Falcon (3W), 138th TFS, NYANG 10/20/2013
    = For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
    *For the 3rd Wire F-16A as repainted for USAF/NATO/Etc Users*
    *Note: you MUST have SF2:I as part of your merged install for this to work.
    Designed for use =ONLY= on this pack:
    This is a skin and decal set representation the 138th TFS "The Boys from Syaracuse", New York Air National Guard F-16A as seen in the late 70s/Early 80s.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular on operational usage, and the FM.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  18. SF2 F-19 "Ghostrider" (aka Flying Frisbee) Upgrade Pak

    F-19 "Ghostrider" (aka "Flying Frisbee) Upgrade Pak for SF2


    REQUIRES a Full-4 Merged, -or at minimum- SF2:E and/or SF2:I

    Warning/Disclaimer: As stated above, this is designed for a Full-4 Merged install of SF2. This is because I made use of MANY stock items, in particular the cockpit from the F-15A in SF2:E. You may be able to use the F-15A Baz from SF2:I as they use the same cockpit lods; this has =NOT= been tested, as I have a Full-4 Merged, and it accesses pretty much everything. You are encourged to test this on your own. As the avionics/cockpit inis are supplied, all you need is the cockpit LOD they're pointing to (and, of course, all the bmps/tgas for the interior bits and HUD/Radars, which are stored in the various ObjectData cats.)
    This is an upgrade/modification of Julhelm's F-19 "Ghostrider" Stealth Strike Fighter. It has gone through several tweeks to enhance weapons carriage, weapons types, some minor reskinning and the addition of new serial number decals. 50 serial Decals are supplied, for both skins (ie: the same ones used twice, but the 9th TFS has been repainted a darker gray to match the original lettering, and it also gets a new tail code decal). Lighting has been enhanced, with the addition of landing lights, 'rotary' strobe beacons and the missing tail lights re-added. Additional armor protection has been added to 'vital' areas. Engine sounds have been enhanced by (re)using the F-15 engine sounds from the F-15 Super Pak. A revamped, SF2-style version of my original 'artwork'hangar screen is included, as well as new paint chips with the 2 squadron patchs for skin selection.
    No changes have been effected to the Flight Model or RCS modifiers. As much as possible, I've tried to stick with 'stock' weapons, but it =IS= reccomended that you have Gunny's Ordanance Shop installed for the Mavericks and the late-model LGBs & CBUs. These weapons are =NOT= included!! A-A loadouts are restricted to IRMs =ONLY= (as stated in "Red Storm Rising"). See "Notes" below for more on weapons. Other targeting enhancments include the addition of a permanant on-board laser designator and Electo-Optical viewer (read: FLIR/LLTV). The auto-speed canopy has been changed to a manual animation key, use shift/0 to open and close it. A seat has been added for the pilot to 'park it' on.
    As always, fully detailed install instruction are below. And, as always, it's suggested you read them through before installing this mod.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (4 reviews)



  19. SF2 F-4B Phantom (Mytai) CVW-9 Skin/Decal Pak  

    SF2 F-4B Phantom (Mytai) CVW-9 Skin/Decal Pak                  12/24/2017
    = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) and/or SF2:V =
    *Can be used in any install that has access to the F-4B & F-4B_67, which is stock in all merged installs, excepting SF2:I (well, actually it's probably there as well!). The 1968 VF-92 & 96 skins are particularly designed for use in SF2:V, as they represent the squadrons during one of their Southeast Asia cruises*
    This package contains 3 revamped & updated skins, now for SF2, originally created by Mytai01 in 2005(ish) for SF1. This skins are:
    VF-96 Fighting Falcons (1964) embarked aboard USS RANGER
    VF-92 Silverkings (1968)
    VF-96 Fighting Falcons (1968), both embarked aboard USS ENTERPRISE during the Vietnam War
    All 3 skins are new builds, from Sundowner's excellent template. The skins are in jpg format. Almost all decals from the original Mytai pack have been reused, with some modifications on the Modex number decals.
    Decal randomization has been set to "TRUE". Included are the data and loadout inis for both aircraft, with some small changes in the loadouts. The data inis now incorporate manually operating (meaning: you, the player can now) wingfold and canopy operation. Both use the Standard Animations Keystrokes (tm), Shift/9 for wings and Shift/0 (zero) for the canopy. 
    Also included, is all of Mytai's original research material that came with the 1stGen Package. This inlcudes photos and other text files.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....


