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Files posted by Wrench

  1. Douglas A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk Pak for SF2

    Douglas A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk
    - For SF2 (Any and All, but Full-4 Merged Prefered*) -
    *Note: this makes use of the A-4B lods, that are stock in most installs (SF2 & SF2:V).These and the cockpit may not be available in un-mergerd, stand alone SF2:E and most definately not in SF2:I. Hence, the 'Full-4 Merged Prefered' tag.*
    The decal sets are taken from the various 1stGen mods of the A-4A, and where necessary I've redone the skin bits, using SF2 A-4B skins to bring them to SF2 standards.
    This package included 4 skin and decal sets:
    VA-43 Challangers (Gitmo, 59)
    VA-72 Bluehawks (1956)
    VA-93 Blue Blazers (1956)
    VMA-224 Bengals (MCAS El Toro, 1957)
    The VA-72 is my original from (whenever); the others were done by some talented folk I've not be able to ID -- as I lost the original readmes (if any). So, the credit is theirs for those skins/decals. I just edited things to fit. Where needed, created new decals.
    Decal randomization is set to TRUE, so make sure you're at least at the July 2011 patch level (or whichever one it is...).
    Data ini edits remove the refueling probe. The inis included herein are the latest, as of the August 2011 patch. All loadouts are stock ala the A-4B. The canopy is activated via manual animation, use Shift/0 to open and close. The landing light has also been added.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Of course, the usual "Notes" section. These will give you a nice mid-1950s collection of USN Light Strike aircraft for use in various "hot spots" of the time period.
    Catch the 3 Wire!
    kevin stein
    with the release of the DLC A-4A, this mod became moot. However, the skins and decals can easily be adapted for use on that DLC.


       (1 review)



  2. Douglas AC-47 "Spooky" Gunship for SF2 - Ver.2

    Douglas AC-47 "Spooky" Gunship -Version 2.0
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, Plus Expansion Pak 1 =
    *Designed with SF2:V in mind*
    *Note: You =MUST= have Expansion Pak 1 to access the C-47 lods. If you don't have it, do =NOT= download this mod, as you'll be unable to use it*
    MANY modifications to the stock C-47 Skytrain, create the AC-47 "Spooky" gunship for your SouthEast Asian flying enjoyment.
    A new skin, using my Home-Grown Template ™, and enhancements by paulopanz, give it a passble SEA 3-Tone. All markings are decals, and are 100% historically correct for the 3rd SOS. Markings for 18 aircraft are included, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
    The miniguns are supplied as a weapon, but exist 'virtually' in the aircraft body (no physical lod). "Parachute" illuminator flares are also supplied for those pesky night interdiction missions.
    An SF2 version of my original 'boxart' hangar screen is included.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
    Also, PLEASE read the "Notes" section -- vital information in there that might assist you in playing this aircraft (pylon turns are a PAIN!!).
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    New for Version 2.0:
    Miniguns NOW included in pack; no need for a separate download
    Readmes from both are included in the main zip


       (6 reviews)



  3. Douglas DB-7 Armee De L'Air (BoF)

    Douglas DB-7 Light Bomber, French Air Force, for SF/ WoV/WoE WW2 installs
    This is a mod of the Dev A-Team's A-20C Havoc/Boston into an 'almost' earlier version for the French Air Force during the Battle of France. I say 'almost', as the original DB-7s had several physical differences to the later USAAF and RAF and everyone else's version.
    It should also be noted, you'll be adding a new machine gun, and 3 new bombs for the AdA. Warm up your gun and weapons editors!!!
    PLEASE read the readme enclosed for full, detailed instructions. Full list of contrubutors is there as well!!
    With special thanks to Heck for creating the 7.5 MAC mg.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a PERMISSION aircraft ONLY!!! It is not to be included in any mods without express, written consent of the Dev A-Team. It is not to be shared in any other way!! Even though I, The Wrench, am a Freeware Signatory, this mod, and any other mods of DAT Procudts are NOT covered by the Freeware Treaty.


