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Files posted by Wrench

  1. SF2 WW2 PTO B-29 Superfortress Pak (Ver 2)

    SF2 WW2 PTO B-29 Superfortress Pak (Ver.2) 4/27/2015
    -- Something for the PTO players --
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    This is a revamp of the version released in April, 2013. There have been several major and minor changes. See the Change List in the Notes section for what got fiddled with.
    This is the complete aircraft, with all the skins, decals, sounds and whathaveyous needed.
    The 2 skins included are:
    498th BG 73rd BW (all 60 aircraft)
    509th Composite Group (the Atomic Bombers)
    Serials & nose arts for the 509th are 100% historically accurate. The 498th nose arts in some cases are interperative, some are historical. Serials/tail markings =ARE= 100% historical.
    Decal randomization is TRUE for both skins. The skins, due to their small size, remain in bmp format.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them. For those users that have the 2013 version, you will be deleting the /B-29 folder from you PTO mods folder's /Aircraft main folder. Again, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS -- in fact, unzp the package FIRST, read them through, and then follow the instructions. If allowed to overwrite, bad things may happen.
    Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Be advised, the "Leagel Notice" also includes a small change. Which seems to be ignored by some people.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    Version 2, uploaded 4/2015


       (5 reviews)



  2. SF2 Update, Modern Darwin terrain

    Modern Darwin Terrain, Update Pak


    For SF2 - Full-4 Merged Reccomended (but not fully required)

    This is an update pak for the Modern Darwin/Timor terrain I released in 2009. It is designed to replace some small bits inside, so you =MUST= have the 2009 update pak for this terrain to install -this- package into.
    You can find it at the following URL (this is the complete terrain, WITH tiles):
    This pak updates several inis to SF2 levels, adds a few little fixes to some terrain objects, and for the 12/2010 patch, adds the _Water.bmp that the new mission builder requires. Targeting remains the same, although the Runway2 has been 'repaved' to a full concrete/macdam surface (no more dirt). Some "other items" have also been updated.
    The LimitedNations statement has NOT been added, so anyone and everyone can fly here.
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. REMINDER: this is NOT for the DAT's Timor terrain in their all-inclusive "Wings Over Timor" mod!!! This is for the terrain update listed above ==ONLY==!!!!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  3. F-109 "Tweeks Pak" for SF2

    Bell (X)F-109 "AiraCobra II"
    - For SF2 (Any and All, but Full-4/5 Merged Prefered) -
    *This mod makes use of the F-4B cockpit and avionics inis, which should be available in all versions, excepting perhaps a stand-alone SF2:I. Hence, the 'Full-4 Merged' tag. It is the prefered type of install*
    An update of the update from 8/2011...now re-uploaded.
    Some mods for Veltro2K's (X)F-109 VTOL Interceptor bring it more in line for SF2. Modifications include (but not limited to):
    Skin slightly repainted
    All new decals for serial and Buzz Numbers.
    Squadron markings for the 48th FIS from Langley AFB
    Skin converted to jpg format
    Cockpit switched to stock F-4B (closest match)
    Canopy switched to manual animation key (use Shift/0)
    Weapons fit and mission statements more in line with a 'point defence interceptor'
    Reuse of classic Bell WW2 Fighter Name ™
    Decal randomization is set to TRUE, so be at least at the May or June 2011 patch level to take advantage of this feature.
    And many others.
    The pak is to be applied DIRECTLY over the orignal download, availble at the following URL:
    The aircraft LOD is NOT included. Weapons are not included; most are available from the GunnyPak (the 2 Falcons)
    1stGen users please note: this is designed for SF2 usage; if used in SF/Wo* there may be incompatabilites that may cause unwanted failures. Use in a 1stGen environment at your own risk.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Of course, the usual "Notes" section. Which contains vital Operational Information ™. So read it!
    Veltro2k's original readme is also included. With thanks to V2K!
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