       (1 review)



  20. SF2 F-4C-67 Phantom II, Hawaii ANG

    SF2 F-4C_67 Phantom II, Hawaii Air National Gurad Skin Pack    5/15/2020
    = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
    *You must have the F-4C_67 in you hanger to make use of this mod!!*
    This is a reskinning of the stock F-4C_67 as used by the 199th TFS, 154 W of the Hawaiian Air National Gurad from 1976-1987, when they were replaced by F-15A Eagles.
    A modified version of the stock skin, with added 'slimers' is used, along with 26 100% historical serial numbers. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. The skin is the "standard" 3-tone SEA style. Also included are modified _data and _loadout inis, giving a landing light and Player Controlable (tm) canopy. The loadout ini has the (often missing) wing tanks added to all mission statements. The canopy operates with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm) Shift/0 (zero). 
    When in-game, on the "select skin" drop down, you'll see:
    199th TFS, HI ANG (76-87)
    This will assist you in selecting the skin. 
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzippering. 
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin "Wrench" Stein


       (2 reviews)



  21. SF2 F-4G(B) USN Pack

    SF2 F-4G(B) USN Pack              8/28/2019
    -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended)
    This is a NEW aircraft, the F-4G(B) for the US Navy. There were F-4Bs modified with a automatic carrier landing system during their Oct 1965-June 1966 deployment in South East Asia aboard USS Kitty Hawk. They were painted in an experimental green camoflauge, as were many other aircraft of CVW-11 in this time frame.
    Once upon a time, I know we had this aircraft for 1stGen SF, but have been unable to locate it. So, I rebuilt it, and now present it you all to enjoy. This is a complete aircraft, based off the F-4B_65, so make use you have this bird in your inventory. This aircraft uses all stock 3w items.
    The skin is in jpg format, in 2048x, from Sundowner's templates. 12 100% historically accurate Bunum decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE. This aircraft is given a full year's operational time frame, "1965-1966" in the data ini, even if not historically correct (read: easier). New, aircraft specific hangar and loading screens are provided.
    Is should be noted, this mod was started in 2011, and got lost. I do NOT remember who created the original skin I worked from, or the decals (which have been refreshed to remove ghosting around the edges), So I cannot take full credit for this mod (see "Notes" for more speculations).
    When in-game, on the aircraft selection drop down, you'll see:
    F-4G(B) Phantom II (USN)
    This will differentiate it from the USAF F-4G Wild Weasel, and make sure you know it's a Navy bird.
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. 

    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  22. SF2 F-82G Twin Mustang, Korean War Era by KAW Team

    SF2 F-82G Twin Mustang, Korean War Era by KAW Team
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the MAX level used to create it. It is HIGHLY suggested you be at the latest SF2 patch level for the mod to work properly*
    This is the NAA F-82G "Twin Mustang" as operated by the USAF during the Korean War.
    This is a BRAND NEW MODEL!!!, created expecially for KAW. You will probably want to delete any other Twin Mustang you may (or may not!) have. This will replace it completely.
    This pack comes with 3 skins:
    4th AWS
    68th AWS
    339th AWS
    as used in the Air Defense of Japan, and over Korea itself. All aircraft are finished in 'Night Black".
    All skins and damage textures are in DDS format. Decal randomization is set to TRUE.
    All sounds, weapons, pilot figures and goodies are included. A New SF2-style 'box art' hangar is included (rebuilt from the 1stGen version).
    The Standard Animation Keystroke ™ operate the canopies (Shift/0).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, might want to give the "Notes" section a look-see, for further explinations, illuminations, and operational notes.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    for the KAW Team


       (7 reviews)



  23. SF2 F-84B Thunderjet, 49th FIS, 14th FG Pack

    SF2 F-84B Thunderjet, 49th FIS, 14th FG Pack       7/7/2019
    -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended)
    This is a NEW aircraft, the Republic F-84B Thunderjet, depicted as when it first became operational in 1947. It it based on (one of) RussoUK's F-84s. It represents aircraft of the 49th FS (JP), 14th FG from 1947 through 1949. The 49th was the first USAF squadron to recieve and deploy the Thunderjet into active service (along with it's sister squadrons the 37th and 48th).They served in the "day and good weather" Air Defense role of the Eastern United states from Dow AFB, Maine.
    The skin is in jpg format, and 26 serial and Buzz numbers decals were created. Decal Randomization is TRUE.  On the number list (individual aircraft serial) drop down, any serials marked with a star (*) has been positively identified as having served in the 49th. The others, while some DID serve in other squadrons of the 14th FG, they could not be identified to any of the 3 squadrons. Others, for the B model, are generic in nature. 
    A NEW late 1940s pilot figure is included, as is the "f84" jet sound. Drop tanks, WW2 era bombs, rockets, etc are NOT. You should have these already.
    On the Aircraft selection dropdown menu you'll see:
    F-84B ThunderJet (RUK)
    (This is to differentiate Russ's T-Jet from the as yet uncompleted FastCargo version; if it every gets done!). 
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. 

