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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. My God!

    Have never seen this before, had no idea the USS Forestall fire was that intense. God bless those brave souls who gave the ultimate sacrifice and those that continue to risk their lives everyday to ensure world peace and stability. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxP4AtGBnTs
  2. Worst War Movie Ever...

    1968 Tunnel Rats... I would gladly raise the money for the transportation of any Vietnam era veteran that wants fly out to the production and writing staff of this movie and give them a good old fashioned wood shampooing. Hey, I'm all for movies or media that are critical of a political or military action (be it from the left or right). But this P.O.S. was a travesty and worse than a D rate North Korean propaganda film shot with a kaleidoscope and script written on a etch a sketch by a person with palsy. This was nothing more than a wannabe and even more unrealistic Apocalypse Now (which aint to high up my list either). Let's get past the fact that this movie completely bastardizes and craps on the the real life sacrifice of those in uniform... Where is the flyin monkey #@$! is the storyline? Ok so these guys are in the same unit, can they at least act like it?, The concept of a permanent fire base, supposedly right beside a VC/NLF/Communist tunnel complex and base is in the dead center of the jungle with no perimeter; has no active guards or patrols; is comprised of a bunch scattered hooches and flimsy bunkers; no CP; no defensive positions; and not even a slick trench can be found. When a patrol does go out and comes across a tunnel (a few meters from the firebase deep in the jungle) guess what: The entire fire team gets decimated because one by one they decide to go into the tunnel (even the M-60 gunner); where the VC picks them off one by one in a Saw or Hostel horror movie type fashion. THERE ARE FREAKIN UH-60S ON COVER OF THE MOVIE... Red Tails... A freakin monstrosity, George Lucas and anyone that green lighted that film should be taken out back and kneecapped, then forced to do a crab walk across a hot and recently tarred parking lot in the Arizona desert. Almost two hours of my life was stolen from me at the movie theater that day, and I will fight tooth and nail till I get it back. a New York rapper from the inner-city projects of Staten Island, playing a southern crew chief? What was the story line again? (Pilot 1:"I'm a pilot!" Pilot 2: "Hey, I'm a pilot too!" Everyone: "Cool! lets go fight racism!!") No General Benjamin O. Davis Jr. ? (commander of the 99th and the 332nd and whose father was the first general black officer in the U.S. military) There was more to the Tuskegee Air Man story than just red painted P-51s (especially for a lot of pilots/crew that stayed in and moved up the ranks to fight in Korea and/or Vietnam). Insert incoherent profanity here:_______
  3. Since Flaming Cliffs 1 I have always pondered figuring a way to get a larger group of players together to hold a virtual "William Tell Weapons Meet". I always assumed it would be pretty easy, have a set of profiles like the real thing such as; a gunnery competition, a timed scramble (from cold start), a 1v1 and 2v2 dogfights, and missile/target drone competition. The only problem is it would not only be a massive undertaking, but would also require a lot of communication and team work. Could never quite figure how to run an effective GCI system (with humans not AI). How scoring would be posted on the "big board", and who would be willing to do so. Who would be willing to fly a neutral referee chase-type position (and probably film) without getting shot down or caught up in the melee. How "ground crews" would be judged for their readying and maintenance of aircraft. I guess it could work out if you got right people together and had a decent server with tight controls. Would be cool to see something like that broadcast live kind of like the VFAT. Oh well a man can dream... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qzA77_GSUc&list=FLgpZj5skU0pLEpfGBO7GVRw&feature=mh_lolz[/media ] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RupQuoYUe1g&list=FLgpZj5skU0pLEpfGBO7GVRw&index=56[/media ]
  4. I think you are definitely on to something. If there at least 4 or so more people set up the logistics manning and rules and facilitate the rest will fall into place. You could have whole teams (max 4 pilots) or lone wolves fighting for "points" in the airframe of their choosing. Dumb AI aircraft can be the drones, and live pilots for other events (1v1, 2v2, or intercept/escort) and overall percentage points would count for an event (i.e. knocking bomber down on an intercept event would be more points than an escorting fighter.) Triggers could be put in the mission/campaign file, i.e. player can only carry two missiles (one radar and one heat), player can fire beyond a certain range, or under certain circumstances, etc. I guess the only hard thing to do would be work out the rules, scoring, and time run it. Figure something like this would take a weekend.
  5. [media] [/media]
  6. Somewhere off the northeastern coast of Florida, where Georgia can be seen off in the distance.... An approximate 1:40min short.