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    1 comment


  4. 3rdW A-1H Skin and Ini Update Pak

    A-1H "Skyraider" Skin and Ini Update Pak


    -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY!!! --

    This package contains inis, full skin and decals sets, a few weapons and a complete cockpit, to make the stock AI-only A-1H "Skyraider" flyable. While the cockpit is not 100% correct (or, more truthfully, close), it does have all the gauges working as they would be in a propeller aircraft. Until such time a a proper AD-6/7 (or A-1H/A-1J) pit arrives, this WILL have to suffice.
    Ini edits include some enhanced AI statements, corrected ammo counts, fuel quantity, on-board countermeasures (chaff and flares for Vietnam era usage) the addition of the running/formation lights on the tail, a landing light, and a working canopy (use Shift/0 to open and close). Wingfold is NOT activated, due to odd movement and placement issues with the outer wing stores locations. At some point in the future, I'll try and get them dailed in properlly, so the wingfold will work and the weapons follow the wing. A new 300 gallon drop tank has also been included, as the LOD lacks the nodes for built-in drop tanks as seen on other SF2 aircraft (even though called out in the data ini, it just ain't there!). A new SF2-style hangar screen, and an new loading screen are also included. Almost all decals are new, with correct Modex, squadron codes and BuNums. It should be noted, that in Vietnam era squadrons (and possibly before) most Skyraider units used a mix of AD-6/7 (or A-1H/J after 1961), so these may not be fully historical, as the BuNums reflect only the one type (AD-6 or A-1H) per squadron. But the BuNums ARE 100% accurate for the models they indicate; and in the cases where photos or profile were available, the actual aircraft represented.
    Skins included in this set are:
    VA-35 "Black Panthers",USS Saratoga, Med Cruise, 7/1958 (possibly during the Beirut Crisis)
    VA-85 "Black Falcons", USS Forrestal, 1962 (also possibly on a Med Cruise)
    VA-176 "Thunderbolts", USS Intrepid, Vietnam War (1st SEA cruise, before the famous "bee and lightning bolt" added)
    VMA-331 "Killer Bees", circa 1956-59, before transfering to Skyhawks. This one's for Gunny!
    The new "A-1H.ini" has been edited to move these new skins to the top, and the original 3W "USNGray1" and "USAFCAmo1" to the bottom, making it easier to select these USN/USMC marked skins.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/uses, to make it a LOT easier to install.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  5. Object Library 1 by Polak & CFS Midway Group

    Object Library 1 by Polak & CFS2 Midway Group 11/30/2013
    This is the collection, once posted at SimHQ of various and sundry buildings for use by
    terrain builders to add a to the target areas when building terrains. It is being
    reposted here at CA by request. Originally, it was NOT supposed to be posted elsewhere
    (than the original a SHQ), but as so much time has passed ... my judgement call is
    sharing is allowed.
    Thses objects will work perfectly in ANY of the 3W series: SF/Wo* 1stGens, SF2, and
    This has been tested by me, over the years in ALL versions of the game.
    While more designed with WW2 Pacific (including CBI) in mind, they can be used even
    Europe and North Africa/Med. Well, pretty much anywhere that catches your fancy.
    Even unto Modern Times ™.
    Included, of course, are Polak's original readme, and the config files: a Desert_targets
    and Desert_types inis that lists the various objects for importation to other terrains.
    I've gone through all the skin tgas, and have painted out the odd green color, so they
    should look a bit better. However, that does NOT fix certain visual issues with some of
    the models from close up and at some angles. Also, there are a couple of them that
    simply do NOT work at all; they will cause CTDs or other game issues. Unfortunately, I
    don't remember exactly WHICH ones they are.
    Be adivsed: the _types listing is AS RELEASED in 2007 and/or 2009 (I think I made some
    changes back then). It does NOT reflect those change I do when adding them to my terrain
    works. This means the destroyed models, destroyed effects and secondary effects listed
    are NOT proper and correct. YOU will need to make the adjustments (or locate the object
    in the multitude of types inis from MY terrain mods, and copy/paste!)
    This is =NOT= a package of objects that can be used by the 'general masses'. It is being
    rereleased for those terraformers that can actually make use of them.
    As always READ Polak's readme, enclosed in the 'readme_and_configuration files' folder.
    Happy Targeting!!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  6. Douglas A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk Pak for SF2

    Douglas A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk
    - For SF2 (Any and All, but Full-4 Merged Prefered*) -
    *Note: this makes use of the A-4B lods, that are stock in most installs (SF2 & SF2:V).These and the cockpit may not be available in un-mergerd, stand alone SF2:E and most definately not in SF2:I. Hence, the 'Full-4 Merged Prefered' tag.*
    The decal sets are taken from the various 1stGen mods of the A-4A, and where necessary I've redone the skin bits, using SF2 A-4B skins to bring them to SF2 standards.
    This package included 4 skin and decal sets:
    VA-43 Challangers (Gitmo, 59)
    VA-72 Bluehawks (1956)
    VA-93 Blue Blazers (1956)
    VMA-224 Bengals (MCAS El Toro, 1957)
    The VA-72 is my original from (whenever); the others were done by some talented folk I've not be able to ID -- as I lost the original readmes (if any). So, the credit is theirs for those skins/decals. I just edited things to fit. Where needed, created new decals.
    Decal randomization is set to TRUE, so make sure you're at least at the July 2011 patch level (or whichever one it is...).
    Data ini edits remove the refueling probe. The inis included herein are the latest, as of the August 2011 patch. All loadouts are stock ala the A-4B. The canopy is activated via manual animation, use Shift/0 to open and close. The landing light has also been added.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Of course, the usual "Notes" section. These will give you a nice mid-1950s collection of USN Light Strike aircraft for use in various "hot spots" of the time period.
    Catch the 3 Wire!
    kevin stein
    with the release of the DLC A-4A, this mod became moot. However, the skins and decals can easily be adapted for use on that DLC.