    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  24. SF2 F-84F Thunderstreak by The Mirage Factory

    SF2 F-84F Thunderstreak by The Mirage Factory            5/12/2019
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    This is a rebuild for SF2 of The Mirage Factory's F-84F "Thunderstreak" (swept wing version). It goes again my grain to see such a well done aircraft, albeit originally built for SF/W0* 1st Gens, and many associated skin/decal set languish in obscurity simply due to age and the existence of one from 3rd Wire, albeit in a purchasable DLC. THIS one is free, and won't need any hoop-jumping to keep player flyable. 
    I've scavanged most of the existing skin sets, did various tweaking to make them a bit more SF2 ready. The aircraft FM has been slightly adjusted for SF2, a destroyed model attached, decals randomized, and when necessary, decals and new skins created from the revised TMF Templates by Pappychksix. The templates are included in a separate named folder in this download. For those skins with painted on national markings, my patent pending "fake insigina decal" trick was used to activate the Nation Name displayed. The same trick, with my patent pending "fake SqTail" decal, now activates any and all squadrons that are listed in the stock 3W Squadronlist.ini. Reminder: the Squadronlist ini ONLY has full units, not, for example, the various Staffels of the BLW T-streaks. 
    All new skin specific Hangar screens (SF2 style), and one of my famous "AvArt" style loading screens are included. All drop tanks, pilots, weapons and sounds needed are included (see Notes about camo tanks). The Canopy opens with the Standard Animaiton keystroke (shift/0 -shift/Zero).
    In this pack you have many skins. Most use the 'SF2 date switch' to go from Natural Metal to the End Users (TM) national camoflague finishes. Please note, some skins are in their original "as issued" bitmap format. Some have been rebuilt, or new builds, in jpg format. The skins supplied are:
    = USAF:
    78th TFS, USAFE, RAF Bentwaters
    168th FBS, Illinios Air National Guard (1961 Berlin Crisis)
    4510th CCTS, Luke AFB (called 'USAF_Silver')
    = Belgian Air Force:
    3rd Squadron (NM 1956)
    2nd Squadron (NATO Camo) -switches on in 1958
    = Netherlands KLU:
    311 Sqn, KLU (Camo) -starts 1964, when F-84Fs were recieved
    = France:
    EC 1/1 Corse (1955-1960) -folder called "AdA"; NM. see notes. 
    EC 3/1 Argone (1956 Suez and post-Suez, 1957-ish)
    = West German BLW:
    JaboG 31 2nd Sqn "Alma" (NM 1956) (new by me)
    JaboG 31 2nd Sqn "Alma" Camo
    JaboG 32 3rd Sqn Camo
    JaboG 33 3rd Sqn Camo
    JaboG 34 "Allgäu" 1st Sqn
    JaboG 35
    *Note all except II/JBG 31 NM 56 are Camo, and start in 1962. All BLW skins/decals, except where noted are from Soulfreaks GAF Thunderstreak Pack*
    = Greek Hellenic Air Force:
    348 Sqdn, HAF, NM (1958)
    346 Sqdn, HAF, SEA Camo (1971)
    *Note: in between the NM and SEA, many HAF T-streaks carried NATO 2-tone. That skin is not supplied. See Notes.*
    Also included is a 'generic natural metal' for any other skinners that wish to fiddle with new skins. As many of the NATO 2-tone camo aircraft use all decals for markings, and the template is supplied, it should be easy to create other skins as needed. Even though the header reads "Full 5 Merged", it can be used in any SF2 mods folder.
    When in game, on the aircraft selection drop down menu, you'll see:
    F-84F ThunderStreak (TMF)
    This differentiates it from the stock 3rd Wire version.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Where possible, I've included the original readme for the various skin sets; the original TMF aircraft readme is in the main aircraft folder.
    On behalf of my brother Mod Mafiosos...
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein

    For bpao ... you are sorely missed
    UPDATED 5/16/2019:
    Data ini updated with Cliff7600's fuel tank fixes. If you have the aircraft already, you need not re-download the full package. Follow this url:
    and download JUST the data ini


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  25. SF2 F-86A Sabre, 115th FIS, California ANG Skin Pack

    SF2 F-86A Sabre, 115th FIS, California ANG Skin Pack       6/9/2019
    -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended)
    This is a NEW skin for the F-86A Sabre. It is designed to be used on the SF2 KAW Sabres Pack, for the F-86A-5 available therein. The Sabres are to be found at the following URL:
    Also included is a new data ini, with updated hit and collision boxes, and some meshes now correctly named. Honestly, I'd never noticed they were 'way off' until Mue's LOD Viewer! Please note, that Crusader's fix-its have already been applied to THIS versions' data ini. A backup copy of the original (2012) data ini is supplied, so as to lessen End User (tm) workload, and provide a safety net 'just in case'.
    This skin repesents the 115th Fighter Interceptor Squadron of the California Air National Guard from 1954 through 1959-ish.  The skin is in jpg format, and 26 all NEW serial number decals have been created for it.  While the serial numbers are historically correct for the A model, they should beconsidered generic in nature as they don't actually represent aircraft from this particular unit. However, at least 9 of these ARE actual aircraft used by the 115th; the rest =were= used by other CA ANG units. Decal randomization is TRUE. Squadron color markings are 'painted on' the skin maps. 
    On the skin selection menu, on the Loadout Page, you'll see:
    115th FIS, CA ANG (54-59)
    The SF2 "date switch" =IS= active on this skin. It will automatically be chosen for years of 1954 and later.
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. 

    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)




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