  7. Wait... what??? I do know what is more astounding, that this guy survived Soviet air defenses, when NATO spent 30+ years and billions of dollars trying to figure out how to penetrate them.That a 19 year old scrawny homebody/suburban kid survived a year in prison presumably with his manhood and mental state in tact. Or the fact that he stabbed someone else, was convicted, and is now enjoys life as a financial analyst... Just some things you just have to go....
  8. Trk files for missions are here http://www.sendspace...nQ1n5gXaDEHBudA First mission is a B-52 flying a level profile at 350kts, atl 16k. Aircraft is given the command to attack a point releasing all of its ALCMs. Not all missiles are released and the ones that are go straight into the sea. The other is a mission template I created to simulate routine air traffic. Several flights criss-crossing the map on both the Georgian and Russian side in the morning. The graphics issues don't creep up until you start adding several objects in. Run the exact same mission without fog, and graphic issues disappear. Also attached are images of the MIG 23 bort number issue. PM if you need additional info.
  9. Connection interrupted during multiplayer, anyone know the cause? At first I thought it was a problem with my connection or a file integrity check problem, but using a clean install and connection has no problems. Happens randomly on various servers at different times. In most instances can only stay on a server for 1 to 2 mins before getting the " connection interrupted" error. Latest DCS version available btw.
  10. Poor little Kent, would always get drunk as a skunk and fall flat on his face. Old boy tries to pull out of it, but just can't. Same problem with ALCMs too... Antiship missiles seem to work fine, just land attack cruise missiles seem to have this problem.
  11. Initially was worried my card was artifacting, but only noticed this issue with winter and fog enabled. Appears on several flights after they take off and reach above 5000 AGL. Regular clouds, high traffic (both air and ground), and dynamic weather, everything seems, fine, just that damn fog. Gets really bad over cities. NVIDIA user with the latest release (non-beta) drivers installed.
  12. Significant bugs 1: Cruise missiles, especially air launched ones are borked. They fall to the ground like bombs. Not sure if ships in this series have cruise missiles enabled (like in LockOn, and FC1 and FC2). 2: Player F-15 variable geometry intake ramps don't fully function. AI F-15s they appear to work fine 3: Fog does some weird things to textures rendered by NVIDIA cards, especially at high atl. Textures do not render on objects when fog is enabled. 4: Not sure if tanker belly lights work. 5: Some aircraft appear to be "floating" when taxing, helicopters appear to be fine, but the nose wheels of a lot of Russian AC and heavies seem elevated. 6: Not sure if there is a damage model for hard landings (especially crosswind landings for the F-15). The SU-25 seems too delicate when landing, the F-15 can get slammed sideways and still taxi fine. 7:No drag or weight for fuel tanks and weapons on F-15. 8: Fuel management issues for AI? Usually wing man number 4 runs out of gas far too quickly (even with 3 bags on). 9: Flaps add lift, but no drag. 10: No way to communicate with elements or wing man #4. 11: Escort function for AI flights seems screwed. Instead of preforming assigned task, AI just head in one compass direction until they hit the "edge" of map. 12: Hud colors, brightness, font, etc. really needs to be looked at. Some of those features can be adjusted in flight; however, stuff still runs together. Annoyances 1: com menus popping up every time ATC or AWACs contacts you. Useful for taxing or waiting take off clearance, not so helpful when AWACs is randomly droning on about every movement. 2: No wingtip/wing vapor. 3: Formations seem a bit borked (not looking for Snowbirds of Red Arrow type stuff, but there were more formation choices and AI were better able to hold them in FC 1 & 2). 4: AI is still "dumb" is some aspects, especially A/A and intercept missions. Rules of engagement/status, i.e. like assigned to combat ships may need to be re-examined. (A flight should not use all of its fuel to cross the map and attack another flight, nor it should it just go "drone" when flying its way-points and not react to enemies approaching, especially when there is EW and AWACs support.) 5: The ability to set up GCI ground alert intercept flights is gone from the editor. 6: MIG-23 bort numbers do not fully render/show. 7: Still some minor bugs when multiple flights are taking off or landing at an airfield. 8: F-15 cannon sound does not line up with firing (usually hear the growl, longer after the round have been fired.) 9: F-15 GUN piper/tracking needs to be looked at. Cool Stuff 1: Tire marks from landing stay on runway. 2: ATC and taxing vastly improved (aircraft still run into each other or block each others' path still a "bug" left over from FC 1/2). 3: F-15, E-3, IL-76 Variants look amazing!
  13. I just can't put my finger on it, but... .watching long cylindrical objects slide out a tube in slow montion seems so wrong so very very wrong.... yet so right....
  14. Ahh man, the entire 1st Fighter Wing! McChord's Green Dragons right before they were deactivated! Air Superority Blue! What's next!?
  15. Depends on what period. As of now it looks good, damn good... Are you trying to do 70s through late 80s? If so might need to be a lighter ghost grey. Some nice "FIS" birds Although the newer IFF upgrade "blisters" on the ED model may throw things off a bit when trying to model an older bird.
  16. The End Of An Era.....