       (2 reviews)



  4. Douglas DB-7A (French) Decals Update

    Douglas DB-7A AdA
    Decals and Decal Update
    Whilst doing some research for another project, I stumbled across a long out of print copy of "Profile # 202: Douglas A-20 (7A-Boston III)" on pdf, and it had some really nice profiles and photos of French DB-7s from the Battle of France time period. Including placement of individual aircraft numbers.
    I know the font isn't exactly the right one, but it's damn close! To make thinks easier, I've left all the rudder tags in, as I'm too lazy to remove them, and the file size (zipped) is still below 500k.
    Easy to follow instructions in the Enclosed "youread"
    Sorry about that folks, but this is an easy fix!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  5. Douglas EB-66C Destroyer (Ver 2)

    Douglas EB-66C Destroyer Update Pak  (Ver.2)                          8/16/2019
    = For SF2, Any & All =
    This is an update/upgrade/Remod of my 2013 pack. This is considered to be "version 2.0" of the EB-66C Destroyer ELINT/Escort Jammer aircraft. It it designed to replace, in total the earlier package from August 2013. If you have the original pack, you are instructed to delete it completly (aircraft, decals, and all), as this one has some major imporvements.
    This remod pack contains 2 skins:
    41st TEWS, 355th TFW, PACAF, Takhli RTAFB, mid-60s thru 1974-ish (RC tail code)
    39th TEWS, 36th TFW, USAFE, Spangdahelm AB 1969-73 (JN tail code)
    Both are new, and are (hopefully!) in the correct SEA 3-tone camoflague colors. 
    All NEW replacement serial number decals were created. Both skins use a pool of 36 100% historical serial numbers. As only 36 of these aircraft were built (in one block of 30 and a second of 6) it was a easy job. While totaly accurate in nature, the 36 numbers are not representative of individual aircraft of any unit or squadrons that used the EB-66C (other than by random happenstance). Decal randomization is TRUE.
    As with the other B-66 mods, a heavily edited cockpit designed to 'fit' within the existing canopy framing is included. Avionics have been upgraded with new jammers, chaff dispensers, and so forth. This aircraft carries =NO= offensive weapons, or defensive guns. FLY ACCORDINGLY!!! A small modification to the data ini also allows for carrying external jammer pods & chaff dispensers in place of the drop tanks.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! See "Change Log" in the Notes section for a full-ish list of what's been, well, changed!
    Happy SAM Dodging!!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  6. E-2C Hawkeye, JASDF Skin Pak (SF2NA)

    SF2NA Nor/Grum E-2C Hawkeye, JASDF Skin Pak
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged Reccomended and/or SF2:NA ONLY! =
    REMINDER: you MUST have SF2:NA to access the the E-2C. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do NOT download this mod, as you'll not be able to use it!
    A very simple reskin/redecaling of the recently added E-2C Hawkeye as used by the Japanes Air Self-Defense Force.
    99.99999% Historically accurate decals replicate the 13 aircraft as used by 601 Hikotai. All markings are decals.
    No other inis or other mods are included (read: cockpit, avionics, data, etc); it's just the skin for now. I'm working on tweeking a few items missed or misplaced, and will upload a 'fixit' pak in the near future, with corrected lighting, a 'passable' cockpit', and manually folding wings.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein
    (it'd look great on the Kamchatka map, along with the F-4EJs!!)


       (3 reviews)



  7. EA-6A "Electric Intruder" by The Intruders

    EA-6A Electric Intruder, for SF2, by The Intruders
    = For SF2, Any and All (but designed for Full-5 Merged and/or SF2:NA) =
    *Note: operation era would be towards the end of the Vietnam War*
    REMINDER: you =MUST= install this update package to the original download. The location URL and Full instructions ™, are below in the "To Install" section. It is also HIGHLY reccomended you read this entire document, after unzipping but BEFORE installing over the original download.
    This is a semi-complete mod, with almost everything needed to unzip and install. All aircraft inis, lods, new drop tank, the ALQ-76 jammer pod (with corrected start date) etc are included (uses the same drop tank as the KA-6D recently uploaded).
    However, the cockpit, is =NOT=!! You'll have to supply your own, as outlined in posts on the CA Message Boards. You must also have 1stGen WoV or WoE in your possession to extract the necessary cockpit parts =FROM= to install to this mod. All I've suppled are the updated inis, and the single RWR bmp (that replaces the dash clock).
    Skins suppled are:
    VMCJ-2 (early)
    VMCJ-2 (late, black tail)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! The Notes section contains further details, descriptions, elightenments, illuminations, and so forth. Be good to read them, too.
    No, seriously ... unzip this archive and =READ= everything first!!! It's exceptionly important you do so....and equally important, to follow the instructions exactly as I've given them to you!
    Full credits to the originators, hopefully all are listed in the 'Credits' section.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein

    9/23/2015 -- V.2 uploaded. some small changes


       (4 reviews)



  8. EA-6B Prowler Hangar Screen

    Hangar Screen for the EA-6B Prowler, Beta+ model


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  9. EAF F-4E Phantom II

    EAF F-4E Phantom II for WoI
    This is a conversion of the stock WoI F-4E Phantom II into those being used by the Egyptian Air Force. Included is the Hi-Rez EAF skin by Sundowner; his original read me is in the skin folder -- please read it! The package ONLY includes the Sundowner skin, and a few inis needed to run, as everything 'stock' is reused. A new WoI style Hangar screen is included, as is a WoE style for those wishing to install this mod into another version of the series.
    This mod makes use of all stock items, with the excpetion of some additional 'nationalized' weapons, based on USAF ones, as used by the EAF -- so you WILL be using the Weapons Editor!!!
    This mod is designed for use in WoI; it's probably usable in any of the other games (SF/WoV/WoE), as it's using all standard in-every-game-items, but this has NOT been tested, but shouldn't create any difficulties to install.
    It is designed to be used with the Mirage Factory's Weapons Pak. If you are using another (such as the Bunyap Pak), please double check before adding any of the new weapons, as they may already exist.
    PLEASE read the enclosed readme for futher instructions!!!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein
    (yes, I know it's the same screenie I used before -- why waste a good picture?? )


       (1 review)



  10. EAF MIG-17F Fresco, Fighter-Bomber Modification

    EAF MiG-17F Fresco-C Fighter-Bomber Mod
    =For SF2, Any and All - Reccomended for Use in SF2:I=
    This is a revamping of my 2008 releade of the same aircraft, now updated/tweeked/fiddled with for SF2*. As such, it is my not-so-humble attempt to duplicate the fighter-bomber modifications the EAF performed on their MiG-17's during the 6 Day War.
    *meaning....I'd forgotten I was doing it and stumbled across it 'hidden' in SF2I!*
    Inis have been adjusted to make use of various and sundry imporvement since the initial release.
    This is a complete package, with weapons*, skins, cockpit (Ordway's Fresco pit). Markings make use of all stock in-game decals. The only thing =NOT=included is the Fresco's LOD, as it's pretty much available in ALL versions of SF2. Loadouts have been 'adjusted', using the new 'change by year' feature, to discontinue use of the Sakr pak, and return to standard UB series rocket pods around 1975. The data ini (ie: Flight Model) is fully updated to the latest patch level (Oct 2011 -not the betas)
    *weapons included are the Sakr rocket rack and pylon set. It uses the S-5 57mm rocket that should be stock in all installs. The FAB-100 may require the GunnyPak*
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


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    1 comment


  11. Eastern Mediterranean Terrain for SF2

    Eastern Mediterranean Terrain for SF2
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    This is a complete rebuild of the WW2 "North Africa" terrain by Edward, for use in modern time (ie: 1970s-to date). It has been completely rebuilt, from the bottom up, and completely retiled using a 'combo set' of various and sundry imported tiles. Also, there are =MANY= totally new tiles, and their assiciated TODs, that can be used for either the Desert or the IsrealME terrain. Read: lots of new transitions that fill in 99.9% of the blanks of the original tilesets.
    This terrain does =NOT= have the SF2NA "NavalMap" statement activated, either on the _waterbmp or in any ini. It is designed =ONLY= for ground-based air forces. It is highly suggested it remain as such.
    The LimitedNations statement is set to TRUE, and Egypt is now classed (on this terrain ONLY!) as a Friendly Nation. Don't be surprised to see IDF birds parked on EAF bases, or EAF birds in Turkey and Greece!
    This terrain covers the area from the bottom of the Gulf of Sirte (S/E corner), north to central Greece, east to western Turkey (Anatolia), back south to Egypt, as far east as the Suez Canal. Covering the Eastern Med, Crete, Agean Sea, and points in-between.
    See the planning maps for full coverage. It'll make a nice companion Map for both the Modern Libya, and PureBlue's Anatolia terrains.
    Those familiar with Edward's orignal WW2 version will recognize the base region, but the targeting and tileing have been completly redone, and is more reflective of the Real World ™. Place names have been changed to local spelling (where discoverable, spellable and pronounable). Expect to find several World Heritage Sites scattered around and, as always, the occasional Easter Egg.
    Also included is a modifiend SingleMission.ini, that adjusts the minimum values for various missions.
    Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features, and target areas will also fall into that classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, with no strategic or tactical values. Just someplace to fly over.
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but -BEFORE- installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading.
    Please also read the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (9 reviews)