       (1 review)



  7. SF2 Fairey Firefly Pak, Post-WW2, Korea & Post-Korea, by Simon Porter

    SF2 Fairey Firefly Pak, Post-WW2, Korea & Post-Korea, by Simon Porter
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred*) =
    *Note: the data ini includes statements usable ONLY in a Full-5 Merged install, as SF2NA contains the proper coding for Carrier basing/usage.*
    Some extensive rebuilding (ini and skin wise) of Simon Porter's 2005 Beta Release of the Fairey Firefly Mk5 (aka FR.5). The pak is designed to replace any and all other earlier SF/Wo* versions existing.
    All skins and decals are brand new for this mod; the skins were created via a Home-Grown Template ™. The template is included. All markings are decals, making it easy to 'swapout' ship ID letters (provided as decals) or skins to create other operational squadrons. The skins are in jpg format. All new dds-format damage textures are included.
    A new SF2 (semi) compliant FM was created, as was the new Userlist.ini. A "new" SF2 version of my original "box art" hangar screen is included, as is the engine sound. This aircraft has been tested in a Full-5 Merged envoriment, in SF2NA for carrier operations.
    This pak contains the following skins:
    Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm:
    812 Squadron, HMS Ocean circa 1953-ish (withOUT 'Invasion Stripes')
    827 Squadron, HMS Triumph, early Korean War withOUT 'Invasion Stripes' (1950)
    827 Squadron, HMS Theseus, mid-late Korean War WITH 'Invasion Stripes' (circa 1951)
    Royal Australian Navy, Fleet Air Arm:
    817 Squadron, HMAS Sidney, circa 1951
    The RN squadrons use a 'pool' of 25 generic serial/Modex Number decals shared amongst them. I say generic, as they represent FR.5 models from the 1948-55 time frame, but with little hard data available, it's almost impossible to run down "which went to what squadron aboard what boat". The RAN serials, are also 100% historic, but again are limited to those known to have operated aboard HMAS Sidney at some point during the Korean War. There are 19 RAN serial/modex decals.
    Weapons are NOT included, as they are readily available in The Gunny Pak or the KAW weapons pak, both available here at CA.
    PLEASE remember -- the aircraft lod is still in it's 2005 form (read: the Beta) and many bits are not quite right. As there is no MAX file available, the aircraft "is as it is". Some aerodynamic components exist only in the 'virtual state' as data ini statements.
    As always, fairly easy to follow install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Simon's original Readme is also enclosed.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


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  8. Formosa Upgrade 2: Airfields Fixes & Other Small Tweeks

    Formosa Terrain Update -- Parked Aircraft Fixes (and some other stuff)

    Yet more updating of the Formosa terrain, that adds game-generated parked aircraft to Gepard's NATO/WarPac style airbases that are used. Also included are some modified inis that create the LimitedNations (from my recently released pack), some additons to the _Types ini, some targeting tweeks, a 'generic' PLAN Destroyer, modified GermanyCE airbase inis, with increaed parking chances, and a few other little things here and there. You'll have to fly around to find them.
    Designed for use with Stary's new terrain tiles, you should have his upgrade installed before adding this one. Although there is very little possibility of conflicts (as this was built with his new stuff in my terrain), it never hurts to be safe, huh??
    Speaking of ground objects, you'll find as mentioned, a stand-in PLAN destroyer, inis for Grinch's Fletcher with a new UserList (these were in the Libya 3.75 upgrade, but some folks may not have installed them), AND... a working Silkworm launcher and Styx missile.
    While designed for SF2 usage, all the inis are in ANSI, and can easily be used on 1st Gen SF/Wo* versions. However, the Styx missils IS set up for SF2 only. Those knowledgable with weapons editing can easily down-convert to 08 1st Gen levels.
    As always, READ the enclosed document for full install instructions.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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  9. MiG-9 "Fargo" SF2 Upgrade Pak

    MiG-9 "Fargo" (by Timmy & Lexx_Luthor) -- SF2 UpDate Pak
    = For SF2, Any/All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) =
    An upgrade pack for Timmy/Lexx_Luthor's early Soviet Jet Fighter. This mod will replace any others, including the one I did several years ago. This'll give another early 1stGen Jet Fighter for the Red side, for whatever use you see fit to put it to.
    This is the complete aircraft package, with a new cockpit - a slight modification of Stary's Mig pit-, all new 90% SF2 compliant FM, and 7 skins (all the ones I could find). All weapons (ie: the drop tank) are included. You should already have the necessary guns, so they are not supplied. A pilot figure and seat are also included, as are new Hangar and Loading screens. Also new are dds damage textures.
    The skins are basically the same as when first released, with the additon of a nicer natural metal Soviet by p10ppy (shown in the accompanying screenshot). The Soviet skins have been renamed slightly. Check the drop down on the loadout screen for the selection. Included is Timmy's fictional Polish AF camo*. Where necessary, all decal inis have been pointed to stock items; decal randomization is set to TRUE for all skins.
    *Please note, the Polish skin references bort numbers that may only be available in SF2E*
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Don't forget the 'Notes' section for other usless information, clarifications, and general ramblings.
    For historical purposes, the Original Release Read-me is included. Other credits are listed further down this (the readme) document.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  10. RN Skyraider Mk.1

    Modification of AD Skyraider to "What If..." Royal Navy service. Contains all files needed; 2 new skins - all new decals, NEW Hangar Screen - only available HERE!.
    Full instructions and 'historical' notes in read me!