    SidDogg, Pardon me for sounding ignorant, but what is the difference between a HS squadron and a HSC squadron, is it just the mission (i.e. anti-shipping, anti-sub, etc.)? Awesome video by the way, thank you for sharing and serving out country.
  17. Change Again

    Good sir, I hope things work out for you and I honestly do hope you do find your way and find something that is worth living for. I can't say that I know how you feel, because I can only speak from my experience. I did not grow up with much, had to fight and work for everything I wanted. I am just happy for having the god given (or insert creator of your choice) opportunity to breathe under my own power, and the freedom to move about as I please. There are others who aren't so lucky and I would really hate to see another person with so much potential go down the road that others have traveled many times before. I can tell you from personal experience going to a funeral of a loved one that was murdered as a result of senseless gun violence is numbing and surreal. Getting a phone call just before the crack of dawn because the another love one, which happens to be institutionalized, has been put on suicide watch, can really screw with you. It does suck out there and its hard. There is no doubt in my mind about it, and I'm sure there are others here who can attest to it through their own experiences. But it is all relative... I have heard some stories from people who "appeared" to have it all that were really twisted. But I have also know people who I thought had nothing, but were probably in a better position that I could ever hope to be (and made me look like jackass to boot). Whatever the case maybe, I have learned that you have to be motivated for yourself, because no one can and or will do it for you. Sir, I wish you luck and I hope you realize that a step in ANY positive direction is still the right one. I do not have doubt in my mind you will make it through this, I don't know when or how, I just know that is going to happen.
  18. As much as I have the utmost respect for World War II Veterans, IMHO, Red Tails was a horrible movie, let alone historically inaccurate. General Benjamin O' Davis Jr, was completely written out of the movie (they could have done an awesome movie just on him and his USAAF and USAF career, or even one his father General Benjamin O' Davis Sr). The acting straight sucked, which is surprising, because almost all of the actors in that movie have done some great roles in various movies and TV shows over the years. I am a huge fan of George Lucas and Arron Mcgruder (especially of Mcgruder's Boondocks series). But after that movie I had the urge to have Lucas horsewhipped and I wanted personally punch Mcgruder in the throat. FYI: The Tuskegee Airmen HBO movie (made in the early 90s) is way better acting wise, and it does not use CGI.
  19. Based on what I saw in the video UH-1D/H is shown, looks like a later model with a IR disperser/suppressor. A twin engine Bell "N" as a gunship I could see DCS making, since just about every country on earth with a helicopter force has used them in transport, utility, and/or light attack-suppression roles.
  20. UH-1D/H slick as a gunship? As far as I know we never used them, but perhaps the Aussies did. Would be nice to see a B/C/E/M, especially with a FROG/HOG package...hummm "red teams" I wonder if there is chance for a OH-6A?
  21. I will try to support all of them if I can (and money allows). It will be nice to have some high fidelity combat aircraft that you can fly online with, and that isn't FSX eye candy (yes I'm aware of the modules being worked on for the F-18E). Also, I don't care how long it takes (one year, two...), just don't want another vaporware product or rushed alpha pushed of as a finished product. I wonder if any environmental addons or modules are in the works for DCS? I wouldn't mind purchasing something that improves AI coms, ATC functions, GCI, etc.

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