  12. EF-4C Load fixes

    Approved by the Wild Weasel team, these replace the data and loadout ini's for the EF-4C WW4.
    See readme for more details


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  13. EF-4C Phantom Wild Weasel IV for SF2

    EF-4C Phantom II (Wild Weasel IV)


    -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY=!!!

    First off, it should be stated that =ANY= of the SF2 series that have the F-4C_67 in their aircraft list, will be able to use this mod. Check your in-game player-flyable list to be certain.
    This is a semi-major overhaul of the EF-4C as released in 2004, based off the stock F-4C. THIS version uses the stock SF2/2V, etc, F-4C_67 version and accomplishes pretty much the same thing. Almost all decals are from the original version by Crab02, etal. The only new decal is the tailcode/fin color flash, and that one is based of a stock F4SqTail from 3rdWire, redrawn to add the proper squadron ZG code. Loadouts are all stock items, so no weapons pak is even required. The canopy is activated via an animation key; use Shift/0 to open and close.
    Mission statement have been reduced to "SEAD" and "RECON" (although, for a specalized, high value aircraft like this, even RECON is suspect). I was unable to find more information as to if the EF-4Cs were use for anything other than SEAD (unlike the F-105F/Gs, that were sometimes used for regular STRIKE missions)
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install.
    Kevin Stein


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  14. EF-4C, 81st TFS, USAFE

    EF-4C 'Phantom' WW IV 81st TFS Skin Pak


    -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V/SF2:E =ONLY!!!=

    (it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the F-4C_67)
    This is to fill a request presented to me by daddyairplanes, to add a new skin for the 81st TFS, 52nd TFW, USAFE, based at Spangdahlem AFB from 1973-79ish, where they were the only SEAD-dedicated squadron in theatre. The EF-4Cs were replaced by F-4G WW Vs, which were in turn replaced by F-16CJs. Even though the 81st now flys Hogs, but, ya get the picture! <grin>
    It is designed to add to the "sf2 EF-4C Update Pak" released recently. You can find the update pak at CombatAce, at the following URL:
    It should be noted, that =THIS= skin is for a European based squadron, so if installilng into a stand-alone SF2:E -make double damn sure you have the F-4C_67 avialabile on you planes list!!!!! (Merged installs, and those users that have run the SF2E.exe to create a SF2E mods folder should have the aircraft already) When in doubt about mods folders, consult the CA Knowledge Base.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  15. Empty Desert Terrain

    Empty Desert Terrain


    for SF/SFG/WoE/WoV, possibly FE & WoI, and SF2 Series

    This is a 98.6% stripped down version of the STOCK SF desert terrain map. By that, I mean that every target area, citywise is still there, and all but 2 airfields -one large airbase for each side- has been removed. The cities themselves have been cleared out of all 'targets of value'.
    This creates a fairly 'clean' map, and still allows for ALL mission profiles. However, Strike missions will be confined to the enemy airbases, as no 'valued' targets exist elsewhere on the map. CAS, Armed Recon, Recon, Anti-Ship and all the Fighter mission statements, CAP, Sweep, Intercept are all still valid.
    This was done to create a fully operational map, where mission/campaign/terrain targets builders can have a relatively clean slate to experiment and test their various projects.
    This package ONLY contains the inis necessary to get up and running -- there are NO terrain tiles included. As the cat pointer line 'reaches around' back to the existing Stock Desert.cat, this should pose no problems for End Users ™ that already have the needed stock terrain. However, edited Planning Maps for all 3 levels are included.
    For those End Users ™ WITHOUT the stock SF/SFG/SF2 desert terrain, you'll have to obtain terrain tiles. There are plenty to choose from in the CombatAce downloads section. My preference would be Photo-Real desert by Polak:
    These are REALLY nice tiles, and enhance the look. The additional cat pointer lines for GermanyCE and VietnamSEA exist, but are commented out. See below for more information of "Selecting the Proper Cat File".
    It has been tested in SF, WoE and WoV, post 08 patch levels. It should work in FE & WoI (also post Expansion Pak and Post 08 Patch) with the correct cat pointer and existence of the stock SF Desert Terrain -- this has NOT been tested, however. It also works in SF2, as long as you adjust the cat pointer lines in the main ini.
    It should also be noted the inis herein are in ANSI coding, and may need conversion to Unicode for use in SF2 NextGen series games. This has NOT been tested, as the stock SF2 desert inis ARE still in ANSI.
    As always, it's reccomended you unzip this archive to a temp folder, or you desktop, to gain access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  16. Enhanced template for Bf-109G