       (2 reviews)



  11. JASDF F-104J Starfighter, SF-2 Re-Optimization Pak

    JASDF F-104J Starfighter, SF-2 Re-Optimization
    = For SF2 (Any/All, but Full-4 Merged Prefered) =
    *Note: Usable for any SF2 install with access to the F-104G*
    *Note2: You should have made them Flyable as per the CA Knowledge Base article @
    Follow the instructions therein!
    *Note3: this is NOT the full aircraft -- just some fixes. Read on...
    Some general cleanup and optimization of the EXCELLENT! JASDF F-104J by Spillone104 for SF2
    Designed to be applied Directly =OVER= these 2 paks:
    Original Aircraft Pak:
    paulopanz's sf2 upgrade pak:
    It -MUST- be installed after these 2 are installed, right over paulo's pak.
    Latest data ini (as of Sept,2011)
    Loadouts adjusted
    Uses 'built-in' drop tanks and skins (sknis supplied)
    All decals inis adjusted to have squadron badge at Level 1
    All textureset inis have correct format for squadron listings.
    Canopy operates via manual key (surprise! Shift/0)
    New SF2-style hangar screen (photograph)
    This will bring the flight model and avionics up to the latest patch level. All weapons used are (or should be!) stock in-game items. In the instructions below, are also the listings to use for the Squadronlist.ini, to add the Hikotai to the game.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    Clear Skies!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  12. MiG-19P Farmer-B Mod

    This is a modification of the stock MiG-19S Farmer-C into the limited all weather, radar equiped 19P. Since the base aircraft exists in all versions of the game, no LODs are included. In fact, everything, but the radar nose, cockpt, and few other bits, are all stock items!
    =NOTICE: you MUST have the latest weapons pak installed to make use of the Izurmud radar nose, and missiles!!=
    Hopefully, you'll have Magoo & Badger the Bad's MiG-21PFM's cockpit around somewhere, as you're going to be needing it!! If you don't have it, go and get it. You'll probably be wanting it for your Fishbeds anyway, so head over to "SF/WoV/WoE" downloads section, and pick it up!!
    This package includes some 'new' weapons, so you'll be using the weapons editor to add them.
    There are full, detailed install instructions in the readme. There are also some explinations as the the "what's and wherefore's", and an extensive credit list.
    Most of the credit goes to Lexx_Luthor, for his ideas concerning the 'radar bubble' nose, on this and 19PM Farmer E.
    Happy Hunting!!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  13. SF2 WW2 PTO A-24 Banshee

    SF2 WW2 A-24 Banshee (USAAF Dauntless)
    -- Something for the PTO players --
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *There is a possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.*
    This is a SF2 version of my eariler 1stGen A-24 Dauntless; like the recently rereleased SBDs, it has a (semi)complitant SF2 FM, and may need further adjusting by experts.
    It represents aircraft as used by the 8th Bombardment Squadron (Dive) in New Guinea in mid 1942. These aircraft had a very short operational career in combat (read: disastrous). Most later variants were regulated to Stateside training squadrons.
    The skin is in jpg format; decal randomization is set to TRUE. Serial numbers are correct for this model Banshee, as I was not able to run down exact usage for this squadron. It also uses the original Wolf cockpit, as these are the equlivant of SBD-3, with the telescopic sight (ring-and-bead used here). The 'fakepilot method' (patentpending) is used to add the 2 wing station pylons. This tweek can also be used on the recently released SBD Dauntless pak, if one has the ini editing skills
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them.
    All readmes from the original releases, are included where discoverable from the archives. Remember, also, this is a very old model, and like all the others, "it is as it is".
    Happy Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  14. SF2 WW2 ETO Bf-109E-7 Jabo by RussoUK

    SF2 WW2 ETO Bf-109E-7 Jabo by RussoUK
    -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *This mod may =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. Those that wish to try, do so at their own risk.*
    This is a complete aircraft with (just) about all the fixings...
    This mod represents Bf-109E-7s in the West (France based) during the 1940-41 time frame. The skin/decals are "representative" of 6(S)LG2 Jabo. The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. Unlike most Luftwaffe JGs, the ground attack units (Schlachtgruppen) used letters instead of numbers. You have 18 letters.
    Included are Sounds, weapons, in this case the AB-50 Frag/Cluster unit (minus standard LW bombs -which you should already have, along with the Guns), the ETC50 4-bomb MER, the drop tank and pilot figure, as well as new SF2 style hangar and loading screens (in jpg format)
    The canopy operates on the standard animation keystroke ™ Shift/0.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Full credits are listed below the Notes.
    Happy Hunting!
    kevin stein


