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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Screen 140726 021905

    From the album Ironroad

  2. James Garner, has died at the age of 86

    One hell of an actor The Great Escape; enough said...
  3. No MTV-type ADHD visuals or annoying and repetitive "dubstep" music here. US NAVY and Grumman's "Sea Legs" film short.
  4. Gear Down...Hook Down....

    From the album Ironroad

  5. Hornet Approach

    From the album Ironroad

  6. Part 6 of my video series, XI (Eleven), has just been uploaded. [video:youtube]
  7. F-22s in Malaysia

    The top picture is the balls!!! When I see it, I see the passing of a noble baton, kind of like the F-15 is graciously bowing to its successor. *Reminds me of the ending scene in Rocky II, when Rocky is declared the undisputed champ, and Apollo Creed graciously raises Rocky's hand and says "You're Great!" Welp, it has inspired me to go play DCS.
  8. Latest video of the series XI just published. Video Description: The Russians have denied any and all involvement with the recent attack on Georgian Security Check Point 11. The Kremlin has claimed that the attack was carried out by separatist groups seeking to expel the illegal Georgian military presence from the area. However, radio intercepts and reconnaissance photos indicate the Russians had recently moved an entire airborne brigade to the the area. One of the NATO advisers at the security outpost was severely wounded and is currently enroute to Germany for treatment. All NATO forces participating in Exercise Valiant Reserve have been put on alert. A flight of C-17s carrying parts and personnel for Patriot missile battery is currently en route to Tbilisi International. Complete Playlist here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJqAZtXkKIWWn7anCGs8wmixcJHgStnri
  9. Its an honor to have men, mere mortal men, like him grace this earth.
  10. Back with the next installment of the the series XI. In Part 4 the 144th FW gets a unique mission while on forward deployment to Georgia as part of Exercise Valiant Reserve. The CA ANG's recent switch from the F-16C to the F-15 means some of 144th's skills have not atrophied. Part 1: AKA the Wing [video:youtube] Part 2: AKA Not a Pound for Air to Ground [video:youtube] Parts 1 through 3 can be found here.
  11. USMC Harrier around the boat

    Was biting my nails during the entire video. During the takeoff run: "Please don't flip over...please don't flip over" During landing: "Please don't slam into the deck....please don't slam into the deck" Those Harrier pilots/aviators are something else, YEESH!!!
  12. Opps!

    Sounds like the WSO has a serious problem...
  13. Good to see those skins in game. Would have loved to see and use some MA and FL ANG skins. They default FL ANG skin was pretty cool; not sure why they removed it or why none of Kadena's Zzzzzz birds were added to the initial skin lineup. I always got problems when trying to add certain F-15 skins to the game. They show up in the loadout editor, but then the planes are all orange with a missing texture error on them. I gave up after a while.
  14. F-15Cs on BAP

    That is one of the sexiest pictures of have ever seen on these here internetz!
  15. Dodged a big freaking bullet last night

    Good hear you are safe and hope the best for those affected. The Mid-west, South, and Mid-Atlantic are supposed to be rained/stormed in for the rest of the week. Everyone in those areas please be aware and prepare to the best of your ability. Many of the major charities have tornado/storm relief pages set up (Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc.) online. You can donate via credit/debit, usually any amount, at most places. If you prefer not to give money; clothes, canned food, and blood/plasma donations are usually accepted ( in some cases they do more immediate good than money can). Last time I gave blood at one of the armed services blood drives I was told that a pint of blood could save three lives.
  16. Oh No.....Drones?

    Hasn't this been done before? http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/stealth-2005 That may explain the suicide...
  17. A-10 landing on Sand runway

    Looks like a Baltimore-based ANG bird. Also see a travel pod on the left wing.
  18. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    As for the topic at hand honestly I do not see the difference between this incident and these...
  19. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    He could have invaded that area and the rest of NYC during "Stop and Frisk"
  20. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    Pretty much sums it up and the main reason why the US is leading the world in expenditures/treasure (spent) but lagging behind in a lot of other things (education, economic growth, etc.) It maybe lonely at the top, but we are pretty much going to unseat ourselves at the rate we are going...
  21. True Facts About Morgan Freeman

    Morgan Freeman pimp-extrodanare! (Won't post clips from the movie here due to them being NSFW.)
  22. True Facts About Morgan Freeman

    That is how Morgan freeman got his start, plays, musicals in the 60s and 70s, and a lot of bit roles in b,c,d-list movies in the late 70s through 80s. He brought the funk to the Electric Company. He also has prior Air Force service in the 1950s as a radar/radio tech. http://www.military.com/veteran-jobs/career-advice/military-transition/famous-veteran-morgan-freeman.html
  23. Then there is this idiot.....

    Lets not forget this... http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/jury-deliberating-texas-shoe-stabbing-trial-23241413
  24. True Facts About Morgan Freeman

    You know what I say to this...f#$k it and jump!
  25. Best "Kids" Show ever!

    Love watching cartoons on my days off, especially the classic (unedited) Warner Brothers flicks. But it seems with these newer "kids" cartoons the writers are no longer trying to be subtle and are attempting to match Family Guy "shock" humor. IHMO subtlety and the slight bending of reality is what made classic Warner Brothers or the Simpsons (before the show went to crap and became a preachy family show) great. Although to be fair both cartoons, were initially made for mature/adult audiences. (Bugs Bunny and the like for adult movie/news reel viewers and the Simpsons for prime-time mature audiences). I' enjoy off-color, tasteless, and politically incorrect humor and personally I never understood the crusade against-related violence-- hope Congress keeps track of all anvil or dynamite in the pants-related deaths. But it seems that the censors (which are government mandated) are allowing a lot of sexual or drug-related stuff to slide (although anything resembling a firearm or explosive is still heavily censored).

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