    For Wolf257's Messerschmitt Bf-109G
    This is a "slightly" enhanced version of Wolf's original template, with redrawn panel and rivet lines, several camo patterns, various and sundry marking and labels. Rivets are 'interperative' at best. Feel free to fix any of my mistakes (just let me know, so I can update MY version!!!)
    It is a psd file, designed for use in Photoshop. Other programs should be able to handle it. These ARE 2048x2048, and might need size reduction when finished
    Just remember to credit Wolf257 as the original creator, and me as the 'enhancer'
    Happy Skinning!!!
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  17. Enhanced Template for Wolf's Bf-109F

    This is a "slightly" enhanced version of Wolf's original template, with redrawn panel and rivet lines, several camo patterns, various and sundry marking and labels. Rivets are 'interperative' at best. Feel free to fix any of my mistakes (just let me know, so I can update MY version!!!)
    It is a psd file, designed for use in Photoshop. Other programs should be able to handle it. These ARE 2048x2048, and might need size reduction when finished
    Just remember to credit Wolf257 as the original creator, and me as the 'enhancer'
    Happy Skinning!!!
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  18. Eritrea/Ethiopia Terrain for SF2

    Eritrea/Ethiopia Terrain for SF2
    = For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended)
    This terrain is a rebuild version of the 'beta - (minus)' uploaded by Wingwinner some years ago. It has been completly rebuilt, from the HFD up.
    This terrain also uses JSF_Aggie's Enhanced Desert tiles, with the tile set =GREATLY= expanded, with many new tiles, many tiles with minor & major corrections and repairs, and LOTS and LOTS of custom TODs. The area covered includes parts of Somilia, Djbouti, a little of eastern Yemen, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sudan as far west as the Nile rivers (Blue & White) confluence at Khartoum.
    The 'addon' terrain objects have been kept to a minimum. Stock in-game items have been used in most cases, although some additional units may (or may not!) be required. Add-on GroundObjects, while heavily listed in the _Types.ini, have been kept to as small amount as possible. See "Notes" for what you might need. You've probably got most of them already. Some additions to several Userlists for both Stock 3W and 3rd Party add-ons (in particular for some SAM units) have been included, as several nations simply weren't listed.
    Limited Nations, Limited Missions and Operations years do NOT reflect the Real World ™. Eritrea did not exist until 1991; the map has the standard "all years spread". However, the various nations are listed in the Eritera_Nations.ini, but none of the Limitations are active.
    Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or even exist as such. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification (ie: mountains, hills, valleys, etc). Some cities may also NOT have
    all their proper Real Life ™ industries, facilities and other building classifications, or be fully loaded with 'target objects'. Accuracy has been strived for in all cases, to reflect the Real World ™. As much as is possible with this Engine.
    This map also makes use of the 'Expanded Borders' mod, wherein you make changes to the FlightEngine.ini. Instructions on making this adjustment are included (if you haven't already).
    Please note, that when unzipped, the terrain folder will be quite large (~350 megs) due to the size of the tiles -they're 1024x. Make sure you have enough space.
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping, before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading.
    It's most important that the legal disclaimer at the bottom be read and complied with. There has been a change in policy with regards to =ALL= my terrain mods.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (6 reviews)