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  15. Phillipines Islands 1944, WW2 PTO Terrain for SF2

    Phillipines Islands 1944, WW2 PTO Terrain for SF2
    - For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended)
    = For Adventures in the Western Pacific =
    *Note: this pack includes the PI 44 update pak released sometime back. It is designed for the timeframe of the US Invasion of Leyte in late 1944. It uses SF2NA statements for carrier-based operations. Hence, your PTO mods folder =SHOULD= (read: MUST) be built from the SF2NA exe. It is designed to REPLACE, in total, any eariler versions.*
    **Note2: IMPORTANT! Make sure you have the WW2 ground objects!!**
    This map repsents the situation in the Phillipines from approximately October thru December 1944, just after the US Invasion of Leyte. To that end, the eastern regions of Leyte, and southern Samar are conisdered (somewhat) 'secured' and in Allied hands. The rest of the country is still "Occupied Territory".
    The LimitedNations statement is set to TRUE, allowing only for the regional powers that took part. The terrain also makes use of the 'AllowedDates" statement, preventing use BEFORE October 1944 (but dosen't seem to be working quite right post 7/13 patch)
    LOTS of new tiles and their associated TODs have been created, and match the Green Hell 3 styling. There is also, as expected, a few Easter Eggs.
    Also included are several (ok, LOTS) GroundObjects, some you may have already, but a few are new. Some are updates of ships, tanks, truck and etc seen in my other terrain mods. These are designed to REPLACE any pre-existing ones I've done. Be advised, you'll still need many of the other WW2 PTO objects I've included in other terrain mod paks. Make sure you have them!!!
    REMEMBER: you will need the latest WW2 weapons and Guns pack! Some are supplied, but just to be safe...
    **Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification. Some cities exist as 'named places' only. Some airfields may not be in their historical locaitons due to Height Field and other tiling restrictions.**
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you READ this document through after unzipping, but BEFORE installing.
    Again, as always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading.
    Please also read the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  16. SF2 KAW Hawker Sea Fury (SB) Pack

    SF2 KAW Hawker Sea Fury (SB) Pack 4/4/2015
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level. End Users ™ that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level.*
    This package contains a NEW aircraft for SF2, the Hawker Sea Fury FB.11 by Skippybing. We've been waiting a long time for this, and through the work of some damn good people, finally have it operaional for the game.
    Skins included are for the following units:
    801 (HMS Glory, 1951 -with stripes)
    802 (HMS Theseus, early 1951 -no stripes)
    807 (HMS Ocean, 1952, -wth stripes)
    805 (HMAS Sydney)
    All skins are in bmp format, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. All markings are decals (from PauloPanz' excellent upgrade of the orginal Sea Fury by Simon Porter). This will allow for easy creation of other FAA or other countries markings (as long as it's in the standard FAA camo). The usual 'box art' hangar screen is included, revamped for SF2.
    Canopy and wingfold operate via the 'standard animation keystrokes' (shift/0 for the window, and Shift/9 for the wings). Weapons are NOT included (all those used are in the KAW weapons pak), other than the drop tank. However, the pilot figure and AvHistory engine sound is.
    For the skinners, I've included the partial template I had to create. Those with the talent, time and inclination are encourged to expand my work, and use it to create other the countries and squadron users various paint schemes. The user list included has almost all listed. Expansion there is also encouraged. The template folder itself, as you'll see after unzipping, is OUTSIDE the to-be-installed /Objects folder. Put it somewheres safe, eh?
    As an extra added bonus, some ships. HMAS Sydney, from eburger's SF2NA CV SuperPack is included for the RAN flyers. It's had a few minor changes. See notes for details.
    Also, My "stand in" Tribal DD, with expanded userlist and some minor corrections (also usable for WW2!!). As well as RAN "Battle" class DDs, stand-ins bases off Stephan1918s V/W class DDs (closest fit), for you Battle Grouping pleasure.
    When in-game, on the aircraft selection menu you'll see:
    Sea Fury FB.11 [sb]
    This not only tags is as "skippybing", but will diferentiate it from Simon Porter's older one.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, take note of the "Legal and Usage Disclaimer', it's been changed for this aircraft.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (6 reviews)



  17. SF2 RAF Washington B.1 (B-29A) Pack

    SF2 RAF Washington B.1 (B-29A) Pack 4/26/2015
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the extensive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users � that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level.*
    This mod represents B-29 Superfortress bombers used by the RAF in the early 1950s. This is a "country specific" mod, =ONLY= designed for Royal Air Force usage. It is the complete aircraft, including a 'new(ish)' cockpit. All items, excepting weapons are included.
    This is a complete revamp of the now no longer available 1st Gen mod by Bob "howling1" Hauser. This mod is dedicated to his memory, both as a Person, and a Modder.
    The skin herein represents Washingtons from
    No 44 "Rhodesia" Squadron
    All markings are decals. Serial numbers, while correct for this model, are to be considered generic in nature. Decal randomization is TRUE. The only 'nose art' is the squadron badge (also a decal!). Other squadron can easily be done by creating a new squadron letters decal. (and nose badge, of course).
    The aircraft carries standard USAAF/USAF WW2 era bombs. The Tallboy stations remain active.
    When in game you'll see
    Washington B.1 (B-29A)
    on the aircraft selection drop down.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There are "Operational Notations" and other important data you should know.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    UPdated 8/31/2017:
    hit box adjustments, corrections and additions


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  18. SF2 Boeing C-97 Cargo & HC-97 ARS Pak

    SF2 Boeing C-97 Cargo & HC-97 ARS Pak 10/16/2015
    = For SF2 (Full 4 Merged or Full 5 RECCOMENDED) =
    This package contains 2 complete aircraft and skin/decal sets for cargo-carrying C-97s (of all marks, as their differences are negligible), and a version used by Air Rescue Service (later ARRS)
    Included are:
    C-97G (can be used for any cargo variant -A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
    MATS (generic)
    MAC (115th ATS (H), 146th ATW, Caifornia ANG)
    303rd Aerospace Rescue & Recovery Squadron
    The SF2 date switch is used on the skins for the C-97, switching from MATS to MAC in 1961.
    Serial numbers, while generic in nature, ARE for the model depicted (KC-97G). 18 serial decals are included. Decal randomization is true. All markings are decals (excepting the HC-97's wing tips).
    Damage texture is in DDS. A template is included in a seperate folder, but was only partly redone for those areas I need to repaint. Skinners are encouraged to improve and expand on it. In the C-97's decals folder, you'll also find the psd to create the "nose lozenge" that carried the last 4 digits of the serial number. This style is/was used on a great number of other MATS/MAC aircraft.
    Crew entry door is operated by the Standard Animation Keystroke �, Shift/0 (zero). The rear cargo door & Loading ramps are operated by the standard bomb bay keystroke (Control/o (oh).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    Happy Landings
    Kevin Stein
    *with special thanks to Veltro2k for building us a cargo-bird lod*
    =Updated 5/25/2018
    new, corrected hit boxes
    adding missing components, reassigned systems to 'new' component


       (5 reviews)



  19. Modern Darwin Terrain "CleanUp" Pak

    Modern Darwin Terrain, CleanUp Pak
    For SF2 - Full-4 Merged Reccomended (but not fully required)
    (Reccomended to have the SF2:V VietnamSEA cat readily available)
    While working on the Oz-Mirage, I noticed some errors, shall we say, with the Modern Darwin terrain, so decieded to go through it do some clean up. It could still use a major retargeting, but this will enchance things a little until such time as that happens.
    Several areas have been completly retiled, some cities moved/removed/renamed/retargeted, and so forth...lots of fiddiling with the Height Field to remove some oddities were performed. I think it's much better now, thank you! <grin>.
    If you don't have the terrain already, use the following URLs to download it.
    The original terrain is here:
    The SF2 Upgrade Pak is here:
    If you already have it in your SF2 install, and have the SF2 update installed, this package is all you need.
    HOWEVER....if you wish to enhance the terrain, I'd reccomend Stary's GreenHell3, as it uses the exact same placements as the stock tiles (with some tree exceptions), and is REEEALLLY worth the download. Yes, I've tested the terrain with BOTH tile sets. You can get GH3 from here:
    NO OTHER TILESETS, OTHER THAN GH3 and the STOCK ONE are RECCOMENDED!!! Otherwise, the TODs =will= foul up the targeting (ie: placements of buliding and GroundObjects). For those wishing to use GH3, a Darwin_Data.ini all set up for that use is suppled.
    Several changes to the targets, types, movements inis, along with the invocation of the LimitedNations=TRUE statement should bring this more in line with the Real World ™.
    New planning maps are supplied, too. A modified version of the PLAN Destroyer from my Formosa upgrade is included (changed a few things). No other GroundObjects (read: ships) are included; you should already have them in the game installs, along with the various SAMs, AAA, vehicles, and etc.
    Several new, custom TODs for the Grass-river tiles are included, for use =ONLY= with the stock VN-SEA tileset.
    Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations. Several cities and other target areas may also fall into that classification.
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. As always, the expected "Notes" section for whatever reason it's there for!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