  19. Eritrean AF MiG-29 Fulcrum-C (for TMFs MiG-29)

    Eritrean AF MiG-29 Fulcrum-C Skin Pak
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    A new skin/decal pak for the TMFs MiG-29C, representing ErAF Fulcrums from the late 1990s to the present.
    Inis tweeks were made to the data, loadout inis. You'll want to back up your original before installing this pack.
    A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!). Weapons are =NOT= included, so you'll need the GunnyPak or some other full WeaponsPak for SF2. You also =MUST= have TMF's MiG-29C in your game install (doh!) to install this pak to.
    These skins have been partly repainted (with redrawn panel and rivet lines) in several areas to remove the painted-on markings, creating a 'blank' canvas to allow for the use of decals for ALL markings. The side effect of that, is other countries can easily be created by simple edits of the decals ini. On this version, as stated above, ALL the markings used here are decals. Serial numbers are 'best guess' based on the limited information (both text and photographic) available. In actuality, the ErAF only has 7 MiG-29s; I've cheated and extraploated numbers for 12 aircraft. So, it's not 100% historically accurate.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included.
    Please read them after unzipping, and before installation!!!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein
    with thanks to TMF for creating this bird; especially to BPAO.


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  20. Ethiopian AF MiG-21MF Fishbed-J

    Ethiopian AF MiG-21MF Fishbed-J Skin Pak
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    *Note: Full-4 Merged reccomended, but can be use in any game with access to the MiG-21MF*
    A new skin/decal pak for the stock 3rd Wire MiG-2MF "Fishbed-J", representing EtAF MiGs from the late 1970s to the present.
    This is a complete package, containing Paladrain's cockpit (just in case you haven't made it flyable yet). Modified data and loadout inis, and so forth. The canopy has been activated via animation key, the Usual Suspect ™, Shift/0.
    An extra main ini, called "xMiG-21MF.ini" is supplied so after patching, or DLC installation, a simple 'One click Operation' ™ will return this aircraft to Player-Usable status. Instruction on how-to are in the "To Install" section below.
    The skin is based of the stock 3W one for the SyAF, as it has the closest colors and camo pattern, with all new decals and serials. (note: some as originally delivered were in Natural Metal. Camo looks better to me!) Insignia decals are stock in-game items. Serials for 25 aircraft are supplied. Decal randomization is set to TRUE, and this skin has a default start date of 1977 (when Ethiopia recieved their first ones). The number sequencing (10**) is correct for these aircraft as there were at least 2 full squadrons of Fishbeds of varying marks in the EtAF, including some 21bis. Many of which were captured or defected to Eritrea during the civil war.
    A new, 'generic Fishbed' SF2 style hanger screen is also included.
    All weapons called for are stock, in-game items from/for a Full-4 Merged install. A new 'year specific' loadout for all users has been added to the loadout ini, based on several profiles and pictures I came across doing research. (adds more missles, similar to 21bis - apparently, =MANY= MFs were modified this way)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein




  21. Ethiopian AF MiG-23BN Flogger-H

    Ethiopian AF MiG-23 Flogger-H Skin Pak
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    *Note: Full-4 Merged reccomended, but can be use in any game with access to the MiG-23BN*
    A new skin/decal pak for the stock 3rd Wire MiG-23BN "Flogger-H", representing EtAF Floggers from the late 1970s to the present.
    This is a complete package, containing Ordway's cockpit mod (just in case you haven't made it flyable). Modified data and loadout inis, and so forth. The canopy has been activated via animation key, the Usual Suspect ™, Shift/0. An extra main ini, called "xMiG-23BN.ini" is supplied so after patching, or DLC installation, a simple 'one click' will return this aircraft to Player-Usable status. Instruction on how-to are in the "To Install" section below.
    The skin is based of the stock 3W one for the SyAF, as it has the closest colors and camo pattern, with all new decals and serials. Insignia decals are stock in-game items. Serials for 26 aircraft are supplied. Decal randomization is set to TRUE, and has a default start date of 1977 (when they recieved their first ones). The number sequencing (10**) is correct for these aircraft (some may have also used the 11** sequence, as there were 2 full squadrons of Flogger-Hs in the EtAF)
    A new, SF2 style hanger screen is also included.
    The GunnyPak or other weapons pak is reccomended, as the CAS/Armed_Recon loadout calls for RBK cluster bombs.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! At least once!!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein