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  20. F6F-5 Hellcat

    F6F-5 Hellcat mod for SF/WoV/WoE - WW2 PTO Installs
    This is a modifcation of Razor/Geo's F6F-3 'Hellcat' into the -5 used by the US Navy and Marine Corps in the Pacific during 1943-45. I call this a 'representative' -5, as it is based on the -3, and still has the rear cockpit windows, which would not be present on the later -5 'represented' here.
    This is a semi-complete aircraft mod, including all the necessary parts, =excepting= the aircraft LOD, to recreate the standard -5 day fighter-bomber . You =WILL= have to copy the "F6F.LOD" from your original Hellcat's folder to this one. It's highly reccomened you have the original, plus any weapons it adds, in you PTO install.
    The cockpit is also NOT included, but a new gunsight and cockpit ini is, so you'll need to copy over the -3's cockpit as well. See 'Installation" below...
    The skin is brand new, from a template created by me, based off the original tri-color that came with the -3 Hellcat. It represents's Hellcats from VF-3 aboard USS YORKTOWN circa early 1945. Weapons stations have been added for the wing-mounted HVARs, as well as the usual bombs and drop tank original built into the -3. My Hellcat Hangar and Loading screens have been included.
    It is also NOT designed to be used in a WW2 style install of WoI, as WoI handles propeller aircraft -completely- differently, and they do NOT fly properly. You've been warned....
    I've included Geo' original readme, please give it a look over. Remember: you MUST have the original F6F-3 Hellcat available at his site:
    Geo's Aircraft:
    You know what ya gotta do...read the enclosed readme for all kinds of informative goodnes! The best part, is it's non-fattening, non-alcholic, lowers cholesteral, is high in fiber and generally fun!!
    Wrench, The
    kevin stien


       (3 reviews)



  21. WoI MiG-17PF Fresco D Pak

    EAF MiG-17PF Fresco-D for WoI
    This is an almost complete rebuild of Madcaddie's MiG-17PF 'Fresco-D' limited all-weather, radar equipped interceptor, as used by the Egyptian (and by inference, the Syrian Air Force) during the late 1950s, through the late 1970s. The Flight Model parameters themselves have been copied directly from the latest Fresco-C's (WoI), so they are the most current. This aircraft is NOT equiped with missiles or rocket paks, it's a simple guns-only radar equipped version as used by the EAF. Included is an 'interception procedures.txt', that gives you instructions on how to read the radar scope, as it's very short ranged.
    There is also a completly new skin, created from a new template, made by me, based off the original 3rdW units. I've resized it up to 1024x1024, with completly redrawn rivet and panel lines. Also included is a revamped "M17PF.bmp" for the nose radar bubble, also resized and repainted, that matches as close as possible, the camo pattern of the fuselage. I've even given you my 'Early Russian Pilot' - PilotER, to use.
    This is a COMPLETE package, including a modified version of Paladrain's 21MF cockpit, 'downgraded' for use in this aircraft. All inis, skin bmps, cockpit bits, and a new WoI style hangar screen are included. It is designed to be used ONLY in WoI, with the Mirage Factory Weapons Pak. (although it CAN be used in WoI with the bunyap pak)
    You =WILL= be using the weapons editor to add the 'radar nose bubble'.
    PLEASE read the enclosed readme for more, detailed install istructions
    Happy Landings!!
    Kevin Stein


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  22. 3rdW A-1J Skyraider, Skins and Ini Update Pak

    A-1J "Skyraider" Skin and Ini Update Pak


    -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY=!!!

    This package contains inis, full skin and decals sets, a few weapons and a complete cockpit, to make the stock AI-only A-1J "Skyraider" flyable. While the cockpit is not 100% correct (or, more truthfully, close), it does have all the gauges working as they would be in a propeller aircraft. Until such time a a proper AD-7/A-1J pit arrives, this WILL have to suffice.
    Ini edits include some enhanced AI statements, corrected ammo counts, fuel quantity, on-board countermeasures (chaff and flares for Vietnam era usage) the addition of the running/formation lights on the tail, a landing light, and a working canopy (use Shift/0 to open and close). Wingfold is NOT activated, due to odd movement and placement issues with the outer wing stores locations. At some point in the future, I'll try and get them dailed in properlly, so the wingfold will work and the weapons follow the wing.
    A new 300 gallon drop tank has also been included, as the LOD lacks the nodes for built-in drop tanks as seen on other SF2 aircraft (even though called out in the data ini, it just ain't there!). And just for extra added enjoyment, the "Special Weapon", as used by VA-25 is also included. Yup, the world (in)famous Toilet Bomb.
    A new SF2-style hangar screen, and a new loading screen are also included. All decals are new, with correct Modex, squadron codes and BuNums. It should be noted, that in Vietnam era squadrons (and possibly before) most Skyraider units used a mix of AD-6/7 (or A-1H/J after 1961), so these may not be fully historical, as the BuNums reflect only the one type (AD-6 or A-1H) per squadron. But the BuNums ARE 100% accurate for the models they indicate; and in the cases where photos or profile were available, the actual aircraft represented.
    Skins included in this set are:
    VA-25 "Fist of the Fleet", USS Coral Sea, 11/1966
    VA-115 "Arabs", USS Kitty Hawk, 3/1966
    VA-145 "Swordsmen",USS Intrepid 9/1967
    VA-152 "Wild Aces", USS Oriskany, 8/1965
    The new "A-1J.INI" has been edited to move these new skins to the top, and the original 3W "USNGray1" and "USAFCAmo1" to the bottom, making it easier to select the USN/USMC marked skins.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires, to make it a LOT easier to install.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    oppsy edit! I had H, when I meant J!!! Sorry! -w


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  23. SF2 WW2 PTO Mitsubishi G3M Nell Pak

    SF2 WW2 PTO Mitsubishi G3M Nell Pak by Veltro2K
    -- Something for the PTO players --
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (ONLY!!!) =
    *** Important Note: due to the use of SF2NA coding for the Naval Strike (aka 'Cruise Missle') usage, you MUST have built you PTO mods folder from the SF2NA exe. The torpedo supplied herein is set as a short range cruise missile, and will ABSOLUTELY NOT work in 1stGens at any patch level, and may not work properly in SF2 game installs withOUT SF2NA in the merged core files. Also, the use of 'open cockpit' and other statements in various inis preclude it use in SF/Wo* 1stGen games. Also, having SF2I Expansion Pak 1 is a must, as the destroyed model referenced herein uses the C-47A destroyed model. If you do NOT have SF2I Exp1, you'll have to find another desetroyed lod to reference.***
    A re-release of Veltro's G3M "Nell" IJN attack bomber. Inside you'll find...
    The original skin, overall green/light green-blue unders that I've tentativly identified as the Mihoro Naval Air Corps (later redesignated 701 Kokutai).
    A NEW "quick and dirty" one by me, representing Chitose NAC (later 703 Kokutai), with 18 new 'plane-in-group/serial decals. It's also the green/blue-grey.
    The skins are in jpg format, the orignal decals (17) are resued on the Mihoro/701 skin, and 18 new decal were created for the Chitose/701 skin.Decal Randomization is set to TRUE. All IJAAF/IJN weapons (bombs), including the NA-style semi-experimental 'cruise missle' torpedo. Pilot figures, and a 'new' engine sound from the AvHistory sounds set. Both the Hangar and Loading screens are brand new for this reissue.
    To reduce the chance of conflicts with any other Nells you may (or may not) have, everthing is refered to by the 'v2k' suffix. So, when in game, you'll see
    G3M2 Model 22 "Nell" (V2K)
    on the aircraft selection dropdown menu.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for the change list, and other important notations. Also, the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to this aircraft.
    For those that still have the original release, it's advised you delete the aircraft and decals folders for them; this pak is desinged to replace them in total.
    **The aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. The source files have been lost, and there can and WILL be no modifications to the physical model. It 'are as it is' and you must accept them with this caveat in mind. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created.**
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


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  24. SF2 WW2 Central Pacific (Marianas Islands) Height Field Fix

    SF2 WW2 Central Pacific (Marianas Islands) Height Field Fix 4/27/2014
    - For SF2 WW2, PTO -
    This is a fix for the unflattened sections of Aslito airfield, Saipan. This package
    contains a new HFD (height field) that will replace the original.
    The original terrain, for those that don't have it, is available at the following
    Be advised, the above listed/linked terrain is the SF/Wo* version (1stGen). I've
    included my SF2 updated data ini, so you all won't be needing to make the SF2 shader
    tweeks (if you don't have it updated to SF2 as yet).
    To use:
    Simply unzip to a temp folder or you desktop. Then copy/paste the included /Terrains
    folder DIRECTLY over the existing one in you PTO-centric mods folder.
    Allow the overwrite
    That's it!
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  25. SF2 Korean War Era PLAAF/NKPAF MiG-15

    SF2 Korean War Era PLAAF/NKPAF MiG-15
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged, =PLUS= SF2I Expansion Pak 1 (Required!!!) =
    *Note: You =MUST= have SF2:I Expansion Pak 1 to gain access to the MiG-15. If you don't have it, downloading this mod will do you no good, as you won't have the aircraft it's intended for*
    A small reskin/decal mod for the stock 3W MiG-15 (no suffix) Fagot-A, in PLAAF markings of the 72 GvIAP. Which we all know, of course, was "actually" North Korean, flown by "advisors" from the Soviet Union <grin>.
    It represents the first operational PLAAF/NKPAF Squadron for the MiG, which scored the first air-to-air kills against UN forces in Korea.
    Skins maps are in jpg format, decal randomization is TRUE.
    Included are modifided data, loadout and main inis (along with my PatentPending 'xMiG-15.ini' that allows for easy restoration to flyable status, after patching or game-generated random re-writes). A 'new' seat and my 'PilotER' figure are included, as well as new sounds. Stary's cockpit as well is here for you flying pleasure (with a repainted gunsight tga for those of us with Old Eyes ™). A Hangar screen is NOT included. The canopy opens via the Usual Suspect ™ keystroke, Shift/0.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Just for fun!
    Happy Hunting!
    kevin stein





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