  22. Ethiopian AF Su-27 Flanker

    Ethiopian AF Su-27 Flanker Skin Pak 2/10/2011
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    A new skin/decal pak for the Marcfighters Su-27, representing EtAF Flankers from the late 1990s to the present.
    A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!), as well as slightly tweeked data, avionics and cockpit inis (made some general fixes in regards to things not working/missing/fitting quite right). Weapons are NOT included, so you'll need the GunnyPak or some other full WeaponsPak for SF2. You also =MUST= have the Su-27 in your game install (doh!) to install this pak to.
    These skins have been partly repainted (with redrawn panel and rivet lines) in several areas to remove the painted-on markings creating a 'blank' canvas to allow for the use of decals for ALL markings. The side effect of that, is other countries can easily be created by simple edits of the decals ini. On this version, as stated above, ALL the markings used here are decals. Serial numbers are 'best guess' based on the limited information (both text and photographic) available.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  23. Ethiopian Air Force F-86F-40 Sabre Skin & Decal Pak

    Ethiopian AF F-86F-40 Sabre Skin Pak
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    A new skin/decal pak for the Sabre, representing those as flown by the Ethiopian Air Force in the 1960s through the mid-1970s. Designed specifically for the F-40 (as this model/lod has the least in-game problems -ie shadow probs), it can be used on any version as they're all mapped the same. However, what little data is availalbe seems to suggest the later 'hard winged' versions. So, stick to that one
    A modifed Loadout ini, with Ethiopian nation-specific loads, is included, as they never seemed to have been fitted with Sidewinders. This A-A load has been eliminated via the magic of that recently (as of Sept/Oct 2011 patch) implemented trick. Ground attack loadouts using rockets keep the 8 HVAR loads. All others are the same as before.
    A new "Userlist.ini" is also included, that replaces the one from my JASDF Sabre Pak. It would be advisable to add THIS package over that one, or you'll be editing the main ini to add the Userlist line.
    Serial numbers are/have been extrapolated from the 3 known photos - one of which was a derlict camo aircraft, and are not 100% historically accurate (excepting 251 and 258). The aircraft is in Natural Metal, as delivered from the USA. Sometime in the 1970s, the EtAF recieved several dozen from Iranian stocks, which were painted in the same camo colors as the IIAF F-5s. That skin may be forthcoming...who knows!
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  24. ETO RAF Tomahawk Mk.1 (BoB)

    Curtiss-Wright Tomahawk, #54 Squadron, RAF, Battle of Britan, circa 1940
    For SF, WoV & WoE ETO installs
    What we have here is a skin representing RAF 54 Squadron, had it been given Tomahawks, instead of their real aircraft. This is a purely speculative skin, as the RAF didn't use any of their Tomahawks in the ETO in combat. (they went mostly to North Africa, me thinks), although several were retained for training purposes (mostly to train bomber gunners on shooting at enemy fighters).
    This is a semi-complete aircraft, ready to unzip into your ETO/BoB or SWOTL install. All edits and modifications are already done (in most particular, the Ring-and-Bead gunsight, and associated cockpit mods). There are several data ini edits, mostly to operational years and loadouts, plus the addition of correctly placed running, formation, and landing lights.
    ** REMINDER: the 'Tomahawk.LOD' is NOT included, as per Wolf's wishes. You can get it in his WW2 Planes Pak available at CombatAce. Do so now, if you haven't already...you won't be sorry!!! **
    Also included is a new 50 gallon drop tank, based on the IJAAF one from the Dev A-Teams WW2 Japanese aircraft. Full instructions on it's installation are also included.
    Further, detailed instructions are in the enclosed readme. The only thing that's not, are the "Fictional Historical Notes". I just couldn't get my brain to work on those. Sorry folks...
    So, please read the readme ... it'll make you life just a little bit easier
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  25. Euro SA-9 & Chaparrel SAMs

    A little mod for WoE, reskinned the SA9 using existing bmps; Chaparrell OD skin found in my archives. I don't know if it's a Pasko creation, but all I did was a little lod and ini dance to edit them.
    You MUST have the latest weapons pak installed to run these.
    All updated for the latest patch


       (1 review)




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